A good Easter themed 'Remember the colour of the egg' game. Memorise what you see and paint the egg correctly to score points.
This request from Ernie Easter:
"Hi Vicki -
Margaret Lincoln, a librarian from Battle Creek, Michigan and a member of the Maine Holocaust Education Network Ning has posted a request for educators who use art in teaching about the Holocaust to submit curriculum ideas. The artist is a Holocaust survivor. Would you be willing to look at it and add it to your blog? The only thing I am unsure about at this point is the commercial aspect of it, if any."
K12 online keynote about kicking it up a notch. This video stars some of Julie's and my friends around the world - Clarence Fisher, Kim Cofino, John Turner, Chrissy Hellyer, Eric Marcos, Ernie Easter... and more.
We had fun making it!! (As you'll see w/ the suprise near the end.)
Amazing student project to create memories and artifacts. This is an excellent partnership between the New Sweden Historical Society, Stockholm Historical Society, Maine Swedish Colony, Nylander Museum, New Sweden School, and others. It is time for museums and schools to begin partnerships in this way. What meaningful, authentic work. Wow! From Earnie Easter via e-mail today.
Changes photos like Big Huge Labs but has Photo to Sketch, Jigsaw puzzle, Museumer, Rubik's Cube, Amazing Goo, Easter Egg Decorator, paparazzi and more. Loads of fun!
"The events in this article are based on actual occurrences. The names and, in some
instances, the genders of individuals have been changed to protect the individuals'
The aroma of coffee did little to awake the senses. For a sleepy NQT who was in his first week back at school after the Easter vacation, the old routines were a sharp shock to the system."