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Socialbookmarking and Education. A survey - 21 views

Sometimes it's hard to keep up with all the tasks, especially when things pile up and deadlines are pressing. In such situations, I turned to EssayBox and was pleasantly surprised by their service....

Education survey socialbookmarking

Kimberly LaPrairie

Mobile Devices within Instruction Webinar - 1 views

    Mobile Devices within Instruction Date: August 19, 2009 at 12:00 PM PDT (3 PM EDT) Attendees may log in up to 15 minutes in advance of the broadcast. Duration: One hour Sponsored by: T.H.E Journal and Speak Up Add this event to your Outlook calendar. Discover ideas for instruction that innovative districts have developed to better leverage the increasing number of laptops, cell phones, MP3 players and smart phones that students carry. This webinar explores the latest findings from Speak Up surveys given to K-12 students, teachers and administrators regarding their views on mobile devices within instruction. Bring questions for our panel. Julie Evans, CEO of Project Tomorrow, the nation's leading education nonprofit organization that facilitates the annual Speak Up surveys, will lead an interactive Q&A session following the live presentation.
Cara Whitehead

Busting the Myths of Digital Learning - 0 views

    Survey from JogNog reveals schools unprepared to support digital learning - EdTech Times
David Wetzel

How to Integrate Google Docs in Science and Math Like a Pro - 0 views

    Strategies are provided for classroom integration, creating survey, and science or math activities.
David Wetzel

Making the Most of Wikis in Your Science or Math Classroom - 0 views

    Wikis are the most popular Web 2.0 tool being used in science and math classrooms. Based on a survey of readers - 43 percent use them to support their teaching and student learning. A Wiki is appealing, encourages participation, supports collaboration, and promotes interaction by students who love to use technology. By the way - this includes most students today!
Kimberly LaPrairie

Opportunities and Challenges for Web 2.0 in Schools - 3 views

    Today's students have grown up with digital technologies at their fingertips. For this generation, using Web 2.0 tools at school can make learning an active rather than passive medium, which enriches the learning process. With Web 2.0 technologies students can collaborate with others, create projects, communicate the results to a real audience, and receive valuable feedback. Web 2.0 tools can enhance teaching opportunities and better equip students with the 21st-century skills necessary for their future. But because these web-based technologies can mean security challenges and content issues, many schools shy away from providing them on district networks. Attend this informative webinar to hear an expert's analysis of the advantages and dangers of Web 2.0, find out the results of this national survey, discover innovative strategies for balancing learning and safety, and hear a real-world story of how one district has effectively implemented Web 2.0 tools in the classroom.
Jeff Johnson

Text Message (SMS) Polls and Voting, Audience Response System (ARS), PowerPoint Polling - 0 views

    Poll Everywhere replaces expensive proprietary audience response hardware with standard web technology. It's the easiest way to gather live responses in any venue: conferences, presentations, classrooms, radio, tv, print - anywhere. It can help you to raise money by letting people pledge via text messaging. Its simplicity and flexibility are earning rave reviews.
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