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Home/ CND EDU 524-50/ Session 4: Strategic Implementation
Mrs. Warner

Session 4: Strategic Implementation - 40 views

21st century learning session 4 lesson plan framework TPACK brainstorm

started by Mrs. Warner on 06 Oct 10
  • Mrs. Warner
    Marie Antoinette may or may not have said "Let them eat cake!," but I can almost guarantee that in the past year, you've heard an administrator, department chair, team leader, resource teacher, mentor, colleague, or yourself say "Let them use a computer!". If not, review the Nesbitt video from the first Session 4 discussion, because you missed the subliminal messages!

    Technology integration shouldn't be a replacement or supplement, ideally it will be a complement to what you're already doing well in your teaching. Consider the TPACK lesson planning theory as described here.

    Pick one of the following three Lesson-planning frameworks (check out the site and/or article if you're tangentially familiar with the framework!), and brainstorm how a handful of the technologies we've discussed, or technologies you have used/heard about might be used with that framework to create a lesson in your grade level/subject area.

    1. Project-Based Learning (site, article)
    2. Layered Curriculum (site, article)
    3. 5 Es (site, article) This framework has been popularized in Science curriculum-writing, but it also works well in other content areas.
  • Mrs. Warner

    In my 11th grade Psychology classroom, if I were using Nunley's Layered Curriculum framework to design an introductory lesson about social norms...

    ...I might be able to start with a VoiceThread as an A Layer activity. The VoiceThread could show students some images and possibly video clips and ask them to identify individuals behaving "normally" (as expected) and "abnormally" (not expected), and explain what behaviors appeared "normal" and/or "abnormal". With VoiceThread, all the students could get a chance to share their observations, and at the same time, with all comments collected, it would be easier to synthesize observations to post on the wiki page for the B Layer activity.

    ...for a B Layer activity, on a wiki page with a synthesized list of class-identified "abnormal behaviors," students could design experiments to test whether the class-identified violations of social norms elicited similar reactions from individuals outside of our class in different contexts than those observed in the video (i.e. would individuals at a mall walk in the other direction if they saw someone standing on his/her head? would individuals in a gymnasium also be uncomfortable if they encountered "standing on one's head" behavior?) For extra credit, students might apply to get "Principal-approval" to run their experiments at school, video "reactions, and post video/commentary on their experiment wiki page

    ...for a C Layer activity, students might use the Audacity software on any BCPS computer, or a Web 2.0 tool like Animoto to create a serious (or satirical) public service announcement to persuade society to cease and desist its condemnation of a specific behavior. Students would have to not only recognize a behavior and the limitations of the social norm context, but also draw conclusions about the motivation for the establishment of the social norm.
  • Jackie Davis
    Engagement: The students will complete a webquest in on the subject material, and then you bring the class together the next day to go over the information that was gathered.
    Exploration: The students could use Lab Pros, internet, Safari Montage. The technology listed will allow students the ability to gather information and understanding without teacher guidance.
    Explanation:Use of power point lectures to bring visual, audio, and game like tasks for the student learn. This hits of several of the body's senses for possible long term retention.
    Extention: Use of Excel to graph data collected in a lab or use of the Interwrite board to allow students the ability to display their information for immediate feedback.
    Evaluation: Develop a review lesson using Turning Point so that it is a multiple choice format for the use of clickers
  • Christy McKinzie
    5 E's in Science

    Videos from Safari Montage, youtube, recorded from students, websites, voice thread etc.
    Webquest that introduces the basic concepts of the unit and/or activity.
    Brain Pop
    Use of Internet to connect past and present.
    Students could act out and film a problamatic situation, record it on a flip cam and upload it to a wiki, class website, PowerPoint, or Edline.
    Some already completed webquest can be found on Destiny Quest from the BCPS's library page.

    Webquest that explore the history and concepts of what is being examined. has explanations and animations
    Phet has applets that show trends, activities and graphs
    LabQuest, probes, LoggerPro can be used to collect, store, record, and compare data during a lab.

    Explanation has explanations and animations
    Phet has applets that show trends, activities and graphs
    Students could explain their lab results in the form of a graph from LoggerPro, LabQuest or Excel. Hand graphs and data tables completed during the lab can be compared to the graphs completed on the computer.
    Steps used to solve the problem could be explained and illustrated using digital storyboard.

    Use a new technology piece, probe, equipment, set of procedures to resolve the original problem in a new way or to extend out a portion of the original problem and solve a new, but related problem. Labs and solutions could be compared using Excel, Inspiration or other software program.

    Students could share and compare their data with one another on a class wiki page or discussion board on Edline.

    Have students create a Problem-Based Investigation. Give them LabQuest, probes, access to Internet, etc. to create, research, and solve a problem related to the completed unit and/or activities.

    Students could complete an online quiz on wiki or Edline.

    Students can use Animato to illustrate the importance of solving their problem and how it relates to the real world.

    Review the concepts of the unit/activity using a Turning Point PowerPoint with clickers.

    Give the students a misconception or incorrect solution and have them research using the Interent and different sites given on the Library website and decide if the concept is correct or incorrect and how to fix the problem. Students then can use a variety of software programs to display and explain their findings. They could also debate the misconceptions on a class wiki or Edline discussion board.

    Science in Content, Gale Reference Library and Opposing Views from Context from the database link on BCPS's library page can be used for some of the research.
  • Geoffrey Roe
    Project Based Learning is nothing new but the technology available to achieve it has greatly increased. The technolgy I would use it implament it includes wikis, The Promethean Board systems and Videio and Voice Thread. I would create the Wiki as a central point of contact to let the student know what the project entailed, allow them to know what they are expected to accomplish and keep in comnctact with them about how things are progressing. I assume they would also use it to keep in contact with each other as well.

    I would like to use the Promethean Board System as the final end product of the project because it has many applications and if a student is not interested in the subject they might be drawn to the creative or technological aspects of a project. Thus the content information would be aquired as a secondary function, but would be aquired.

    As a secondary end product for the project I would like to allow the students to create a project on vVdeo orVoice Thread. There are some students who are just better creating something visual or auditory and I am sure learn more working in that environment.
  • Karen Huggins
    We could insert tech in the exploring and explanding stages. I would put a webinar in the exploring stage that the kids could work though to learn the basic information. Than I would have them take one part of the webinar and gather more indepth information to share with the class.
  • Althea Page
    I have used Project Based Learning in my Principles of Business Administration and Management class for several years. Following along with the Curriculum Guide, I find the appropriate reading materials and after the students have read about a subject and we have discussed it, the fun begins.

    The first project is given the first week of school and it is a simple project that addresses Wants & Needs. The students work together in a group no larger than 3 people and create a poster with computer printouts of wants and needs. Simple use of technology. But the objective was also to get the students working cooperatively and to have them be able to present projects.

    The next project was more complicated, but still a poster.

    Now we are into PowerPoint Presentation Projects.

    Next we will use PhotoStory. We will also use other computer based programs such as Publisher and Word Wizards.
  • Margaret Archer-Batten
    Five E's can be used for a geography unit in which the students can ultimately travel across the US, familiar with the names of states and the location of National Parks. They can explore maps of the US and research the National Parks across the US using the computer. They will each locate a different park to share with others pertinent information and share the web site from which the information came. After the parks are located they will become engaged in planning a virtual trip across the US stopping at sites along the way. Planning the route using road maps and political maps as well as physical maps will help them determine time needed for each visit as part of the elaboration. They will make decisions and determine where one should go and in the appropriate seqquence. Eventually, a map will be created and a route drawn using the computer so that a trip goes from coast to coast. Number of states will be identified and a decision would be made about the route to take to return to one's home. The evaluation will take place when looking at the sites visited, the information researched and gathered and independence with recognizing some of the states by shape as the travel occurs. Overall, research is based on information obtained, pictures presented can be part of a slide show, and a map can be presented with the routes taken to visit each site. It would be a class project.
  • Kim Samele
    I like the project based learning, possibly through a layered curriculum. This would great for both my French students and my theory of knowledge students. For Theory of Knowledge, I can introduce the topic through voice threads or some exciting presentation to get their attention. Then through brainstorming, create knowledge issues related to that subject and then divide the knowledge issues up within the class and have the students create their own project/presentation based on the brainstorming activity. We are on the language unit right now and I was thinking that PhotoStory would be a great way to present the knowledge issues.
  • Angela Martinelli
    I love doing Layered Currriculum in my classroom. I will do Renaissance for this topic. First, Google Docs could be used to post all assignments, rubrics, questions, etc for all students.

    C Layer - Complete a PowerPoint presentation that explains the differences in thought from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Students could show this PowerPoint using the ActiveInspire software and they must incorporate an interactive portion. For another project, students can view a VoiceThread on Renaissance paintings and speculate on the techniques used and ideas behind the paintings. Students can create a podcast describing an inventor/painter during the Renaissance.

    B Layer - Students can use the internet and research paintings during the Renaissance. They can develop their own VoiceThread to be shown to the class about a specific theme in Renaissance. The students who choose to view that VoiceThread can recieve credit for the C Layer project. Students can use Photostory to describe the life of a painter/inventor during the Renaissance, as well as include pictures to help tell their story.

    A Layer - Students can take a painting from the Middle Ages and alter it in Photoshop or another program to make it reflect Renaissance ideals. Students can use flipcams to recreate their own idea of a Renaissance painting, record how they set it up, and the ideals that they are portraying. Students can begin a discussion on Diigo about a recent painting and add a discussion on Renaissance ideals. Also, the students will be expected to comment of the painting and the discussion threads of others doing the same project.
  • Tammy Yost
    After reading through the three lesson planning frameworks, I started to rethink the lesson that I had planned on teaching on Monday. The lesson looks and seems like "busy work" based on the Project Based Learning framework. So I've been thinking about how I could reinvent the lesson to be more project based. This led me to the last framework, the 5E's.

    First, I looked back at the objective to really think about the purpose of the lesson from the curriculum guide. Then I thought about what was being asked of the students and was this really worthwhile and meaningful. The answer, NO! So I'm sitting here thinking about how to teach this on Monday. Luckily, I signed up for the computer lab two days in a row next week so I know I can integrate a multimedia project from the lesson. Of course, a mini one, not one that would be as extensive as the type the author spoke of in PBL.

    The students are being asked to look at the scientific contributions of 8 scientists and explain the development of the cell theory. I think I might begin my approach by Engaging the students with a quick slide show using Animoto to grab their attention. The slides would show cells and various scientists that they originally were going to 'read' about and 'fill in' a chart with information about each one's contribution.

    Instead, I think I'll pose a question to the students to get them thinking about what we did before there were microscopes and knowledge of cells. What has the knowledge of cells done for us scientifically? Then I'll have the students break off into groups to Explore. Their first task will be to investigate, using the internet and their text book, the 8 scientists and their contributions to Science. Then each team can pick one scientist to focus on and Explain their contribution in detail by creating a multimedia project using a Web 2.0 tool of their choice or if they feel more comfortable, they can use the "old fashioned" type of project. However, I think the majority will pick the opportunity to work with technology. I'll give them a few Web 2.0 tools to choose from. They can then Elaborate on their scientists connection to the cell theory by presenting their project. Which would then lead to the Evaluation stage.

    Overall, I can see a combination of two of the frameworks being used -- PBL and 5E's.
  • john kucharski
    5 - E

    Engagement: Teacher will post a question that causes the students to do a web search of the main topic/subject for the day. This then creates a discussion of what they found.
    Exploration: Teacher uses a PowerPoint or Safari or websites to supply information that is needed for the students to understand what information is needed for the assignment.
    Explanation: Teacher uses PowerPoint, Word documentation and/or other media in the student class assignment folder to issues guidelines and structure for the student assignments.
    Extension: Teacher will challenge the students who are allowed to use the computer for such programs as: Excel, Word, Google Sketch Up, PowerPoint, basic programming language, Parallax boards or other technology to complete the assignment from the assignment folder.
    Evaluation: Students will have a parallax board that runs a program. A student's PowerPoint that show the understanding of the subject. A Student's Word report that show an understanding of the subject. Or create a matrix for the student's in-order to grade the assignment.
  • k maddox
    Project-Based Learning (PBL) interested me the most because I use it often to teach Marketing. By the time the project is completed all learning styles would have been catored to and students would have the oportunity to work independently and in a group. In the beginning students would be whole group to learning vocuabulary terms using the Elmo to presentinformation and student response devices to assess their understanding of the terms. As student begin in their groups they will have access to the computer to locate instructions for each phase of the project and the rubic using the student drive. This will help students to pace themselves while working collaboratively. As students gather information needed for the project they will use Powerpoint or Movie Maker to create their presentation. While using these applications students will also have the opporitunity to incorporate video using the Flip Cam or capture still shots of student art work using a digitial camera. While students are working on the project in class homework could be given having the students reflect on the phase of the project they are on and aswer a few question to assess their participation and understanding of that portion of the assignment. This could be done using a Wiki modify the access so the group can see what is written so that they could clarify anything that went wrong or wasn't understood in class or for me to give feedback on what happened in class or their comments toward the task being done by the group.
  • Chris Gauthier
    In Geometry, a class could divide up and use a video camera to do a project based on congruent triangles. There are 5 possible ways, and they could divide up into 5 groups, choosing one of the methods to prove triangles congruent and videotape a lesson on how to prove two triangles using one of the methods. This could be used to teach the other members of their class the remaining methods that their group did not work on.
  • Toni Dunn
    I like the layered curriculum idea where students have the perception of choice and control. The trig example had several assignments listed with the clevel notes being mandatory. Students can then pick from other assigments as long as their points total 25. Oral defense on all assignments is developed. Students can do many hw practice problems or as few as 5 but they must show me that they understand the material. Using the flip cam while a student explains a problem to show the rest of the class, picking a problem from stack of index card and completeing it correctly. Using the interwrite tablet and the smart board to show the steps to the correct answer. The differentiation is great and I think that the students who do less and less work because they "know it already" and are board might get a new lease on the subject!
  • elizabeth bana
    1. Use a class wiki page that would display the Project-Based Learning checklist.
    2. Divide students into groups of 3-4
    3. Use flipcams to make an election campaign advertisement.
    4. Upload it as a podcast onto the class wiki page.

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