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Free Technology for Teachers: Bulb - Create and Share Collections of Educational Media - 0 views

  • view the collections without registering on the site.
  • As you create your collections on Bulb you can write text, upload or link to pictures, and upload or link to YouTube videos. All collections can be shared via email and through popular social networks like Twitter and Google+
  • Bulb you can create your own collections of text, images, and videos
    Details/description on bulb
Meghan Brooks

Awesome Digital Citizenship Poster to Use in Your Class ~ Educational Technology and Mo... - 0 views

  • This visual is designed to help students cultivate a culture of digital citizenship when interacting with,sharing, consuming, and using digital content.
Antonio Amores Ortiz

5 Online Tools to Align Lessons to Common Core Standards - 0 views

  • 5 Online Tools That Help You Align Lessons to Common Core Standards
  • Teaching Objects is an online lesson planner that enables you to pull materials from your Google Drive and YouTube accounts into your lesson plans.
  • Alchemy SmartBinder is a free service for creating, organizing, and sharing lessons. With an Alchemy SmartBinder account teachers can create lessons that include text, images, videos, audio files, and web links.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Common Curriculum is an online lesson planning resource that aims to help you align your lessons to Common Core standards.
  • OpenEd is a site that claims to be the world's largest educational resource catalog.
  • MasteryConnect
  • they offer a good system for tracking your students' mastery of Common Core standards. Second, they provide a great community of educators who are connecting and sharing lesson ideas. And third, MasteryConnect now offers a curriculum mapping tool that allows you to easily connect your current lessons and curriculum to Common Core and or state standards.
    Apps to help with  common core and standards
    Apps to help with  common core and standards
    Apps to help with  common core and standards

Free Technology for Teachers: Notegraphy - Write, Style, and Share Text - 0 views

  • neat tool for students to use to highlight their favorite parts of poem or a short story they've read for your class.
    Instagram for words! Very cool way to style small pieces of text. LOVE it.

Welcome to bulb - 0 views

    create and share educational media! presentations, pictures, etc. very very cool.
Meghan Brooks

Let Tech Organize Your Teaching | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Following are three applications that can organize your teaching schedule and turn your classroom into an efficient machine.
  • At the core, technology integration can save us time and make us more efficient, organized educators. Instead of pushing back against technology integration, first see what it can do for you
  • Plus, many students now have email accounts and use this medium to submit work or the occasional excuse.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Google Drive gives every user 30 GB of shared space, and includes docs, spreadsheets, presentations, folders, forms and more. Teachers can upload and convert a variety of document types for sharing and collaborating.
  • Evernote is where I make my lists, take a quick picture to remember something . . . and where I am writing this post. Another great feature in Evernote is its ability to remember the web.
    more efficient teaching, planning and organizing with an iPad

Free Technology for Teachers: Stipple - Create and Search for Interactive Images - 0 views

  • Stipple is a new service that allows you to create interactive images. The service launched in closed beta during the summer. Since the summer Stipple has left beta and has added a free iPhone app for creating interactive images on the go. Using Stipple you can upload an image and tag it with pinmarks. Within each pinmark you can include videos, links, text, audio files, and more images. Stipple also gives you the option to track where your images are viewed and shared by others. The video below provides an overview of Stipple's features.
    Helps teachers make interactive images for their class
Meghan Brooks

6 Things We Know for Sure with iPads in School | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Students have access to a variety of apps that allow for creativity. By demonstrating their knowledge through apps such as Explain Everything, iMovie (13) and Keynote (14), they provide teachers with an opportunity for alternative assessments.
  • Students also experience flexibility to demonstrate their knowledge instead of a multiple-choice paper-and-pencil test. As they naturally begin to own their learning through the creative process on the iPad, students are proud of their work and eager to share their products.
Meghan Brooks

Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 11/05/2013 | Cool Cat Teacher Blog - 0 views

  • Projectqted is a new presentation builder
  • Projeqt lets you create what you could call interactive slideshows… I might describe it as a more sophisticated Prezi that’s easier to create and less confusing to watch.
  • Haiku Deck is one of my all time favorite quick presentation makers when I just have to share something meaningful with my class and only have a few moments to pull it together.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Google presentations is another alternative for presentations online.
  • Prezi is a fun online presentation program used by many teachers and students.
Meghan Brooks

2.1 How to save time by using as a hub to feed my social media? - Customer Fee... - 0 views

  • With you can find inspiration, write about your interest and share on multiple social media, all of this on a single platform!
Meghan Brooks

Keep Your Content Fresh With | The Edublogger - 0 views

  • (1) combining clever curation tools that make it easy to gather content in one place with (2) a reasonably wide range of sharing functionalities to let people know about your page.
Meghan Brooks

Accidentally Creating a Digital Writing Workshop | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Technology was now a part of our learning -- technology to research, explore, create and share. It was natural for the children to use chart paper, markers, their voices, iPads and computers. There was never a choice to use technology or not use technology, but rather to think about what tool would support their objective.
  • I saw the benefits of how technology could engage my learners, encourage collaboration, and provide meaningful project ideas to spark curiosity and exploration.
  • Some chose paper, some chose an iPad. I learned that introducing the students to a variety of tools allowed each child to have more creative choice.
    teacher uses virtual zoo to help kids writing reports on animals!
Antonio Amores Ortiz

Bitstrips Creates Comic Strips For Facebook - 0 views

  • How You Can Create Those Personalized Comic Strips That Are Popping Up All Over Facebook
  • How You Can Create Those Personalized Comic Strips That Are Popping Up All Over Facebook
  • they're using Bitstrips, an app that lets you create an avatar version of yourself and your friends and put them in a cartoon strip that you can share with your social network.
    create comic to use in class assignment
    create comic to use in class assignment 
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