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Rick Beach

Official Google Docs Blog: Upload your PDFs! - 19 views

    share your pdfs
Allison Burrell

Using new visualizations to tell your story - Official Google Docs Blog - 21 views

    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
J Black

Zoho upgrades Web word processor with good UI (two of them!) | Webware - CNET - 0 views

  • Zoho is improving its online word processor, Writer, with a revised user interface and a few new useful features. The interface change is a have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too experiment. The new "MenuTab" UI gives you drop-down choices from the top level of the menu, but you can also press on a top-level menu choice to display an icon bar with identical options. The icon bar is nothing like Micrsoft Office 2007's tab bar, which supports many more options and has more complicated different ways to use it.
  • I find Zoho Writer 2.0 to be a strong word processor that's incredibly easy to learn and use, even more so than Google Docs. The dangerous collaboration function means I can't recommend this product, yet, as a workgroup app. But I wrote this review solo in Zoho, and it didn't give me a minute of confusion or trouble.
  • Zoho Writer users Google Gears to give users offline access
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • You post directly to a few different blogging services from Zoho Writer, which is a very nice feature for bloggers.
  • Zoho is said to offer simultaneous collaborative editing, as Google Docs does, but when I tested the app I found it far too easy to over-write another user's edits. I do hope this gets fixed very soon.
    Zoho is improving its online word processor, Writer, with a revised user interface and a few new useful features. The interface change is a have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too experiment. The new "MenuTab" UI gives you drop-down choices from the top level of the menu, but you can also press on a top-level menu choice to display an icon bar with identical options. The icon bar is nothing like Micrsoft Office 2007's tab bar, which supports many more options and has more complicated different ways to use it.
Fred Delventhal

gdocsuploader - Google Code - 0 views

    Max OS X application to allow for easy and quick uploading of documents into Google Docs.
Clay Leben

Online team collaboration and project management - 0 views

    Sophisticated teamwork tool for sharing milestones, projects, online chat, files, doc commenting, and tasks. For now its free for 15 projects, 30 team members, and 200MB of storage. Lots of features.

Google Docs & Spreadsheets - 2 views

    Hallo guys. I am very happy to share here. This is my site. If you would like to visit here. Go ahead. I've made ​​About a $ 58,000 from my little site. There is a forum and I was very happy to announce to you. I also provide seo service. gratis datingsite datingsites‎ gratis datingsite gratis dating
Melissa Seifman

Sketchup: Apartment Design in Elementar... - 0 views

  • my nine year old daughter
    • Melissa Seifman
      Yes... even younger and younger students can start to learn 3D modeling for computational thinking
  • It was hard to keep away my oldest daughter, who is 12, so we could finish.
  • It was hard to keep away my oldest daughter, who is 12, so we could finish.   Taylor told her teacher what she did and asked if I could bring in my Lap Top to show her. She asked if I would show the whole class as well.
    • Melissa Seifman
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Sketchup is remarkably user-friendly! Technology in the classroom is a great tool... it motivates students, stimulates learning, and often levels the playing field. Sketchup is a terrific example... there were gasps of delight and exclamations of enthusiasm as Brian demonstrated just a few of the basics. We all wondered why we had spent so much time with pencil and paper... this looked to be a whole lot more fun and more versatile. Needless to say, every child wanted to try it and they were all able to quickly master a few simple steps with Brian's guidance. I think they would have gladly designed an entire city had we given them time!"
    • Melissa Seifman
      visual and interesting to today's digital learners
  • As a teacher, I saw a multitude of curriculum connections; geometry, measurement, logic, problem solving, art, perspective... the list goes on and on.
    • Melissa Seifman
      Multiple cognates and higher levels of learning
Rick Beach

5 Great Alternatives To Google Docs You Should Consider - 0 views

    other collaborative writing tools
Ced Paine

Google Quizes | Screencast-O-Matic - 0 views

    How to make a quiz in Google Docs and have Google grade it for you in a spreadsheet.
Carolynn Bruton

FlipSnack | PDF to Flash page flip - flipping book software - 37 views

  • Make beautiful flipping books! Add a pdf document Convert it to a flipping book Embed & share your flipping book
    • Joe Jerles
      FABULOUS! What an easy way to make "books" for children. I'm sorry it is FLASH based. I could really use this on my iPads in class.
    Make flipping books, add a PDF doc and convert to flipping book. can then be embedded
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)

Utilizing word processing development software - 1 views

"Utilizing word processing development software" involves using tools designed to create, edit, and manage text documents efficiently, providing users with features for formatting, layout, collabor...

education technology telkomuniversity

started by modses on 30 Oct 24 no follow-up yet
Messi karol

Ways to upgrade your business management skills - 0 views

    For a budding entrepreneur or a business person, the key to success lies in adopting business management skills. Therefore, those who have already acquired a diploma in business management degree are better off from their peers.
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