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J Black

Publications: SRN LEADS - 0 views

  • Limited influence in decision-making. In many high-achieving nations where teacher collaboration is the norm, teachers have substantial influence on school-based decisions, especially in the development of curriculum and assessment, and in the design of their own professional learning. In the United States, however, less than one-fourth of teachers feel they have great influence over school decisions and policies in seven different areas noted in the SASS surveys. A scant majority feel that they have some influence over curriculum and setting performance standards for students, though fewer than half perceived that they had some influence over the content of their in-service professional development. And very few felt they had influence over school policies and decisions affecting either teacher hiring and evaluation or the allocation of the school budget.
  • Limited influence in decision-making. In many high-achieving nations where teacher collaboration is the norm, teachers have substantial influence on school-based decisions, especially in the development of curriculum and assessment, and in the design of their own professional learning. In the United States, however, less than one-fourth of teachers feel they have great influence over school decisions and policies in seven different areas noted in the SASS surveys. A scant majority feel that they have some influence over curriculum and setting performance standards for students, though fewer than half perceived that they had some influence over the content of their in-service professional development. And very few felt they had influence over school policies and decisions affecting either teacher hiring and evaluation or the allocation of the school budget.
  • Limited influence in decision-making. In many high-achieving nations where teacher collaboration is the norm, teachers have substantial influence on school-based decisions, especially in the development of curriculum and assessment, and in the design of their own professional learning. In the United States, however, less than one-fourth of teachers feel they have great influence over school decisions and policies in seven different areas noted in the SASS surveys. A scant majority feel that they have some influence over curriculum and setting performance standards for students, though fewer than half perceived that they had some influence over the content of their in-service professional development. And very few felt they had influence over school policies and decisions affecting either teacher hiring and evaluation or the allocation of the school budget.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Limited influence in decision-making. In many high-achieving nations where teacher collaboration is the norm, teachers have substantial influence on school-based decisions, especially in the development of curriculum and assessment, and in the design of their own professional learning. In the United States, however, less than one-fourth of teachers feel they have great influence over school decisions and policies in seven different areas noted in the SASS surveys. A scant majority feel that they have some influence over curriculum and setting performance standards for students, though fewer than half perceived that they had some influence over the content of their in-service professional development. And very few felt they had influence over school policies and decisions affecting either teacher hiring and evaluation or the allocation of the school budget.
  • Limited influence in decision-making. In many high-achieving nations where teacher collaboration is the norm, teachers have substantial influence on school-based decisions, especially in the development of curriculum and assessment, and in the design of their own professional learning. In the United States, however, less than one-fourth of teachers feel they have great influence over school decisions and policies in seven different areas noted in the SASS surveys. A scant majority feel that they have some influence over curriculum and setting performance standards for students, though fewer than half perceived that they had some influence over the content of their in-service professional development. And very few felt they had influence over school policies and decisions affecting either teacher hiring and evaluation or the allocation of the school budget.
  • Limited influence in decision-making. In many high-achieving nations where teacher collaboration is the norm, teachers have substantial influence on school-based decisions, especially in the development of curriculum and assessment, and in the design of their own professional learning. In the United States, however, less than one-fourth of teachers feel they have great influence over school decisions and policies in seven different areas noted in the SASS surveys. A scant majority feel that they have some influence over curriculum and setting performance standards for students, though fewer than half perceived that they had some influence over the content of their in-service professional development. And very few felt they had influence over school policies and decisions affecting either teacher hiring and evaluation or the allocation of the school budget.
  • Limited influence in decision-making. In many high-achieving nations where teacher collaboration is the norm, teachers have substantial influence on school-based decisions, especially in the development of curriculum and assessment, and in the design of their own professional learning. In the United States, however, less than one-fourth of teachers feel they have great influence over school decisions and policies in seven different areas noted in the SASS surveys. A scant majority feel that they have some influence over curriculum and setting performance standards for students, though fewer than half perceived that they had some influence over the content of their in-service professional development. And very few felt they had influence over school policies and decisions affecting either teacher hiring and evaluation or the allocation of the school budget.
Rose Black

Technology Helping Students Cheat More - 0 views

    Post about how technology influences education
Annalisa Manca

next generation user skills - 0 views

    In order to ensure the relevance and influence the ongoing enhancement of user ICT provision and the associated awards, Digital 2010 (the regional digital skills partnership for Yorkshire & Humber) and the Scottish Qualifications Authority jointly commissioned Sero Consulting Ltd in spring 2008 to undertake research in ICT User skills.

Discover the Microbes Within! - 0 views

    Science influences everything we do and there is no better way to teach science than to experience it. Experience leads to empowerment and empowerment creates the foundation for critical thinking skills and ultimately a scientifically-literate public. Discover the Microbes Within: The Wolbachia Project is designed for high school biology educators in an effort to bring real-world scientific research into biology labs and lesson plans with inquiry, discovery, biotechnology, and a culture of excellence.
Jeff Johnson

ISTE | National Educational Technology Standards - 0 views

    ISTE's National Educational Technology Standards NETS have served as a roadmap for improved teaching and learning by educators throughout the United States. The standards, used in every U.S. state and many countries, are credited with significantly influencing expectations for students and creating a target of excellence relating to technology. In 2006, ISTE began work on the next generation of NETS for Students, which focuses more on skills and expertise and less on tools.
Fred Delventhal

Classroom Architect - 0 views

    Outline Your Classroom Floor Plan For students, the classroom environment is very important. The size of the classroom and interior areas, the colors of the walls, the type of furniture and flooring, the amount of light, and the room arrangement all influence how students learn. Thoughtful arrangement of the indoor and outdoor environments will support your learning goals for students.This tool provides an opportunity for experimentation with the layout of your classroom without any heavy lifting!
Jaxon Smith

Cultural Self-Awareness Vs Cultural Intelligence: Analyzing The Strong Link In Between ... - 0 views

    Due to its higher effect on people, culture is considered as one of the most significant aspects of life. Foundational instincts of a person like opinion, aspiration, concerns, and values get influenced by the culture followed by the person.

Childhood Mental Ability in Relation to Studies and Physical Activity - Swiflearn - 0 views

  • The physical development and mental development of a child is also affected by childhood experiences and is often influenced by the family environment.

Buy Instagram Followers - 100% Real, Instant - 0 views

    Buy Instagram Followers Introduction Purchasing followers is one of the best strategies to expand your Instagram audience. You are essentially paying for marketing when you buy followers. You are spending money to get your name and brand in front of more people. This can increase interest in what you have to say and help you naturally develop your audience. You can connect with new potential clients? By purchasing Instagram followers, you effectively increase the pool of possible clients you may contact. You will become more visible to new potential clients who might be interested in your goods or services if you have more followers. Also, you will be able to develop additional connections with influencers and other businesses that can support the promotion of your brand. Buy Instagram Followers You could create social evidence: Purchasing Instagram followers entails purchasing social proof. The psychological phenomena known as "social proof" describes how people imitate the behaviors of others in order to feel accepted. People are more likely to want to follow you if they realize that many other people are already doing so. This is because they believe you to be more reputable and well-liked. Hence, buying followers might aid in the development and success of your company. You will have greater influence and opportunity to market your goods or services if you can attract a large following. It will also be simpler for you to establish connections with influential people and other firms. You can improve SEO? Purchasing Instagram followers has a variety of advantages, one of which is increasing your SEO. You stand a better chance of appearing higher in search engine results when you have more followers. This is due to the fact that search engines consider a website's popularity when selecting where it will appear in the search results. Your website's popularity will increase as you gain more followers, which will help you rank higher. Hence, purchasing In
Jeremy Price

Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What? : The Knowledge Tree - 0 views

  • Social network sites are the latest generation of ‘mediated publics’ - environments where people can gather publicly through mediating technology.
  • Persistence. What you say sticks around.
    • Jeremy Price
  • Searchability.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • Replicability. Digital bits are copyable; this means that you can copy a conversation from one place and paste it into another place.
  • Invisible audiences. While it is common to face strangers in public life, our eyes provide a good sense of who can overhear our expressions. In mediated publics, not only are lurkers invisible, but persistence, searchability, and replicability introduce audiences that were never present at the time when the expression was created.
  • two audiences cause participants the greatest headaches: those who hold power over them and those that want to prey on them.
  • The lack of context is precisely why the imagined audience of Friends is key. It is impossible to speak to all people across all space and all time. It’s much easier to imagine who you are speaking to and direct your energies towards them, even if your actual audience is quite different.
  • Context is only one complication of this architecture. Another complication has to do with scale. When we speak without amplification, our voice only carries so far. Much to the dismay of fame-seekers, just because the Internet has the potential to reach millions, the reality is that most people are heard by very few.
  • Some try to resumé-ify their profiles, putting on a public face intended for those who hold power over them. While this is typically the adult-approved approach, this is unrealistic for most teens who prioritise socialisation over adult acceptance.
  • Recognise that youth want to hang out with their friends in youth space.
  • When asked, all youth know that anyone could access their profiles online. Yet, the most common response I receive is “…but why would they?”
  • The Internet mirrors and magnifies all aspects of social life.
    • Jeremy Price
      Consistent with capturing/recording interactions in general.
  • When a teen is engaged in risky behaviour online, that is typically a sign that they’re engaged in risky behaviour offline.
  • technology makes it easier to find those who are seeking attention than those who are not.
  • Questions abound. There are no truths, only conversations.
  • They can posit moral conundrums, show how mediated publics differ from unmediated ones, invite youth to consider the potential consequences of their actions, and otherwise educate through conversation instead of the assertion of power.
  • group settings are ideal for engaging youth to consider their relationship with social technologies and mediated publics
  • Internet safety is on the tip of most educators’ tongues, but much of what needs to be discussed goes beyond safety. It is about setting norms and considering how different actions will be interpreted.
  • Create a profile on whatever sites are popular in your school.
  • Keep your profile public and responsible, but not lame.
  • Do not go surfing for your students, but if they invite you to be Friends, say yes. This is a sign that they respect you.
  • The more present you are, the more opportunity you have to influence the norms.
Clay Leben

SmartBean - Smart parenting for tech kids - 1 views

    Help for parents raising kids and new tech influences. Articles for teachers too about educational software, home schooling, and slick gadgets. Links to research on effects of gaming and cell phones on growing up. Store and marketing ads support site.
    Help for parents bring up kids with edtech. Articles for teachers too about educational software, home schooling, and slick gadgets. Links to research on effects of gaming and cell phones on growing up.

LearningBeyondBoundaries » The Conversation - 4 views

  • Part of the Story While I was at ASCD 2008 in New Orleans in March 2008, I started a conversation with some ASCD Leadership Council members and my online network of educators about the need for educators familiar with Web 2.0 pedagogies to spread the word about how they are successfully using the new 21st Century technology to improve student learning. That conversation has continued until today, April 3, 2008. We have less than a month to pool our collective intelligence to help ASCD do a "bang up" job for it's membership in Orlando in March 2009 on technology and engaging students in learning. See the home page of this wiki for more details. Go here to read the conversation as it developed on Professional Development 2.0 from March 16, 2008 to April 3, 2008 when I then created this wiki. Join this wiki and help us develop a comprehensive proposal. In the process we will show how the online nextwork of educators works. If nothing else, at least that will be impressive. If you help out!
  • Thank you for connecting through Twitter. You have really hit the nail on the head that the Web 2.0 tools are not meeting mainstream, and I am right there, we need to change that!
  • While I was at ASCD 2008 in New Orleans in March 2008, I started a conversation with some ASCD Leadership Council members and my online network of educators about the need for educators familiar with Web 2.0 pedagogies to spread the word about how they are successfully using the new 21st Century technology to improve student learning. That conversation has continued until today, April 3, 2008. We have less than a month to pool our collective intelligence to help ASCD do a "bang up" job for it's membership in Orlando in March 2009 on technology and engaging students in learning. See the home page of this wiki for more details. Go here to read the conversation as it developed on Professional Development 2.0 from March 16, 2008 to April 3, 2008 (Dennis Update - ongoing as of 4.17.08) when I then created this wiki. Join this wiki and help us develop a comprehensive proposal. In the process we will show how the online nextwork of educators works. If nothing else, at least that will be impressive. If you help out!
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • There are a number of ways in which technology can better facilitate the learning of adults: Email, iChat/IM, Twitter: connects learners as collaborators Blogs: provides a forum for reflection and discussion Wikis/Google Docs/Zoho: provides a place to co-learn and build shared knowledge. Shared server/network space: provides a place for learners to swap/store documents iPods/MP3 players: allows anytime/anywhere learning Moodle/Blackboard: a place to learn from instructor-assigned tasks and discussions Interactive technology: (student response systems and interactive boards) engages adult learners in much the same way as students Online survey tools: collect opinions and perceptions Social Bookmarking tools: helps to share the knowledge RSS: critical tool for managing information. Digital cameras (still and video): use to record learning for later playback/review. Online streaming (uStream): collaborate online during a presentation, revisit the archive later. Nings; places like this to brainstorm and share strategies. Web: unlimited possibilities!
  • I agree with your thinking that the tech presentations need to move to other conferences. Thanks for starting that shift.
  • This is something I have seen at many conferences and I am glad you are making it more obvious to others! One of my niches is using technologies with young children... when I spoke as a featured speaker at FETC (Florida) this year there were only 3 sessions for early learning... so when we add to ASCD, let's also remember to add content for elementary!! I can add an application or two myself. Do you have any specific pointers to help us add more technology, especially Web 2.0 to ASCD?
  • The field on Web 2.0 is wide open for ASCD 2009. See here. I can tell you that 2009 at the annual conference will be different if we "seize the day." ASCD is ready to embrace a new definition of literacy for the 21st Century at its annual convention in Orlando, but they need our help. It's now time for those whose pedagogies utilize web 2.0 tools to send the word out to their networks to submit proposals by May 1. I also agree on a stronger focus on elementary programming is also needed.
  • Hi Dennis, Are you on the committee or have some strong influence to be sure the proposals get accepted?
  • Hi Charlene, It's not that simple. In life nothing worth having ever is. Hope this helps. I'm also going to post more on my blog so I can explain the context, but I can start the conversation by saying a few things here. - I am president of the Massachusetts affiliate of ASCD, - I am on the ASCD Leadership Council. - I attended the Position Statement Committee discussion in New Orleans, ASCD 2008, last month on 21st Century education and was a strong advocate for ASCD beginning to help the staff, leadership and membership understand Web 2.0 pedagogies. - I advocated in the same fashion for Web 2.0 pedagogies with Valerie Truesdale, current President of ASCD. - Valerie pointed out that ASCD 2009 has a major theme on technology, **Imagine: Connecting Learners in an E-World**, and a major theme of engagement, **Imagine: Challenging Minds to Engage and Learn More Deeply**. Based on what I know, I am optimistic that ASCD is ready for our message. I still have work to do, but if I have the names of a network of presenters like you, Gail and others interested with solid proposals, I will approach ASCD to advocate for an understanding of how significant our contribution could be on ASCD 2009. It would obviously help if I had ten or more people so I could say, "Hey, look at us; we have something to offer ASCD that will move the educational technology strand from successful to significant! Not sure what will come of it, but it sure beats complaining that no one listens to us. Dennis
  • Dennis, Thanks for the encouraging information. I think that in the past some technology-rich presenters have felt discouraged by not having applications accepted. I will apply and also encourage others to do so!
  • Now if I'm going to advocate for you and others who apply, I think it would help for me to know who applies and what the proposals look like. It would also makes sense for people not to duplicate similar topics. How can we orchestrate that?
  • Well, let's see, we can use Twitter, this site, and others to gather information about people planning to apply OR perhaps a more proactive approach -- offer to ASCD some expertise in helping them fill a technology-infused or technology-rich strand by helping them select the sessions which will be hosted in a specific room or rooms throughout the conference (thus pooling the higher technology needs (high speed internet and projectors, sound, IWB or whatever) into a specific set of rooms. We could serve to help them make this a dynamic, meaningful and important part of their conference. We could help them balance grade levels, technologies, levels of experience required of participants, etc.... I wonder what others think...
  • Great ideas, almost create a "package" of well balanced presentations, balanced grade levels and interest. I like Gail's thinking about hosting in specific rooms using appropriate technology that helps spread the message. For example instead of going to an IWB session, actually see the board in action during a presentation. I would also like to extend the buzz by having "meet-ups" or a networking sessions on various topics. These could be informal sessions to promote conversations. I will be working on topic ideas this week.
  • I do like this idea - a bit like NECC's OpenSource Lab concept. A suite of Web 2.0 tools demonstrated and presented.
  • I think we need to LEAD with the content (curriculum, learning, etc) and USE the tools as much as possible and then intersperse that a bit with the tool "how tos" and "whiz bang"... this conference will draw people who want to learn about using technologies IN curriculum and not so much the techies, at least that would be my first take. We may have sessions that people come to to find out the basics (Like "What IS Web 2.0?") but perhaps MORE who wonder about having learners participate in global learning communities or who ponder making curriculum more differentiated through technology.... it will be important to not ONLY "preach to the choir" of the technology-lovers at ASCD, but to snag a few through the content... am I making any sense?
    While I was at ASCD 2008 in New Orleans in March 2008, I started a conversation with some ASCD Leadership Council members and my online network of educators about the need for educators familiar with Web 2.0 pedagogies to spread the word about how they are successfully using the new 21st Century technology to improve student learning. That conversation has continued until today, April 3, 2008. We have less than a month to pool our collective intelligence to help ASCD do a "bang up" job for it's membership in Orlando in March 2009 on technology and engaging students in learning. See the home page of this wiki for more details.

Top 7 LinkedIn Voices and Influencers | Markets - 1 views

    INDIA, April 4, 2021 - The use of LinkedIn in recent years has grown exponentially, and the number of reach and business platforms on the platform keeps skyrocketing. Prominent entrepreneurs and personalities are using the platform.

Top 7 LinkedIn Voices and Influencers - 1 views

    INDIA, April 4, 2021 - The use of LinkedIn in recent years has grown exponentially, and the number of reach and business platforms on the platform keeps skyrocketing. Prominent entrepreneurs and personalities are using the platform.

Adaptability to online teaching platforms - 1 views

Adaptability to online teaching platforms One of the major challenges faced by school & college students in online classes is adaptability. Students are well adapted to the traditional classroom s...

online teaching platforms

started by yuvi987 on 30 Jun 21 no follow-up yet

Buy Google Reviews - Permanent Reviews & cheap... - 0 views

    Buy Cheap Google Reviews Buy Google 5 Star Reviews have proven to enhance sales and earn a good reputation for the company. Apart from improving your online reputation, buying Google reviews can also impact your online presence as it is one of the most important factors that can influence your SEO efforts. Yes, you can buy Google 5 Star Reviews. There are a number of companies that offer this service. They will create reviews on your behalf, which you can post on Google to boost your ratings. However, it is important to note that Google frowns upon buying reviews, so be sure to read their terms and conditions before making a purchase Contact us now Telegram : @buyglobalsmm24 Why will you buy my service! ⇒ 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed ⇒ Full Completed Profiles ⇒ Best Quality, reliable, non-drop, and 100% safe service ⇒ Cheapest price for every service ⇒ Service replacement guaranteed ⇒ 24-hour service access and customer support ⇒ 100% money-back guarantee 24 Hours Reply/Contact Email : Skype : Buy Global SMM Telegram : @buyglobalsmm

Buy Instagram Accounts - Best Real, Verifed IG Accounts - 0 views

    Buy Instagram Accounts Introduction It's crucial to have a robust social media presence as a person, brand, or influencer. Instagram is one of the best social media channels out there. It currently has more than 1 billion monthly users and is expanding. On average, users utilize the app for 53 minutes each day. You're losing out if you're not using Instagram to connect with your target market. The following four arguments support purchasing an Instagram account: You'll reach a larger audience You'll be able to better connect with your audience You can share more content You can make money A sizable social media following can create prospects for partnerships, sponsorships, and business ventures. You'll be able to communicate with your audience more effectively if you have a robust Instagram presence. Also, you'll be able to distribute additional content, including films, stories, and images. Finally, you may use your account as a cash machine by working with brands, selling goods, or running advertisements. Buy Instagram Accounts Instagram is becoming more and more popular? With over a billion users per month, Instagram is without a doubt one of the most popular social networking sites out there. Also, Instagram is used by companies to advertise their goods and services, attract new clients, and increase sales rather than only for sharing attractive photographs. High engagement rates are seen on Instagram? Instagram is a great option if you're considering social media marketing for your company. Buy Instagram Accounts High interaction rates on the photo-sharing platform are excellent for your company. With over one billion monthly active users, Instagram has a pretty engaged user base. In actuality, Instagram's engagement rate is twice as high as Facebook's. How does that affect your company? The fact that your material is being interacted with more frequently indicates better engagement rates. And that's fantastic news for your revenue.
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