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Leon Cych

Eye-Fi » - 0 views

    Make Your Camera Wireless! Upload photos automatically from your digital camera to your computer & favorite photo site with the Eye-Fi Wi-Fi SD memory card
    Enable one camera and eye-fi it for instant upload to web - share camera around on a field trip. Be even better with new Geo Location cameras.
EdTech RoundUp

mukoku - 0 views

    The aim of the site is to provide a place to share some of the resources I have worked on, either myself or in collaboration with other teaching professionals (Mark Clarkson)
EdTech RoundUp

Media Enhnaced Learning SIG - 0 views

    MEL SIG invites practitioners from HE and FE in the UK to share their experience and expertise in the uses and benefits of podcasting (both audio and video) to support learning and teaching
EdTech RoundUp

MERLOT - Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching - 0 views

    Putting Educational Innovations Into Practice Find peer reviewed online teaching and learning materials. Share advice and expertise about education with expert colleagues.
EdTech RoundUp

SHea iPod Touch Project - A place to share experiences from our joint project - 0 views

    Posterous blog describing a collaborative iPod Touch project between two schools
Dai Barnes

Best Practices Page 2 - 0 views

  • Impact of Technology on the 2008 Election By Peggy Steffens  The Pew Internet and American Life project recently conducted a survey about the impact of technological tools on the 2008 election.  The research showed that 46% of Americans have used the Internet, e-mail or cell phone text messaging to get news about the campaign, share their views and mobilize others.
Dai Barnes

Best Practices - 0 views

  • Diigo - 21st Century Tool for Research, Reading and CollaborationBy Peggy Steffens The proliferation of Web 2.0 tools on the web offers numerous ways of collaborating with students and colleagues.  One of the most exciting and valuable tools I have seen recently is Diigo, especially with the introduction of Diigo for Educator accounts.  Diigo is a social bookmarking site similar to Delicious but with more features that are beneficial for the classroom. If you are unfamiliar with social bookmarking, let me explain.  When you sit at a computer, you can find a web site you really like and bookmark it or add it to your favorites so you can go back to it in the future.  The problem with bookmarking on a computer is that in order to get back to that bookmark, you have to be on THAT SPECIFIC computer.  If you bookmarked the site at school, when you go home it doesn’t appear on your list.  If you bookmark it on one computer in the lab, you must bookmark it on every computer in the lab in order to have access to it.  So, the first great thing about Diigo is that your bookmarks follow you wherever you go.  When you bookmark a site using your Diigo account, you can have access to it at work, home, the computer lab or library.  The other great thing is that once you bookmark it, you can share your book mark links with students and colleagues and they can all have access to your sites.   
EdTech RoundUp

Christmas Quiz 2008 - Staffordshire Learning Net - 0 views

    Merry Christmas!
EdTech RoundUp

The WiiMote Whiteboard in action! on Flickr - Photo Sharing! - 0 views

    The WiiMote Whiteboard in action!
EdTech RoundUp

Welcome to Shelfari! Read, Share, Explore! - Shelfari - 0 views

    Shelfari is the premier social network for people who love books. Create a virtual shelf to show off your books, see what your friends are reading and discover new books - all for free!
EdTech RoundUp

History Share Forum - 0 views

    Resources, discussion and topics related to the teaching of History
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