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Dai Barnes

Flash Earth ...satellite and aerial imagery of the Earth in Flash - 0 views

    flash site showing alternatives to googleearth maps - just a picture zoom but good
EdTech RoundUp

Notion Ink's Adam Tablet - 0 views

    Flash, a longer battery life, outputting video at 1080p, a $1m app competition-these are just some of the ways Notion Ink is hoping its Android-powered Adam tablet will be able to win customers over.
EdTech RoundUp

Apple, Adobe, and Flash - 1 views

    John Gruber's blog post on how these two big players are knocking heads
Leon Cych

Eye-Fi » - 0 views

    Make Your Camera Wireless! Upload photos automatically from your digital camera to your computer & favorite photo site with the Eye-Fi Wi-Fi SD memory card
    Enable one camera and eye-fi it for instant upload to web - share camera around on a field trip. Be even better with new Geo Location cameras.
Dai Barnes

Welcome to ETR Diigo Group - 13 views

This group was set up by daibarnes 18/11/08. I set the group up and then invited a few people. Next I imported ETRs bookmarks from delicious account. The tags are many so they'll need cleaning up a...


started by Dai Barnes on 18 Nov 08 no follow-up yet
EdTech RoundUp

Flash forward - Features - TES Connect - 0 views

    Most language teachers shun social networking sites and other Web 2.0 technologies. Some even see the phenomenon as a threat, according to new research. However, a growing grassroots network is taking advantage, says Yojana Sharma
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