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Jaime Bennett

Connectivism - Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology - 0 views

    This wiki describes the basic premise of connectivism. Included in the wiki is a table that compares major epistemological philosophies with connectivism.
    This site defines connectivism and provides a clear list of some of the principles George Siemens deems to be most important to this theory. There is also a fun interactive component that allows the viewer to consider a situation involving connectivism that could be applied to the lives of many people.
Kelsey Ramirez

The PLP Model: Research based professional learning - 6 views

    The article discussed "connected learning communities" and how it is relevant in the digital age. There are three components (professional learning communities (PLCs), personal learning network (PLNs), and communities of practice (CoPs)) with these communities and different theories, experience and knowledge, effectiveness, anticipates growth or decline, challenges and dilemmas, and use of technology within each component.
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    This article describes three types of connected learning communities. These include professional learning communities (PLCs), personal learning networks (PLNs), and communities of practice (CoPs). All three are used in schools across the world now and serve different but very similar purposes.
    This article defines professional learning communities, personal learning networks, and communities of practice. The learning theories supporting each are described, as well as the impact technology has had on each. While the article focuses on how each can effect professional development for practicing teachers, the ideas within could be generalized to almost any profession.
    Summary: This article identifies a three pronged approach to teacher professional development: PLC, PLN and CoP. These three types of learning communities are explored by connecting each type of learning community to a learning theory or theories and / or how the use of technology also improves learning communities. Support is provided by citing studies and literature most relevant to community learning in the digital age.
    This work addresses the importance of technology throughout personal learning communities, personal learning networks and communities of practice and describes its importance to connected learning. Technology is an amplifier and enabler of connected learning as it addresses the challenge of time by allowing 24/7 interactions. Technology has allowed the exponential growth of PLN's as it enables finding, synthesizing and evaluating information. Technology also increases the potential for learning across communities which can then be translated to practice helping improve education.
    This was a great article to see the different ways in which any professionals can gain and share knowledge with one another. I enjoyed reading how each is connected to learning theories. It is interesting that the common theme is how they rely or depend on technology. I can attest to the importance of technology for the learning communities and networks that I am involved in. Technology makes these types of professional development possible to some people who, without technology, would not be able to partake. Most of the time technology is a wonderful thing. It truly makes you wonder what we did without it :)
    I agree that technology has helped PLN and PLC's to grow. Technology allows us to collaborate with people all over the work rather than people who just work in our building.
    This article summarizes key differences and similarities among different connected learning communities utilized by educators including, PLCs, PLNs, and CoPs. Within the article, each learning community is described in terms of its organizational structure, purpose, and effectiveness. This research based article discusses the learning theories that are applied within each of the learning communities to support their descriptions and findings.
    PLN's occur in many ways. With the growth of technology they are becoming much more popular. Many of them are engaging through blogs and other forms of social media. With these becoming more and more popular connections are constantly being made. Creating PLNs and bringing back resources and other information to our PLNs is extremely popular. Personal learning networks are happening because of connections being made with others.
    This article looks into the theories that support the theory or idea of personal learning networks. It touches the effectiveness of teacher professional development in terms of PLNs. It discusses technology in terms of PLNs and also the challenges and dilemmas of PLNs.
    The PLP (Powerful Learning Practice) model looked at three different learning connected learning communities to discuss what each one is, the effects on teacher professional development, challenges and use of technology to name a few. Personal learning communities, personal learning networks, and communities of practice were the three that were discussed. I like how in this article, Connectivism is tied into PLN's which demonstrates how these concepts of PLN's, CoP's, and Connectivism are interrelated. Within PLN's and CoP's, members are concerned about the content and "what they do" as well as interact amongst the group to achieve a higher purpose.
    This article is fantastic as it encompasses all that we are studying right now! Each aspect was broken down very well and explained completely. I also appreciated that the authors talked about the anticipated growth, use of technology and value of a PLN, for instance. This is a great reference to refer back to later.
Deborah Lyman

The Connective - 0 views

    This blog is devoted to the role of connectivism in the current global culture. The focus of this blog is an interdisciplinary discussion on how connectivity and connectivism is affecting the global community.
Alissa Blackburn - 0 views

    This book was written by Stephen Downes. Although it is very lengthy, there are many visual representations of connectivity and portions of the book that are very informative. It is broken into chapters that stand independently allowing the reader to pick and choose what they need information on.
    Connectivism by Stephen Downes, anything you want to know about connectivism in this 600+ page pdf.
Russell Nash

Communities of Practice - 4 views

    Eckert looks at Communities of Practice (COP) to study situated language use. She finds that the COP is important because of "its focus on the fluidity of social space and the diversity of experience" (p. 3). She finds the COP to be complementary to the speech community and that feedback between the two approaches would provide the best process for analysis.
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    Communities of practice are groups of people who share the same job or a common interest in a subject. They come together to form a link to help each other perform in the world around them. This article talks about the value of communities of practice and how and why they work.
    Eckert, P. (2006). Communities of practice. ELL, 2, 683-685. In this article, Mrs. Eckert does a great job in simplifying what a community of practice entails and means. She allows you to visualize the communities you belong to as well as other communities of practice you interact with or observe on a daily basis. One important distinction is that the author of this work is written from the sense of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology and not from an educator's mind set. Irrespective of this standpoint, you can see direct correlations to where students understand themselves and what communities of practice your own student population may fall under. In order to understand the social development of communities of practice Mrs. Eckert does a good job in breaking down common cores that can emerge from memberships. The linguistic side she writes, "A white working class Italian-American woman does not develop her ways of speaking directly from the larger categorical working class, Italian American, and female, but from her day to day experience as a person who combines those three memberships. Her experience will be articulated by her participation in activities and communities of practice that are particular to her place in the social order."(Eckert, 2006) Building upon that theory, she discusses the importance of social space "Emma Moore's study of teenage girls in Northern England (Moore 2003) traced the gradual split of a group of somewhat rebellious "populars" as some of them emerged as the tougher "townies" in their ninth year. In the process, the vernacular speech patterns of the "townies" intensified in opposition to those of their more Conservative friends". (Eckert, 2006) While the article sheds more light on the development of speech patterns and dialects through the medium of communities, we can also see the definition in practice in which a collection of people gather together over a common interest and then orients to their new surrounding
    This is just a basic definition of communities of practice. It is a very easy way to understand it.
    Communities of practice (CoP) are created through a community of people who have common interests. In communities of practice, Eckert (2006) explains "a community of practice develops ways of doing things, views, values, power relations, and ways of talking" (p.1). CoP's have a way of providing a personal identity and a way of speaking within a CoP.
    Communities of Practice: Eckert describes a community of practice (CoP) as a group of people who interact ongoing with a common goal or endeavor. Sometimes they come about by similar interests, the workplace, and education. She concludes that communities of practice are very powerful inside and outside the community.
    Penelope Eckert discusses the value of a community of practice in linguistic studies, giving a definition for a community of practice and distinguishing it from a more conventional linguistic construct: speech communities. Communities of practice link broad social patterns with concrete, observable behavior in individuals. They emphasize individual experience over demographic generalities. They address dynamic, fringe effects within a community. They build on social constructivism as groups of people engage in active sense-making.

Communities of practice: a brief introduction - 1 views

    In this article, Wenger defines Communities of Practice (COP) as a "tribe learning to survive," (p. 1) although learning isn't always the goal of the group but can be an outcome. Members are committed to their community and create a shared practice of networking for a specific purpose. Originally associations and groups, the Internet is extending the reach of COPs and increasing the flow of information.
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    Etienne Wenger seeks to simplify communities of practice by elaborating on three distinct features that make a a community of practice different than a community. A community of practice is defined by its' domain, the shared connection based on a common interest; the community; a group of individuals that interact with each other through collaborative activities; the practice, common experiences and resources to take on similar problems. The text is particularly user friendly in that it offers provides charts that contextual types of activities that would make a community a community of practice such as: visits, mapping knowledge, problem solving, etc.
    Wenger identifies CoP's as"groups of people who share a concern or passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly". Here it is indicated that three main things must be present to call it a CoP: the domain, the community, and the practice. One item that stood out to me is that a community is not by default a CoP. Rather, a CoP must not solely be a community of interest but a CoP is a community that is built on the acquisition of skills, knowledge, or practice within the community. CoP's can come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and domains. All are vested in the "bettering" of individuals.
    This article looks at the bones of communities of practice. This is an easy read, an introduction to communities of practice, which explains important characteristics, activities, concepts behind, and concepts applied in the case of communities of practice. It looks at traditional classroom learning compared to communities of practice.
    For those who have never heard of communities of practice, this resource explains it well. What are communities of practice, what do communities of practice look like, where does the concept come from and how it is being applied is all covered.
    This is a brief but comprehensive introduction as to what communities of practice are by Etienne Wenger. One important aspect addressed is that learning is a product of a community of practice whether intentionally or not. It also gives multiple examples of what a common community of practice can look like such as problem solving, discussing developments, and visits. The concept came to be as a learning model by Wenger and Jean Lave. The concepts has many applications but a couple common places these communities are seen are organizations, government, education, and technology.
Ben Moore

Connectivism & Connected Knowledge 2011 (Bmoore) - 0 views

    Introduction of Digital Connectivism and it's impact on learning. This article focuses on the impacts in English Language Teaching. It defines connectivism, states the principles, and relates it to English Language Teaching.
    Connectivism breakdown from Massive Open On-line Course called Connectivism & Connected Knowledge 2011 by a learner and EFL teacher.
Kathy Grubb

Schools Turn to In-House Experts for Tech Training - US News and World Report - 0 views

    Great article on schools using teachers to help teach others in the school about different areas in technology that they are competent in. My only thought was that it really should have gone further and reported on schools using its students to train the teachers and fellow classmates. We have a school nearby that has a class on basic computer repair and then the students then spend one hour a week going around the school helping out the teachers. Really cuts down on expenses and students have a sense of pride and a useful and marketable skill!
Kathy Grubb

Taking Students Where No School Bus Can Go -- THE Journal - 0 views

    If you are interested in using skype in the classroom, this may be a great article to check out! The author does a great job of taking you through her first few attempts and what worked and what didn't. She uses it to have her students learn more about Antarctica but the uses for this are truly endless! We have a problem with our foreign language students getting a chance to practice with a native speaker. This may be a great idea to connect our school with a school in France or Spain.

elearnspace. Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age - 6 views

  • The pipe is more important than the content within the pipe. Our ability to learn what we need for tomorrow is more important than what we know today.
    • Dave Mulder
      I'm not sure I totally agree with this statement...
  • Knowledge is growing exponentially. In many fields the life of knowledge is now measured in months and years.
  • The amount of knowledge in the world has doubled in the past 10 years and is doubling every 18 months according to the American Society of Training and Documentation (ASTD).
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  • Informal learning is a significant aspect of our learning experience.
  • Learning now occurs in a variety of ways – through communities of practice, personal networks, and through completion of work-related tasks.
  • Learning and work related activities are no longer separate. In many situations, they are the same.
  • Know-how and know-what is being supplemented with know-where (the understanding of where to find knowledge needed).
  • onstructivism suggests that learners create knowledge as they attempt to understand their experiences
  • Learners often select and pursue their own learning.
  • These theories do not address learning that occurs outside of people (i.e. learning that is stored and manipulated by technology)
    Asserts that technology is rewiring our brains, as the tools people use define and shape their thinking. And that the continuously shifting nature of connections makes learning not completely under the control of the participant. Though the starting point of connectivism is the individual, their knowledge is influenced by and influences a network.
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    This article draws comparisons between behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism and how they all relate to connectivism. Connectivism has come about with the age of technology, and has gradually become its own learning theory.
    Provides an overview of learning theories in terms of creating instructional environments. Discusses principles and limitations of connectivism and concludes that how people work and function is altered when new tools are utilized. Connectivism provides insight in to learning and tasks.
    This is is a good breakdown on the history of the connectivism theory and school of thought. It highlights how it the theory is beneficial in our digital age because other theories like behaviorism, cognitivism,and constructivism operate under the tenet that learning occurs by majority inside of a person. It reiterates the point that the network or "pipe" is more important than the content within it.
    Explanation of connectivism, including contrasts to behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Interesting quote: "The pipe is more important than the content within the pipe. Our ability to learn what we need for tomorrow is more important than what we know today." I'm not sure I totally agree with that statement...
    Very interesting piece on the how the half-life of knowledge is shrinking. The amount of knowledge in the world has doubled in the last 10 years and is doubling every 18 months.
    George Siemens ideas on the limitations of traditional learning theories and connectivism.
    This articles gives information about the basic thought behind Connectivism. This article even gives the background information about the limitations of behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism in the realm of technology and knowledge.
    This background paper reviews the limitations of common learning theories in the digital age. Siemens then describes connectivism.
    "Connectivism is driven by the understanding that decisions are based on rapidly altering foundations. New information is continually being acquired. The ability to draw distinctions between important and unimportant information is vital. The ability to recognize when new information alters the landscape based on decisions made yesterday is also critical." This is a fantastic quote in this article. Our foundations for education are highly impacting the way we learn and soak up the knowledge around us. Everyone in this world needs to gain more knowledge, learn new techniques, and grow their thinking to become a harder worker, more valuable asset, and a better person in general. It is critical for the society to build on the foundations of their knowledge now so we can overcome those future problems and struggles in the future. Technology is opening doors for people to create, develop, and build knew foundations of education.
    The resource discusses the need for a changing view of learning due to the development of technology tools to aid learning and information sharing. Many learning theories have not incorporated the use of technology or connectivity. Previous learning theories such as behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism have limitations presented in this article to support the need for connectivism. An important thought stated by the author, "We derive our competence from forming connections". This article states the importance of experience to learn knowledge.
    In this piece, Siemens explores behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism and their deficits when it comes to learning in the digital world. He explains how Connectivism addresses the change in learning in that it is no longer an internal activity because of technology.
    This article gives an overview and background of traditional learning theory and their limitations. Then it provides an alternative theory for a digital age, Connectivism. This article gives a brief overview of Connectivism and its principles.
    This is the original paper written by George Siemens introducing the idea of connectivisim. The main problem Siemens identifies with previous learning theories is that they do not account for learning stored outside the person. With technology developments, we no longer need to remember details. We can use our brain space to connect details and expand our knowledge.
Jaime Bennett

What is a Community of Practice? - YouTube - 0 views

    This is a decent video of a discussion between two professionals who discuss CoPs.  It defines a CoP and gives examples of what might happen in a CoP.  It is informative and helped me understand the difference between CoPs and PLNs.  
    This video contains an interview with Dr. Etienne Wenger in which he discusses communities of practice. Wenger describes his background and how communities of practice create partnerships in learning. Wenger explains that a community of practice provides a group of people one can turn to during a challenge, giving him/her a learning partnership to go to for assistance or ideas.

Connectivism and Connective Knowledge - YouTube - 2 views

    This is a video discussion as part of a online course on connectivism.  Taken by itself, it is a little obscure, but taken in the context of EDTECH543 and in an attempt to understand connectivism, it was immensely helpful to me.  The video centers around the nine dots puzzle and the how the solution to it is a perfect example of connectivism.
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    Fabio. Neat little video. Here is the part I find really interesting. In the comment area below the video, Alec Couros writes "Those that are connected...can pragmatically extend their neural networks beyond the confines of their own cognitive space." In essence they share brain-power with their network. It becomes so much more than "help me solve this" (which is how I use my small PLN). Taken in the context of this Stephen Johnson video shared here in Diigo as well ( ), it seems that the many pieces of a great unseen puzzle can come together through such connections. Would the PLN all be striving for the same end goal or simply working on similar goals and have the group epiphany? Funny how a short "cute" video and a comment from 4 years ago can get a guy thinking about such interesting, if not esoteric, ideas.
    This is a really cool video. Fabio, you are correct, watching this video helps make this topic much more clear. The comment shared here by Jon is quite profound. It make the saying that "two heads are better than one" seem very true, except now you can have thousands of heads working together. Very neat.
    Thanks for sharing this video. It made me understand that even if we think that at the beginning we are not going to need to get connected to a certain "point", you never know if in the future you are going to need information/knowledge from that source.
    I really like this 'outside the lines' way of looking at connectivism. There is so much information out there that we really might not need at a certain point in time but it is still there and can be accessed. It's interesting to think that we might be that point for others, we are still there but they don't need what we have right now.
James Russell

WEB2.0 and PLN - 0 views

    Learning Networks in Practice paper by Stephen Downes regarding personal learning environments, learning in communities, content creation and context.
    This article talks about the beginning of the PLN movement in education. It discusses how a good PLN makes use of the WEB 2.0 applications that are out in cyberspace.
Ben Moore

Connectivism vimeo - 0 views

    Connectivism vimeo that seems to sum up connectivism into it's major points and areas of application as they pertain to education. Seems to be an excellent culmination... putting a cherry on top if you will of my Connectivism materials search.
    Inspiring and awesome. I have been in a classroom for 16 years and feel such new energy in this connected world. Bringing it to my day to day teaching is challenging, but I am trying. With learning becoming 'personal' as it says, where do things that are deemed universally needed (language use, basic math skills) fit into the puzzle? Bigger question- is there any need for a Biology teacher (that's me)? I suppose there is, just not for every student. Exciting to think of how a class of passionate Biology learners would run.
Kim Hefty

Connectivism - 1 views

    This article is actually a blog on connetivism. THe author of this post focuses on "sensemaking". He defines it as, Sensemaking is an activity that individuals engage in daily in response to uncertainty, complex topics, or in changing settings. Sensemaking is not about truth or right from wrong, bu rather about making information make sense.
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    This blog houses a wealth of information on connectivism and shared knowlege. While I did not read every post, there is a large variety of articles, posted by various authors, written in the past several years. I think this would be a great place to conduct research on current information since there are articles only a few months old.
    This is a website dedicated to blogging on connectivism. Apparently no one cares about it anymore because the last post to it was over a year ago. However, it has quite a bit of content from 2005 to 2012 about connectivistic topics such as MOOCs and sensemaking.
    Here is a great blog site from George Siemens where he posts on various topics in education and their relativity to connectivism. The blog has not been updated in some time, but there is still a lot of great info on the site.
    This website page is the perfect summary of what Connectivism is and what it really represents. Stephen Downes states, "Learning is the creation and removal of connections between the entities, or the adjustment of the strengths of those connections. " This is probably the best resource I have found for truly understanding what Connectivism really is.

'Connectivism' and Connective Knowledge - 14 views

    George Siemens and Stephen Downs were offering a free course to the first 2200 people to discover connectivism and study its principals. They chose a free online course format to illustrate connectivism.
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    The main idea of this article is to explain how and why he and George Seimens offer MOOCs to the world. Downes believes that all learning is about connections made among the learners, just we are the neurological connections that our brains make every second. He does not believe knowledge is acquired or transmitted, but rather experienced. One of his most telling statements is his belief that the process of taking the course is more important than what people may happen to learn from it--which is at the heart of what he believes connectivism is.
    I was very excited to find this article! In it, Stephen Downes, Canadian Education Technology Research Specialist, describes his and George Siemens,' Associate Director, Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute, free course, 'Connectivism and Connective Knowledge' -- or CCK11. It is a twelve week course of readings and online seminars, where learners are invited to read selected materials and study the content with a connectivist's approach. Downes says, "What is important about a connectivist course, after all, is not the course content. Oh, sure, there is some content -- you can't have a conversation without it -- but the content isn't the important thing. It serves merely as a catalyst, a mechanism for getting our projects, discussions and interactions off the ground. It may be useful to some people, but it isn't the end product, and goodness knows we don't want people memorizing it." I want to register for the next one!
    This is a blog post from Steven Downes about the courses on connectivism he offered with George Siemens. It offers a good argument for taking the connectivist approach to learning and explains what connectivism is. It offers an explanation for connectivist teaching and learning falling into the 4 major activities of aggregation, remixing, repurposing, and feeding forward. He stresses that connectivism is a pedagogy based on the realization that knowledge is not something you can solidify into a single perfect product to pass along because different people/communities will always interpret/learn from it differently.
    George Siemens and Stephen Downes provide online courses call 'Connectivism and Connective Knowledge' to over 2,000 educators on the philosophy of teaching and learning they instill in their learners. is a twelve week course that is free for those who register. They disclose attributes to connectivist teaching and learning. Aggregation provides a starting point. Remixing draws connections to others. Repurposing is practicing the concepts learned, not just repeating them with route memorization techniques. Feeding forward consists of sharing with others and being able to collaborate on others' projects to use them as your own.
    What I find really cool about this is that the content of the course is not what is important, but rather the fact that they are connecting and networking. The networking is more powerful than the content is what seems to be the focus.
    I found this quote interesting, "So what a connectivist course becomes is a community of educators attempting to learn how it is that they learn, with the objective of allowing them to be able to help other people learn." I like that there is no distinction between the "teacher" and the "student". Instead, everyone is seen as both learner and educator. However, I have some concerns about how this works with middle school or high school students. Are they mature enough to really take on that role and stay on task? How do you ensure the respect and authority in the class when you are putting yourself on nearly an equal foot with the students? Kids are so used to a traditional direct instruction class they they often get confused or rebel against anything different.
    This is one of the resources listed in the video I posted earlier. It is an introduction to the Connectivism and Connective Knowledge course. It explains how the core aspects of connectivism are built into the course and gives a description of each aspect.
    This article introduces the term connectivism as a "network-based pedagogy" Through the article the author makes references to a course that he will be providing. Overall though there is some really good information about connectivism from both the teacher and learner perspectives.
    Along with George Siemens, Stephen Downs is one of the intellectual leaders of connectivism, which he describes in this article. One of the things I really like about this article is the fact that it is written for a wide audience via an outlet like The Huffington Post, rather than an exclusively academic audience.
    I enjoyed this article because it identified 4 connectivist "activities." They are aggregation, remixing, repurposing, and feeding forward. It explains these concepts clearly while also giving a succinct overview of connectivism, and their relationship to connectivism.
    This article provided me with a clearer understanding of the Connectivist approach and the four activities that surround it--aggregation, remixing, re-purposing, and feeding forward. It was interesting to read under the Aggregation portion that Siemens and Downes have to tell participants to pick and choose what they read for the course. We are still very pre-conditioned to want to read and study everything that is handed to us and regurgitate it back. There is something about Connectivism that bothers me. It seems a little "loosey goosey" at times. I like the idea of people being able to gather and share ideas and make meaning from them, but I wonder if one can become a true expert in something by just solely using this approach.
    I love the explanation of connectivism at the beginning. The explicitness with which they say it's not about the content but the process is refreshing and true to my experience in the classroom as well. There are many days when I know the student will never remember the content I taught but they will remember how they found it and the way that they discussed, dissected, and applied it to their selves.
    I think out of all the articles I read about connectivism, this one was the easiest for me to understand and truly grasp the meaning of connectivism. The author gave clear examples of how learning happens through connectivism and that the course he was providing truly used this theory in helping the learners. This article helped me solidify how important I think schooling is for school aged children and the connections they make with their peers academically and socially. They are using this theory without even thinking about it, and in connecting with others ideas they are learning on their own without a teacher telling them facts, dates or formulas.
James Russell

You Tube video on PLN's - 0 views

    This you tube video discusses the importance of PLN's for the Educational Professional.

Teaching in Social and Technological Networks - 1 views

    This article describes how the connectivism of social and technological networks has changed the role of the teacher. The author maintains that the connectedness students have with information at any given time or place means the teacher does not need to serve the role of the only expert in the students' lives. Several roles that the author believes teachers should play in such connected learning situations are described.
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    This article is really good. It gets to the heart of what a teachers role really is now, not expert but facilitator. Our job now is to help students navigate the wealth of information available to them.
    This blog post focuses on the role of the teacher in a connectivist driven teaching paradigm. The author suggests that the role of the teacher must shift from "controlling" learning to "influencing" learning. He suggests seven roles teachers must play in networked learning environments: amplifying, curating, wayfinding and socially-driven sensemaking, aggregating, filtering, modelling, and persistent presence.
    I really like that it defines the role of the instructor. It is moving away from some of the earlier educational theories were the instructor was simply a subject matter expert. As an instructor we are moving more to not just telling but showing the information and where to get the information to enhance the learning.

George Siemens- Connectivism: Socializing Open Learning - 2 views

    This video shows George Siemens describing connectivism in a conference setting. He describes the difference between the traditional systems of learning our students participate in where they hear and repeat content and what he terms a "meaningful" learning experience.
    This is a YouTube video of George Siemens discussing his ideas about networks, connections, and social learning. Siemens suggests we should, "Emphasize connections... and not networks." If we wish to understand learning we need to understand how connections form, and why.
James Russell

Social Networking and PLN's - 0 views

    This article discusses PLN's and how they are fantastic for research and gathering information, but if we teach students how to incorporate blogs, and social networking into their PLN's the wealth of information available to them greatly increases.
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