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The Full Version Of Mark Zuckerberg's Manifesto On Building Global Community - - 1 views

  • History is the story of how we’ve learned to come together in ever greater numbers — from tribes to cities to nations. At each step, we built social infrastructure like communities, media and governments to empower us to achieve things we couldn’t on our own
    • hamitup
      Supportive Safe Informed Civically-engaged inclusive
  • A healthy society also has many layers of communities between us and government that take care of our needs.
    Facebook's founder, Mark Zuckerberg highlights the ways in which we are all connected in society and the various communities we are linked with. Mark emphasizes the need to continue to network and stay connected. Our history is based on connections in society and we have continued to grow. Although only one platform to grow from, Mark's Facebook Community has offered our society and people countless opportunities to connect and grow personally and professionally.

The Implications of a Connectivist Learning Blog Model and the Changing Role of Teachin... - 4 views

    In this article faculty and graduate students at the University of Plymouth wrote about the growing use of blogging in higher education classrooms. The authors see connectivism as the theory that helps to legitimize the use of blogging in the teaching and learning environment. They acknowledge that Web 2.0 tools such as blogs give students the ability to easily make connections with their peers and others outside the classroom walls. One of the most interesting aspects of the article was that the authors advocated for the use of course blogs rather than individual blogs for the simple fact that it promotes a single platform for students to share and connect. The authors gathered much of the information for this article from a case study that they did with university students. They asked several students to complete a survey. Instead of a survey, the staff involved in the project were interviewed. Through this case study, the authors were able to produce both qualitative and quantitative data on the use of blogs. Overall, the results showed that blogs are an acceptable medium for using the connectivist model and that by and large, most students achieved the learning goals while completing the assignment.
    Kelly, This is a very interesting article especially since I have had to use blogs for many courses and have considered having my own students use them as well. I definitely understand having a single platform, but I wonder if that takes away from the individuality students gain from getting to create their own.
    Tiffany, I too am torn on the use of a single platform in the classroom. I love that it would be easier to manage one account rather than individual student accounts. I have over 100 Spanish 3 students (which doesn't include my Sociology and Spanish 2 classes). It could be a nightmare to monitor appropriate blog use of all of those students. At the same time, I agree that students lose the ability to create a personal site, and could be less engaged on the single platform.

Dialogue and Connectivism - 4 views

    Suggests that understanding how members of a learning community converse is an important component of understanding connectivism. The tone of the interactions in a forum rely on the design and management of the space. Furthermore, learning depends on sharing in conversations and interactions which themselves can be meaningful activities. During communication among learners, there is a balance of what is good for each individual and the ability to move towards a common purpose.
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    I became particularly interested in Connectivism in EdTech504, and its relationship to information literacy. This article is another great resource when exploring this learning theory. Thanks for posting!
    This 2011 article builds on the theory of connectivism to propose that a social networked environment creates a new "landscape for dialogue."
    In this article, Andrew Ravenscroft explores a "dialogue rich view of connectivism" and how we can develop learners that can "think, reason and analyse." He takes inspiration from social constructivist theory to focus on dialogue as a vehicle for learning. Ravenscroft begins by detailing Siemens 8 principles of connectivism. He then asks 3 questions: how can we understand the dialogue processes of a networked world, what dialogue features make for quality connections and how do we design to promote quality connections. He starts to explore the questions with Socrates and the Socratic method. This method has applications for 21st century learning. He reviews Hegel's dialectic as well. Ravenscroft maps these positions to connectivism because dialectic helps refine knowledge from a diversity of opinions, supports the capacity to know more, consideration of alternative viewpoints, fosters a constant evolution of knowledge, and promotes critical and collaborative dialogue. Then he discusses dialogic processes and how they map to connectivism. Dialectic and dialogic can work, not in opposition, but together in different aspects. Dialectic focuses on the epistemic and cognitive dimensions of learning, while dialogic focuses more on emotional and interpersonal aspects. The author then details dialogue game interactions and how they can foster learning. To be successful they need to balance orchestration and openness. This article proposes that language and dialogue remain a "most powerful semiotic system."
    What a fascinating article. Ravenscroft's discussion of a scaffolded system to build a learner's dialogic skills reminds me of research I did for my EdTech504 class on self-regulated learning. Roger Azevedo is developing and experimenting with a similar game, MetaTutor, which scaffolds student learning as well. I think self-regulation is complex and difficult to teach in the classroom, and am amazed that researchers are creating software to build self-efficacy!

Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Connected Learning Experience for High School... - 1 views

  • based our project on the principles of connectivism, as articulated by George Siemens.
  • interest-powered, peer-supported, and academically oriented - and the three design principles - production-centered, openly networked, and shared purpose - of connected learning, as advocated by Connected Learning.
  •  Connect
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  • Synthesize learning  
  • tweeting, blogging, and Skyping away.
    How two teachers put into practice a connected network of learners. This article features two teachers who worked to connect their students across the globe. Both classes in California and South Africa joined via Twitter, Skype and blogging as they read and experienced a shared novel. Each class offered different learning opportunities. The learners grew as readers and writers, but also as a community of connected learners.
Jennifer Pollock

The Integration of Personal Learning Environments and Open Network Learning Environments - 4 views

    A personal learning environment (PLE) describes the components that make up the educational platforms that a learner uses to achieve educational goals. While an LMS is considered course-centric, a PLE is, thus, learner-centric. An open network learning environment (ONLE) can help bridge the gap between a PLE and LMS. ONLEs encourage social networking collaboration. This article demonstrates that online courses that are built within various Web 2.0 resources drive students to create unique PLEs within ONLEs, and ultimately to become "global digital citizens."
Terisa ODowd

5 Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) for Educators | MindShift | KQED News - 5 views

    If you are like me, where to start looking for PLNs to join leaves you a bit overwhelmed. Many of us already familiar with Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter-- but what about other options? This brief article offers up 5 additional PLN resources, most of which were new to me. It could be a great resource for finding PLNs to join.
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    List of PLN's for educators. I did request to sign up for The Educator's PLN. These listed PLN's are a great place to begin building your personalized learning networks.
    Great list of resources! I have only heard of the EdChat before, but will be looking into the others. Thanks for sharing!
    Thank you for finding this resource! Some of these are completely new to me. I look forward to learning more.
Terisa ODowd

4 Fantastic and Free Professional Learning Networks for Teachers -- THE Journal - 2 views

    This article gives teachers 4 different PLNs they can explore for free. They have ready made networks that teachers can join and participate in free of charge. It describes each forum and how private or public each are. Along with specific topics that are being addressed.
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    This website gives 4 free Learning Networks that teachers can use on a personal level to grow professionally. It gives a summary for each of the networking websites and how that site can be used to network with other educators.
    This is a really great resource for learning about PLNs for teachers and figuring out which PLNs would work for you.
    4 Fantastic and Free Professional Learning Networks for Teachers This article provides 4 free PLN tools for teachers to help them use social media and technology to collect, communicate, collaborate, and create with other educators worldwide. While Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn can be used by teachers, these PLN tools are designed with teachers in mind. Covered in this article are The Teaching Channel, Digital Is, KQED Education, and Twitter.

5.4 Strengths and weaknesses of MOOCs | Teaching in a Digital Age - 2 views

    I was most interested in this website in section 5.4.9, where the author details the strengths and weaknesses of MOOCs, specifically the weaknesses. MOOCs have high registration numbers, but only a small number actually finish the course. They are expensive to produce and they are used mostly by those with higher education levels. Higher levels of learning are difficult to assess and so "credit" becomes difficult or impossible to grant. Copyright issues can also be a problem.
    I found myself spending most of my time reading the strengths and weakness of MOOCs located at the end of the article. I found several articles that listed only the strengths, or only the weaknesses. I appreciated this article because it examined both.
Terisa ODowd

Community of Practice Design Guide - 3 views

    This is a step-by-step guide to setting up and growing CoP. It defines CoP and discusses why they are important. The guide also outlines how to establish and grow the community. At the heart of any successful CoP is purpose. A rubric is given to help identify the effectiveness of the community both in terms of infrastructure and language of inquiry.
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    I found the chart on the development of a community of practice interesting. It takes energy and commitment to sustain the community.
    I really liked this article, it gave some great information on CoP and the bullets on the first page were a nice outline of why CoPs are important and useful.
    This article provides a step-by-step guide for designing and cultivating communities of practice in higher education. The first part of the guide is for those who are considering the use of CoPs to facilitate collaboration, learning, or knowledge generation and want to know more. That last part of the guide helps CoP designers and facilitators understand the questions, issues, and options involved in planning and cultivating communities

The networked student model for construction of personal learning environments: Balanci... - 3 views

    This article explores how to find a balance between teacher control and student autonomy in personal learning environments. I like the author's observation that students are "networked learners in training." Page 3 has a networked teacher model, while page 4 of the article shows a diagram model of a networked student. A networked student uses constructivism based on experiences and social interactions. Meaningful learning is made up of knowledge construction, conversation, articulation, collaboration and reflection. The remainder of the article details a test case with networked learning. And there is a link to a YouTube presentation of the project, at the end of the conclusion.
    Thank you for sharing this article. The diagrams painted a good picture of the networked teacher and student. It was interesting the direction the arrows were pointing in both pictures!

An early report card on MOOCs - WSJ - 1 views

    I saw a reference to MOOCs when I was researching so I wanted to dive deeper into MOOCs (massive open online courses). This article serves as a report card discussing the successes and needed improvements for MOOCs. MOOCs biggest successes seem to be the huge reach they have with their online presence. Millions of people enroll in the courses and top universities, such as Harvard and MIT, have MOOCs. However, some pitfalls are that less than 10% of people who enroll in MOOCs actually finish. The article gives ideas for improving MOOCs mostly based off the belief that online courses can be isolating and more collaboration with actual humans, via chats and videos, need to be included in MOOCs. I found this read interesting because the MOOCs are founded with the connectivism theory in mind, however many of this components that drive connectivsm and communities of practice are lacking.
    Jake, I found a resource on MOOCs as well and while it was a positive presentation of them, it also noted some of the pitfalls. The fact that they draw mostly highly educated students, makes me wonder how accessible they are for all people. However, I know they are new and evolving, so it will be interesting to follow their development.
    This article was extremely interesting! I was surprised to see the the high percentage of people who sign up for MOOCs and don't finish. I also strongly agree with the comment in the article, "people need people." Thanks for sharing!

Connectivist Learning Objects and Learning Styles - 2 views

    This is a very detailed, somewhat technical, article about how Web 2.0 tools can reach a variety of different learners in different situations. For example, learners with different cognitive abilities and learning styles can be reached within the same network. I found the table that compares and contrasts constructivism and connectivism particularly helpful in this article (p. 107-108).
    Hi, I looked at the table and also found it helpful. It was very detailed, more so than some tables I saw in other articles as I was researching. One thing I haven't seen yet in discussions of connectivist learning is accessibility. So maybe this information moves in that direction.
    I really appreciated the visual tables. It was nice to have a clear picture of the differences between constructivism and connectivism.

Communities of Practice - 13 views

    This article looks at the connection between learning communities and linguistic and sociolinguistic elements that are essential to success in such communities. The article gives an initial theory of how linguistics is important in determining how different communities are conceived and the effect on diverse groups and how these communities are an excellent place to study those linguistics.
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    I found the phrase "shared experience over time, and a commitment to shared understanding" to be very powerful. It is the underlying foundation of a community of practice. Each member has something to contribute to the overall goal of understanding the same material.
    An article that claims the success of communities of practice comes down to two things: "shared experience over time and a commitment to shared understanding." It further explains that not only are the experiences key, but it is crucial that those experiences have variety and diversity.
    I appreciate this piece because then intent is to build a concrete definition for communities of practice for an encyclopedia. It explores the sociological implications of the term and offers rich language that can be used to adequately define this particular type of community. According to the author there are two primary conditions in order for a collection of people to be considered a community of practice: commitment to the same shared understanding and a shared experience over time. These communities act as a tool to familiarize participant's with the world using the lenses of the group's interests.
    Concise definition and description of Communities of Practice. Focus is on relation to speech communities.
    This article gives a straightforward explanation of communities of practice. The author discusses the role of linguistics in this approach, explains its value, and how it can be successful.
    This article talks explains the idea of community of practice and how one might compare their community to others. The ability to establish the purpose of the community of practice in which you are participating will allow for differentiation amongst other communities of practice. Although it wasn't a major focus of the paper it was one of the things that I took from this article that hasn't really been brought up in others.
    This article was written for the Encyclopedia of Langauge and Linguistics. The article discusses how communities of practice are "collections of people who engage on an ongoing basis in some common endeavor". They are based not on shared characteristics or co-presence, but rather on shared practices. The author also points out that there are two crucial conditions, "shared experience over time, and a commitment to shared understanding". The article then discusses communities of practice in the sense of linguistics.
    This article defines and explains the unique qualities of communities of practice. It also provides examples of how communities of practice are much different than other groupings we may identify.
    The author lists the needs of sharing experience over time and the commitment to share understanding to make the community of practice work. Collaboration between all parts of the CoP. The article describes how a Community of Practice does not only have to be educational. Examples like book clubs, bowling teams or a church congregation are used by the author in the article.
    Communities of practice is described by Penelope Eckert. Communities of practice develops ways of doing things, views, values, power relations, and ways of talking. Two main parts of the meaning include shared experienced over time and a commitment to shared understanding.
    This article summarizes the concept of Communities of Practice (CoPs) and examines this concept as the basis of a social theory of learning. CoPs are defined as "a collection of people who engage on an ongoing basis in some common endeavor." The primary virtue of a CoP lies in shared practice among members, which is a totally different idea then social groups based on gender, class, or physical location such as neighborhood or workplace. While this article focused particularly on the linguistic/speech field, the general theory behind the development of and discussion of benefits of CoPs was applicable to all domains.
    This article gave a lot of information on Communities of Practice. I liked how they discussed the two crucial conditions of CoPs. The first is that they are a shared experience over time. As the group develops over time, there is a great level of consistency. It provides more opportunities for joint sense-making and deepening participants' knowledge. The second condition is that they are a commitment to shared understanding. Participants in the CoP practice collaborating by placing themselves in a group with respect the world around them. There is a commitment to mutual engagement, shared knowledge, and a sense of predictability.
    Megan and Amy, I like the idea of commitment presented by this article. It's one thing to belong to a COP, but another to be committed to it. We can't just "join" a COP without actively participating in it and contributing to it. I think that's an important thing to remember.
    I also like the idea that at it's heart a COP is about mutual sense-making. The article mentions the idea of that being conflictual or consensual which I think is important to remember. A COP doesn't have to be all roses and unicorns to be effective.
    This was a very interesting article to read by Penelope Eckert. The focus of this article takes on language and linguistics in CoPs, and Eckert claims that a "community of practice is thus a rich locus for the study of situated language use, of language change, and of the very process of conventionalization that underlies both." At its core, the claim being made is that language and linguistics is always evolving in CoPs and this helps with "identity construction" within a CoP.
    This was an interesting read, though perhaps not particularly relevant to our class. It discusses communities of practice, what they are, where the theory came from, but it goes on beyond that to connect linguistics into it. I never would have considered that link if I had not read this.
    This brief encyclopedia entry about communities of practice gives a succinct summary of the theory and discusses how CoPs affect, and perhaps are affected by, language.
    This brief encyclopedia entry about communities of practice gives a succinct summary of the theory and discusses how CoPs affect, and perhaps are affected by, language.
    Penelope Eckert explains that "a community of practice is a collection of people who engage on an ongoing basis in some common endeavor." CoP was developed by developed by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger and is based on the social learning theory. The author discusses the two conditions that are necessary to have a successful community of practice and provides scholarly research on the linguistic factors of CoP.
    This article discusses the origins of Communities of Practice and then expands on the concepts by using examples that adhere to Anthropology and Linguistics.
    This article explains what a community of practice is. It gives two aspects that are necessary for a community of practice which are "shared experience over time, and a commitment to shared understanding." The article also contrasts communities of practice with groups of speakers. It also explains that a child's linguistics are much more related to a child's communities of practice as opposed to their parents' social class.
    This article delves into the definition of communities of practice and relates this to the world beyond my lens of education. This academic article relates communities of practice to anthropology and linguistics. The way we talk influences our communities of practice. The things that band us together can be many… finding an identity inside of this community is important
    This article goes in great detail to define communities of practice. The author defines communities of practice as, a collection of people who engage on an ongoing basis in some common endeavor. Communities of practice develop in response to common interest, and have an important role in forming their members' participation. This commitment to the common interest holds the individual accountable for their participation.

Experience and Participation: Relating Theories of Learning - 0 views

    This article discusses connectivism and communities of practice within the context of situated learning. Situated learning focuses on learning as taking place by participating in the social world. The primary aim of the paper is to continue the task of analyzing and advancing experiential education.

Collective Intelligence and E-Learning 2.0: Implications of Web-Based ... - Google Books - 0 views

    This post is the first chapter from a book titled Collective Intelligence and E-learning 2.0. The first chapter is titled Learning Networks and Connective Knowledge. This chapter outlines the thinking behind personal learning environments. Learning comes with the network of connections and experiences gained from a knowing community. The new learners in the net generation interact and think in new ways.

Personal Learning Environments - the future of eLearning? - 6 views

  • a Personal Learning environment was not an application. A PLE is comprised of all the different tools we use in our everyday life for learning.
  • All educational software, implicitly or otherwise, either enhances or restrains certain pedagogic approaches to learning. There is no such thing as pedagogically neutral software. A Personal Learning Environment could allow a leaner to configure and develop a learning environment to suit and enable their own style of learning.
  • Social software offers the opportunity for narrowing the divide between producers and consumers. Consumers become themselves producers, through creating and sharing.
    In this article Attwell begins to discuss the importance of continuing education within the professional field. Attwell highlights that as the learning environment is changing so too must the educational world in how people acquire knowledge. As we are all well aware that gaining an education online is very adaptable, so too must schools recognize the value in allowing educators to gain knowledge through PLN's. Attwell identifies that as PLN's continue to grow so to will the informal and formal acquisition of knowledge.
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    This article explains the basic idea of personal learning networks, especially related to e-Learning. The author makes the argument that the education system needs to adapt the ideas behind personal learning networks in order to be successful in the future.
    This article discusses the important trends in personal learning environments. It talks of its importance in life long learning, informal learning, the impact of different learning styles and how technology is playing a huge role in our education today,
    This is paper written back in 2007 about PLNs. The author argues that PLN are the future of elearning because of the power they have to offer individualized learning and give the learner the opportunity to organize his/her own learning. That educational institutions cannot expect to simply recreate the same forms of learning used in tradition education online. rather that we must learn to adapt to the new and emerging technologies of ubiquitous computing and social software. Considering that this article was written 9 years ago, I found it to be extremely accurate and representative of PLNs today.
    The article looks at personal learning environments and discusses the possibility that some form of PLE will be needed as part of the future of learning. It also discusses the need for changes in education to accommodate PLEs as current teaching methodology is out of date with how current students wish to learn.
    This article pushes for a change in learning through Personal Learning Environments. This article recognizes that PLEs help to foster lifelong learning though providing multiple tools and resources to support the learning. It is argued that this learning does not have to be a formal, institutional learning, but can be informal which adapts for different styles of learning. A very interesting aspect of the article to me is the addressing of assessment and how the learning that has taken place through the PLE would be assessed. This primarily explains that evidence could be shown through artifacts and possibly an e-Portfolio. It later goes on to explain what a PLE would look like which include a copious amount of tools that one uses daily for learning. These tools primarily would be comprised of what is called social software connecting collaborators. The important take away from this article is that a PLE is not a tool to be implemented, but instead an approach for the use of a web of tools for learning and sharing creating a bridge between the learner and the world outside.
    @kcastello Thanks for the article! I particularly like the distinction you made between PLEs as an approach, not a tool.
    Great article Kristin! I really like how the article states that it's lifelong learning when it comes to PLEs and not just temporary if done correctly!
    This paper explores the Personal Learning Environment and considers why PLEs might be useful to learning in the future. The author looks at the changing face of education and the ways the net generation is using technology for learning. The idea of a Personal Learning Environment understands that learning is ongoing and wants to provide tools to support that learning and help the learner organize his own learning. The article also looks at changing technology, and the development of social software, and it's impacts on education today.
Jennifer Pollock

Learning online: massive open online courses (MOOCs), connectivism, and cultural psycho... - 2 views

    This article supports the argument that connectivism, which is often used as a guiding pedagogy for MOOCs, does not meet the criteria of a true learning theory. As such, connectivism should be abandoned as a pedagogical tool for Web 2.0 environments and replaced with a valid learning theory, specifically the Vygotskian cultural psychology. MOOC future pedagogy would, thus, consist of two initial principles: 1) the visualization of objects and 2) sustained dialogue and joint activity.
    Hi Jennifer, I came across a similar article as well. What I do like about the idea of connectivism is that we are trying to reimagine learning processes and education and trying to make sense of it within the digital world. But it will be interesting to watch how this debate progresses over the next few years.

Connectivism and Information Literacy: Moving from Learning Theory to Pedagogical Practice - 0 views

    Beth Transue, a librarian at Messiah College, begins this article with the suggestion that librarian educators reflect the tenets of the connectivist learning theory when designing their information literacy instruction. Transue mentions how the adoption of this theory in the development of library instruction can happen very easily as many of the connectivist principles are already evident in the steps of the research process. Transue spends the majority of the rest of the article talking about how the connectivist theory is connected to the model of the networked student proposed by W. Drexler in 2010. According to Drexler, a student uses information from four different domains: information management, contacts, synchronous communication, and RSS. The information management domain essentially covers the traditional library resources. The contact domain covers those who should be part of the student's personal learning network such as teachers, librarians, and classmates. The synchronous communication domain covers platforms like Twitter and the RSS domain covers blogs, wikis, and other social networks. The author spends the next couple of pages offering very specific directions for librarians to address individual domains in their information literacy instruction. Transue concludes the article by talking about what an information literacy session rooted in the connectivist theory might look like.
    Hi Kelly, Interesting article. In one of the videos I found, the connection between research and connectivism was highlighted. I had not thought about that before, but it makes sense! And I've always enjoyed research, so good to know I've already been practicing connectivism on some level.

Pros and Cons of Connectivism - 2 views

    On page 7, there is a useful table comparing behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism and connectivism. Connectivism is seem by some to apply only outside formal learning environments and so serves as a great vehicle for life-long learning. On page 13, the author discusses that connectivism is dependent on electricity and runs the risk of tying learners to their computers to the detriment of their physical and psychological health. This is something I have thought about and was glad to find this author acknowledging it.
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