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Response To Post - 8 views

    Teachers are developing PLNs to connect with other educators and professionals all over the world to stay up to date on their teaching methods and resources. This article gives an overview of why many teachers belong to a PLN and why it is beneficial to their professional goals. I appreciated that the author named and discussed three popular PLNs that I plan on looking into further. They were Classroom 2.0, Edmodo, and The Educator's PLN. I agree with the author completely when he states that "teachers are lifelong learners." This article is a great read for those new to PLNs.
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    Edmodo is an LMS so I guess then all LMS would be PLN tools. I guess I never thought of them that way but they are. Ive used Edmodo once before to organize a project among faculty but have mostly used it with students.
    Staggering number of teachers that are enrolled in Edmodo, which show how the education field truly embraces the concepts of communities of practice. The communities of practice idea has not fully been accepted into the USCG and I'm excited to work to create one.
    The article is a comprehensive view of PLNs. It gives concrete examples of how to design and grow a PLN. By examining three widely used PlNs, it might encourage more teachers to begin a PLN. I appreciated the statement: Only the teachers who are continual learners [who] work to improve their practice, skills, and instructional strategies can successfully help others learn.
    Being a teacher your PLN is so important to your growing and developing. This article really focus on that and how teachers us it. It also give example of other services that teachers can use that will increase their ability to find and use information form the internet,
    Resourced by an edutopia article, I found this information to be both user friendly and helpful. Best of's, design tips, and aspects of PLNs that make people want to be active are included
    The mention of RSS in this article is very helpful because it is such a simple way to keep track of all your networks. It keeps everything in one location so you only have to open one program to read it all!
    I loved all of the information on the various tools that can used in managing a PLN, There were several tools I wasn't familiar with and look forward to being able to use in the future.
    I found this post to be extremely informative regarding how teachers can use PLNs for learning, moreover for modeling learning for their students. The social network portion of this article was authentic to the purpose of this course and aided in making connections regarding the usage of social networks for educational learning tasks. The review of the three PLNs was also helpful as we navigate this course and begin to implement strategies and plans for the incorporation of social networking into our own classrooms.

Post Response - 3 views

    Etienne and Beverly Wenger-Traynor provide an introduction to communities of practice in this PDF found on their website. The introduction includes a definition, examples of what communities of practice may look like, how they began, and in what sectors of the community they are used today. Myths about communities of practice are also addressed.
    By Etienne and Beverly Wegner-Trayner, this is an 8 page pdf of the basics of CoPs. I really like that there are myths debunked and demystified within the content of this paper as well.
    I appreciate the scope of this resource including elements such as where the concept of communities of practice comes from, where it is applied, and myths about its usage. Moreover in regards to the myths I find it helpful that the resource includes a guide to how true the assumption listed may be such as: partially true, mostly false, false and maybe. I believe this section adds value to the theory of learning communities by acknowledging the misconceptions and limitations. Additionally I found the table with dialogue examples featuring various types of learning community tasks to be quite helpful in making sense of the dynamic ways these communities can be utilized.

Response to post - 2 views

    A cute powtoon video discussing the benefits of Connectivism as a learning theory. In the video she explains that an a advantage of connectivism is that the learner can connect with people around the world and understand different perspectives. Connectivism also encourages critical thinking and indepth examination of a topic.The important thing is not to know everything about a topic, but to know where to go to find the information.
    This is an excellent resource! The video gives us a very nice summary and delves into the implications of a connected world and where we're living today. I am likely to use this video later on.
    I appreciate the visual components of this resource and third person example of "Amy's" usage of connectivsim. Using Amy as an example this video allowed us to see the overall picture of connectivism theory as well as how it would look when being used by a student, switching our perspective of the theory from that of the teacher to that of the student.

PLNs to Inspire Lifelong Learning - 2 views

    The article opens with the idea of teachers being or becoming life long learners to achieve success, satisfaction, and empowerment in their position. This is then promoted by the idea of using PLNs to participate in the role of life long learner. PLNs are then described through a variety of scenarios including a general definition as well as additional adjective descriptions and elaborations such as engaging, exciting, and virtual friendships. How to develop a PLN follows the definition with the gains or benefits of forming PLNs wrapping up this resource. When reading through the gains it is clear that learning is the overall anticipated outcome whether it be: anytime, anywhere, with anyone, self directed, informal, formal, collaborative, or life long.

A Case for PNL - 1 views

    This resource is a personal account of one teacher's usage of personal learning networks that supports the theory and nature of doing so as well as helps to create a working definition of a PLN for the reader. Additionally, this resource features how the educator used social networking to engage in personal learning networks as well as an example of overcoming the objections of skeptics to such practices.

Redesigning the Online Classroom with Connectivism - 2 views

    First exploring today's dynamic educational environment the author creates a connection between online classroom and the network of connections that are made through connectivist learning opportunities. The what and why are then built upon with a look into the six skills one should incorporate when attempting connectivist pedagogy: technical competence, experimentation, autonomy, creation, play and developing a capacity for complexity. The article is then finalized with with some suggestions of tools to incorporate into one's connectivist classroom.

Connectivism Making Classrooms Obsolete - 3 views

    Though this article does not outwardly define or name connectivism theory, the entire argument regarding learning that is presented in the article is rooted in connectivist theory. For example it states, "each student "constructs" knowledge based on his or her own past experiences." These experiences are then explored in comparison to the current system of learning and connectivism theory is supported by looking at the classrooms of today and how they could be altered to better suit students based from this theory.

Connectivism and the English Language Teacher - 2 views

    This is a great paper talking about connectivity with "what we learn" "How we learn" and "Where we Learn." The author is from Chile is give a good perspective on this works world wide.
    Thomas Baker, the author of this work and a TESOL educator, first explores connectivism including the definition and theory in his article and then relates this theory to EFL teaching. Baker connects the tectonic shifts in connectivism to the digital age of learning where learners can become creators instead of just consumers as well as collaborate with anyone, anywhere, at any time due to technology. The article concludes with three examples of teachers and the strategies or tools they utilize in their teaching that makes them "connected" to connectvism.

Academic Advising through Connectivism - 3 views

    This article explains connectivism with academic advising. Within this article, the writer states that connectivism can be useful to help combine old information to new information. It then states how that will help people to understand new material by connecting it to the old material. The writer also states how technology has impacted connectivism. It says connectivism is influencing students' decisions and knowledge through Siri, Amazon Echo, etc and that those tools of technology or other resources they have access to are impacting their decisions based on connections they've made to other information.
    This is an interesting article that explains connectivism in the context of academic advising. I found this especially helpful as it makes it easier to understand connetivism as you first receive information and then that information is put into a contextual situation.
    This article explores the ways in which using a model of connectivism can help an academic advisor in higher education better connect with or direct the student they are assisting. One example features the way in which students view their advisor, where some students see the advisor as a guidance counselor others are able to differentiate between the two roles distinctly. The article continues on with various examples of interactions and scenarios that students and advisors could encounter that when approached through the model of connectivism would assist the student in combining thoughts, theories, and general information.

Promoting Communities of Practice - 3 views

    This work provides first person accounts of creating and implementing communities of practice as well as research about communities of practice. The goal of the work, according to the author, is to guide and promote other educators in the creation of communities of practice. Communities of Practice are explored in this work through the lens of higher education, professional development, secondary education, and primary education with the varying chapters all presenting a different type of community of practice.

Communities of Practice in RTI - 1 views

    Miller begins the article by reviewing what the RTI team and process consists of and then does the same for a community of practice. Following the introduction of both programs the benefits of an RTI-CoP is explored. This exploration includes the ability for professional growth, peer to peer coaching, and an overall improvement to the RTI process by consistent engagement in program improvement. The work then continues to explore CoP by giving examples for creation of such a program and additional ideas for the group.

Communities of Practice to Improve Specific Programs - 1 views

    A featured look at communities of practice through the lens of addressing the difficulties students with disabilities face in regards to completing school and finding employment. Communities of practice are introduced and explored by definition and example first and then specifically in regards to how they work or look in special education. Benefits and challenges are both represented in this work and a working example of Pennsylvania's IDEA Community of Practice is examined.

Modern Professional Learning: Connecting PLCs With PLNs | Edutopia - 2 views

    In this article the author makes the argument that a hybridization of PLCs and PLNs would benefit students and teachers. It provides an introduction to both concepts before it offers ideas on hybridization and why they would benefit stakeholders.
    I like the argument. Hybridization of these two vital elements will provide teachers and learners with an all around better experience in a school day. I know that in my building PLC is often frowned upon by the staff, because they find it a waste of time. I think that the integration of PLNs in the process could provide far more than simply meeting and discussing policy/educational tools.
    I really liked this article because I feel at my school there is many PLC, but no one is really connected to PLN (including myself). As a member of the technology commitment, we have a small group looking to create goals and share knowledge, but sometimes its doesn't go beyond our meeting walls. If the communities could be connected to PLN then the walls are broken down and the collaboration and problem-solving input increased.

3 Steps for Building a Professional Learning Network - Education Week Teacher - 19 views

    Crowley writes about how to effectively build a PLN, but goes much more in depth than just listing out three basic steps. She details why PLNs are so beneficial, especially to teachers. I appreciate that she covers the doubts and frustrations someone may have when establishing a PLN and offers ways to help someone from being overwhelmed.
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    My favorite sources are ones that come from someone's personal experience, so I loves this one! It is great how it talks about tips for building a PLN and why they are important.
    I love how she describes PLNs and why she believes they are so important to teachers. She explains every aspect of PLNs and even expresses her own feelings that sometimes expressed frustrations. PLNs are something that all teachers should be involved in. I loved reading this. Thank you for posting it.
    This is a great resources about PLNs and how they can be utilized and created. The personal insight really makes PLN's more understandable and practical.
    I also like how the author explains that at the beginning joining PLNs may be overwhelming and it is important to find the virtual places that feel most natural to you.
    Brianna Crowley does a nice job of explaining what a professional learning network is as well as goes over the steps of how to set one up.
    I like how Crowley defines a PLN as a "vibrant, ever-changing group of connections." It really emphasizes how powerful and important PLNs can be.
    This is a great article which is short and to the point when describing a professional learning network. It describes three steps one takes as your relationships build into something more in your PLN. What I got most out of the article was the ending of the article, which stresses the importance of finding a network which energizes you, instead of overwhelms you.
    I like articles like this because they have actionable items. I researched more theory based articles so this was a great change of pace. I like this quote this best "If your professional life feels stagnant and narrow, or your learning feels stale and predictable, perhaps it's time to step outside the door and seek people who can breathe new life into your professional growth." The exciting thing about learning from one another is the impact we can make on one another's career. Everyone want to feel energized and that's the great thing about sharing cool new tools with each other.
    Here, author Brianna Crowley describes Professional Learning Networks as "vibrant, ever-changing groups of connections to which teachers go to both share and learn. These groups reflect our values, passions, and areas of expertise." This, in a nutshell, helped me understand what PLNs are right off the bat and helped me to recognize that connections, communities, and common goals are vital. PLNs should also, according to Crowley, be created with individuals that are trusted and have similar interests, which I feel is great advice.
    One of the reasons I started my PLN on twitter years ago was because of a colleague. I never really 'got into' the PLN and have basically ignored it the last 5 years. This article is a reminder to me about WHY I have a PLN and reminds me that a PLN means something different for me than it does for anyone else.
    I like this very practical article on developing a PLN. It's a good one to share with colleagues to introduce them to the idea in a short, concise way with very doable steps.
    This article makes it easy for readers to gain a quick understanding of PLN, why they are important, and how to get started. This is an excellent resource to share with colleagues.
    A Professional Learning Network does not need to be a stress inducing task. A PLN should be a changing group of connections that people can join to connect with like minded people who share values, passions, and areas of expertise. When used in education, it connects teachers all across the world and gives it's members with different perspectives on education. PLNs often use technology to drive the connections. When creating or joining a PLN, there are three steps to think about. The first step is to find the professionals. This means that you need to find professional people who share an interest and value with yourself. Once you have found those people, follow them on social media or their blogs to stay connected with them. The second step is to find your niche group. A niche in a PLN is a place where people gather around similar interests or experiences. The final step is to find your PLN buddies and mentors. These are people you have really connected with and who help to expand your thinking. The best part about a PLN is that it is driven by you. You have the ability to adapt your PLN to fit you and your needs. 
    As a teacher who is new to PLN and using it as a forum to learn and share ideas, I thought it was a great article to help connect the new user. Like any connection, time and effort are needed to make the relationship work. This article was precise in effective ways to build a community and sustain a PLN. Thanks for sharing.

George Siemens - Connectivism: Socializing Open Learning - YouTube - 1 views

    In this video discussion on open social learning, connectivism theorist, George Siemens discusses transparency and openness in connected learning. He emphasizes the importance of the actual connections that learners are permitted to make over the networks themselves. He asks a thought-provoking question, "Do we have the most diverse opportunities at the at the hands of our students to connect with individuals, ideas, and thinkers that they're interested in?" He points out that transparency makes our learning visual to others, and because of this, new opportunities and experiences are made possible through connections.
    I love the question he asks. We might as well embrace the tools that we have to improve the amount of opportunities there are for students and teachers. I love that these networks allow us to show that our process is working. When I've learned something, especially in these MET courses, I love that everyone else can see it and perhaps weigh in with their opinions.

Educational Leadership:Schools as Learning Communities:What Is a Professional Learning ... - 1 views

    Professional Learning Communities are often times being used to describe any form of meeting within a school community. This misuse of the PLC is causing it to become another reform movement that will pass. In order for them to stay true to what they are, the three big ideas need to remain present in each community. The first big idea is that a PLC needs to ensure that students learn. PLCs develop the teaching practices that don't let a child get left behind when they haven't mastered a skill yet. The second big ideas is that PLCs create a culture of collaboration within a school. It brings together individuals who, with a shared goal and motivation, learn and develop together. The final big idea is to focus on the results. A PLC, when done correctly, should yield results directed to the shared goal. Throughout handwork and commitments, PLCs can become true to what they were originally intended to be. 

Planning and Evaluating Social Learning - 0 views

    The Wegner-Trayner team created a video about CoPs and PLNs that applied their theory to social learning and the social outcomes of joint activities (CoPs).

elearn Magazine: How important is Twitter in your Personal Learning Network? - 6 views

    Focusing on the use of Twitter in a PLN, a study was conducted involving seven educators. The results were encouraging as Twitter provided an excellent medium for personalizing their PLN and having immediate access. Although much of the article goes on to explain how Twitter works in a roundabout way, it does explain the merits of open and public forums for collaboration and discussion.
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    This article discusses the growing interest in Personal Learning Networks (PLN) and Twitter among educators. This study interviews seven educators about their experiences using Twitter within a PLN to try to understand if Twitter played a unique and specific role in learning. Four distinct outcomes were: 1. Twitter allows participants to engage in instantaneous conversations with their PLN. 2. Twitter provides a way for participants to access the collective knowledge of their PLN. 3. Twitter helped grow the size of the PLN. 4. Twitter can be used as a motivator.
    This article includes information on a research study, about using Twitter within a PLN. Its result mentions specific advantages such as allowing participants to engage in instantaneous conversation and access collective knowledge.
    After reading the article and other comments, I think Ryan Olynyk's summary outlines the main ideas well.
    This article explains several ways in which Twitter can enhance your PLN. It can allow you to share resources, receive resources, and crowdsource ideas. Using hashtags, users can explore topics that interest them and meet potential new members of the PLN. Retweets are another effective way to meet potential PLN members.
    The article looks at the impact Twitter plays on PLNs. The research shows Twitter is a valuable tool to connect with people around the world and easily share ideas. The openness of Twitter can create large PLNs and impact more members.
    For me its very important. I use it and Diigo groups the most as online PLN tools.
    The article clearly shows the benefits of integrating twitter into your personal learning network. The article makes me reflect on my own social media presence where I need to transition from a lurker to an active member in order to build and sustain my PLN.
    This article must have been for me since this is my first time on twitter. The information in this article leads me to think that you don't have to have twitter to have an PLN but it is easier when you do. It allows for fast and concise communication with your PLN.
    This article covers a small scale research project done to see how important the use of Twitter was within a personal learning network. It was interesting to see how impactful Twitter could be within a PLN.
    I love how this article validates the effectiveness of Twitter in the building of one's PLN. I have engaged in numerous Twitter chats with like-minded educators and found great benefit in building my PLN. Thanks for linking a great article!
9More - 4 views

    "The basic argument made by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger is that communities of practice are everywhere and that we are generally involved in a number of them - whether that is at work, school, home, or in our civic and leisure interests. In some groups we are core members, in others we are more at the margins." In these communities we share information and resources that further our education.
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    This article is an outstanding review by Mark K. Smith of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger's theories of social learning through communities of practice. It gives a great overview of the theoretical foundations as well as additional explanations of those theories.
    This article outlines the theory and practice of communities of practice, and discusses the idea that learning is social and comes from of our experience of participating in daily life. The authors identify a variety of types of CoPs that all humans are engaged in, even if they are not formally identified as such. A CoP is defined along three dimensions: what it is about, how it functions, and what capabilities/resources it has produced. Also emphasized are the importance of the relationships formed between the people within the CoPs - hence, the community in CoP. Stemming from that, they extend the idea of CoPs to apply to the classroom culture and environment and discuss the need for educators to cultivate a similar idea to best facilitate learning among their students.
    The point that I learned from this article is that communities of practice go beyond the acquisition of knowledge and skill. They build relationships where people within the community work together to share their skills, knowledge, and interests they have learned in order to complete new or more complex tasks. We learn best through active participation.
    Articles like this one make it clear that we are actively involved in communities of practice every day, without even realizing it. This is largely due to the internet; now, if one needs to reach out to another person for advice on baking, for example, one can use online forums or message boards to connect to others in their community of practice. This was not possible before the internet, or at the very least it was difficult to accomplish so easily. I'm interested to learn a little more about what COPs might have looked like before the internet.
    Learning is social and takes place by participating in daily life. Learning takes place situationally in communities of practice. These communities of practice exist all around us: home, work, school, etc. As we pursue our goals within our groups, learning occurs. Members off s community of practice (CoP) are united by common activities and by what they learn through participating in those activities. A community of practice is defined by three factors, "what it is about," "how it functions," and "what capability it has produced." For a community of practice to be effective, it needs to "generate and appropriate a shared repertoire of ideas, commitments and memories." There also need to be resources like documents, tools, procedures, and a shared vocabulary. The the developers of this theory, Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, focused on the kinds of "social engagement" that caused learning to take place. People join groups and initially learn from the periphery. Eventually, they become more proficient through their participation as they move toward the center of the group. The situation in which the learning occurs has a significant effect on the learning.
    After reading through this article, I kept coming back to this quote: "Rather than looking to learning as the acquisition of certain forms of knowledge, Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger have tried to place it in social relationships - situations of co-participation." These are ideas I try to integrate into my classroom on a day-to-day basis because healthy social relationships can enhance learning experiences due to students becoming vested in goals. Students are more willing to put their feet outside of the box, without fear of sharing and participating in these learning environments---and they become active inside members of these groups, rather than outside onlookers.
    This article begins by explaining communities of practice. The article cites Wenger who states that a community of practice defines itself among three different dimensions which are what it is about, how it functions, and what capability it has produced. It explains that there are a vast number of different types of communities of practice and that in our daily lives we are a part of a number of them whether a central member or more on the outskirts. Being an educator myself, I really appreciated the final section of the article which explains implications for educators. It explains that learning occurs through interactions with people, we as educators work so that students may become members of communities of practice, and the importance of thinking through the connection between knowledge and practice.
    This article is a great starting piece for understanding the theory and basic practices of communities of practice. You get background information on the work of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger. In addition to this background information on communities of practice the article also discusses some of the issues and implications for educators,.

Learning Everywhere, All the Time - 2 views

    Technology is changing the way people can learn. With constant access to the internet, learning can take place all the time and everywhere. This is especially true with online learning. Connectivism is the theory that claims knowledge exists in the world, not in just an individual. This theory is what drives good online learning practices. The four major concepts that describe effective online teaching using connectivism are establish the feeling of the online classroom, create a social presence within the class, use activities and technology to make meaningful learning experiences and also to teach and guide your students through the learning process. These four concepts are best used within a social and learning community like Facebook or Blackboard that helps to connect the learners and the teacher. 
    I thought this was an interesting because the way the classroom is constantly changing there is the opportunity to learn anywhere. A perfect example is this course! I have taken classes with people from all over the world through BSU due to the advancements in technology. The fact that the connectivism theory embraces the knowledge of the world, goes hand in hand with the effectiveness of online education. Social networking is another way that those connections can be made.
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