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Environmental Topics | US EPA - 0 views

    Another page from the EPA website, this database provides educators and learners a like with more information on environmental topics. Want to learn more about air pollution? or you want to see evidence and data? This is the place to start your search. A great resource for students to research environmental topics themselves.

Knowledge Sharing Tools and Methods Toolkit - Communities of Practice - 9 views

    This wiki page from Knowledge Sharing takes an in-depth look at the use of CoP in International Development and provides an extensive list of examples to provide greater understanding of CoP and its uses.
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    This site describes communities of practice (CoP) as "groups of people who share a passion for something that they do, and who interact regularly to learn how to do it better." It then goes on to describe the history or CoPs, when and how to use them (providing a flowchart for cultivating communities of practice), and concludes with tips, examples, and related resources.
    This resource outlines CoPs and provides relevant examples. Explains that the emphasis of these communities is the quality of content shared by individuals. States that the creator to consumer ratio is 0.07%. Where's the YOU?
    This article provides an overview of, applications for, and tips the use of a community of practice.
    This article give not only the basic idea of a CoP, but also gives tips and lessons, examples and stories, and more references for those interested in learning more. Some of the resources are in Dutch (?), so be aware.
    Great summary of CoPs and their usefulness in education. I like how the article explains that they can be short term or long term depending on the purpose and goals of the community. I also really like the graphic and saved it to my desktop!
    The image in this article is great! The tips section is also helpful when you are thinking about creating a CoP. Overall, great article with great examples.
    This is a really great resource! Like Ryann, I love the image within this page. It really puts some of the important aspects of communities of practice in the simplest terms possible. I love the emphasis on key questions to ask when thinking about CoP. Consistent attitude is something that needs to be taken to all communities! If the purpose is to teach and learn, then the attitude needs to be there to match.
    This was a great find Natalie! I especially like the idea that the resource presents when it states that it is tempting to mandate these communities but that they can better be nurtured by continuing existence. I connect this to my own classroom and the work I do throughout the beginning of the school year where I'm constantly arranging their groups to help them develop their communication and group skills but then allow them to form their own groups as the year progresses and I find that, for the most part, they gravitate to individuals that they work best with. I really liked the infographic on where to start as well. I think this is a great go to visual for utilizing CoPs.
    This online toolkit offers a brief and well-organized overview of communities of practice (CoP). It begins with a short description and follows with the history CoPs. It then offers a bulleted list of when to utilize CoPs and even provides further advice on how-to use. This site was particularly helpful in that it also offers tips and lessons learned from others as well as examples, stories, and other resources. Overall, it is organized and affords users a plethora f information on Communities of Practice.

"Together we are better." - 1 views

    Here is a very complex study. Fortunately, the highlights tell us some important findings. This study went with the understanding that teachers have organically formed professional learning networks using the Internet, and report that they like them. This study focused on putting some data behind that, which it has provided. As a teacher, I found this quote very refreshing, about a researcher that "argued that top-down teacher PD in schools often aligns with hierarchical structures that de-skill teachers from their intellectual work by treating them as passive recipients of mandates. Even the term "professional development" conveys that teachers are "deficient and in need of developing and directing." In my own PLN, I have learned much more about teaching and learning from an 8th grade math teacher than I have in any of my administration-mandated social studies PD sessions.
    I'll be honest, I did not read the entire study, but the highlights from this article and the abstract once again confirmed what I'm starting to realize. We are teaching in a way that is behind the times when it comes to the current ways students learn naturally. We are fighting their expectations trying to bottle them into the box that is traditional education.

Communities of Practice - 17 views

  • A primary focus of Wenger’s work is on learning as social participation – the individual as an active participant in the practices of social communities, and in the construction of his/her identity through these communities. From this understanding develops the concept of the community of practice: a group of individuals participating in communal activity, and experiencing/continuously creating their shared identity through engaging in and contributing to the practices of their communities.
    Great short clip that explains communities of practice for educators.
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    This is a great resource with videos about communities in practice. I really enjoyed the table about communities of practice vs teams.
    This resource had both videos and a visual table to explain communities of practice. I liked how they described it using the terms: "Communities of Interest and Communities of Action". I think that is important because people can access their own specific interest catered directly to them.
    I think this is a great resource to have for Communities of Practice. It provides a clear definition of Communities of Practice and also provides videos and visuals to provide further clarification.
    CoP's a great place to share ideas, resources, post questions/concerns with other professionals within your contetn area. Great video and explanation of CoP!
    This is a great place to get started because there are videos as well as text. The diagram toward the bottom of the page by Heather Smith and James McKeen from the School of Business at Queen's University is particularly useful. Often knowing what something is is easier when you know what it is not! Good stuff, thanks.
    This article discusses that the idea of communities of practice (CoP) is that learning occurs in social contexts that emerge and evolve when people who have common goals interact as they strive towards those goals. It mentions the negotiation of meaning which involves two components: reification and participation. The article also compares communities of practice with teams and community of practice as knowledge management.
    This article describes in detail the development of CoP and the work of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger. There is a short video embedded that gives an example of CoP in the workplace at Caterpillar University. At the bottom of the article it shows a table that contrasts teams and CoPs. This gives a good visual on what the differences are in each category.
    I especially like the way that this resource outlines the difference between teams and CoPs. It makes complete sense and is very intuitive but it is extremely useful to have it outlined in the chart format.
    Lave & Wegner are the originators of the idea of 'Situated Learning' which is described as being fully engaged and "learning to talk instead of learning from talk." Within CoPs, participants engage in frameworks with structure. Alcoholics Anonymous was a good example from this article.
    Sometimes when I spend time researching and learning about new concepts, I get lost in the details of definitions and citations. What I liked about this article was the table comparing CoPs to Teams. It breaks it down and compares the two in a way that makes sense.
    As many have already commented on, this article gives a nice foundation for what CoPs are and their framework and purpose in society. I especially like the analogy chart made between CoPs and teams, showing what makes up each, how they may be similar, but how they are different.
    This article summarizes the work of Lave and Wenger on the theory of communities of practice. It discusses how participation in communities of practice leads to learning and contributing to community goals. The article also includes a helpful chart that outlines the differences between communities of practice and other types of teams or focus groups.
    This article explains the idea of communities of practice (CoP) and has some great videos to further explain giving examples. There is also a nice chart that shows the difference between a team and a CoP, which can be a common misconception that they are not the same thing.
    This article gives insight to Wenger's components of learning, and then discusses the differences between teams and CoPs. I found this very helpful, as it can be easy to confuse the two at first. Through this chart, one can better understand the objective, membership, organization, termination, value proposition, and management of CoPs and compare this information to that of teams.
    The communities of practice concept is explained in detail with many references to the work of Lave and Wenger. The article speaks to communities of practice as social learning in the workforce for organizational development, change management, and knowledge management.
    This article offers an introduction to communities of practice. It also examines impacts on learning, makes distinctions between teams and offers direction for benefits for knowledge management.
    Communities of practice, credited to Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, is a concept that claims that learning occurs through social interactions when people have a common goal and they interact while moving towards obtaining the goal. These communities are best ran with reification and participation. The alignment of these two concepts are what directs the communities of practice to their common goal. A community of practice is different than a team. A team has a goal, but their goal is to finish a specific task or project while a community of practice's goal is to share knowledge and learning on a particular subject. Teams also have a leader and disperse once the goal is completed while communities of practice are self organized and only disband when there is no interest left in learning that topic.Communities of practice facilitate the exchange process of knowledge.
    A CoP evolves when people (educators) have common goals and collaborate to meet those goals. The chart comparing CoPs and teams was really helpful. The objectives, membership, and values are all distinctive differences when comparing CoPs and teams. Thanks for a great link!
    This short article outlines what communities of practices are and provides a useful table showing the differences between them and teams. This chart is from Heather Smith and James McKeen from the School of Business at Queen's University (2003). They discuss the objective, membership, organization, termination, value proposition and management through the lenses of communities of practice and teams.
    This article is a good, brief description of a CoP. I found analyzing the chart helpful for a a better understanding of a CoP. I previously considered a CoP to be a formal learning group. Now, based on the article you've provided, I can see how a CoP can be informal and include marginal group members.
    Re"construction of his/her identity through these communities" Finding your voice and place in a CoP is important, as you need to be an active member to achieve the greatest return.
    This brief but detailed summary of Wegner's 1998 idea of Community of Practice gives a basic understanding of the idea. The videos included can be useful for seeing how the idea can be helpful in education.
    This resource explains what CoP is and when the theory was developed. The concept of CoP was developed by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger. The author uses quotes directly from their book to explain CoP. There is a video that illustrates how CoP can be used in a K-12 classroom and another video that shows how CoP can be applied in other fields. The article also differentiates between Communities of Practice and Team members. The categories include objective, membership, organization, termination, value proposition, and management. My take away from the chart was that the major difference between CoP and being a team member is this: what will be the outcome of the participant?
danica marble

10 Resources Week 2 EDTECH543 - 6 views

    This is a list I created summarizing the articles I found for the week 2 module in Edtech 543.
    I especially liked the principal's reflection. There were sooo many examples of places to start. I think most people would be familiar with or able to set up at least a couple of these.

What is Community of Practice and How Can We Support it? by Christopher Hoadley - 6 views

    Christopher Hoadley defines communities of practice, explains underlying theories of CoPs, compares CoPs to other types of learning communities, and discusses the use of technology in the support and development of CoPs.
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    This chapter by Hoadley breaks down a community of practice (CoP) and explains the theory behind it as well as well as its history. An interesting piece of the chapter compares a CoP to other groups and how each works a bit differently. It was also interesting to read about how technology is used in successful CoPs.
    I learned the feature-based as well as the process based definition of communities of practice. I also learned how we can support a community of practice. It was valuable to learn how technology ties into communities of practices in the form or presentation or communication abilities, integration in content and context, etc. The article mentioned C4P framework, which encouraged me to take a deeper look at the C4P framework.
    This is an exhaustive article that covers the definition and history of COPs, thoughts on how to sustain COPs, and ideas on how technology can support and enhance COPs in the 21st century. It is practical, useful, and interesting. While I found it to be perhaps a little too detailed, it was nonetheless a good article.
    The concept of communities of practice has been used as both a theory to explain how learning occurs, and a "metaphor for how instruction should take place." From an anthropological view, knowledge is not completely contained within individuals, but is more often found in groups/communities. Knowledge can be "sticky" or "leaky". "Sticky" knowledge is difficult to disseminate, perhaps because it is highly technical, or because the target audience does not absorb it. "Leaky" knowledge is knowledge (like trade secrets) the disseminates despite efforts to keep it secret. Knowledge involves practice in context. One way we learn with situational learning is by peripheral, or tangential, participation. Learners should be allowed to "lurk" before participating, much as beginner social media users do. A knowledge building community and a community are practice are not the same thing. A knowledge-building community seeks to learn and build knowledge, while a community of practice wants to improve some type of work function. The learning may be the same, but the goals are different. Forced knowledge-building communities may never read the stage of community of practice depending on the level of connectedness and peripheral participation. Technology can facilitate communication and collaboration for CoPs.
    This explains what a Community of Practice is, it goes into two definitions, features-based and process-based. It also discusses how communities of practice and technology often go hand-in-hand and how this has changed and developed over time.
    This chapter provides an overview and history of communities of practice. There is a nice description of the theoretical assumptions underlying its development. The differences of communities of practice and other knowledge communities are explained thoroughly. There is an appreciation for how technology plays a role in today's communities of practice, how it can support it and how it is not less effective than face to face communication. It is explained that the key to a successful community of practice is "connections, conversations, content, and information context."
    Christopher Hoadley explains CoPs, focusing on definition and practice. Essentially, Hoadley illustrates that CoPs are informal yet highly connected, constructivist in nature, and supported by technology like social media. He states that technology supports communities of practice by "linking people with similar interests, providing a shared repository of resources, directly supporting communication, and providing awareness of various resources within the information context" (Jonassen & Land, 2012). Additionally, he goes on to express that individual learning fails when it comes to application but that group learning often creates deeper, more meaningful understanding especially when built upon authentic situations.
    This article gives two separate definitions for communities of practice, a feature based definition and a process based definition. Between the two it explains how learning through practice can be more beneficial than following a manual or example. It also states how participation is important as well as being viewed as a member of the community of practice. The article then goes into explaining how technology has played a positive role in communities and has helped with communication to allow a community of practice to function even better.
    This chapter dives deep into communities of practice. It begins with an overview of the history of CoPs and discusses theoretical underpinnings the concept is based on. The author explores CoPs in relation to other types of learning and related technology.
    In this resource, Christopher Hoadley helps to define community of practice with two approaches. The first approach to the definition is what he calls the "feature-based definition" and the other approach is the "process-based" definition. He attributes these definitions based on Lave and Wenger's book on situated learning. This resource provides a good starting point to understanding what CoP is and the theoretical approach it involves.

Overview of connectivism - Dr George Siemens - YouTube - 7 views

    Dr. Siemens describe the idea of connectivism and how it originally started out as simple blogging and collaborating with peers from all across the globe and how it will continue to develop as society and technology advance.
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    Dr. George Siemens is one of the intellectual founders of connectivism. Makes sense to get the overview directly from him, right?
    Dr Siemens reflects on the conditions that led to the development of his theory of connectivism. In this context he provides an introduction to the topic.
    Tim, I loved learning how Dr. Siemens came up with his theory of Connectivism. Thank you!
    I enjoyed this YouTube video by Dr. Siemens. The idea that Connectivism is a "social connected process of learning" sets his theory apart from other learning theories.
    Dr. Siemens testimony regarding his own experience with and exploration of contectivism helps to cement the multiple reading and resources that can be found all over the internet. His simple and easy to follow explanation creates a solid base from which one can expand their understanding of the theory and how it is put into practice.
    Siemens explains what connectivism is and how it originated. After reading many articles by the reseracher, it was beneficial to see and hear him discuss connectivism. Enjoy the video!
    I liked this brief explanation that comes straight from the source! In essence, I think watching the video and listening to a person explain it solidified it faster than multiple articles, thus illustrating the concepts of connectivism.

elearnspace. Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age - 6 views

  • The pipe is more important than the content within the pipe. Our ability to learn what we need for tomorrow is more important than what we know today.
    • Dave Mulder
      I'm not sure I totally agree with this statement...
  • Knowledge is growing exponentially. In many fields the life of knowledge is now measured in months and years.
  • The amount of knowledge in the world has doubled in the past 10 years and is doubling every 18 months according to the American Society of Training and Documentation (ASTD).
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  • Informal learning is a significant aspect of our learning experience.
  • Learning now occurs in a variety of ways – through communities of practice, personal networks, and through completion of work-related tasks.
  • Learning and work related activities are no longer separate. In many situations, they are the same.
  • Know-how and know-what is being supplemented with know-where (the understanding of where to find knowledge needed).
  • onstructivism suggests that learners create knowledge as they attempt to understand their experiences
  • Learners often select and pursue their own learning.
  • These theories do not address learning that occurs outside of people (i.e. learning that is stored and manipulated by technology)
    Asserts that technology is rewiring our brains, as the tools people use define and shape their thinking. And that the continuously shifting nature of connections makes learning not completely under the control of the participant. Though the starting point of connectivism is the individual, their knowledge is influenced by and influences a network.
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    This article draws comparisons between behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism and how they all relate to connectivism. Connectivism has come about with the age of technology, and has gradually become its own learning theory.
    Provides an overview of learning theories in terms of creating instructional environments. Discusses principles and limitations of connectivism and concludes that how people work and function is altered when new tools are utilized. Connectivism provides insight in to learning and tasks.
    This is is a good breakdown on the history of the connectivism theory and school of thought. It highlights how it the theory is beneficial in our digital age because other theories like behaviorism, cognitivism,and constructivism operate under the tenet that learning occurs by majority inside of a person. It reiterates the point that the network or "pipe" is more important than the content within it.
    Explanation of connectivism, including contrasts to behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Interesting quote: "The pipe is more important than the content within the pipe. Our ability to learn what we need for tomorrow is more important than what we know today." I'm not sure I totally agree with that statement...
    Very interesting piece on the how the half-life of knowledge is shrinking. The amount of knowledge in the world has doubled in the last 10 years and is doubling every 18 months.
    George Siemens ideas on the limitations of traditional learning theories and connectivism.
    This articles gives information about the basic thought behind Connectivism. This article even gives the background information about the limitations of behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism in the realm of technology and knowledge.
    This background paper reviews the limitations of common learning theories in the digital age. Siemens then describes connectivism.
    "Connectivism is driven by the understanding that decisions are based on rapidly altering foundations. New information is continually being acquired. The ability to draw distinctions between important and unimportant information is vital. The ability to recognize when new information alters the landscape based on decisions made yesterday is also critical." This is a fantastic quote in this article. Our foundations for education are highly impacting the way we learn and soak up the knowledge around us. Everyone in this world needs to gain more knowledge, learn new techniques, and grow their thinking to become a harder worker, more valuable asset, and a better person in general. It is critical for the society to build on the foundations of their knowledge now so we can overcome those future problems and struggles in the future. Technology is opening doors for people to create, develop, and build knew foundations of education.
    The resource discusses the need for a changing view of learning due to the development of technology tools to aid learning and information sharing. Many learning theories have not incorporated the use of technology or connectivity. Previous learning theories such as behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism have limitations presented in this article to support the need for connectivism. An important thought stated by the author, "We derive our competence from forming connections". This article states the importance of experience to learn knowledge.
    In this piece, Siemens explores behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism and their deficits when it comes to learning in the digital world. He explains how Connectivism addresses the change in learning in that it is no longer an internal activity because of technology.
    This article gives an overview and background of traditional learning theory and their limitations. Then it provides an alternative theory for a digital age, Connectivism. This article gives a brief overview of Connectivism and its principles.
    This is the original paper written by George Siemens introducing the idea of connectivisim. The main problem Siemens identifies with previous learning theories is that they do not account for learning stored outside the person. With technology developments, we no longer need to remember details. We can use our brain space to connect details and expand our knowledge.

Connectivism (Siemens, Downes) - Learning Theories - 5 views

  • xplains how Internet technologies have created new opportunities for people to learn and share information across the World Wide Web and among themselves.
  • any other tool which enables the users to learn and share information with other people.
  • n connectivist learning, a teacher will guide students to information and answer key questions as needed,
    This resources gives a easy to understand definition of connectivism. It also discusses not only how connectivism can be used with teachers, but also with students through guidance. The article describes the massive open online course (MOOC) phenomenon which is something I had never heard of before.
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    A great article about the connectivist theory. It is very brief but it is very clear and concise. There are many examples of Web 2.0 tools that people use to learn and share.
    This article describes connectivism as a "learning theory" that uses the internet in multiple ways to help people learn and share with one another. It discusses tools such as social media sites, YouTube, email, discussion forums, and many others as ways that people can share new information with one another through the internet. After explaining this, it explains how teachers can use connectivism within the classroom to guide students in the right direction for their own learning. The article says it can help encourage students to find information on their own and help them learn to explain it themselves.
    Kathleen, what a great summary of connectivism! I really like that it explains how connectivism could be seen or fostered within a classroom. Great read!
  • was very helpful to me in our 501-505 courses. I think this is a very helpful resource on connectivism!
    The authors in this article define what connectivism is and the key features of connectivism. Connectivism "is a learning theory that explains how Internet technology have created new opportunities for people to learn and share information across the World Wide Web and among themselves." People can use email, social networks, YouTube, web browsers, etc. to learn and share information with other people. A connected community is formed with shared information.
    Connectivism is a theory that explains how connecting with other people using the internet and technological tools creates a positive and effective learning environment. The teacher is a guide for learning while the students work collaboratively to find information for their learning. This theory is often used in online distance learning.
    Connectivism is a theory that explains how connecting with other people using the internet and technological tools creates a positive and effective learning environment. The teacher is a guide for learning while the students work collaboratively to find information for their learning. This theory is often used in online distance learning.
    This is where I like to start before I dive deeper. This is a down and dirty, concise explanation of the connectivism theory. It is based in the belief that Internet technologies provide opportunities for people to learn and share info among themselves online. It explains how the teachers guide students to information and then students seek answers and create ways to share their knowledge online. Communities and peer networks often form as a result of this process. It mentions massive open online courses (MOOCs) which will help as we dive deeper into models of connectivism.
    Here is a very short, but simple to understand explanation of connectivism. I had to read through this one before I really had a basic understanding of the concept even though I had read a couple other articles first. This one cleared it up quickly.
    A brief summary of connectivism. Connectivism was developed to account for the Internet and technological advancements and the roles they play in knowledge and learning.
Buffy Naillon

PLN theory, CoP, Connectivism - Naillon - 8 views

Hey Terrence! You're welcome. I hope I did it right. :) It seemed logical to do things that way. Cheers! Buffy

PLNs CoPs Connectivism formal and informal edtech543 web2.0 resources


A Brief Overview of 4 Learning Theories - YouTube - 0 views

    This video is not strictly about connectivism. With that being said the part about connectivism was very informative even though it was rather short. It starts talking about connectivism at about the 4:25 mark.
    I agree that this explanation is a good one. It describes it as Digital Age Learning and a creative process. The teachers are then responsible to nurture the connections that the students are making but still letting the students drive the process. Thanks for sharing!

Education-2020 - Connectivism - 19 views

    SUMMARY: This page found on the Education 2020 Wiki details Connectivism theory and provides resources that help clarify the unique components of this theory compared to others. I found myself exploring the site more deeply and I appreciated the vast amounts of resources and clarifications available on this wiki. Feel free to get lost in it too!
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    Nice resource in that it includes an overview of the concept along with videos and slideshares.
    I love how this website breaks down connectivism with so many sources, examples, and videos.
    This wiki entry describes connectivism "a learning theory for a digital age" and links to resources created by George Siemens and Stephen Downes, promoters of this theory. It summarizes Siemen's Principles of Connectivism. Siemens suggests that learning is no longer individualistic. Rather, knowledge is distributed across networks and in a digital society the connections and connectiveness within these networks lead to learning.
    This is a great resource because it helps learners visually "witness" Connectivism in action with the "Networked Student" video.
    This Wiki Space from by Education 2020 is a great resource for all things education and learning, but includes some valuable resources regarding connectivism. The site is maintained by EduCitizenship 2020, which is an international consulting group that focuses on Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and how they are changing traditional physical communities and creating more global and social networks.
    This article has several videos explaining what connectivism is and the relationship to personal learning. The author also includes a reminder that learning isn't done by an individual in isolation but through networked connections.
    This aritcle explains connectivism as learning within a network. Today, much if not most of our learning takes place on the internet, it states that learners recognize patterns, changes, chaos on the internet and a lot of that is out of their control. The article talks about how people are continually striving to learn more and do not focus on what they currently know.
    This site discusses Connectivism and the work of Stephen Downes and George Siemens. Connectivism is described as a "learning theory for a digital age" and looks at learning as a process that occurs through connections within networks. The site also provides a couple YouTube videos and presentations from Downes and Siemens.
    The page about connectivism on the Education 202 site thoroughly and plainly explains connectivism through text. It also includes videos (one with George Siemens in the flesh!) and presentations that help to further explain the theory and how it can be applicable to teaching and learning. This site beyond the connectivism page explains other learning theories, such as constructivism and project based learning. There are even lesson examples as well as many other excellent resources to help both learners and teachers.
    This article gives an overview of Connectivism. In our digital society, the connections and connectiveness within networks lead to learning. The article lists Siemem's principles of connectivism. This resource also includes a fifteen minute video of Siemen on Coonectivism: Socializing Open Learning, a five minute video on the Networked Student, a Slideshare on the elements of Connectivism, and a Slideshare on Connectivism and Personal Learning.
    Explains Connectivism and Siemen's Principles of Connectivism. Includes a great video of George Siemens discussing Connectivism and Socializing Open Learning. Also a very helpful video depicting a student and teacher's role in a Connectivist environment and a Slideshare describing the elements of Connectivism.
    This was a really clear article. One of the things that I became aware of is how all of these learning theories we're studying are interconnected. Connectivism has much in common with social learning, which is a constructivist concept. It seems that like a lot of things, the best approach is the "cafeteria approach;" a little constructivism, a little connectivism, a little behavioralism, etc.
    Downes & Siemens are the primary promoters of connectivism and say learning rests in the diversity of options, is a process of connecting specialized nodes, and may reside in non-human appliances. They believe that the capacity to know is more important than what is currently known and that nurturing relationships is needed to facilitate continuing education. They say the ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill. Up to date knowledge is the goal of all learning activities in this model and decision making is in itself a learning process.
    This wikispace provides a definition of what connectivism is and lists Siemen's Principles of connectivism. Sieman explains that connectivism is no longer an individual action but instead is dispersed among networks. Included in this site is various presentations to help you understand the networked student and connectivism.
    The break down on the networked students was a an eye opener. It simplifies what the students needs to do and how the teacher is important to facilitate the learning. Also the Youtube video by George Siemens- Connectivism: Socializing Open Learning was full of great points on why social network learning is important and how students can benefit more from socializing their learning rather regular structured learning.
    This wiki is a great summary of Connectivism and its principles. It explains the core ideas of Connectivism and its emphasis on network learning and continual learning. In particular, this wiki includes several informative videos from George Siemens, one of the founders of Connectivism, as well as links to Siemens and Downes's blogs. The straightforward explanations simplify Connectivism's principles and explain the importance of connection and connectedness given the current (and growing) impact of technology on learning.
    This is a wikispace dedicated the theory of Connectivism. A lengthy description followed by video and links are included. In this wikispace, connectivism is described as a group activity that is in a constant state of change. As new information is acquired by the group, old information may be altered or abandoned. It is connecting and educating in the digital age. "Whereas in the past learning was competitive, coercive and paternalistic, the new ethic of learning is collaborative, global and universal."
    This is a great resource Joanna! I really like the video of the "Networked Student" showing a great example of what connectivism could look like. I also like the list of bullets of what Siemen's Principles of Connectivism are.
    This page discusses the foundations of connectivitism and gives us a video and two slideshows of information. The principles of connectivism are outlined, and we understand how learning must be connected instead of an individual activity.
    The authors of this article explain what connectivism is and why it is so unique. Connectivism is "a learning theory promoted by Stephen Downes and George Siemens." Learning takes place through connections within networks. The information found is new, updated, and rapidly altering. The author shares Siemen's principles of connectivism, including that learning is a process of connections. Connections between fields, ideas, and concepts. Connections to facilitate learning, connections with decision-making, and maintaining and nurturing connections. Learning is the connections and connectiveness within networks.
    I found this site to be especially valuable with a wealth of information. Links to the slides and videos were an added plus.
    This article provides a detailed explanation of what Connectivism is and why it's currently relevant to learning. The article provides Siemen's Principles of Connectivism and provides supporting videos to further explain Connectivism.
    This wiki gives a short introduction to connectivism, including George Siemens 8 principles. There are 2 videos on the page concerning socializing open learning and networked students. In addition, there are 2 Stephen Downes slide presentations on the elements of connectivism and personal learning. There are also many links to other related websites. Socializing open learning, presented by George Siemens, shows that in this model, teachers are "arbiters of connection." Though he acknowledges that in stable bodies of knowledge, courses can be a part of education, he questions the validity of a "course" as the best way to foster connections. He calls grading tests, "sorting," rather than true evaluation. We've been having many conversations in my school setting about grades, so this interested me. He wants fluid, variable and contextual learning for students.
    This is a wikispace which discusses connectivism, a learning theory developed by Downes and Siemens. The author provides 7 principles of connectivism that help direct us to the idea that learning is no longer an individualistic activity. This site also provides two videos to further explain the theory of connectivism.
    General information about the theory of Connectivism, such as what it is and why it is so unique. Promoted by Stephen Downes and George Siemens, Connectivism allows learners to distribute knowledge across networks. Siemens theorizes that learning is now longer an individualistic activity and with the advent of digital resources, learners need to explore the informational chaos, network, and and self-organize. Siemens and Downes have experimented with Open Courses and both stress the importance of more open education.
    Learning takes place over networks, our learning stems from being connected. A good resource on Connectivism Theory. Has videos, slideshows, links, and other content on Connectivism.
    This was my starting point for research on Connectivism. This is a short read introducing the topic and its creator. Learning takes place when connections are made.
    This is a neat little article on connectivism. The best part is that it has a video contained within it by George Siemens that really helps you understand what this idea is getting at.
    Connectivism is learning for the digital age. This article does a great job at explaining the principles of connectivism."Learning is a process that occurs within nebulous environments of shifting core elements - not entirely under the control of the individual."

Communities of Practice - 5 views

    Although this site is dedicated to knowledge management, this particular page focuses on what Communities of practice are, and it explains what learning is like within communities of practice. The bulleted lists are particularly helpful in summarizing the key concepts of CoPs.
    I like this article because it addresses legitimate peripheral learning. The idea that we don't directly instruct new members, but instead allow them to do basic tasks within the community and then learn more important roles through daily observation. This idea and set-up reminds me heavily of an apprenticeship. New Members start at the bottom and learn until they are no longer on the outside but fully included within the community. Nice find with this article!
    Great read on how we learn in COPs and the essential parts of COPs.

How Teachers Create Personal Learning Networks on Social Media | CPI - 1 views

    This article shares the hurdles for new teachers to PLN and how to overcome them. It gives practical advice for joining, starting and participating in a PLN.

The role of communities of practice in a digital age | Tony Bates - 25 views

  • The role of communities of practice in a digital age
    A new chapter in Tony Bates' open source textbook, this one dealing with COPs - what they are, designing effective ones and learning through them.
  • ...18 more comments...
    I guess I shared this link in a previous course, but it is a good one! Tony Bates discusses designing, learning from and defines communities of practice in the digital age. EDTECH543, Communities of Practice.
    I appreciate the substance of this article as it goes beyond simply defining communities of practices and discusses the theoretical framework for developing effective CoPs. The seven tips offered for designers of CoPs provides structure and guidance for those interested in implementing this practice. I also found great value in the text's analysis of communities of practice in a technology rich generation. The digital age is dominating culture and as people seek to re-evaluate programs, organization, and life they tend to think they need to dump the old and start from scratch. This article, however, points out that communities of practice will be a powerful tool in the digital age by "it is probably a mistake to think of them as a replacement for traditional forms of education." Great perspective!(
    A Community of Practice is essentially a group of people who share a common interest and learn how to polish and perfect that passion by regularly interacting with one another. Communities of Practice apply various theories of learning as the group members interact and glean from one another. Researchers argue that a Community of Practice differs from other types of learning communities in that the group members share a common interest, they engage in activities around that common interest, and all group member are practitioners of that interest. As a result, the learning that occurs in a Community of Practice comes from the sum of all group members.
    This article focused on what traits a successful community of practice has and how they are taking shape in the digital world. Of particular interest in this article is the role that MOOCs are beginning to play in digital learning and also how the design of a community of practice can impact how long it stays useful and relevant to its users.
    In this article, author Tony Bates refers to MOOCs as communities of practice, and then makes a distinction between "instructionist" MOOCs and "connectivist" MOOCs, the latter being designed to function as communities of practice. This has prompted me to look for more information on the distinction, as I am only familiar with instructionist MOOCs. In addition, I find the article of interest because of the subsequent and continuing scholarly conversation that ensued in the comments.
    Very interesting article. I like how Bates explains the theory behind communities of practice and then provides the definition. It helps provide context for CoPs. I also found the "Designing effective communities of practice" section to be very helpful. It outlines what a good CoP should look like and encourages the diversity that can be within a community. Thanks for sharing!
    This article from Tony Bates provides another great overview of CoPs. One of my favorite parts of this article is the section on designing effective communities of practice. Bates provides a list of key design principles (adapted from Wenger) for creating an effective CoP.
    I love how this article recognizes that 1 plus 1 is not 2. That the sum total of knowledge exceeds what was put in.
    This blog post discusses what communities of practice are, the learning theories behind CoPs, designing effective CoPs, and learning through CoPs in the digital age. It goes into depth about the seven key design principles for creating effective and self-sustaining CoPs. It also discusses the importance of Massive Open Online Courses.
    In this post, Tony Bates discusses communities of practice including what they are and their characteristics. He also discusses ways to create and sustain effective communities of practice. Finally, Mr. Bates discusses how we can learn through communities of practice specifically through the use of MOOCs.
    This article by Tony Bates gives examples of CoPs in companies like Xerox and how they work together within the company to create projects. It also provides a visual from Wenger assists companies with integrating a CoP within the workspace.
    This post disusses what a community of practice is and the theories behind them. It also addresses the design of a community of practice and the three criteria involved, domain, community, and practice. Finally it discusses MOOC's.
    This article gives some background and insight to the different parts of a Community of Practice. What I found to be most relevant about this article is the fact that it is based around digital learning. There is an image included in the article that displays the different websites that can be used as a tool for a CoP. This image is helpful in visualizing all of the ways to meet and communicate with peers in the digital realm.
    This article looks at corporations that are encouraging CoPs like Google & Apple. Xerox was able to save $100 million by collecting tips that repair men were sharing over breakfast and sharing them on a larger level. CoPs can enhance organizational effectiveness and profitability by increasing knowledge sharing.
    He is writing a textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age, and this is his discussion about communities of practice. It explains what communities of practice are, how they work, and how they can be successfully used. He argues that they are not a replacement for other forms of education but does mention that they can be great tools.
    This article is a chapter for a book, Teaching in a Digital Age. It gives a good summary of the principles behind communities of practice. While the author does not fpbelieve that CoPs should replace other forms of learning, he sees value in them.
    The author, Tony Bates, reviews what makes a community of practice by clarifying the main components of an effective one. My favorite part of the resource is the graphic organizing the tools and activities associated with a community, which also integrates the technology available. The article focuses on the idea that communities of practice is a method of informal learning and discusses how to use online learning to its highest potential.
    To me the most interesting part of this resource is the comments. Very interesting arguments being made by various players especially Downes and Harasim. I often learn more from comments sections than from the main paper.
    @Terrence. I too liked the comments section which is ironically appropriate seeing that the article was about communities of practice. I think that Downes is viewed as a kind of expert in connectivism and social learning. I have read a few things on his blog through the process of this research and they are quite good. He also co-teaches an MOOC on connectivism with Siemens through the University of Manitoba.
    I found this interesting at the end when the questions were posted. It made me think of things that I hadn't yet....Can we force these communities or do they just happen naturally and do I think they can replace other forms of education. I have not sorted those out in my own mind yet but I like that they stopped me to think about.

Communities of Practice Wikispace - 4 views This wikispace provides a comprehensive overview of Communities of Practice. There are several links and connected resources that provide backgroun...


started by kpeila on 04 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

Common Sense Education: PLN Overview - 4 views

This PLN overview video provides a brief definition of PLNs and some ideas for getting started. The video was helpful, but I also found the connected blog post to be...


started by kpeila on 04 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

Communities of Practice: The Organizational Frontier - 2 views

  • he organic, spontaneous, and informal nature of communities of practice makes them resistant to supervision and interference
  • managers cannot mandate communities of practice
  • may create communities of practice as a way of maintaining connections with peers.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Communities of practice, on the other hand, are informal—they organize themselves, meaning they set their own agendas and establish their own leadership.
    This article by Wenger and Snyder in the Harvard Business Review is a great reflection of a community of practice (CoP) by the creators themselves in a well-known publication. While the article is in-depth and covers every aspect of a CoP, the included chart may have been the most helpful part of this article to really break down a CoP and the difference between that and other groups.
  • ...8 more comments...
    This article was very informative. Two things that stood out the most for me were: one - the table outlining the engagement, life of network, etc. of Cops, formal work groups, project teams, and informal networks, and two - when Wenger and Snyder said, "Communities of practice are emerging in companies that thrive on knowledge." I totally agree with this statement. Knowledge is power and power puts you on top, so it stands to reason that Cops thrive on knowledge gained. Great source.
    This article from the Harvard Business Review provides a great overview for Communities of Practice and what they look like within the context of larger organizations. There is a great chart comparing CoP with other organizational groups and a good description of the hallmarks of effective CoPs.
    If you think Communities of Practice or CoPs are just for education, you need to read this article. It gives great examples of non-education based CoPs, including CoPs used in the current business world. In fact, the history of CoPs is traced as far back as ancient Greece in this article. Since this article tends to focus on non-education CoPs, it gives a nice breakdown of how "teams" differ from CoPs. This concept can easily apply to the school setting since many grade levels use team/department approaches for working with students. Looking at the business examples, it's worth noting that CoPs do not just spontaneously start. They take great effort to form and develop.
    This article from the Harvard Business Review discusses the use of CoPs in the business world. The author compares CoPs with more traditional group collaboration strategies pointing out the positives of Cops and how their use is changing business.
    Wenger and Snyder examine communities of practice and their implementation in the business and private sectors not necessarily education centric. They provide case studies on the benefits of CoP's which show concrete production improvement demonstrating the CoPs effectiveness. The chart comparing CoP's to teams and informal networks is helpful to understanding the differences.
    This article discusses communities of practice in a historical sense and provided me with some relevant background information. It also describes the several reasons that communities of practice are formed. Communities of practice, among other things, can be great for "maintaining connections with peers" or can be created for individuals to come together "in response to changes" surrounding them. I recommend this read.
    While parts of this article were about ways to create and grow CoPs, I found much of this helpful when illustrating CoPs in real workplaces that formed to solve problems by sharing expertise, commonalities, and without disrupting upper-level management.
    This article from Harvard Business Review explores CoPs which were fairly new to the business scene in 2000. Knowledge sharing, learning, and change were thought to be improved through CoPs, though the creation of CoPs is not a directive from management. CoPs are self created and have their own projects and leadership. The article shares a brief history of CoPs. Noted are the differences between informal networks, project teams, formal work groups, and CoPs - looking at their purpose, membership, bonds, and length of relationships. CoPs are recognized for improving company performance.
    In this article the author provides an introduction to the concept of communities of practice, describes benefits and utility for business, and strategies for implementation in that context.
    The highlight of this article for me is that CoPs have to be organic in their organization and management.

CC0212Policy.pdf - 10 views

    This article describes the features in communities of practice and provides a real life example of how it is used and what it looks like in an educational setting. The article also shows how communities of practice can be extended through the use of new technologies.
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    In the opening section it describes the community of practice as being different from the typical teacher development model because it reaches "beyond individuals and toward alignment". This confused me at first, because it seemed to oppose the other information about communities of practice. I had seen a community of practice as a way for individuals to find what they need. However, as I read on, I realized that it was referring to the fact that teachers are now linked to one another and can work together to find coherence and best practices.
    As an English teacher I can see the value of the example in this brief. The English department gets together and reflects on similar commenting styles for students to revise papers. They study which commenting helped the best after students turned in their revised copies. My English department just had to do this type of collaboration, but we were analyzing introduction paragraphs written by students and how we could improve teaching this. Unfortunately it was one of those times that were "mandated from the top down" as the brief mentions. Our collaboration was not voluntary and our department is not cohesive. I liked this idea of creating a community of practice with my department, but I am not sure how to get everyone on board Think of the power a CoP would make if it were campus wide, cross-curricular.
    A research brief produced by the National Council of Teachers of English, this publication focuses on three aspects of a successful community of practice: mutual engagement, joint enterprise, and shared repertoire. Although the phrasing is different, the central concepts are similar to other reports on this topic. It does, however, also break down the needs of institutional support as a necessary condition for these communities to thrive.
    The national Council of Teachers of English reviewed Communities of Practice as they worked to develop better feedback for student writing. Successful Communities of Practice have been shown to be beneficial provided that specific characteristics are in place, including a common goal. Both face to face CoPs and online CoPs need these specific elements. What sets communities of practice apart from other professional development models is their reach beyond individuals and toward alignment
    I found this article or brief by the NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) helpful in that it gave context to how teaching organizations view of the communities practice theory. The article paints a picture of how schools try to use the theory as a framework for collaboration. I appreciated how it presented the goals of COPs in schools with some possible pitfalls. The main takeaway being that COPs are less successful when they are implemented "from the top down". It still drives home the reality however that COPs do need an organizational structure and good leadership, but that connections and shared vision are still the cornerstones of COP's. The article was published in 2011 and appears to be preparing it's readers for the wave of new media. It references blogs as emerging COPs and drives home point that online communities, while not face-to-face, still need strong leadership and organizational structure to be successful. It ends by providing questions to consider when trying to form COPs.
    Re: The main takeaway is that COPs are less successful when they are implemented "from the top down". I agree with this statement, The most successful CoP that I have been involved in were initiated within the district, but the administration was not overseeing the work being done. This freedom allowed for a more relaxed and teacher supported group. The department was kept in close communication, however, as some time to open our community funds were necessary and therefore it was important to have an advocate.
    This article really captivated me, especially how it started with the vignette about the English teachers collaborating over how to mark their students' papers. I am an English faculty at a university and I have sat through collaborations on such things. I appreciated how such a simple paragraph on this collaboration could embody the three tenets of communities of practice.
    The National Council of Teachers of English wrote this briefing with the intent of helping not just English teachers but any educator understand the alignment, implementation, and instructional support of a CoP. The comprehensive but short article is an easy read to get a basic outline of communities of practice.

What is a Personal Learning Network? - The Tech Edvocate - 6 views

  • One, you shape absolutely everything about it.
  • You personalize exactly who you want in your network, what you want to share, where you want to engage with people, and what you’re interested in learning about
  • You also pick the platform.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • you will form personal connections with them based on shared ideas and experiences
  • You’ll be amazed who in your field will say something you’ve never thought of, or mention a point of view you’ve never considered.
    • nstringham
      I love this aspect of collaboration! I know that I could never come up with all these different ideas on my own, but I also have the ability to take someone's thoughts or ideas and add my own to them to expand it even further.
  • But the heart of every network isn’t the platform, but the people who enrich conversations with unique backgrounds and specializations.
  • hey’re especially important for educators because it’s likely a school district lacks the funding to support teachers with professional development.
    This article discusses the value of PLNs specifically for educators. It gives the who, what, when, why and how for the reader.
  • ...1 more comment...
    This is a great article. I like that is starts with what a PLN is and proceeds to talk about where and how to set it up. I also like that this article is written through the lens of an educator. It makes a lot of what is said more relevant and personal. Good find!
    I really like how this article breaks down what a PLN is, how to learn from one, and where to network. So often, I think that these basics are what keep people from joining in. Though networking can sound intimidating, this piece notes why they are so important to educators and, potentially, students, thus encouraging and motivating users to join in.
    This is a nice overview of what a PLN is and how teachers can get involved. It discussed important reasons that PLNs are useful. The article breaks down the need, structure and value of a PLN. #EDTECH543 #EDTechSN #PLN
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