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Leanne Tacosik

History of Money and Banking in the United States - 0 views

History of Money and Banking in the United States: The History of American Money. (n.d.). Retrieved July 18, 2016, from Description: This resource provides insight o...

resources learning tools edtech541

started by Leanne Tacosik on 18 Jul 16 no follow-up yet
Brock Halladay

Scholarship site - 0 views

    Check out Zinch, it is a site designed to help students find and earn scholarships. They also have a way to double the scholarships you receive. Definitely worth checking out yourself or for a friend or family member wanting to earn money for college.

The Connected Educator: It Begins with Collaboration | Edutopia - 4 views

    The author discusses the paradigm shift of collaborative learning networks from school organized meeting to less formal communities of practices gathering through social media networks. Additionally, he discusses the need to remain connected for the benefit of the students.
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    Although this article doesn't go into connectivist theory, its focus on collaboration is very informative. Being connected removes many barriers surrounding collaboration. The explanation of the paradigm shift should make educators feel that connectivist theory in the classroom and in the professional development a necessity not something "tech-savvy" teachers do.
    This is an interesting article about how teachers used to work with one another such as going to conferences and having meeting with others in their field. Then it moves on to how they can get the same information from there PLN. This is a way to save time and money for a school district since it is all done virtual. But it also talks about how since we as teacher learned in a time without PLN we are more likely to shy away from them.
    This article delivered clear and concise benefits of PLN's. These benefits included customized learning, improved online collaboration and lack of geographic barriers.
Greg Andrade

The Promise of Communities of Practice - 8 views

    This webpage from the US Department of Education describes how Communities of Practice can improve education.
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    This gives the Department of Education's take on communities of practice.  It describes their efforts and projects that support this form of learning in educational settings.  Links to these projects are provided.
    This link is to a DoE posting encouraging the use of communities of practice. The specific domain for this page is to encourage k-12 education to use CoPs with a particular target of ones offered by the DoE: Investing in Innovation, Promise Neighborhoods, and Race to the Top. It is encouraging to see the DoE support these efforts.
    It is encouraging to see how the Dept of Edu, through the use of CoPs hopes to decrease the achievement gap. It is a worthy notion to hope that through collaboration, sharing and research across a vast diverse audience, a solution could be found.
    I really like how the article points out that "A great part of the answer lies not only in the types of tools, programs, and strategies used to close the achievement gap, but also in how education researchers and practitioners share information with each other." Whether this is in person with our co-workers or via some PLN, this sharing of information is vital for success!
    This article discusses the National Educatioal Technology Plan and references where it calls for teacher to become connected. It asks them to become part of learning communities both locally and other wise using communities of practice.
    SUMMARY: The DOE gets behind CoPs as potential answer for achievement gap and underperforming teachers and leaders. Money, time, and resources were thrown at this initiative to see if online CoPs could become the missing link in the instructional shortcomings. Citing examples of success, one is drawn and intrigued to look further at the project as we are now 2 years later.
    Finding and researching CoP sites I came across the Department of Education's answer on the Communities of Practice within education. The Department of Education has added the communities of practice within an initiative called the Investing in Innovation along with a series of other initiatives.
Erica Fuhry

10 Tips for More Effective PowerPoint Presentations - 0 views

    Tips for More Effective PowerPoint Presentations
Dan Spada

Poetry Reciting Competition - Students Can Earn Money For Themselves And Their Schools - 0 views

started by Dan Spada on 01 Aug 13 no follow-up yet

A Simple Comprehensive Guide on The use of Personal Learning Networks in Education ~ Ed... - 4 views

    This article provides a concise look at personal learning networks in education. Benefits and reasons for educators and students to utilize are outlined.
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    Hanna, this is my favorite PLN article I have come across! I like how the information is organized and the graphics that depict the information. Also, there was a link to The Best Sticky Notes for Teachers - something that is recommended for one to organize information.I thought it was very useful.
    Hanna, Casey is right this is a great resource. I am going to use it in my own personal improvement. It lays out everything so clearly. I never thought of whether or not a PLN was safe but it is good to realize that it is and people are giving thought to that. I found this sight to be excellent and something to read again and again.
    Summary: This article provides a great introduction to PLNs. It shares what a PLN is, and why PLNs should be used in education; it also provides the benefits of PLNs and examples of PLN platforms that are available to teachers. Although touches on "how to" establish your own PLN I think it covers enough of the other areas to make it worthwhile, especially for PLN newbies. Presentations (videos, slide shows, etc.) on PLNs are also posted.
    This really is a simple comprehensive guide on the use of personal learning networks in education! I found it very easy to understand. The author discusses the originations of PLNs, how PLNs can be used in education, and gives you help on how to build your PLN. There are video tutorials (again, simple to understan) as well as a webliography!
    Great site, it really goes into detail on PLN's. I am also a PLN newbie and appreciate the thoroughness of the information.
    This guide provided the benefits to PLNs, and both teachers and students can use PLNs effectively. The benefits outlined were, student preparedness, engaging, students have to take ownership of learning, individualized instruction, problem-solving skills, safety, and saves time and money. Ways teachers can use PLNs are for resource allocation, collaboration, and help. Students can use PLNs to find credible information through RSS feeds, share blog postings, about reflections and offer feedback for improvement.
    This post is light on theory, but does a nice job explaining the whats, whys and hows of PLNs
Carrie Morfoot

Videojub - 2 views

shared by Carrie Morfoot on 12 Oct 10 - Cached
    A wide variety of videos on topics like cooking, health and well being, money and many more.
Carly Hill

United Streaming - 0 views

shared by Carly Hill on 29 Jan 10 - Cached
    This was created by Discovery Education to allow teachers to be able to stream videos on a variety of subjects into their classrooms. It does cost a bit of money but many districts are finding that it is a worthwhile expense. You can sign up for a free trial to use it in your classroom.
Matthew Gudenius -- Software, media, and programming tutorials - 0 views

    This is a subscription-based service, but it is well worth the money if you have the time and need access to a wide array of training videos for using pretty much any software tool you can think of

Biz Kids | The place where kids teach kids about money and business. - 0 views

    Biz Kids is a great website that provides business education resources and lesson plans for all age groups.
Stacey Ellis

Financial Football - 2 views Financial Football is a fast-paced, interactive game that e...


started by Stacey Ellis on 29 Apr 19 no follow-up yet

Teaching Resources & Lesson Plans | Teachers Pay Teachers - 3 views

    This is an odd resource for this diigo, but you can find lesson plans here and post lessons... while making money :-)
  • -- 1,000,000+ free and priced teaching resources created by teachers for instant download including lesson plans and unit plans. This is truly my favorite teaching website. There are so many incredible resources that I find here with regards to any subject and grade level. Many activities that I find here are very unique and detailed!
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