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How Videogames Like Minecraft Actually Help Kids Learn to Read - 0 views

    This article discusses how digital games like Minecraft can enhance reading and writing skills. Children enhance reading skills through reading manuals on how to play and create in the game. Games also contribute to writing skills when students post to gaming sites. Students are more motivated when they care about the task like playing the game.
Chris Pontillo

Learning Games For Kids - 0 views

    This website has links to many different instructional games for kids. It's broken up into different categories based on content. I tried a few games and kids would like them and, of the ones I tried, there definitely was educational value in them. Though the games are geared toward elementary students, it would be nice if they were also sorted (or sortable) by grade-level.

Games for Learning - 0 views

    A website with educational game resources including links to games, links to TED talks about educational games, links to articles about educational games. Kind of a one-stop-shopping for educational games.

Classroom Aid | Learning Games - Social Studies - 0 views

    This site aggregates information on history games, interactives, and simulations resources. There are currently 126 shared games.
Tanya Williams

Games at PrimaryGames | Free Online Kids Games | The Fun Place to Learn! - 0 views

    Play free online games for kids on PrimaryGames. Site features learning games, action games, puzzles, card games, virtual worlds, coloring pages, and more!

Surgeon games - 0 views

    My Doctor Games has some very cool interactive simulations and games for students to extend their experience with.
Jared Ritchey

The first great works of digital literature are already being written - 1 views

    This is an article written by a novelist and game writer. She argues that games, or digital literature, are effective storytelling devices and gives a lot of good example of games that are bridging the gap between narrative and game mediums.
Chris Pontillo

Gaming to learn - 0 views

    The American Pshychology Association reviews the research findings about Game-Based learning. The article also talks about pilot programs that were conducted to explore GBL, links are provided to these studies.
Jared Ritchey

Digital Games: Learning through Play - 1 views

    The author of this article references examples of studies that show educational gaming is on the rise. The article contains characteristics of good educational games and also notes that commercial games can be integrated into the classroom as well.

Kahoot: "Making Learning Awesome!" - 1 views

shared by skyrablanchard on 09 Feb 14 - No Cached
    Set up quiz games that students can play using clickers or by texting their answer from a cell phone
  • ...1 more comment...
    Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn - any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages!
    This is an example of an instructional game type of software. This is a fun and entertaining educational game that students can play on their mobile device or tablet. Teachers can search for pre-made Kahoot games (in math) or make their own. Students are engaged and points add up to show a leader board and the score of each student to introduce some competition.
    Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn - any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages!
Kelsey Ramirez

Arcademic Skill Builders - Fun Educational Games for Kids - 2 views

    Fun and free educational games for kids in K-8. Featuring multiplayer learning games, math games, language arts games, and much more!

Digital Game-Based Learning Resources - 2 views

Digital Game-Based Learning 1. 6 Basic Benefits Of Game-Based Learning. (2013, March 15). Retrieved from

education technology resources edtech541

started by joannalieberman on 22 Oct 16 no follow-up yet
Chris Pontillo

Outcomes of game-based learning: Research roundup - Journalist's Resource Jou... - 0 views

    The short article discusses game-based learning and constructivism. It also provides links to scholarly articles about the effectiveness of GBL in education. Several of the articles are available for free from the Boise State Library.

Will Gaming Save Education, or Just Waste Time? -- THE Journal - 0 views

    Gaming | August 2013 Digital Edition Today's sophisticated digital games are engaging students and conveying hard-to-teach concepts like failure and perspective. So why aren't more classrooms playing along? If the use of technology in education is about meeting students where they are, it seems like gaming would be a good place to start.
Chris Pontillo

146 Educational Games for Kids « - 1 views

    Here is another site with educational games. This one is organized by content, but it also is broken up by grade-level. There are also some language learning websites listed.
Bradley Drewyor

Gaming in Education - 0 views

    I have long been a proponent of gaming in education, if for no other reason than the fact that I like video games, whether they are educational or not. I had the good fortune to have an opportunity to work for a short while with some individuals from MIT Education Arcade (although we couldn't get a product concept together), and this reinforced my belief that gaming has the possibiity of extending learning farther outside the classroom than has been seen in a long time.
Elisa Gopin

Back Pack Games - 2 views

    High quality educational online games, categorized according to educational standard, grade level, and academic content. Free to play games cover math, science, problem solving, and cognitive skills.

Spelling & Vocabulary Website: SpellingCity - 0 views

shared by jrkrolson on 15 Jun 13 - Cached
    This is a great website to aid with spelling and vocabulary. As a teacher, you can enter word lists for your students. They then can play fun games like HangMouse or word scrambles to practice. They also can take tests on the words.
    Teaching spelling and vocabulary is easy with VocabularySpellingCity! Students can study and learn their word lists using vocabulary and spelling learning activities and games. Students can take final or practice spelling and vocabulary tests right on this engaging site. Premium games and automated student record keeping are available to Premium Members.
Shobhana G

Resources for edtech 541 - 39 views

My two resources for this final week of EDTECH 541 are Internet Evaluation Forms: WWW CyberGuide Ratings for Content Evaluation : A guide for rating the curriculum content on web sites. http://...

quiz nutrition teaching tools


Public Access - 8 Cognitive Benefits of Playing Video Games for Kids - 0 views

    This article is not based on educational games in particular, but is based on video games. There are benefits of playing video games and the author does a nice job summarizing these benefits.
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