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Jackie Gerstein

Online Degree 100 Essential Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers - 3 views

    100 Essential Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers
    100 Essential Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers
Jackie Gerstein

Online Degree The Ultimate Guide to Google Edu Apps: 100 Tips & Tricks for Teachers - 2 views

    "The Ultimate Guide to Google Edu Apps: 100 Tips & Tricks for Teachers"
Katie Sisson

Top 100 Sites/Apps for Game Based Learning | Tech Learning - 1 views

    This website is a great tool for any teacher who is specifically looking to spice up their math classroom. It has 100 sites and/or apps to use that are centered on game based learning. These sites all incorporate learning math concepts and is a great engagement tool in any classroom.
Erica Fuhry

100+ examples of use of social media for learning - 0 views

    Provides excellent examples from teachers, worldwide, on how they use social media tools in their classroom to enhance learning.
    Lists over 100 ways that different social technologies (and tools) are being used by learning professionals worldwide - compiled from various educators.

The 100 Best Video Sites For Educators - 0 views

    This website has a collection of 100 different video resources specifically designed for teachers to use. It is organized by topic and audience to help teachers find exactly what they are looking for. This should be the first jumping off point for anyone trying to incorporate videos into their classroom.

100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom - - 0 views

    Social media tools provide a whole new way to have students learn. Here is a list of 100 different ideas educators can use to incorporate social media into the K-12 classroom.

The Twitter Experiment - Twitter in the Classroom - YouTube - 0 views

    At U of Texas Dallas Twitter is credited with encouraging 100% student participation. Students enjoy that everyone can be heard from regardless of class size and that format allows swift recap of important lesson components

100 things to do with Facebook - 2 views

educational technology edtech facebook

started by mark_bishop on 16 Jun 13 no follow-up yet
Mike Procyk - 0 views

    This article focuses on what the authors call a 'personal learning space', which includes weblogs, portfolios and social networking. It exams groups dynamics and trust, privacy, and the information life cycle.
Ashley Leneway

Technology Integration Matrix - 3 views

    This is an excellent resource for technology integration at a variety of grade levels. There are 100's of videos of classroom lessons and ideas for you to explore and it is up-to-date, launched in February 2011. This tool was designed to help principals and teachers evaluate the levels of technology integration into the classroom.
Molly Large - 0 views

    "By setting a limited word count with a focused theme and a guaranteed audience beyond the class teacher, children have far greater motivation for writing. Those who are reluctant writers feel safe with only 100 words to write, whilst those more advanced writers can really extend themselves with the word restriction."

Educators Will Never Be 100% Connected - 17 views

While I like the three pillars that are outlined - mastery of content area, master of field of education and master of technology, to me it seems like the backlash from educators to Marc Prensky's ...

connected educators Technology EDTECH543 teaching education

Renee Phoenix

Why do academics blog? An analysis of audiences, purposes and challenges - 3 views

    A content analysis of 100 academic blogs that looks at reasons academics give for blogging and the connection it may have to community of practice.
    I really enjoyed reading this article as it provided further insight into the "why" teachers and higher ed professionals should engage in blogging. Three main ideas really jumped out to me and solidified the validity of blogging: "blogs are a way to expand and disseminate knowledge, make contact with potential collaborators, and have scholarly discussions on a global scale". By engaging in these blogs we enter into a CoP that promotes these virtues by nature as all those involved in the CoP have similar motivations and goals. The communities then function as an opportunity to collaborate on materials, subject matter, and other issues pertinent to the educators. One aspect that is noted is that blogs provide a specific function, thus different blogs will contain different topics, subject matter, and ideas that can be shared online.
    When I used to blog, I realized it was a passive-aggressive way for me to complain about my District. So, I stopped. However, I have found other academic blogs useful. One of my classmates in the EdD program blogs daily, and she is a great source of information. Blogs are also good starting points for research. Reading them often broadens my perspective which in turn helps me in my search for sources.

ALA | Banned and/or Challenged Books from the Radcliffe Publishing Course Top 100 Novel... - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 13 Oct 10 - Cached
  • Banned and/or Challenged Books from the Radcliffe Publishing Course Top 100 Novels of the 20th Century
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