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Mario Ortiz

Soon, eye movements can be your new password - 1 views

    Taking cue from iris scans used in UID in India, researchers are developing a new biometric system that can identify people by the way they flicker their eyes while looking at a computer screen. Oleg Komogortsev, a computer scientist at Texas State University-San Marco, is making use of the fact that no two people look at the world in the same way .
    Mario, Very interesting article. Imagine if we had to use our eyemovement as a password OMG. I'll bet my eyes will move everywhere and i will not get the password correct. Never thought that people had to looked at the computer creen the same way. according to the article, we really don't ..Wow very interesting.
Victoria Lopez

The Social Media Revolution - 4 views

    I am one of the Diigo discussion host assigned for the week of Oct. 22 - 28, 2012. This video is not the typical article or website most of us have been sharing, but I really wanted to share with you. In addition to this video, I would also like to share with you a very resourceful website that I will provide later. Although I could not highlight text that I wanted to emphasis with the Diigo toolbar, since it is a video, I am going to include what I want to emphasis: Youtube is the 2nd largest search engine Wiki ( Hawaiian term= quick) Studies show that Wikipedia is as accurate as Encyclopedia Britannica US Department of Education study revealed that online students out perform those receiving face to face instruction.... Discussion question: Do you think that social media is a revolution or a fad? Please provide explanation for your rationale. Why do you thinkg social networking a fundamental shift of how we communicate?
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    This video is a great eye opener to where our society is leaning towards if not already completely on that side. I am personally scared of such a change but highly believe in the power of this social networking shift. As educators, we need to understand why this is so important and how can we make it work for us in our profession. As a student, I have seen first hand how intense and engaging social media can be.Two things that really caught my attention were the following: * In 2009 U.S. Department of Education study revealed that, on average, online students outperformed those receiving face-to-face instruction. * One in six higher education students are enrolled in online curriculum. Regardless of the many reasons why, this is the future and we must not stay behind no matter how scary it might be.
    I tend to lean towards the idea of social media becoming (or already there) a revolution. The reason for me is that I see it in use daily with our younger generations. This is the world they are being brought up in, and it is what they will be expecting to using as they grow older. One thing that does interest me is the fact that change seems to be happening quicker then it use to. So if that stays true will social media stay around as long as something like writing letters or email? Not sure about that! Thanks for the raised some interesting points!
    I don't think social media is just a fad but it's becoming a social media revolution. It's changing the way we communicate, and the way things are being done. Many people have joined social networking sites and the communication boundaries have been broken. It's interesting to see in this video how much time it took to reach 50 million users. The radio took 38 years, T.V. 13 years, Internet 4 years, IPODs 3 years, and Facebook 200 million users in less than a year!!! That's amazing! Social networking is a fundamental shift of how we communicate because it's very effective and efficient. Thank you for sharing this awesome video Victoria!
    I also don't think that social media is a fad. We are able to communicate with so many individuals with Facebook and YouTube. The video showed that the largest increase of users on Facebook is females between the ages of 55 - 65. This might be happening because of mothers and grandmothers that are keeping in touch with their children and granchildren. I think social networking is a shift in how we communicate because I think it is easier to express yourself. I don't think one is as self-conscious about their comments when they post it on the Internet.
    Victoria, Great video . I saw it twice because it has so much information that it makes me realize that our society focus on media or technology.. Even our young generation, they are not afraid to use any technology equipment that will give them information or input information for the community. I don't think social revolution is a fad, it is here already. Enjoyed it.
    Victoria, Enjoyed video. I don't think social revolution is a fad. Now a days, everyone uses media to get or send information. It is here already but it is just improving with new techniques everyday. As we see our very young generation now, they are exposed to new technology equipment in which they explore with every media equipment thats out there in our world. Our world is changing.......
    I also think social media is a revolution and not just a passing fad. If you ask a 1st grader, "How do people communicate?," just about all of them will mention facebook, text, cell phone, email, and if you give them some hints they'll finally say writing letters or notes, or face to face. Online communication is the fastest way to communicate and it's even easier to use it when we all carry a computer in our pockets or purses. Cell phones combined with online social media has made it much easier and faster for people to communicate within virtually seconds. Technology is now and it's the future, and we need to use it to our advantage whether it's for education, business, socializing, or networking.
    Victoria I think that social media isn't a FAD with so much of importance it has gained even in many remote places of the world. But how long would you think is this trend going to continue? Something definitely will take over this trend so what will be the next big change? If you want to see a related video which talks about numbers and enough data to see social media I suggest: Read this article on how the social media kingdom came into our lives fast and hasn't stopped changing since. VERY INTERESTING!!!!
    I think social media is definitely not a FAD. Social media influences everyone in the world and even the underdeveloped countries. Everyone has a Facebook and virtually a computer with us all the time our phones. Like that the video points out that if you are a company and want to exist you have to enter the trend.
    At my campus students are using social media for educational purposes. Students are using edmodo in a couple of their classes to work on educational assignments, quizzes and current event group discussions as participation grades in classroom environments. Social media has grown since the beggining of the 20th century belive it or not. I truely believe that social media will continue to grow in time and be more useful in school environments. I really enjoy using edmodo, kind of like a facebook but for school related purposes. Great article
    Many people are still fighting the revolution of technology. Some people prefer submitting hard copies instead of online reports. Change is not easy and sometimes even scary, but we should always give it a try. I do believe that social media has revolutionized the way we communicate.
Marivel Garcia

PowerPoint Basic Show Technology Tutorials at Internet 4 Classrooms - 5 views

    • Marivel Garcia
      Please review the list of technology tutorials already available for your students.
    • Jaime Villarreal
      This is an excellent website that offers easy step by step tutorials for students. I like the offic application and web 2.0 tool trainings. This website will be very useful when desinging a flip classroom inorder to provide quick tutorials for students in using technology tools to reinforce their self-directed instruction.
    • Marivel Garcia
      Thank you all for your time and dedication to exploring new ideas to help engage all of our learners and their families. Thank you for all your feedback and great ideas.
    Marivel, Great article. I like the way the steps are describe for a students to creat a powerpoint. I also saw the online training for teachers in which it gives great instructions how a teacher can get training. thanks for sharing.
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    Great link, Marivel. I really liked that the website is divided by grade level and different objectives. I tried several links and find many of the links to be useful in keeping our students engaged. This website would definitely help in helping us create 21st century classrooms.
    Marivel Garcia, the list of technology tutorials available for students is awesome! I really liked the one titled, "Using Powerpoint-Animating text" and "Keyboard shortcuts". The students will really like how these tutorials are presented and how easy it is to follow the instructions. Overall, this can be a great instructional unit that students who don't know how to use powerpoint can be trained on following the links at their own pace. This is also a great resource for parents who want to learn how to use powerpoint but never had the chance to learn it before. This is a Great Resource to have,. Thanks for sharing!
    Using this website is a great tool for newbies! I believe introducing this to students early on would help provide the "help" when struggling inserting a new slide, setting transitions, or keyboard shortcuts. It may even help digital immigrants transition into using technology. This may provide the confidence they need before creating or incorporating another technology. =-)
    Wow I am vrey amazed from looking at the website, great article and yes I do agree for technology newbies this is a great resource website to use. Technology is growing everyday and it's hard to keep up with technology and by using a resource website like this one, I'll really take advantage of this resource for following teachers who are not technology savy.
    This is a great place for getting students to create a PowerPoint. I have taught elementary students how to create a PowerPoint the past three summers. I will be using this website with my students in the future because it is easy to follow.
    Thank you for the link. This is a great tool for students and teachers to use to get familiarize with the Powerpoint software and other Microsoft tools. There are many teachers in my campus that did get the training to use Powerpoint or Excel or Word when they started teaching, so I believe this website will help learn a few trick in using the software. Thanks again. Blanca
    Awesome website.....step by step instructions for students. Good way of learning how to teach the students and students how to follow the online training.
    The website provides very good tips and points to consider when creating a PowerPoint. There are times when we want to add so many things to make our presentation, according to us, presentable. In the end we just end up with too many things that distract our viewers.
    Greaty website! I especially like the step by step instructions that it gives for the audience to view.
    Thanks Marivel! This is a great way to layout the most important aspects of powerpoint. It's a great resources to bookmark in my favorites. Thanks for sharing.
    This is a fantastic website for learning how to use different programs. I also liked the self-paced modules that one could use with their students.
    Great website, I really like how it teaches you the basics to start using PowerPoint, very useful if your students don't know how to use use PowerPoint. The link on how to use PowerPoint in the classroom is very helpful. Thanks for sharing
Alberto Gonzalez

Differentiating Instruction Using Technology - 6 views

    Technology with Differentiating instruction in the classroom. Long PDF File but very useful
  • ...4 more comments...
    Alberto, this is a great PDF on Differentiated Instruction. I like how it's organized and especially the technology resources provided in this article. I also liked the Reflection questions towards the end of this guide. This was an excellent PDF resource to save and share with others. Thank you for sharing Alberto.
    Differentiated Instruction is best to meet the students' needs and in order to reach the students this PDF points out to Use Choice to Engage and Motivate. By providing an array of tools that captivate students' interest the learner will engaged and learn better.
    HI Alberto: Thank you for the link. I like that it offers effective technology tools in all content areas to help students demonstrate their understanding and mastery of the material they are studying. I will post this link on school website under "resources" for my campus teacher's to veiw. Thanks again!
    Everyone thank you so much for the comments. I really appreciate them and I'm glad I was able to help out.
    This is a great link to so much resourceful information. I am sharing this with my team because there are so many things we can utilize when trying to develop our Action Plans for at risk students or just differently learning styles. Excellent information. Thanks for sharing.
    Great information. Every teacher needs to know about differentiating because our students are not in the same level of learning. It has alot of technology resources that teachers can find it very useful to implement in their daily instruction. Thanks for sharing and I will share this link with my 21st Century teachers.
Mario Ortiz

Enough Math Can Make Anyone Nutty - 4 views

    I liked this website because I am a third grade Math teacher and I am having to find various sites to help the students feel comfortable about multiplications. There are other mathematical operations that I can always refer to in the future and this is a site that I will definitely save. Thanks!
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    Wow, teaching Math, not my best subject and this website is perfect for those like me. I always felt like math did make me nutty but these sites will definitely simplify lessons for better understanding. Great Website. Thanks for Sharing!
    Although I don't teach math, I have added this website to our classroom page for students to use when they need a review or assistance in Math. Thanks for sharing!
    This a great math website. The glossary has excellent vocabulary that alot of our students need. I have shared this website with my 21st Century math teachers and they use it as additional resource for their math classes. Thanks for sharing.
    The good thing about math is that the content is global and students who come from different culture backgrounds can understand the concept of mathematics easier than a different reading language. Teaching math is difficult because you're not sure if students are understanding the material or not. One small step can change the entire problem.
    Wow Mario! Great website that can be very beneficial to students who are struggling with math. I specifically liked the link titled, "Play Basic Activities". I believe students really enjoy this one because it's fun and they're learning at the same time. Thanks for sharing!
Sara Aldape

Free Social Teaching and Learning Network focused solely on education - 6 views

    • Sonia Aldape
      Mrs. Mata, great resource for educators as well as teachers. I especially like the different web 2.0 tools that can be incorportated in You are right this will be an awesome starting point for the next assignment we have to do for this class. I navigated the different subjects offered by sophia and I really feel that the videos along with the quiz is tremondously helpful for immediate feedback. Thanks for sharing.
    • Sara Aldape
      Awesome site for social learning that encourages exploratory and cooperative learning to make education more affordable. Thanks for sharing.
    Looking ahead in our calendar, this is a topic we will soon be covering. Found this website that covers tutorials in several subjects and helps teachers get set up for Flipped Classrooms. If you have tried it, has it worked positively or not, why or why not? If you have not tried this, what would be your biggest challenge?
  • ...1 more comment...
    Mrs. Mata, I liked this website that you shared with us. It looks similar to Khan academy but I liked the additional feature of the quiz. This quiz will make sure you understood the concept if you actually saw the video. I particularly liked the quiz next to the video because it provides the student immediate feedback to see if he/she understood the concept or if he/she needs to replay the video and re-learn that material covered. I think one of the biggest challenge would be to actually get the students to watch the video outside of the classroom but I think this can be solved by making it as a mandatory assignment.
    Really enjoyed this website resource guide especially using flipped classrooms in classrooms. I've heard that alot of educational workshops are incorporating flipped classroom methods. Dr. Corbeil introduced us to flipped classrooms in my instructional design course and I thought it was amazing how students can learn so much with so little lecture. But yes I totally agree with these teaching techniques and would like to use them in the near future.
    Great website. I think our future is flipped classrooms. It has already started in some school districts such as Dallas ISD.This website has alot of information that is very useful for teachers. I have not use or created a flipped classroom yet, but with tutorials and technology equipment should not be so difficult.
Sara Aldape

50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About - Edudemic - 7 views

    • Sara Aldape
      What tools have you used or would like to use to engage students in social learning, so that teachers can be able to connect together through social media?
    • Santos Alvarado
      I'm in the planning stages on creating a Edmodo account for my classroom. I see the benefits of using Edmodo, having the students work online, and communicate with one another makes it much more engaging.
    • Sara Aldape
      What educational tools have helped you or are interested in using to help you make lessons fun, interesting, and more effective?
    • vincent briseno
      I've used Edmodo and it has served me well. I haven't incorporated the website into everyday learning, but I use it over Thanksgiving, Xmas, and spring breaks. I assign everything from quizzes to extra credit assignments and I am able keep in contact with students.
    • Sara Aldape
      Excellent!!! Vincent thank you for your feedback. Students will have fun staying connected with the teacher.
    • Santos Alvarado
      I have used stixy, and glogster to help students create class presentations. Students love to be creative and this helps students teach one another
    • Sara Aldape
      What useful tools have you used or have helped you stay connected, organized, and increased the ease of building multimedia lesson and learning tools in your classroom?
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • hese tools can help
  • Useful Tools
  • you to stay connected, organized, and increase the ease of building multimedia lessons
  • nd learning tools
  •       ← The Current State Of Mobile Learning In Education Could Groopt Be Your Next Classroom Management Tool? → Tuesday, August 21, 2012 7:30 am, Posted by Guest Writer 22 | Tools 50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About Topics: best of, classroom, edmodo, edtech, grockit, How To, tools inShare232 (function() { var li = document.createElement('script'); li.type = 'text/javascript'; li.async = true; li.src = window.location.protocol + '//'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(li, s); })(); The following is a cross-post from our content partners at Online Degrees: Technology and education are pretty intertwined these days and nearly every teacher has a few favorite tech tools that make doing his or her job and connecting with students a little bit easier and more fun for all involved. Yet as with anything related to technology, new tools are hitting the market constantly and older ones rising to prominence, broadening their scope, or just adding new features that make them better matches for education, which can make it hard to keep up with the newest and most useful tools even for the most tech-savvy teachers. Here, we’ve compiled a list of some of the tech tools,
  • Social Learning
  • These tools use the power of social media to help students learn and teachers connect.
  • Learning
  • These educational tools can help you to make lessons fun, interesting, and more effective.
    I am one of the Diigo Host assigned for the week of Nov. 5-11, 2012. This website was very interesting to me. It had different tools to be able to use as an educator. Check it out!
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    I have added 3 stickies in the site: I would like your feedback on what tools have been useful to you in your classroom? How have they worked for you? Or have not worked for you? Have fun navigating through the 50 Education Technology Tools!!!!!!
    Watch this you tube video on how the Secretary of State announces the Education Technology Plan and back in 2010 invited educators to post how technology has impacted their classroom. ENJOY!!!! Technology is evolving in this world at a fast pace, we just have to keep up with it. Have an AWESOME week!
    Sara, I liked the organization of this page! These 50 educational tools are essential. I must say that I really liked the "Social Learning tools" and the "Useful Tools" because I have used many of them before and they work very well. It's great to have a page like this as a resource when deciding on what tools use. Thank you for sharing!
    Sara, I have used several of these educational tools to present new materials to my studends and to compliment my lessons. However, since my students are kindergarteners, they are not able to fully manipulate these tools to create their own work. I feel that by exposing my students to these tools that I am doing my part to educate them and be computer literate. This composite of websites is a great list for teachers to explore. Thank you for sharing this website.
    Hi Sara, I use Prezi to engage the students in a new form of presenting information to the classroom. It's fun to use and it offers so many different elements that Powerpoint does not. I also did a prentation for the campus teachers on how to use Prezi in their classroom and the results of the training were very sucessful and eye-opening. The teacher were happy to learn a new tool they can implement into their classroom curriculum to help keep student learning fun and engaging. I think it's a great tool to use in any classroom. Blanca
    I have used several of the tools that are listed on this website and it is great to have them on one major site. I have used Prezi and Edmodo. These tools have been great to use for my students. They benefited and enjoyed the interaction that they experienced from both of these web 2.0 tools.
    This is a great way to organize all these tools, through our program I have had the opportunity to utilize most of them but I have not yet exposed my students to all of them and I am really looking forward to being able to enhance their learning. Thanks for Sharing....
    This is a great site! I've bookmarked it and already started going through my mental checklist of what I have used and what I'd like to use. It's a great way to see what's out there and how I can better use those tools in the classroom.
    I use edmodo and slide-rocket in my classrooms for web 2.0 tools also gotten into prezi but the lagging of my network campus tends to drag. but great tools I use.
    I posted something similar to this. I love learning and implementing new tools. There are SOOOOOOO many out there!
Sara Aldape

IXL - Fourth Grade Math Practice - 6 views

    • Sara Aldape
      I just love how all the skills are organized into categories. Lots of practice for my 4th grade students. Thanks.
    • Joshua McDonald
      Although this reason may not be what administrators would be looking for, I love the visual appeal of the website and the ease of navigation. Both I believe can help draw the student's attention when first visiting.
    This website is a nice resource that I know I will be using in the upcoming weeks. I love how they correlate their problems to each state's learning standards. Thank you for the suggestion.
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    Sara, I really liked this website. I liked how on the left hand side you can find the grade levels. Then it lists possible questions on different skills in mathematics. This website can provide many opportunities to practice what the students just learned on a certain lesson taught that day. This is a great resource to share with other educators. Thank you for sharing!
    I have used this website. It provides a lot of resources from K-12 and in different subjects, too. Everything is well organized and easy to access.
    This site has been beneficial because it has many resources that any teacher can use on every grade level. It is easy to use and navigate through. The students like the games that it has. It is a great site to have.
    I use this site with my students and my children as a free time game to help practice a skill they are having trouble in. It is very user friendly. Great Games.
    Oh my goodness!! I totally love it!! Love the graphics, love the lessons and am definitely sharing it for everyone to use!
    Great website. I have shared it with my 21st Century teachers to use as additional resources after they use the Kidscollege program in my technology classes. Kids college program empasizes in three different contents and math is one of them. Teachers reinforce the skill by using this activities. Thanks for sharing.
    Very useful website Love the navagation system on the website and I can use this in the classroom. Great find!
    Thank you for sharing the link, I love that the lessons are categorized by grade level and especially that it tracks the student progress. I can use this website for high school students who are using the Aplus program to regain credit on thier own and need additional resources to help them with the problems. This is a great site! I LOVE IT. Thank you again for sharing. Blanca
    Very resourceful website, thanks for sharing. I will be using this website for my students to practice concepts learned throughout the year.
    I just sent this link to our sped resource teacher. They're very low and would really benefit fro the practice.
Santos Alvarado

The Nerdy Teacher - 4 views

  • I needed my kids to view blogging as an important task. To do that, I promised my students I would write every single blog post I asked them to write on my own teacher blog. I told them I would never give them "busy work" because I'm too busy to do it myself.
    • Santos Alvarado
      Thank you for sharing this great website Joshua. The teacher has many different post that one can learn from their experience. I really enjoyed that the teacher is allowign the students to blog. I like the idea of blogging because allows the students to take more pride in their work. Heres a website: 6 Reasons Kids Should know How to Blog
    I wish we had the ability to blog, at our district technology is a bit limited and we have a lot of hesitant people. It's very much like Reflective Journaling except with the twist of technology. Great website.
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    Santos so are you doing this to encourage two-way communciation? I've started using Feel free to check it out. I believe students in the high school level have used it more effectively then MS students.
    "The Nerdy Teacher" is a great blog for educators and students because many new updates on education are posted monthly. Thank you for sharing!
    Thank you for sharing this website. I agree with the comments that others have mentioned, like; giving students the opportunity to share and collaborate in this website. I am using Edmodo with some of my classes as a way to share, collaborate, assess and keep in touch with my students.
    This site would be great to use but unfortunately we can not use it in our district. Under some certain clause chatting or blogging is not permitted. Other than that this site would have been great to use.
    Great reference tool but in my district I'd need approval of administrators. I know in my district we use Edmodo for school related purposes. I hope that one day the district I work for will allow more web 2.0 tools available to students.
    Thank you for the link, I agree with many of the other comments that the district does not allow student/teacher blogging, but there are other ways around it. This year, my campus is using "Weebly" to create thier classroom website and it has the ability to interact with students via a blog, which is great. I am a true believer that in order for students to get aquainted with current technology tools, we must make it available to them. Thank you for the link!
    This is a great way to integrate blogging into the classrooms. Many of the postings are very interesting and provide us with more resources to use in the classrooms. Here are the top 10 blogging websites:
Alberto Gonzalez


    Free internet tool for learning basic computer components
  • ...10 more comments...
    Albert, this is an awesome resource we can share with others so that we can help students or parents that are having difficulty or don't have basic computer skills. This website is very well organized and will be very helpful for them. Thank you for sharing!
    Wow! This is an excellent website for students and parents. Students can practice their basic skills and parents can learn and practice their skills as well. This is definitely a website that I am going to share with students and parents.
    I loved this website! I am the technology teacher for my grade level and I have used this website to teach my students the fundamentals of computers. Great website!
    Great website! I will diffently add it to the teacher resource link on our campus website. Teachers and student can benefit from a large variety of lessons available on the website. This is a great tool! Thank you for sharing.
    Good website! I tried one of the lessons and truly learned something new. I thought it was a scam website that says it is free and ends up charging something, but it is not! I liked the tools and resources that it provides. Thanks for sharing.
    No Problem everyone. I've used this website for about a year already and it makes planning so much easier :) glad i was able to help out and good luck to all =D
    Great! I went through some of the lessons and they are great opportunities for the students to practice different skills. Try this website: Hope you can use it. Thanks for sharing that excellent website.
    Great resourceful website. I can use this to help teach my students more about computers. I can also use this resource for having students practice concepts.
    One thing I really liked was the different levels of instruction. Being able to pick the level of complexity is a great tool for effective learning. Great Information!
    Great website. I have shared this website with my technology 21st Century Teacher so she can do some excel activities with the students.
    I think we all need this. I often find my self googling/youtubing everything bc I just don't know.
    Thank you for sharing this great website. I can see many uses for it, and that Crystal and Nora have given us a testimonial makes it that much stronger. I am walking away with a great resource. Thanks again!
Yadira Flores

Soon, eye movements can be your new password - Indian Express - 1 views

    • Yadira Flores
      Very interesting article. I think it would be a good idea to start new ways to keep identities but, the problem I see is that we  are not using technology to stay ahead of the crooks.
Victoria Lopez

About | Khan Academy - 4 views

  • How it works for students Students can make use of our extensive video library, interactive challenges, and assessments from any computer with access to the web
  • Our library of videos covers K-12 math, science topics such as biology, chemistry, and physics, and even reaches into the humanities with playlists on finance and history. Each video is a digestible chunk, approximately 10 minutes long, and especially purposed for viewing on the computer.
  • A global classroom
  • ...2 more annotations...
    • Victoria Lopez
      A global classroom- this term covers so much! The internet has connected the world. Students are able to research any subject and the answers are literally at their fingertips.
    • Victoria Lopez
      Khan Academy's library of video covers so many topics and provides very thorough explanations. Hope you can find use for it in your classroom.
    With a library of over 3,000 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice, we're on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.
  • ...10 more comments...
    This is a great website that offers educational videos as resources for students to view as examples.
    I liked the fact that videos are divided in subcategories and that you can learn about anything. Knowledge is at the tip of our fingertips.
    Victoria, Khan Academy is a great resource every teacher should use. The educational videos are very well made and it keeps the students engaged. The other feature that is awesome is that you can "sign up" and it keeps track of your progress as you go through different videos and activities. Khan Academy is Great!
    I love the fact that it's individualized per student. It's great that it's FREE and that students can be assessed after the skill/lesson has been reviewed. I was hoping there would be something for English/Language Arts. I'm sure going to share this with our Math and Science department because I believe it's useful for student practice.
    Great videos and completely learner centered. One thing that our district is always wanting is data on student progress and this is a great way to assess in a child centered way. I also wish this was available for Reading Language Arts. Great info, thanks for sharing.
    Thanks for sharing this informative website. I like it that is not only for students but for parents too. Parents and students can get resources. This website has alot of lessons that students can use for them after reviewing a lesson.
    Thank you for the video link. This website is actually used at our campus daily for SAT testing preparation and tutorial trainings. What I expecially like is the video rendering process vs. other's great. The student are able to view videos without interuption or video rendering delays. I highly recommend this website to everyone for all areas of educational levels. It offers a high variety of video in every content of learning that you will need. It's a great website. Thank you..Blanca
    Excellent website with lots of videos and examples! The videos provide detail explanation about each topic. The practices allow you to practice the skills that you just learned in the video.
    Great website! I love that there are many videos that educators could use as part of their lessons and parents can also benefit from this website as well.
    The videos are great and ideal for the whole learning community. It's great for practicing the skill and developing a skill. Thank you for sharing.
    Wow! I've heard of this website, but had not check it out. I loved all the online videos and many ways that students can practice their skills.
    I first heard of this website from one of Dr. Butler's seminars last fall. I also saw it on the news show "60 Minutes" a couple of months ago. There are so many videos for a teacher to choose from. I showed a couple of the videos to my fourth grade class on place value. I will try to work some more videos into my lessons.
Sonia Aldape

Discovery Education Web2012 : Web 2.0 Tools - Presentation Tools - 2 views

    • Sonia Aldape
      Yadira, great web link for Web 2.0 tool resources. I found that many of the tools in this web page are great to use in the classroom as well as for personal use. Although, some of the web 2.0 tools mentioned I have not heard of, it will be exciting to learn even more on how to incorporate and see how it can enhances my classroom. Thanks for sharing this link.
Sonia Aldape

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Victoria Lopez - EDTC6343 | Diigo ... - 2 views

    • Sonia Aldape
      Victoria, the youtube video was to the point and definitely an eye opener to how much the social media is being developed to communicate with the world. It is all around us in education, business and personal usage to provide us with instant feedback. I believe that social media has evolved so much that people can't live without it. We are so use to having cell phones at our fingertips that the thought of not being connected to some type of social media is inconceivable.
Marivel Garcia

Internet4Classrooms - Helping Students, Teachers and Parents Use the Internet Effectively - 4 views

    • Marivel Garcia
      Hello Guys I am hosting Week 10, Oct. 29th - Nov. 4th, Please explore the links and discuss one way you can use this in your classroom and how. All of you are excellent educators so please be specific on the "how" to help share your great ideas.
    great website. I will use it to train teachers and parents. Some teacher know the very basic skills of computers but sometimes have problems looking for effective lesson for students. This is a great website for them to be familiarized with. On the other hand, parents can benefit to get train in this website also. Sometimes parents need to look for additional resources but don't know what resources or lessons to use for their children. Thanks for sharing.....
  • ...1 more comment...
    Hi Marivel: I really like the website, I especially like the "Daily Dose of the Web" link that offers many learning sites to help engage the student in learning while playing games, working puzzles that help exercise the brain which we all know is a very important muscle to workout!.... I will for sure place this link in our campus website for our students to use. Thank you so much....Blanca
    I went ahead and explored the question of the day under "Daily Dose of the Web" link. And I like what they did with the problem. They explained, step-by-step, the solution to the problem. This is an excellent tool for those who need help, want to review or simply want to practice.
    Great website! I especially like the question of the day. I have used it several times in my classroom and it keeps my students thinking for a bit. Critical thinking is the key to great minds!
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