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Jaime Villarreal

TechLearning: Involve, Prepare, Apply, and Develop: iPads in the Classroom - 14 views

    • Jaime Villarreal
      I can see how ipads in the classroom and assist teachers in differentiating instruction to meet individual student needs and allow for a more in depth understanding of skills and concepts building from each students different levels of mastery in certain skills.
    • R. Palomares
      I agree with you Jaime, Ipads in the classrooms can be very beneficial.
    • Joshua McDonald
      Jaime, I was actually given the chance to use a classroom set of iPads in the classroom last year as part of the pilot program. I can say from experience that it can be used for differentiated instruction, and it increases student engagement with the material. One thing the teacher has to make sure they do is actively monitor...the students are to good at getting to websites they are not suppose to be at if they know the teacher is not paying attention.
    • Sergio Perez
      Jaime, this is a very interesting article in how the iPad can be used for the special needs student. There are so many different apps available to help our students. It is important to make sure that the student is engaged with the lesson so learning can take place.
    I am also a big supporter of tablets in the classroom, but I have yet to justify the cost of purchasing an ipad at $500 a piece. With budget cuts as wide spread as they are now, I would think a kindle, nook or even a nexus tablet for around half the price would work just as well. What students need is a dedicated e-reader and access to the internet to look up any information on the spot. Any of the above mentioned tablets could perform these skills without the premium price tag. Since most apps are now available on both the ios operating system and the android operating system, I would imagine the apps developed by speech and language experts are also available across platforms. The second issue in dealing with ipads is the familiarity with the product. Apple is the most successful and profitable tech company in the U.S. right now, but 90% of the computers in the classroom are windows based. Teachers will be more willing to utilize a tool if it integrates easily with the technology already found in the classroom. Ipad is a name. It is the most trusted and used tablet on the market. If, however, students can receive the same benefits of an ipad at half the price, I see no reason to limit the inclusion of tablets in the classroom to an ipad. Check out this article. It has some interesting comments by Bill Gates.
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    This website gives the teacher background information needed when a teacher is planning on utilizing ipads in the classroom. It also details how ipads are beneficial for students with learning disabilities. It suggests for teachers to download applications that students can refer to when in need of help for core subjects.
    Wow Jaime, this is a very interesting article about how technology is helping students with special needs learn. The IPADS has proven to be a good technology to support curriculum and instruction for all students. I liked how they are being used to enhance learning. The only state that is not using IPADS to supplement instruction in reading and math is TX but I think as more states across the U.S. are using them, we will be next in using IPADS more abundantly in our classrooms. 
    Yes IPads are wonderful for students to use. Students should have the opportunity to be exoposed to all type of technology equipment. Through my program, we purchased Kindle Fires for the students to use when researching information and for other content area such as reading.They really love it and learn to navigated very quickly.
    Great! I am certainly going to use this website if everything goes well with the grant writing. I have seen how teacher integrate their lesson and how students are totally engaged. We have to be able to keep up with all the emerging technologies and the generation of children that are in our classes. Try:
    I think iPads will be a great tool to integrate in the classroom. They will be more focused in what they are doing using these type of tools in the classroom.
    This is awesome if we had iPads to supplement instruction in reading and math as well as to facilitate communication for students with autism spectrum disorders and others who require support through the use of communication devices. Students would be more engaged and would be able to collaborate. It would be a student centered environment where the teacher would guide the learning. Read this artlicle about ipads and how they are being used in the classroom.
    This is a great article about how the iPad can be used to help the special needs student. One of the apps mentioned in the article can help the students with their reading. By having text-to-speech, the students can practice their reading skills while they read ebooks. There are also so many apps available that the students can benefit from using an iPad in almost any subject.
    Jaime, the article sums it up using an appropriate acronym (IPAD) Involve, Prepare, Apply, and Develop to describe the innovating trend to expose student to technology. This technique is already being used in several states to allow students with communication difficulties to express themselves in group interaction using technology to enhance their education experiences. Very informative it puts techniques we are learning into perspective.
    It is amazing how much technology is available to help students in the classroom. Integrating technology into the classroom enhances teaching and learning, yet it is now a necessity, even for students with disabilities. My question is, Are facilitators aware of how technology can be used in the classroom? It seems we are still lagging behind on the use of technology in the classrooms. Here is another article that touches points to consider when designing teaching and learning activities when integrating technology into the classroom:
    Jaime, I believe the use of iPads and other related Tablets in the classroom is great way to engaged students in the concept being taught. I like how this article detailed how the iPad can be implemented in the classroom to help students with special needs. Article: 7 Strategies for iPads and iPods in the (Math) Classroom-
Diana Cedillo

Technology Impact on Learning - 8 views

  • Children did not become social isolates. ACOT classes showed more evidence of spontaneous cooperative learning than did traditional classes.
    • Diana Cedillo
      How did technology encourage cooperative learning in this Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow project?
    • Leonila Pena
      I believe that having access to technology whenever they needed it gave the students the ability to go beyond the walls of the classroom. They didn't have to rely solely on the teacher as their learning resource. They had the tool to explore the world from their own home and the opportunity to become creators of their own learning. Through their research they most likely found other individuals that had the same interests as they did, people with whom they could share what they knew and also learn from. Many students become more confident when they see that others have interest in their work, it makes them want to show others what they know and help others enabling them to work more cooperatively with their peers.
  • The studies showed that ACOT students wrote better and were able to complete unites of study more rapidly than their peers in non-ACOT classrooms. In one case, students finished the year’s study of mathematics by the beginning of April. In short, academic productivity did not suffer and in some cases even improved.
    • Diana Cedillo
      According to this study, do you think that our students in our classrooms would have the same results if we presented them with computers as they did in their program? If so, what would we do or how would we follow this program with limited funding on technology?
  • Nineteen of the ACOT students (90%) went on to college, while only 15% of non-ACOT student sought higher education.
    • Diana Cedillo
      How has technology encouraged students to pursue higher education?
    • R. Palomares
      Technology encourages students to take more responsibility for their own learning. In addition, it creates a different attitude toward learning because they now act as active participants in their own learning. This is good information to share with other teachers. Thank you for sharing.
    • Diana Cedillo
      Yes Palomares, I agree it does encourge a student-centered learning environment. A direction we all seem to be moving towards.
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    • Diana Cedillo
      Is technology making a positive impact on education? If so, how?
    • Joshua McDonald
      I believe technology is doing what is has always done, making things happen faster, which for the most part I would say is a great thing. Specifically in education you can find a wealth of information for research in a very short amount of time, papers are easier to type then write, learning can be more individualistic, and I will stop there. So I can see lots of positive impacts in the education setting, but I can also see concerns. For instance I have noticed that for the most part my students lack the necessary skills to stop and think through a situation or a problem. If it takes to much time to solve, most of them will give up. They are used to getting things quickly. I do think the the positives outweigh the negatives in this instance.
    • R. Palomares
      I agree with Joshua, technology is indeed making a positive impact on education. There are more students using a wide variety of programs that motivate them to do better in school. Programs such as Stixty have given the students the opportunity to do book reports in a fun and interactive way. There are numerous of other examples that demonstrate how technology is making a positive impact on education. It's making positive impacts on how we (educators) collaborate and share relevant information through programs such as this social bookmarking website(Diigo).
    • Santos Alvarado
      I have to agree with Joshua and Romel, that technology does have a positive impact in the classroom. I believe technology increases the student's motivation and self esteem to learn, because they are using tools that they are use to, not just paper and pencil. It makes the students excited about coming to school. I teach 5th grade students, and when I receive the students they lack the basic knowledge how to use Microsoft word and PowerPoint, but once they leave they learn how to use stixy, and glogster for presentation purposes. I believe technology in the classroom creates a positive environment for learning and collaborating with one another.
    I think if the students get this opportunity to have a computers, they would have more access to get more resources for their studies. On the other hand, students need to be monitor when using computers to make they are using them effectively and not getting into websites that would get them in trouble.
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    This is a great study on the positive effects of technology. I can see how it could have been so successful, like any other type of program or project, consistency is the key aspect. Any type of technology that is going to be introduced into the learning setting will be effective if the accountability and full cooperation is clearly stated prior to making the commitment. This is something I have seen as an educator that becomes an issue because as Title 1 districts I am sure funds are available for Ipads or any other tablet that might be more affordable but the way things are implemented is a big aspect of how productive you will be. Many times we begin something and not follow through, I think that implementing any time of tablet into the learning process in our school is a great way to enhance learning as long as we set goals to meet and accomplish. Great information thank you for sharing.
    Marivel, I agree that districts and campuses have to be committed when introducing and executing the use of technology in the classroom. I believe errors in success occur when there's no consistency in using a technology in the classroom. Students are always more engaged. For example, this week, I did the story plot with my students in class and we retold the story of Prometheus using Toontastic ( I believe that's the name of the app) and my students were glued to the screen. It's a FREE app I encourage teachers to use. It provides the visual in the story students need so they can recall events in the story.
    Learned alot from this study!! It's amazing how much influence technology has on students. When I read that 90% of the students who were using technology went to college compared to only 15% of the non-tech students, I was shocked. It puzzles me how many school districts are not willing to make the necessary expenses to attain this same achievement. The school drop-out rate is sky rocketing here in the valley. I posted a link to a Texas drop out report. Check it out!
    Thank you for sharing the FREE app on recalling events in a story. I will try it tomorrow and hope to have great results just like you. Thank you.
    Technology is a great way of getting our students more engaged in our lessons. It was surprising to read in this article how the students in the ACOT program were college-bound unlike the other students in the same high school. Students are able to use technology to collaborate. I feel students might feel more comfortable sharing their ideas with one another through the use of technology.
    I have to agree with Joshua and Romel, that technology does have a positive impact in the classroom. I believe technology increases the student's motivation and self esteem to learn, because they are using tools that they are use to, not just paper and pencil. It makes the students excited about coming to school. I teach 5th grade students, and when I receive the students they lack the basic knowledge how to use Microsoft word and PowerPoint, but once they leave they learn how to use stixy, and glogster for presentation purposes. I believe technology in the classroom creates a positive environment for learning and collaborating with one another.
Mario Ortiz

Enough Math Can Make Anyone Nutty - 4 views

    I liked this website because I am a third grade Math teacher and I am having to find various sites to help the students feel comfortable about multiplications. There are other mathematical operations that I can always refer to in the future and this is a site that I will definitely save. Thanks!
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    Wow, teaching Math, not my best subject and this website is perfect for those like me. I always felt like math did make me nutty but these sites will definitely simplify lessons for better understanding. Great Website. Thanks for Sharing!
    Although I don't teach math, I have added this website to our classroom page for students to use when they need a review or assistance in Math. Thanks for sharing!
    This a great math website. The glossary has excellent vocabulary that alot of our students need. I have shared this website with my 21st Century math teachers and they use it as additional resource for their math classes. Thanks for sharing.
    The good thing about math is that the content is global and students who come from different culture backgrounds can understand the concept of mathematics easier than a different reading language. Teaching math is difficult because you're not sure if students are understanding the material or not. One small step can change the entire problem.
    Wow Mario! Great website that can be very beneficial to students who are struggling with math. I specifically liked the link titled, "Play Basic Activities". I believe students really enjoy this one because it's fun and they're learning at the same time. Thanks for sharing!
R. Palomares

James Rosenberg: Technology in the Classroom: Friend or Foe? - 4 views

  • technology provides greater access to information and new ways for students to learn, it can become a crutch hindering creative problem solving and cognitive development.
    • R. Palomares
      Do you think technology is providing greater access to information but becoming a crutch hindering creative problem solving?
    • vincent briseno
      This is a great, thought provoking, question. I believe, as with everything, moderation is the key. Should students be immersed in technology? Absolutely, but not at the expense of human interaction, written expression, or the acquisition of social skills.
  • arguments in favor of technology in the classroom include: • Exposing children to technology at an early age prepares them for college and the workforce where knowledge of technology is essential for success.
    • R. Palomares
      Do you think exposing children to technology at an early age will help prepare them for college?
  • Where do you stand on the use of technology in the classroom?
    • R. Palomares
      Where do you stand? In Favor or Against?
    I'm the "host" of the discussion question for this week 14. I wanted to share this site with comments and annotations on the significance of that site to you as an Educator! * Below is the checklist "grades" for those who respond to my post(s). 1. Do you think technology is providing greater access to information but becoming a crutch hindering creative problem solving? 2. Do you think exposing children to technology at an early age will help prepare them for college? 3. Where do you stand on the use of technology in the classroom? In Favor or Against?
    So far I really enjoyed reading the article of age for technology growth for students. Very interesting article because technology can work both ways and I truely feel that there are students who abuse the power of technology in classrooms. It's up to us as teachers to monitor them in every way possible. Technology education in classrooms has evolved so much that students are becoming more technological advanced then we are. Interesting article and I do feel that exposion of technology in an early age will prepare them for college.
    Yes Albert, technology can work both ways and it has evolved so much that it's amazing what students can do now than what was possible just a few years ago.
Lucero Martinez

Report calls for more broadband access in schools | eSchool News - 3 views

    More technology in the classroom means needing more broadband access that we can truly rely on. Too many times teachers have tried to use technology and the speed is just not there. We can't use technology without the right resources and access along with speed is a major factor in allowing to use it effectively. How would you rate your district's internet access and speed?
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    I do believe the use of broadband is an issue with our campus. There have been several activities I'd like to conduct with my students but am held back because of the use of broadband. I've been told, that whatever I'd like to try will slow the speed down. Well then, how about we purchase more bandwidth so we can conduct more activities online??
    I would say that our internet access and speed in our district is good. I agree with what Christine Fox said, " Young children entering school nowadays are accustomed to digital learning devices and expect that level of technology in schools". We use large broadband access so much that it's now a necessity and not merely a luxury. Students are using laptops for audio podcasts, e-textbooks, and collaboration that it's important to have more broadband access in schools. This is a great article Lucero. Thank you for sharing.
    Luckily, like Romel, I aslo work at the same school district and agree that the broadband connectivity is pretty quick. I have heard other educators' concerns regarding buffering during streaming on DiscoveryEducation,but I have not experienced that. Streaming videos and music does require large amounts of bandwidth and so if educators are planning on activities that require these, it will be a slow process :(
    How would I rate our district internet speed? One word..SLOW!..This is my 5th year at my High School and even though we are getting more technology equipment for student and teacher use, the most common problem remains to be "internet connectivity. The campus refuses to purchase wireless devises that could help our student stay current with technology use due to lack of broadband support. The teachers cannot access the wireless technology on their own personal laptop, IPOD, IPHONEs because it slows down the internet connectivity for the rest of the school. This is a hugh problem and remain an issue that needs to be address by administration.
    Well our district internet speed is extremely slow most of the time which does interrupt lesson presentations at times. Most of us have accustomed to bring our internet to speed up the process and eliminate firewalls. However, I do agree that it is an issue that needs to be addressed.
    I know educators could teach so many new tools to their students if they were given the right tools, and internet speed is one that is lacking in our classrooms.
    Most certainly! Slow internet access delays some of the website that run in flash. Especially most of the Web 2.0 tools run very slow at school. Hopefully the districts can take this into consideration and can increase the broadband access.
    At my school we do have quick Internet service on the student computers that work. I have three student computers in my classroom but only one of them works properly. We also have Computers On Wheels but the school district has made it difficult for the teachers to use them. It is important to have broadband in order to utilize all of the web 2.0 tools we are learning about in our graduate classes.
Victoria Lopez

About | Khan Academy - 4 views

  • How it works for students Students can make use of our extensive video library, interactive challenges, and assessments from any computer with access to the web
  • Our library of videos covers K-12 math, science topics such as biology, chemistry, and physics, and even reaches into the humanities with playlists on finance and history. Each video is a digestible chunk, approximately 10 minutes long, and especially purposed for viewing on the computer.
  • A global classroom
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    • Victoria Lopez
      A global classroom- this term covers so much! The internet has connected the world. Students are able to research any subject and the answers are literally at their fingertips.
    • Victoria Lopez
      Khan Academy's library of video covers so many topics and provides very thorough explanations. Hope you can find use for it in your classroom.
    With a library of over 3,000 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice, we're on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.
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    This is a great website that offers educational videos as resources for students to view as examples.
    I liked the fact that videos are divided in subcategories and that you can learn about anything. Knowledge is at the tip of our fingertips.
    Victoria, Khan Academy is a great resource every teacher should use. The educational videos are very well made and it keeps the students engaged. The other feature that is awesome is that you can "sign up" and it keeps track of your progress as you go through different videos and activities. Khan Academy is Great!
    I love the fact that it's individualized per student. It's great that it's FREE and that students can be assessed after the skill/lesson has been reviewed. I was hoping there would be something for English/Language Arts. I'm sure going to share this with our Math and Science department because I believe it's useful for student practice.
    Great videos and completely learner centered. One thing that our district is always wanting is data on student progress and this is a great way to assess in a child centered way. I also wish this was available for Reading Language Arts. Great info, thanks for sharing.
    Thanks for sharing this informative website. I like it that is not only for students but for parents too. Parents and students can get resources. This website has alot of lessons that students can use for them after reviewing a lesson.
    Thank you for the video link. This website is actually used at our campus daily for SAT testing preparation and tutorial trainings. What I expecially like is the video rendering process vs. other's great. The student are able to view videos without interuption or video rendering delays. I highly recommend this website to everyone for all areas of educational levels. It offers a high variety of video in every content of learning that you will need. It's a great website. Thank you..Blanca
    Excellent website with lots of videos and examples! The videos provide detail explanation about each topic. The practices allow you to practice the skills that you just learned in the video.
    Great website! I love that there are many videos that educators could use as part of their lessons and parents can also benefit from this website as well.
    The videos are great and ideal for the whole learning community. It's great for practicing the skill and developing a skill. Thank you for sharing.
    Wow! I've heard of this website, but had not check it out. I loved all the online videos and many ways that students can practice their skills.
    I first heard of this website from one of Dr. Butler's seminars last fall. I also saw it on the news show "60 Minutes" a couple of months ago. There are so many videos for a teacher to choose from. I showed a couple of the videos to my fourth grade class on place value. I will try to work some more videos into my lessons.
Santos Alvarado

The Nerdy Teacher - 4 views

  • I needed my kids to view blogging as an important task. To do that, I promised my students I would write every single blog post I asked them to write on my own teacher blog. I told them I would never give them "busy work" because I'm too busy to do it myself.
    • Santos Alvarado
      Thank you for sharing this great website Joshua. The teacher has many different post that one can learn from their experience. I really enjoyed that the teacher is allowign the students to blog. I like the idea of blogging because allows the students to take more pride in their work. Heres a website: 6 Reasons Kids Should know How to Blog
    I wish we had the ability to blog, at our district technology is a bit limited and we have a lot of hesitant people. It's very much like Reflective Journaling except with the twist of technology. Great website.
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    Santos so are you doing this to encourage two-way communciation? I've started using Feel free to check it out. I believe students in the high school level have used it more effectively then MS students.
    "The Nerdy Teacher" is a great blog for educators and students because many new updates on education are posted monthly. Thank you for sharing!
    Thank you for sharing this website. I agree with the comments that others have mentioned, like; giving students the opportunity to share and collaborate in this website. I am using Edmodo with some of my classes as a way to share, collaborate, assess and keep in touch with my students.
    This site would be great to use but unfortunately we can not use it in our district. Under some certain clause chatting or blogging is not permitted. Other than that this site would have been great to use.
    Great reference tool but in my district I'd need approval of administrators. I know in my district we use Edmodo for school related purposes. I hope that one day the district I work for will allow more web 2.0 tools available to students.
    Thank you for the link, I agree with many of the other comments that the district does not allow student/teacher blogging, but there are other ways around it. This year, my campus is using "Weebly" to create thier classroom website and it has the ability to interact with students via a blog, which is great. I am a true believer that in order for students to get aquainted with current technology tools, we must make it available to them. Thank you for the link!
    This is a great way to integrate blogging into the classrooms. Many of the postings are very interesting and provide us with more resources to use in the classrooms. Here are the top 10 blogging websites:
Alberto Gonzalez

Differentiating Instruction Using Technology - 6 views

    Technology with Differentiating instruction in the classroom. Long PDF File but very useful
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    Alberto, this is a great PDF on Differentiated Instruction. I like how it's organized and especially the technology resources provided in this article. I also liked the Reflection questions towards the end of this guide. This was an excellent PDF resource to save and share with others. Thank you for sharing Alberto.
    Differentiated Instruction is best to meet the students' needs and in order to reach the students this PDF points out to Use Choice to Engage and Motivate. By providing an array of tools that captivate students' interest the learner will engaged and learn better.
    HI Alberto: Thank you for the link. I like that it offers effective technology tools in all content areas to help students demonstrate their understanding and mastery of the material they are studying. I will post this link on school website under "resources" for my campus teacher's to veiw. Thanks again!
    Everyone thank you so much for the comments. I really appreciate them and I'm glad I was able to help out.
    This is a great link to so much resourceful information. I am sharing this with my team because there are so many things we can utilize when trying to develop our Action Plans for at risk students or just differently learning styles. Excellent information. Thanks for sharing.
    Great information. Every teacher needs to know about differentiating because our students are not in the same level of learning. It has alot of technology resources that teachers can find it very useful to implement in their daily instruction. Thanks for sharing and I will share this link with my 21st Century teachers.
Sara Aldape

Free Social Teaching and Learning Network focused solely on education - 6 views

    • Sonia Aldape
      Mrs. Mata, great resource for educators as well as teachers. I especially like the different web 2.0 tools that can be incorportated in You are right this will be an awesome starting point for the next assignment we have to do for this class. I navigated the different subjects offered by sophia and I really feel that the videos along with the quiz is tremondously helpful for immediate feedback. Thanks for sharing.
    • Sara Aldape
      Awesome site for social learning that encourages exploratory and cooperative learning to make education more affordable. Thanks for sharing.
    Looking ahead in our calendar, this is a topic we will soon be covering. Found this website that covers tutorials in several subjects and helps teachers get set up for Flipped Classrooms. If you have tried it, has it worked positively or not, why or why not? If you have not tried this, what would be your biggest challenge?
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    Mrs. Mata, I liked this website that you shared with us. It looks similar to Khan academy but I liked the additional feature of the quiz. This quiz will make sure you understood the concept if you actually saw the video. I particularly liked the quiz next to the video because it provides the student immediate feedback to see if he/she understood the concept or if he/she needs to replay the video and re-learn that material covered. I think one of the biggest challenge would be to actually get the students to watch the video outside of the classroom but I think this can be solved by making it as a mandatory assignment.
    Really enjoyed this website resource guide especially using flipped classrooms in classrooms. I've heard that alot of educational workshops are incorporating flipped classroom methods. Dr. Corbeil introduced us to flipped classrooms in my instructional design course and I thought it was amazing how students can learn so much with so little lecture. But yes I totally agree with these teaching techniques and would like to use them in the near future.
    Great website. I think our future is flipped classrooms. It has already started in some school districts such as Dallas ISD.This website has alot of information that is very useful for teachers. I have not use or created a flipped classroom yet, but with tutorials and technology equipment should not be so difficult.
Sara Aldape

The 100 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You - Edudemic - 15 views

    • Alyssa Tanguma
      Great Classroom management tool to use. It is very similar to facebooks older layout (the one we all loved).
    • vincent briseno
      Thanks for sharing this website. I am always very interested to know what other teachers are using. Teacher recommendations give credibility to the sites and this list helps limit the lengthy process of evaluation web 2.0 tools.
    • Alyssa Tanguma
      I am a special education teacher and I've created a couple of these for the students to learn from....THEY LOVE IT!! Instead of the traditional lecturing or using a, excuse my language, boring ppt, a glog is something new for them to venture with as wel as learn from.
    • Sonia Aldape
      I agree that GlogsterEdu is great for students to utilize and work in the classroom for reports or Biographies. I hope to introduce this web 2.0 tool to my 4th graders to develop their presentation for a Biography that I have assigned. Great web site. Thank you Alyssa.
    • Alyssa Tanguma
      How many of use have heard, "Miss, I forgot my pindrive at home?" or "Miss, I lost my pindirve!" I sure have had my fair share. Dropbox allows you to be pindrive free.
    • Sara Aldape
      Oh yes!!!! It even helps me when I don't have my pin drive with me. Thanks for sharing these tools.
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  • To share your Web 2.0 tool, just leave a comment on this post or on the Edudemic Facebook page.
    • Marivel Garcia
      I have not taken the Web 2.0 class yet but I have been very lucky to have a team that utilizes these tools very effectively. As a team we use Dropbox and are very faithful to it. I can see how this would be a great tool for the upper grades to avoid the "I forgot my work" routine.
    • Marivel Garcia
      There are so many great websites to help ease those of us that are hesitant to expose our students to this type of learning. I love using Voki in my classroom and I also like to occasionally go on a Web Tour and allow my kids to read up on all the different types of tools that are available and others just like them are using. Great Info. Thanks
  • EDMODO: My personal favorite is – the look and feel of Facebook with the educational perspective…polls, assignments, a gradebook, and now quizzes!
    • Yadira Flores
      I signed up for an account but have not really explored it. I will make sure to use it. If it is like facebook my students will love it.
  • DROPBOX: My favorite web 2.0 tool is I have shared many files with this and have accessed my files from a myriad of computers – even when out of the country!
    • Leonila Pena
      Love, love, love Dropbox. It has gotten me out of so many of those situations where I have forgotten my pen drive. In my last job every year hundreds of pen drives would be ordered by administrators to pass out to the teachers so that they could save the training materials that were provided by the trainers. This year, as part of the IT dept. we made the recommendation of using Dropbox in place of pen drives to save money. The departments saved hundreds of dollars and many teachers loved it because they could access their materials from anywhere. This also reduced the spread of viruses, which are most often brought in to the network via pen drives.
    • Alyssa Tanguma
      I think we are going to make it mandatory for ALL the students to create an email account within the next two weeks of school. I'm going to recommend that at the same time they create a dropbox account.
    • Yadira Flores
      Good idea! It would be great that all of our students at our campus had one and that our administrators would enforce it. It would be easy to have a collaborative folder like dropbox.
  • GLOGSTEREDU: GlogsterEdu is my and my students’ current favorite Web 2.0 tool. It gets technology out of the way, letting us express, share and discuss our ideas in unique, creative ways. Besides, it is just plain fun!
    • Yadira Flores
      I wish I had time to learn about all this tools. I think it is not impossible and if we introduce one to our students every week, they will be ready. Great resource page, thanks for sharing.
    • Santos Alvarado
      I really enjoy using Vuvox, its an alternative way to present information in a slideshow. Students also have fun be creative with their information. Heres a great website on Web 2.0 Tools: Effective Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom
    • Sara Aldape
      I have used photobucket in the classroom and also personally. Keeps your photos organized. Great Web 2.0 tool.
    As the title says, The best 100 Web 2.0 classroom tools. I know many of us are still a little new to a lot of the tools out there. This link is my tech bible. I constantly look at it when I want to grab my students attention again and challenge/intrigue them with a new tool. I have noticed that there are a handful that do not appear on this list, so.... Your assignment: 1. Add a sticky to at least ONE of the tools you like to integrate most. If the is already sticky, comment on it. 2. Add a sticky on one you would like to familiarize your self with more. 3. (Optional) Add a sticky anywhere on the screen if there is a tool you use that is not on the list. I do know this list if from 2011 so I'm sure you have other favorites you like to use. Check out the video above. It gives me the chills for some reason.
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    One of the tools I like the most is VOKI. Voki is awesome because it catches the viewers attention since the first time they look at your presentation. One of the tools that I have not used yet but would like to try it out is "PENZU". I actually had never heard about it until now that I looked at this list. This website is a GREAT RESOURCE to have available. Thank you for sharing Alyssa! I actually did not want to put this in a sticky note on the original website page because then it would say that I shared this website even-though it's you who is sharing it.
    @ R. Palomares: Is that why it does that (referring to the sticky)? I was wondering why it had said I had shared the website for another link. Thanks!! Yeah, there were a lot of tools I had never heard about on this list. It helps to better understand my knowledge for this 21st century shift.
    This website is Super Helpful! I have already shown it to a couple of teachers in my wing and they are excited to have so many site to choose from. I've spoken to my principal to give a mini training on a couple of site in 2 weeks. I defintley will start with Dropbox for the same reasons L Pena explained above (always forgetting my pindrive). Penzu was impressive something our English department will enjoy and Poll Anywhere is great way of getting students started with BYOD in the classroom.
    It is great to be able to have all these different sites available with ideas on how to use them. I was able to see how it's even divided into categories, like sites for teaching, sites for planning, sites for reinforcing it is a great website and another one on my favorites list. There is not one that I prefer over another they are all so useful. In my grade level we have become faithful users of Drop Box in order to plan more effectively and have instant access to all lessons. Also Prezzi is one that my kids get easily engaged with we have been enhancing our novels with this. Great job, thanks for sharing.
    Amazing article I read on here. I would implement as many web 2.0 tools as possible in my classroom. In my computer lab however students are only working on science components in preperation for the science STARR and end of course review sessions. Students have used stixy notes for note taking strategies. I would highly encourage web 2.0 tools in classrooms and get approval from administration what tools are used.
    Great resource website for Web 2.0 Tools. I really enjoy using Vuvox, its an alternative way to present information in a slideshow. Students also have fun be creative with their information. Heres another link for Web 2.0 Tools: Effective Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom
    My favorite is Dropbox it is a great way to collaborate we utilize it within our integrated grade levels, 5th and 6th and we have immediate access to any new idea or information that benefits our teaching.
    Hey Alyssa, does this use up space like icloud? I know I tried getting my students to use icloud or any other online storage space BUT our campus said it takes up too much bandwidth. Does this work the same?
    I am using some of these tools in my classroom, but I was not aware that there were so many Web 2.0 tools. I am going to look into some of these Web 2.0 tools to integrate in my classroom.
    I'm using a couple of web 2.0 tools in the classroom and its going great so far.
    Every tool is useful for my students but the one that they are most familiar with is glosteredu. They have use this web 2.0 tool to create a poster for their presentations. i would like to be more familiarize with dropbox.
Marivel Garcia

Internet4Classrooms - Helping Students, Teachers and Parents Use the Internet Effectively - 4 views

    • Marivel Garcia
      Hello Guys I am hosting Week 10, Oct. 29th - Nov. 4th, Please explore the links and discuss one way you can use this in your classroom and how. All of you are excellent educators so please be specific on the "how" to help share your great ideas.
    great website. I will use it to train teachers and parents. Some teacher know the very basic skills of computers but sometimes have problems looking for effective lesson for students. This is a great website for them to be familiarized with. On the other hand, parents can benefit to get train in this website also. Sometimes parents need to look for additional resources but don't know what resources or lessons to use for their children. Thanks for sharing.....
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    Hi Marivel: I really like the website, I especially like the "Daily Dose of the Web" link that offers many learning sites to help engage the student in learning while playing games, working puzzles that help exercise the brain which we all know is a very important muscle to workout!.... I will for sure place this link in our campus website for our students to use. Thank you so much....Blanca
    I went ahead and explored the question of the day under "Daily Dose of the Web" link. And I like what they did with the problem. They explained, step-by-step, the solution to the problem. This is an excellent tool for those who need help, want to review or simply want to practice.
    Great website! I especially like the question of the day. I have used it several times in my classroom and it keeps my students thinking for a bit. Critical thinking is the key to great minds!
Ruth Garza

IDRA - Attrition and Dropout Rates in Texas - 6 views

    • Ruth Garza
      We are losing way too many students because 1 of every 4 students are dropping out of school.
    • R. Palomares
      Ruth, these drop out rates are alarming. I specifically found interesting but alarming the information that mentions that Texas schools are losing 13 students per hour. Wow, that means that in an average day, 91 students drop out. I think that we have a great job ahead of us in developing ways to diminish those drop out rates and create classrooms where students feel the need to want to stay in school.
    • Santos Alvarado
      Ruth great article, its very shocking to see the drop out rates in Texas alone, and to know that another 2.8 million students are going to dropout in the next 25 years. I would like to know how Texas stacks up against other states, even though we have more schools and larger population, do other states have a similar rate/avg as our state.
    • vincent briseno
      My daughter and I were just talking about this the other day. She was writing a paper arguing for year round school. Here is a similar article she used as a resource. The information is very eye opening.
    Hey Ruth I was shocked to read about the dropouts rates for Texas. I ask myself, why are so many students dropping out every hour in Texas? We need to make learning fun for these students not to drop out and graduate from high School. Alot of these students get to much pressure of the state test that it turns them off from reaching their goals and graduating.
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    At my school district. Edinburg has a campus that helps students graduate from high school because of increasing drop out rates. Majority of students drop out because of numerous reasons, examples; pregnancy, parents, jobs, peer pressure, jail ect. School districts should open up a campus that help students graduate on credit recovery. Even getting a G.E.D is better than nothing, but yes I do agree the drop out rate has increased over the years.
    It's so sad that lots of kiddos are dropping out. Many of them give up because they can't pass the state test and many of them just don't have the support at home. It's amazing how many students we are losing.
    Ruth great article, its very shocking and sad to see the drop out rates in Texas alone, and to know that another 2.8 million students are going to dropout in the next 25 years. I would like to know how Texas compares to other states, even though we have more schools and larger population, do other states have a similar rate/avg as our state.
    This article is so scary, why are we losing so many kids and why don't they see the tremendous challenge they have ahead without an education. I personally see some of my students that have fallen between the cracks and unfortunately I can make a prediction that he/she will probably choose the wrong path. It's really sad but I believe our education system doesn't allow us to teach anymore and therefore we have lost track of the purpose of learning. The majority of our students are economically disadvantage and it seems like school has become a burden because all we talk about is the importance of passing those test.
    It's hard to fathom the drop-out rate of our students. From my observations, it's around the middle school level where students lose internal motivation. Many students already know the system and what grade level they have to make it to for their parents to be okay with. I believe it may be a mixture of their hormones and the choice of poor friends that lead them down the wrong path. As an educator, it's hard to motivate these students when we're up against their family telling them, don't worry, do what you want, I don't care. I'm not saying all parents...just a few of the parents who don't care themselves. If they don't care to better their lives, why should their kids? It's hard. We're faced with the parents who are receiving assistance and their kids know that all they have to do is get through 8th grade. After that, they too can stay at home and receive assistance.
    Great article to read and digest in everyday that we send our kids to school to get an education. The drop-out rate speaks to the high volume of students that lack guidance and motivation to succeed in life. I am proud to be a part of a program at my campus that offers an alternative for students to regain their credits. The program we use is the A+Plus program where students are placed to a lab classroom environment and are given the opportunity to regain their credits. This program has helped our campus reduce the drop-out rate and increase graduation ratios. Thank you for the article. Blanca.
    I agree with the comments that other students are making regarding this alarming situation. We need to make learning fun and engaging, but how can we do this? If every time we try to incorporate technology in the classroom we are reprimanded because they think students are just playing.
    Great article...It is very alarming on all the information that was given. I have incorporated technology into my everyday lessons so I could keep my students engaged and wanting to learn more. Teaching should be fun and unfortunately due to state tests some teachers just teach to the test and put the pressure to the students to pass the state tests.
Alyssa Tanguma

Why Wikipedia Does Belong in the Classroom - 5 views

    • Santos Alvarado
      How do you feel of the use of integrating Wikipedia as a resource in the classroom?
    • Alyssa Tanguma
      Like I posted on the article, I constantly rely on Wikipedia to give me the answers to the questions I needed when being asked certain information by the students that I do not have knowledge on. We are about to begin our research papers and I am going to include Wikipedia as one of they websites they need to use. The link above shows a little more justification as to why using wikipedia is beneficial
  • Wikipedia remains misunderstood because many educators have yet to recognize the distinction between Wikipedia as a tool for teaching and Wikipedia as a tool for research.
  • Since 2010, the Wikimedia Foundation has been working hard opening closed-minds, connecting thousands of students at more than 50 schools across the U.S., including Harvard, Yale and UC Berkeley to the Wikipedia Education Program
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  • having students collaborate with the community of Wikipedia editors (“Wikipedians”) to write course-related Wikipedia articles, replacing traditional term papers.
  • Similar benefits to traditional writing assignments - as students are still researching and analyzing sources
    • Leonila Pena
      I agree with Alyssa regarding people having fear of Wikipedia because it might have invalid information, but I still think it's a great resource just like many other sites out on the World Wide Web. We should teach students that not everything posted on the internet is valid/real/true. I know a teacher that doesn't like students using Wikipedia because she doesn't think it's reliable, but I know another teacher that allows her students to use it and reminds them that they must use other sources to support their findings in Wikipedia. I think that's great because she's teaching them to verify and validate their own work.
  • Professors and assistants can provide feedback and engage in debate with students, as can the community of Wikipedians.
  • when we introduce Wikipedia into the classroom as a teaching tool, we provide students with a space to reflect and learn about the nature of knowledge and its evolution,
    • Alyssa Tanguma
      I think many people fear using wikipedia because it has been proven that anybody can post valid/invalid information. I personally love wikipedia and use it as a teaching tool when I do not know the answer to the questions our "smart kids" throw out there. I can rely on wikipedia to give me an immediate and reliable answer.
    Santos, I think its a very good idea to have Wikipedia as a resource in my classroom. It will help students to research anything they need to know or learn. Wikipedia will give my students additional resource to have in the classtroom and at home for them to find their research.
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    I think that Wikipedia should be used in the classrooms as a resource for research papers. Wikipedia provides up to date information and studies have proved that 95% of information is realiable! I remember having a professor for History that would tell us we could not use Wikipedia becuase it was not realiabe, but I disagreed. I'm glad that studies have been conducted to prove my theory.
    Wikipedia can be very beneficial. Wikipedia can be used to do research because there are many links within each search that can be used to further investigate and look at when doing your research. I do think that integrating Wikipedia as a resource in the classroom should be a priority.
    I believe this goes both ways. I know many times we fear using Wikipedia as a resources for fear of inaccurate information. HOwever, it could serve practice on how to cite resources. If we as teachers carefully screen the source of the information, then it would be possible to use in research projects or assignments. However,then that creates more work for us as a teacher. I do like the fact that it encourages teachers and students to use wiki-technology and be part of the virtual social network. Not to mention, the fact that we can post/receive multi-layered feedback. Over all, screen the sources carefully and focus on what Wikipedia has to offer.
    As a Reading teacher we utilize wikipedia a lot and the great thing is that it allows the students many options or choices to pick from. They are able to have ample examples to better understand the concept being searched.
    I think that Wikipedia is a very good tool to integrate in the classroom, if used properly. It should be one of the many tools that should be implemented in the classroom to expand our teaching.
Victoria Lopez

The Social Media Revolution - 4 views

    I am one of the Diigo discussion host assigned for the week of Oct. 22 - 28, 2012. This video is not the typical article or website most of us have been sharing, but I really wanted to share with you. In addition to this video, I would also like to share with you a very resourceful website that I will provide later. Although I could not highlight text that I wanted to emphasis with the Diigo toolbar, since it is a video, I am going to include what I want to emphasis: Youtube is the 2nd largest search engine Wiki ( Hawaiian term= quick) Studies show that Wikipedia is as accurate as Encyclopedia Britannica US Department of Education study revealed that online students out perform those receiving face to face instruction.... Discussion question: Do you think that social media is a revolution or a fad? Please provide explanation for your rationale. Why do you thinkg social networking a fundamental shift of how we communicate?
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    This video is a great eye opener to where our society is leaning towards if not already completely on that side. I am personally scared of such a change but highly believe in the power of this social networking shift. As educators, we need to understand why this is so important and how can we make it work for us in our profession. As a student, I have seen first hand how intense and engaging social media can be.Two things that really caught my attention were the following: * In 2009 U.S. Department of Education study revealed that, on average, online students outperformed those receiving face-to-face instruction. * One in six higher education students are enrolled in online curriculum. Regardless of the many reasons why, this is the future and we must not stay behind no matter how scary it might be.
    I tend to lean towards the idea of social media becoming (or already there) a revolution. The reason for me is that I see it in use daily with our younger generations. This is the world they are being brought up in, and it is what they will be expecting to using as they grow older. One thing that does interest me is the fact that change seems to be happening quicker then it use to. So if that stays true will social media stay around as long as something like writing letters or email? Not sure about that! Thanks for the raised some interesting points!
    I don't think social media is just a fad but it's becoming a social media revolution. It's changing the way we communicate, and the way things are being done. Many people have joined social networking sites and the communication boundaries have been broken. It's interesting to see in this video how much time it took to reach 50 million users. The radio took 38 years, T.V. 13 years, Internet 4 years, IPODs 3 years, and Facebook 200 million users in less than a year!!! That's amazing! Social networking is a fundamental shift of how we communicate because it's very effective and efficient. Thank you for sharing this awesome video Victoria!
    I also don't think that social media is a fad. We are able to communicate with so many individuals with Facebook and YouTube. The video showed that the largest increase of users on Facebook is females between the ages of 55 - 65. This might be happening because of mothers and grandmothers that are keeping in touch with their children and granchildren. I think social networking is a shift in how we communicate because I think it is easier to express yourself. I don't think one is as self-conscious about their comments when they post it on the Internet.
    Victoria, Great video . I saw it twice because it has so much information that it makes me realize that our society focus on media or technology.. Even our young generation, they are not afraid to use any technology equipment that will give them information or input information for the community. I don't think social revolution is a fad, it is here already. Enjoyed it.
    Victoria, Enjoyed video. I don't think social revolution is a fad. Now a days, everyone uses media to get or send information. It is here already but it is just improving with new techniques everyday. As we see our very young generation now, they are exposed to new technology equipment in which they explore with every media equipment thats out there in our world. Our world is changing.......
    I also think social media is a revolution and not just a passing fad. If you ask a 1st grader, "How do people communicate?," just about all of them will mention facebook, text, cell phone, email, and if you give them some hints they'll finally say writing letters or notes, or face to face. Online communication is the fastest way to communicate and it's even easier to use it when we all carry a computer in our pockets or purses. Cell phones combined with online social media has made it much easier and faster for people to communicate within virtually seconds. Technology is now and it's the future, and we need to use it to our advantage whether it's for education, business, socializing, or networking.
    Victoria I think that social media isn't a FAD with so much of importance it has gained even in many remote places of the world. But how long would you think is this trend going to continue? Something definitely will take over this trend so what will be the next big change? If you want to see a related video which talks about numbers and enough data to see social media I suggest: Read this article on how the social media kingdom came into our lives fast and hasn't stopped changing since. VERY INTERESTING!!!!
    I think social media is definitely not a FAD. Social media influences everyone in the world and even the underdeveloped countries. Everyone has a Facebook and virtually a computer with us all the time our phones. Like that the video points out that if you are a company and want to exist you have to enter the trend.
    At my campus students are using social media for educational purposes. Students are using edmodo in a couple of their classes to work on educational assignments, quizzes and current event group discussions as participation grades in classroom environments. Social media has grown since the beggining of the 20th century belive it or not. I truely believe that social media will continue to grow in time and be more useful in school environments. I really enjoy using edmodo, kind of like a facebook but for school related purposes. Great article
    Many people are still fighting the revolution of technology. Some people prefer submitting hard copies instead of online reports. Change is not easy and sometimes even scary, but we should always give it a try. I do believe that social media has revolutionized the way we communicate.
Yadira Flores

Discovery Education Web2012 : Web 2.0 Tools - 1 views

    • Yadira Flores
      Please take a look at the video. This website can be very useful in your classroom.
  • Web 2.0 is about revolutionary new ways of creating, collaborating, editing and sharing user-generated content online. It's also about ease of use. There's no need to download, and teachers and students can master many of these tools in minutes. Technology has never been easier or more accessible to all.
    Hi guys! This is the week that I will be hosting along with others in our group. Look at the website hosted by Discovery Education, take your time look at the video on the page it is a good overview. Go into the different links choose two tools that would be useful in your classroom or in your profession, share with our group so we can learn from each other. Have Fun!
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    Yadira this is a great website I am looking forward to utilizing the in my classroom especially for the end of day reflection this helps with the 3-2-1 where my students can reflect on what they liked, what they learned and what they want to learn on a daily lesson. Thanks for sharing.
    Yadira, thank you for sharing this website with all of these interesting Web 2.0 tools. I enjoyed learning about the presentation, mobile, and video tools that were discussed in each video. I would use Animoto for Education and Picviewr in my classroom. There were quite a few Web 2.0 tools that I was not aware of and plan on visiting the websites. Thanks again for sharing this website.
    Yadira, great website and videos. I am going to use web 2.0 tool (picsviewr)for my student's and parent's presentations. I have never used this web 2,0 tool but I like how I can shared a powerpoint or information in differents ways by using pickviewr. I also enjoyed the community tools. It was very informative and I'm going to use different web 2.0 tools that were mentioned on these videos.
    Great that you liked the website. I bumped into it while completing an assignment fro 6340 and have found it very useful especially in getting creative in the classroom.
    Yadira, this website is awesome because it organizes different web 2.0 tools into separate categories. For example, Presentation tools, video tools, mobile tools, community tools, and related links. Two tools that would be very useful in classroom would be found in the "Presentation and Video Tools" links. I liked the "Picsviewer" found in the presentation tools link because this will to turn Flickr pictures into presentations. The other that I liked was the "photopeach" in the video tools tab. Photopeach will allow for pictures to be uploaded and then create slide shows out of them. I think those two were awesome but there are other great tools to use from this website. Thank you for sharing Yadira!
    Thanks for sharing this website, just like Romel mentioned I also like that fact that it organizes web 2.0 tools in a very unique format that allows you to better understand the use of each tool. Two tools that would be very helpful in my classroom is the use of prezi for multimedia presentations and the use of wikis that allow you to collaborate with teachers and students to provide each other with feedback.
    Great! I love the tools available through Web 2.0 and express the importance of utilizing them into our classrooms. Many of these tools were introduced to us in 6340. Now I see how it's all coming together. =-) I really enjoy the use of Glogster for online presentation along with Prezi and Picsviewer. I'm hoping to expand into using other tools.
    I agree with this article. Web 2.0 has revolutionized the way we create, collaborate and share information online. Technology is more accessible. An example of this is the new Edmodo App., which gives instant access to Edmodo from your iPod, or any device that allows you to download this application.
Ruth Garza

Students Using iPads for Education | | CHANNEL 5 NEWS | Breaking News Breaking... - 6 views

    • Ruth Garza
      I agree Jaime!! Students need to have the necessary technology, like ipads or diifferent kinds of tablets/readers, to take advatage of the benefits of the many applications students may use. Principal Martinez, of Stillman Middle School in Brownsville, understands that students are living in a new era of technology. Students are responding well and feeling optimistic about their future. Ipads are definitely useful tools and allow students to collaborate and discover new ways of learning. Many educational sites for tutoring and wonderful videos may be the key for their success. I'm glad that a school here in the valley is taking the initiative to make a difference in the students' lives, regardless of all the misconceptions or negative responses that many people, including teachers that are stuck in their ways, may have. Check out the news report from Channel Five!
    • Alyssa Tanguma
      LOVED this article. So many people are against iPads in the classroom. They haven't taken the time to fully view and do their research on the benefits it can provide. I would love to get a class set. I am an inclusion teacher and we are going to be reading a book as a class and it would be great to have the kids read on that instead of the traditional book.
    • R. Palomares
      Wow, This is great news for Stillman Middle School students in gear up. The IPAD has many features that I know the students are going to love to learn and use. This partnership between Apple and Region One was a great opportunity to help students expand on their knowledge using Technology. They will also be better equipped on their knowledge of technology tools.
    Stillman Middle School students were issued ipads as part of the GEAR UP program.
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    This is a great way to teach, being able to have all your students working interactively while you teach. I am still hoping we get some in our district. I feel this will really help my students get motivated in their reading which will eventually help their comprehension.
    I enjoyed reading the article of Mcallen I.S.D using IPADs in their classrooms. I was a permanent sub at a middle school in McAllen and the middle school did not have IPADs but other campuses did for edcuational purposes. I heard students would log into edmodo for school assignments using their IPADs. However I also heard of numerous stories of students pawning the IPADs for money and parents being involved with the pawning scam. It's a huge risk to take investing in IPADS for students to use because of parents and students that might misuse the device.
    I agree with Mr. E.J. Martinez, Principal of Stillman Middle School. Technology is a very powerful tool. If used properly in the classroom it can catapult participation, learning and creativity. It will give students the opportunity to access information and visit virtual places. The possibilities are endless and the sky is the limit.
    WOW, thats great that Stillman were issued IPADS. IPADS or any other equipment such as KINDLE FIRE are very useful for our students in our district. Like it was mention before, technology is a powerful tool so our students need to have the access of any equipment that is out there for them. Great News!!!.
    Its great to see that more and more schools are implementing technology into the classroom. It would be great if every district had enough money to issue out educational technology tools to the students (iPads, tablets, iPods) as an instructional resource in the classroom. Here is a link to how Weslaco is providing teachers training in technology to help 21st Century learners excel with the technology they're already used to:
    I don't believe people are completely against it, i believe it's the fear of NOT KNOWING how to use it in the classroom. I'm totally up for using the ipad. I've currently started using REMIND 101. WOrks awesome. One way communication that's safe from teacher to student/parent that reminds them about certain activities or important reminders. Check it out!
    We recently were asked to fill out a survey within our district explaining why or why not to implement the use of IPADS in the classroom. Of course, I am all for it but I was surprised to see the many educators who are reluctant and don't feel it is necessary. I am already planning what to do with mine if the district decides to suit us with a class set.
Santos Alvarado

100 Video Sites Educators Should Bookmark - 4 views

    The website provides video links that educators should look at
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    Thank you for sharing, I just bookmarked this website it is amazing with all its different aspects of video. I was able to view many of the sites and one particular that got my attention was creating an iMovie to reinforce science, math and reading skills. I reviewed the iMovie with a group of 2nd and 3d graders who become engineers and had to work in groups to create a bridge that would stay up. In groups they all discussed the many reasons why certain angles worked better than others. I try my best to record my kids while they reflect and problem solve but I especially feel that having them create an iMovie is a great way to reinforce the concept and allow for long time learners.
    This is a neat website! Thank you for sharing!
    You're right, this is a great website to bookmark! I like how it shows in a list all of the Educational Video Sites we can use. I had never heard of "Cosmo Learning" but it seemed very interesting. Thank you for sharing!
    Awesome link. I think that using videos in the classroom is a great idea because it enables educators to reach the different learning styles of their students, for example, videos can serve as visual aides for the visual learners. Videos also allow educators to show students things like experiments that they can't do in the classroom or movie productions to reinforce literature. With videos educators can even take their students to different countries around the world without ever leaving the classroom.
    Thanks for sharing. Great link and it is definitely going to be saved in my bookmarks. This link is awesome because it has videos that can be used with your students but also videos fro personal growth as educators.
Yadira Flores

Soon, eye movements can be your new password - Indian Express - 1 views

    • Yadira Flores
      Very interesting article. I think it would be a good idea to start new ways to keep identities but, the problem I see is that we  are not using technology to stay ahead of the crooks.
Mario Ortiz

Soon, eye movements can be your new password - 1 views

    Taking cue from iris scans used in UID in India, researchers are developing a new biometric system that can identify people by the way they flicker their eyes while looking at a computer screen. Oleg Komogortsev, a computer scientist at Texas State University-San Marco, is making use of the fact that no two people look at the world in the same way .
    Mario, Very interesting article. Imagine if we had to use our eyemovement as a password OMG. I'll bet my eyes will move everywhere and i will not get the password correct. Never thought that people had to looked at the computer creen the same way. according to the article, we really don't ..Wow very interesting.
Sonia Aldape

Discovery Education Web2012 : Web 2.0 Tools - Presentation Tools - 2 views

    • Sonia Aldape
      Yadira, great web link for Web 2.0 tool resources. I found that many of the tools in this web page are great to use in the classroom as well as for personal use. Although, some of the web 2.0 tools mentioned I have not heard of, it will be exciting to learn even more on how to incorporate and see how it can enhances my classroom. Thanks for sharing this link.
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