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Instructional video: beyond flipped classroom - Instructional Technology - 2 views

    A practical guide for choosing the most appropriate video for your specific instructional aims.

Current and Future EdTech Trends Teachers Should Know About - 3 views

    A cheatsheet of edtech concepts and trends from sms to byod for EdTech beginners.
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    It is good to see that open and digital textbooks are on the rise, but I really wonder how we will motivate our future generations to read, research, be self-directed, explore, and so on. As far as I can observe current young generation, their attention span is getting shorter, and they want to reach information as quickly as possible. Plus they want digital content to be enjoyable and interactive. Reading digital books? I am not so sure... :)
    Yasin, my contention is that you cannot motivate anyone "to read, research, be self-directed, explore" id they do not wish to be motivated in the first place. It is virtually impossible. What we can do is to serve as a model to them by depicturing what they can achieve provided that they possess these skills. I totally agree with you that the amount of generation gap between us and those who are only five to ten years younger is paramount, but I am pretty sure they'll find their own way as they grow up. Or, most of them will have to if they are to lead a good life because the skills you mentioned are now regarded as survival skills.
    Yasin and Hakan, I agree with both of you. I also think that first we need to acknowledge our students are different. I may even call them humans 2.0 :) and yes their attention span is rather short and is getting shorter, and so is ours. I, as a teacher, suffer from it and have my own strategies. Maybe we can help students in that, too. Also, I really don't think they don't want to "read, research, be self-directed, explore". When something enters into their "radar", they can turn into autonomous and motivated researchers! I know that I am pointing out to the obvious, but we need te revise what we teach and how we teach. As also stated in the Horizon Report 2016: " In order to remain motivated, students need to be able to make clear connections between the curriculum and the real world, and how the new knowledge and skills will impact them."
1More - 4 views

    If you want to see a practical "how-to" guide for designing lessons check this one: a handbook for developing TPACK with learning activitytypes.

Pre-service Physical Education Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, T... - 3 views

    In Turkey, there are limited studies in physical education and sport field related to TPACK. Shared article can be given as a good example that aimed to identify the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), Technology Integration Self Efficacy (TISE) and Instructional Technology Outcome Expectations (ITOE) of pre-service physical education teachers. Findings revealed that while TPACK, TISE and ITOE perceptions of pre-service physical education teachers were at satisfactory levels, university instructors were not good role models in the use of technology in their classrooms. Pre-service teachers reported that integration of physical education and sport-related emerging technologies were almost non-existent in the teaching practices within the university setting.
    Unfortunately this is a common problem for every institute and department. Instructors are not enthusiastic and creative use of technology in classroom. In my undergraduate study in CEIT ! , we processed many courses with only PowerPoint presentations :) we learnt many technology but the integration of technology in teacher training is unfortunately insufficient.

How Educational Technology is Being Used in the Classroom Infographic - 3 views

    This infographic summarizes the 4 key findings of a study with more than 600 K-12 teachers. Among the key findings are 3 barriers that are considered by the participants to have the potential to prevent them from using more technology in their classes. Two of the barriers mentioned, lack of technical support and training, are pretty common in the literature, but the third one was interesting to me. 33% of the participants argued that because they cannot figure out whether a student is on task or not while performing something on a technological device, they refrain from using it.

Teaching with Technology Infographic - e-Learning Infographics - 5 views

    "Teachers new to using technology in the classroom may be overwhelmed at a number of available options or may not know which tools are effective and which tools are just a distraction." this infographic suggests some ways overcome the confusion of technological tools.

16 Things Teachers Should Try in 2016 - 4 views

    The author says "There are so many new and exciting things to try both in and out of the classroom." Thus, s(he) offers a list of 16 Things for Teachers to Try in 2016 (I think, they are suitable for 2017:) ) to help inspire educators to try something new. Enjoy :)

Old women learning how to use the Internet... - 3 views

    An interesting storyline from a Turkish context... :)
    Comments of women are perfect, I loved them :)

10 Pros And Cons Of A Flipped Classroom - 5 views

    In the article, you can find beneficial explanation of advantages and limitations of flipped classrooms.
    Thank you for this informative and easy-to-read article Ezgi. I agree with most of what the writer argues; however, the 2nd con about "trusting" the student made me feel a bit unease because as teachers and also human beings we have to trust others at least to a certain degree and I believe that teachers are a bit way too sceptical as to their students' credibility. I get the reasons behind this and totally agree yet still argue that we shouldn't count "trusting the student" as a con for flipped classrooms. After all, in a traditional school, the teacher still counts on the student when she sees a completed homework which might have been done by the student's father.
    Thanks for your sharing Ezgi, I really like it :) In my opinion, 5th con is valuable to discuss because there are so many studies in the literature indicating that screen time has been considered as a main issue for physical inactivity among children and adolescences. Almost all parents complain about their children's long time usage of technological devices. Therefore, while planning a flipped classroom, this subject must be considered seriously.

Students' worry: education technology might predict failure before they have a chance t... - 2 views

    Use of technology for educational purposes has evolved in such a way that it started intimidating students. Apparently, some guys designed a software which, supposedly, is capable of predicting student failure in advance. Although the designers had planned to introduce this program to forewarn the learners who were likely to underachieve before it was too late, a good number of students started complaining that "the data [would] be used to label them before they [had] a chance to make their own impression on a teacher". Issues of digital redlining and privacy were raised by many students whereas the proponents, many of whom are teachers, continue to argue that the program was designed only to "help educators find and help students at risk of failure".

Paraphrase Vs Plagiarism Infographic - e-Learning Infographics - 2 views

    This is not an infographic directly related with educational technology, yet I thought it's a good reminder first for myself (as I sometimes find it hard to paraphrase while avoiding plagiarism) and all my fellow researchers. Plagiarism is common fear of each student. You risk being plagiarized and you risk creating non-unique text. To get things even worse, not only mindless copy-paste constitutes a danger. Your piece is considered as plagiarism when you try to combine the author's original word combinations with yours. This is the so-called patchwork paraphrase.

Trends in Adoption of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) - 1 views

    "MOOC and online courses are changing the face of higher education. Here are some details on how some colleges are adapting." This infographic shows that MOOCs will not replace traditional, residential classes at least in the near future contrary to popular belief among some MOOC fans. The biggest reason behind MOOCs complementary role in education could be their unidirectional nature which makes it difficult for students to receive personalized/differentiated instruction, in-depth feedback, and other mediums for deep learning. Nevertheless, they offer great resources for those highly motivated, self-directed/regulated learners. Another interesting issue in the infographic is that the U.S. colleges, at least almost 60% of them, are willing to integrate online component into their regular college education; I really wonder what statistics our Turkish universities would provide. :)
    "I really wonder what statistics our Turkish universities would provide." This is a good research question Yasin and I would really like to learn the answer. :) Bets anyone? :)

Context and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): A Systematic Review - 3 views

    As recent educational research (including educational technology) has implied, context is extremely important to TPACK framework. By "context" it is usually meant classroom, teacher, student, and societal factors. Therefore, the complexities of TPACK do not develop in isolation but in a complex and dynamic relationship with all those contextual factors. However, this study shows that context is usually missing from research about TPACK. In this direction, Rosenberg and Koehler (2015) underscore the importance of including contextual factors in TPACK research and of showing the role of context on teachers' knowledge and practice in terms of technology integration. Personally speaking, I believe TPACK research should not only focus on survey findings but also should be accompanied by complex qualitative data focusing on micro and macro contextual factors.

21st Century Classrooms - 2 views

    Gamification is a new concept for me, according to the infographic %43 of teachers (we dont know who) include gamification in their classrooms, and that increases the average test scores about %10.

What the Tech is Going on with Teachers' Digital Teaching Portfolios? Using the TPACK F... - 1 views

    For researchers, digital teaching portfolios that include newer, multimedia technologies provide largely unexplored possibilities to measure teachers' understanding and use of technology.

Flipped Classroom İçin 5 Web 2.0 Aracı | Eğitimde Teknoloji Kullanımı, Eğitim... - 4 views

    This short article presents 5 web 2.0 applications to be used in a flipped classroom.

Designing and evaluating a professional development programme for basic technology inte... - 4 views

    Dear All, Through this link, you can download Ansyari's article. I also found out that this was Ansyari's master's thesis when he was in University of Twente. The thesis can be downloaded via Hope it helps.
    Thank you Ceren. You are so generous and helpful.

How Competency-Based Courses Are Changing the Education Game - 3 views

    When Southern New Hampshire University President Paul LeBlanc stepped onto the stage at Campus Tech 2015 in July, he painted a bright picture of competency-based higher ed. "Today, 500 institutions are moving to competency-based education, and they are not-for-profit," he said. "There's a lot of opportunity." LeBlanc certainly had that right.

Use of Infofraph in Education - 2 views

    It is an article about use of infrographic for introduction to Criminal Justice Course. It is taken from International Journal on New Trends in Education and Tehir Implication(IJONTE).
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