This site allows instructors to create a variety of graphic organizers to fit their instructional goals. The task seems simple, but the variety may become overwhelming. However, a graphic organizer allows learners to organize more than just information on a sheet. It allows them to organize information in their mind.
YouTube is a great pre-training tool for learners to do a little research about their upcoming topic. However, it may be best to send out the links to learners in advance so they are not overloaded or misinformed. This site has proven to be a great place for the discerning learner to find valuable "how-to" advice and instructions. I fixed my automatic sliding door on the family minivan for free the other day!
This site allows you to create your own word clouds. This is a great way to get learners to engage using their own vocabulary terms for their lessons. This may even be a great way for the instructor to display vocabulary in the classroom.
Slide rocket is a presentation app that is cloud-based and free to educators and students. It is delivered to through Google Apps. It allows teachers and peers to provide feedback right in the application.
This site allows you to create online questionnaires and surveys. This is especially important to the instructor who is wanting knowledge of where the learners are in a pre-training format. They can create and email out the link to a questionnaire prior to a training and collect pertinent information in advance.
Twitter is a social media site. Using such in the classroom has proven beneficial. As a teacher, I can remind students quickly about homework that is coming due soon or share a picture with them of something we did in class. It really allows a teacher to reach the students where they are. Although, I have learned not to read their tweets (they are sophomores in high school)!
Prezi allows a presenter to make an online presentation similar to the standard PowerPoint, but with much more interest and relationship. The movement of the presentation is within words and photos using a zoom in or fly-over effect. Effective presentations can be created to show relationship. Additionally, using the tool with students does not require that they have the software at home to work outside of class (just a side note).
This system allows schools to purchase a pre-loaded system with educational content already included. The system can also assist teachers in developing multimedia lesson plans for sharing, upload original content and share with the school community, manage live streams of digital TV , video cameras and internet, manage devices for the classroom and the school and engage students in desktop videoconferencing.
Discovery Education holds large selection of videos and segments for streaming and classroom use. Additionally, they house presentations, pictures and a plethora of resources for teachers and students. Teachers can even create their own page with assignments and assessments for their students.