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Phil Tietjen

Is Threadlife the Social Video App to Finally Rule Them All? - 0 views

    "The free iPhone app launched Wednesday. Once you fire up Threadlife, you can start recording your three-second clips, called "stitches." Those are then combined into the playlists, called "threads." One master thread will store all your clips chronologically, or you can break out separate, smaller ones for specific events or themes. Multiple friends can also contribute to one thread to share experiences from afar"
    I wonder when/if there will be an Android version? I'm not an iPhone user!
    Thank you for sharing this app. This has fit so nicely with my ADTED 449 Course, Video in the Classroom. It is so easy to use.
Courtney Blackhurst

Why Teachers Shouldn't Blog….And Why I Do | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the ... - 5 views

    • Erika Impagliatelli
      Excellent excerpt here from the full letter!
  • gives me a little more incentive to be on the look-out for new resources — and pushes me to be a little more creative in my thinking about how to use them
    • Marie Collins
      I agree 100% that blogging allows a teacher to become inspired about other ideas. I find myself becoming inspired by other teacher blogs that I stumble across when "pinning" something on Pinterest.
    • Shelby Nelson
      When I am bored, I go to the pinterest app on my iphone and look for inspirations for new lesson ideas, units, crafts, plans, etc. You name it, and you can find new and exciting ideas. I also like to take the ideas and alter them just a little to fit into my classroom and make it fit with my needs. You're right Marie, teacher blogs are also FILLED with wonderful ideas. As a first year teacher, I have been able to incorporate so many different teaching techniques thanks to blogs and apps. I wouldn't be nearly as "creative" without them :-)
  • It’s a privilege to virtually “meet” so many other teachers with wisdom to offer.
    • Marie Collins
      I have learned so much from reading blogs or articles written by veteran teachers! They encourage me to try new ideas or to avoid my spur of the moment ideas because they have tried them before! You learn so much about how to become a better teacher when you have the ability to talk out the "problems" or ideas you face everyday!
    • Phil Tietjen
      @Marie - Which blogs do you like the best? How about sharing them with us via our course wiki :)
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • You see… you don’t teach English. You teach kids. Flawed, messed-up, never perfect, wonderful, amazing kids. Every child you denigrated has something wonderful about them, even when you didn’t see it. Every child you insulted has worked hard at something, even if it wasn’t on the assignment you wanted them to work hard on. Every child you mocked has aspirations, even if they don’t match up with the ones you want them to have.
    • Melissa Glenn
      This part really hit home for me as I teach at a community college with some students who are first generation college students. I want to be encouraging and help them with their career and life goals. So, while they may not be children, I still need to respect their efforts and work with them in whatever way I can.
  • …provides me with a forum to clarify my thinking about the on-going classroom management and instructional challenges (see What Do You Do When You’re Having A Bad Day At School?) faced by me, and many other teachers in inner-city urban schools (and probably in many other schools, too).
    • Melissa Glenn
      To me this would be so helpful as opposed to having to wait for a meeting or conference to share ideas with my colleagues, we can share with each other (and those who are far way) much faster. Sometimes I have an idea I'd love to share and think that I should tell when of my colleagues. But in the business of the day, I often forget (yes, I'm getting old!). Blogging, especially in the evenings, would allow me to reflect and share these ideas at a more convenient time (and before they are forgotten).
  • sharing what I write about my students with my students is a clear indication that I really do think about them when I’m not in school, that I valued what they say and think, and that I am proud and want to tell others about them.
    • Shelby Nelson
      "I value what they say and think" I really should start a blog to share with my parents and school community. I could center it around only what my STUDENTS say and do in my classroom. Being 5 and 6, they come up with some very interesting things. Some posts would be quite humorous, while others could be stories and learning experiences. I often share with parents via e-mail things that come up throughout the school day and they get a kick out of it. The more I think about this, the more ideas start springing into my head :)
    • Melissa Glenn
      Shelby, my kids have had classroom blogs in some of their grades. I don't remember this in kindergarten, but it was the case in 1st grade. It was a great way for parents to see the amazing things the kids were doing in the classroom. I would wonder about privacy issues, because those 5 year olds will be teenagers before you know it and you wouldn't want some crazy kindergarten antics to be hanging out on the web.
    • Phil Tietjen
      Edublogs can be a good option (from what I know) when it comes to privacy concerns because they allow teachers to configure access permissions You can see some of the options here
  • I believe that technology has its place, but also has to be kept in its place. I don’t think computers are a “magic bullet,”
    • Karen Yarbrough
      I really like this statement. It's important not to get lost in the flash and really find ways that technology can help teaching. I've overheard teens rolling their eyes and saying "Ms. _____ made us read blogs today. I bet she heard about that at some teacher meeting." They know when they are being force fed something without real value.
    • cherylanneburris
      I have seen a lot of classrooms rush to implementation only to find their lack of research and careful consideration only costed them precious time and resources.  Sometime the saying, fast is slow and slow is fast, applies to the implementation of technology too.
  • allows me to share resources that non-techy people like me can actually use.
    • Karen Yarbrough
      People sometimes assume that because you have a blog then you must be some kind of techy genius, but that's not the case. It's important that we break down the idea that only Comp Sci teachers can use technology.
    • Courtney Blackhurst
      Sharing resources can be the best thing for teachers.  We are limited to the learning culture that we reside in everyday.  It becomes status quo and therefore, we must readily seek new resources.
    • Courtney Blackhurst
      This is the reason for my response in Week 5 of our ELT class! This was the first thing that came to my mind. It's like the comment, "Never reply to an email the day you write the response. Reread it the next day and make corrections. Never reply in the heat of the moment." I'm so afraid that I would blog something that I would regret later and we all know that somethings online NEVER GO AWAY!
  • offers me additional writing opportunities on issues I have a particular passion about.
    • Courtney Blackhurst
      For a lot of teachers, getting published is a career aspiration. Blogs open teachers to the published world.  This can be a great way to get yourself out there.
    Good addition here! One of his reasons for blogging nicely coincides with our recent reading and discussion of Hsu, et al. on Web 2.0 as Cognitive Tools - i.e., "provides me with a forum to clarify my thinking about the on-going classroom management and instructional challenges" When he notes that blog writing helps to clarify his thinking, this is precisely what Hsu, et al. are getting at in their article.
Phil Tietjen

HOPSCOTCH - 0 views

  • Designed specifically for kids, Hopscotch is an open-ended, single-player iPad app, similar to Scratch, that simplifies the creation of animations, stories, and games by breaking down the complex programming of sprites and text into intuitive and easy-to-use blocks. In addition, the color-coding of functional code blocks and quirky characters make the app particularly appealing to 6 to 12 year olds.
Zach Lonsinger

John Seely Brown: Learning, Working & Playing in the Digital Age - 18 views

  • Bricolage, a concept originally studied by Levi Strauss many years ago, relates to the concrete. It has to do with the ability to find something—an object, tool, piece of code, document—and to use it in a new way and in a new context. In fact, virtually no system today is built from scratch or first principles—like the way I used to build systems—but rather from finding examples of code on the Web, borrowing "that code," bringing it onto their site, and then modifying it to fit their needs.
    • Melissa Glenn
      The course that I teach, anatomy and physiology, can be very difficult for some students. I encourage using the vidoes and dissection simulations that come with the textbook, youtube videos, online games flashcards, etc. I had an instructor in another discipline ask me why I didn't just use an online tool to make flashcards for the students for distribution. But this comment in the article really emphasized why I don't. Each student needs to find the study technique that works best for them. And in finding the appropriate video or website or whatever that helps them to learn the information, that process is part of the learning as well and teaches them important study tools for future classes.
    • Zach Lonsinger
      I use this concept when I write code for websites. Most of the time I don't write new code. I usually take it from a previous project or from another website that I like, and modify it to work for what I want.
  • I believe that the real literacy of tomorrow will have more to do with being able to be your own private, personal reference librarian, one that knows how to navigate through the incredible, confusing, complex information spaces and feel comfortable and located in doing that. So navigation will be a new form of literacy if not the main form of literacy for the 21st century.
    • anonymous
      I think this prediction was spot on! Today's learning is not really about what you know, but rather do you know how to find it and how quickly.
    • Phil Tietjen
      "... private, personal reference librarian" with help from our networks (e.g., Twitter, Tumblr, FB, etc.)
    • cherylanneburris
      Research literacy is a requirement given how much information is available now.  There is not as much a need to have a deep rich understanding of a subject.  Instead, how to quickly find the necessary information from credible sources is a requirement for those operating in a digital world.  
    • Zach Lonsinger
      I love the "private, personal references librarian". I always described myself to others as a Master Googler. I didn't think anything of it until I saw others try to use Google search engine and fail miserably. Navigation and being able to find what you are looking for is crucial in today's world. And knowing how to use Google, and finding what you actually need, isn't as easy as it looks, as one example.
    • kmlambert
      This made me smile as I am a reference librarian.  As much as I find patrons that want to know how to locate something, I think I encounter at least if not more of patrons who just want the item handed to them and do not care to learn how to find it themselves. 
    • kmlambert
      Further more often than not, most people assume they already know how to use Google, and will not ask for help searching or don't know how to interpret the search results.  
    • anonymous
      I often call Facebook my personalized newspaper!
    • Lindsey Jordan
      Social media and apps organizes our library for us: FaceBook, Instagram, Email, banking, gaming, even Pintrest. On your device, you can organize your apps by category, which will only make sense to that individual. I also like your google comment Zach! My students didn't even know there was an advanced search option for google. When they go to research, they can look for specific resources available at their reading level, or look up information during a specific time period!
    • jasmccord
      funny thought here... does anyone remeber using the good old card catalog instead of a computer search to find the old, antiquated devices known as books... Sorry, funny connection to the idea of a reference librarian.
    • Zach Lonsinger
      I do remember using the card catalog. I remember going on a field trip to the school library and having the school librarian demonstrate how to search for books using the card catalog. Even in gradeschool, it seemed rudimentary to me. Now card catalogs are nearly extinct!
    • Phil Tietjen
      @jason - yes, libraries have most definitely felt the impact of Web 2.0, social technologies, etc. In many of the conversations and research that I've been following they've been more about helping students and patrons build skills in information literacy and navigating the massive trove of data that all these web-based sources, databases make available to us. Bluntly put, it's great that we have access to all this information through Google and various library databases, but how do we efficiently locate the most relevant, high-quality sources for our specific needs. That is no trivial task and so this presents librarians with an opportunity to assist.
  • This interplay is best characterized as "knowing" and it lives in the action of deliberate inquiry where the concepts, heuristics, laws and algorithms comprising the explicit function as tools for action–deliberate inquiry.)
    • Hannah Inzko
      I love this. When learning meets knowing through deliberate inquiry.
  • ...65 more annotations...
    • Marie Collins
      I never really thought of the Web being a tool to reach multiple intelligences! The different tools that are on the internet would be great to use in the classroom because each child could express their learning in the context that best suits their needs. Some students could be typing written documents, others could be creating presentations or even short video clips. The possibilities are endless when involving Web 2.0 tools!
    • Karen Yarbrough
      I noticed this idea, too! I'm a very visual learner, so I appreciate how the Internet can easily include text, videos, and slideshows in the classroom learning environment. Being able to connect to audio for auditory learners or people with visual impairments would also be really useful.
    • cherylanneburris
      Much as discussed here, technology often reaches multiple intelligences at once seamlessly. I am a visual learner and my daughter is an auditory learner.  Recently, we both watched a clip and picked up on different things because she was mainly listening and I was mainly watching.  As stated here, this addresses not only how a child may express themselves but also how a child may learn too.
    • kmlambert
      Yes, can you imagine have these types of tools when you in a K-12 setting?  I envision some of the harder subjects for myself would have been less difficult because I would be able to interact with the content in different ways.  
    • jasmccord
      I would take it one step further to include that it not only reaches multiple intelligences, but also is great at adapting for ability levels. It posses the challenges needed for gifted students, the adaptations for students with needs, and can accomodate students who learn better in different languages. In many ways it is the ultimate instructional tool.
  • Most of us experienced our formal learning in an authority-based, lecture-oriented school. And yet with the increasing amounts of information being readily available on the Web, we find a new kind of learning happening—it's not all that new; most of us did it informally anyway—having to do with discovery-based or experiential-based learning.
    • Marie Collins
      The idea that we need to be shifting from lecture-oriented/teacher centered learning is something that is hard for young teachers to start changing in their classrooms because of the lack of support from administration. I believe that soon students need to be learning in schools that are discovery-based. There still would be an underlying core of subjects being covered per grade level but students could work on their own through self-motivating projects to discover the information. The role of the teacher would be more of an adviser/moderator that would check in with students on their projects, make suggestions, and stretch their learning!
    • Melissa Glenn
      Marie--this is very interesting and I think what leads some parents to a home school curriculum. I am not a K-12 teacher and have no experience in that area, but with my own children I see that sometimes they are being taught one certain way to do something because that is the way they will be tested. Since my husband and I are both college professors, we often teach the kids other things and this gets them in trouble at school sometimes. For instance, we taught them 4 states of matter--liquid, gas, solid, and plasma. My son was told that plasma was not in the book so it was not a correct response.
    • Karen Yarbrough
      Ugh. Yes. The "the answer in the book is the only correct answer" problem. I was one of those horrible students who argued with my teachers all the time that the teacher's edition was wrong. It's why I always try to write questions that are either A) obviously open-ended on purpose or B) specific enough that there is genuinely only one answer. Sometimes it's all in the directions, but because of my annoyance in school, I try to keep it in mind.
    • kmlambert
      It seems like the discovery option in K-12 is not as prevalent in classrooms these days, because teachers/administrators are more worried about covering material for state tests.  
    • Christina Webster
      Marie that is exactly the type of classroom I try to maintain.  Students all around the room discovering their own learning.  Its amazing at how something as simple as the powerpoint project I'm having them create right now generates so much creativity and interest.  The students get to pick their topics and I haven't seen them more excited about a single assignment since I've been there.  They ask if we can get out the laptops every free minute and they are constantly calling me over while working to tell me the interesting pieces they are adding about their topic/person/thing.  I also have them present their powerpoint to the class hoping everyone can learn a little about each other's projects and generate their own questions.  As for "the answer in the book is the only correct answer", I haven't come across students that argue with the material yet (unless it is spelling and they are positive that tomato has an "e" in it), but plain and simple the books are outdated.  The information is not always accurate and although I still use the books I try to alternate the books and current internet pieces on the same topic.  Learning is about the students and we aren't constrained to just the old, dusty, resources in the room.
    • Courtney Blackhurst
      We need to challenge students to think outside the box and using multiple levels of intelligence.  they are multi-processors and we must continue to challenge them to do so - 1. to keep them from being bored and 2. so they continue to use this ability that they have.
    • jnb196
      I would like to add a number 3 to that, so that we shape then into being the 21 citizens which will be required to drive the world forward.
  • If we don't know how to use some appliance, software or game, etc., then we tend to reach for a manual, ask for a training course or ask to be shown how to do it by an expert. Believe me, hand a manual to a 15-year-old or suggest going to a training course and he thinks you are a dinosaur. "A manual? Give me a break! Let me get in there and muck around and try various things and see what works." More generally, today's kids tend to get on the Web and link, lurk and watch how other people are doing things and then try something themselves.
    • cherylanneburris
      This made me think of a TedTalk I recently watch.  Titled, Sugata Mitra's new experiments in self-teaching" found at  Basically, given a computer in India, school age children did not know English, did not know what a computer was, did not know what the internet was, and did not regularly attend school.  Even with that, they taught themselves.  It is worth watching.
    • Zach Lonsinger
      I saw TEDtalks by Sugata Mitra before. He is a great pioneer of educational technology. I definitely agree with this statement. It is also my favored way of learning a new system or machine. I just like to dive in and experiment and get my hands dirty. That is how I learn the best.
    • kmlambert
      I thought I posted about this before, but I remember reading an article where researchers handed non-speaking English children ipads.  The children quickly figured out how to use the ipads without any instruction or previous experience with technology.    
    • Courtney Blackhurst
      We need to challenge our students to see what is being done in the world, because they have that ability at their fingertips, and exceed it!
  • The second aspect of the Web that has interested me for some time is the fact that the Web may be the first technology, the first medium that honors the notion of multiple intelligences.
  • In essence the Web augments the knowledge dynamics of a region, increasing its diversity and expanding its learning resources by leveraging local expertise—in a lightweight way—for mentoring.
    • Karen Yarbrough
      I like the thought of "augment[ing] the knowledge dynamics of a region". I think it acknowledges that technology is a great tool, but that it isn't the end all and be all. It adds to the learning experience in a way that can be individual and powerful.
    • Rachel Tan
      Yes it should be pedagogy before technology
  • It took 20 or 50 years for electrification to take hold and for society to enact new social practices that leveraged the potential of that infrastructure
    • Justin Montgomery
      Sometimes we forget how long change takes to occur.
    • Phil Tietjen
      @Justin - agree; in many cases, the technical layer is easier than the social, e.g., changing mindsets, developing set of best practices, etc.
    • kmlambert
      As a society that has always had electricity, it is hard to imagine a life without it.  Similar to what I expect the digital generation to realize that the Web did not always exist. 
    • jasmccord
      It is amazing to think of how long it took for some changes to take hold. I feel the web has been able to catch on much more quickly in many ways yet the learning curve for some of its applications are very slow. Schools in particular a slow to adapt to the applications of web based technology.
  • The Web helps to build a rich fabric that combines the small efforts of the many with the large efforts of the few. It enables the culture and sensibilities of the region to evolve, not only by enriching the diversity of available information and expertise,
    • Rachel Tan
      This is another way to see the Connectivist approach to learning
  • a shift between using technology to support the individual and using technology to support relationships. This shift will be very important because with it we will discover new ways, new tools and new social protocols for helping us help each other, which is really the very essence of social learning.
    • cherylanneburris
      If Web 1.0 was about building a relationship between the web and the individual and Web 2.0 is about building support for relationships, what will Web 3.0 look like ... tailored experiences ... personalization...collaboration?  If so, are we already in a Web 3.0 world?
    • Zach Lonsinger
      The Web 3.0 could be the Internet of Things or building a relationship between an indivudal and a thing, or turning things into people. Like having an oven recognize that Zach put a turkey in the oven and the oven knows that Zach likes the turkey cooked a certain way so it automatically cooks it for you. Scary concept, but it's coming.
    • jbueter
      In a lot of ways--and this is something that others have pointed out--big internet services have narrowed our influences because of more targeted use of the data we give off when we use Google, for instance. Thus, limited some of the potential for relationships that Brown talks about.
    • anonymous
      Interesting! Could this information be considered public like the information that is already being sold by physical stores, etc.? Do you think there will be less material things in the future and more virtual or made of different materials? Like a physical stop sign won't be necessary when cars drive themselves. We won't have to paint our walls we can change the color with a click!
    • Zach Lonsinger
      Sam, I do think there will be less material things in the future. Check out this link. LaserVision, a light show company, designed a curtain of water with a stop sign projected onto it. It's been a project in Austrailia since 2007. The implications of this are endless. And I think we are approacing a very different and radical age.
    • anonymous
      That's really neat, thanks for sharing! :)
    • Rachel Tan
      This shift is happening and undeniable. Social learning is the theme for our next e-learning e-fiesta. Thanks Phil for sharing this (rather long) article.
  • Think about what this suggests for distance learning.
    • dmwentroble
      I find this statement interesting. As I get older and see younger people using the technology afforded to them, I realize that like it or is changing. This was probably the sentiment years ago about electricity :)
    • dmwentroble
      I agree, it worries me that I am missing the boat on my goals!
  • A second example: Hewlett-Packard and the Web. In this example, engineers at Hewlett-Packard use the Web to act as cognitive apprentices, or mentors, for kids wanting extra help on scientific, engineering or mathematical type problems. Again, the small efforts of the many—the engineers—complement the large efforts of the few—the teachers. Both of these examples barely scratch the surface of what could result from interlacing the small efforts of the many with the large efforts of the few.
    • dmwentroble
      Interesting fact: My neighbor is one of the engineers with Hewlett Packard that trains perspective clients to help interns/students learn the ropes via the internet.
    • Phil Tietjen
      Interesting coincidence indeed!
  • internet and the Web as a medium is that it enables us to leverage the small efforts of the many along with the large efforts of the few. Two very simple examples: consider a project called Pueblo that is happening in the Longview School in Phoenix, Arizona, in conjunction with some researchers from Phoenix College, a part of the Maricopa Community College System. These researchers have found a way to use a closed internet to connect a set of senior citizens acting as mentors with kids in the school systems. The result was that the small efforts of the many—the senior citizens
  • Many of us tend to think that kids who are multi-processing can't be concentrating. This may not be true. Notice that the attention span of most top managers range somewhere between 30 seconds to five minutes, which seems to be about the right span for most kids that I know
    • dmwentroble
      I love the idea of the digital age...however, not every job is going to be digital. These "kids" need to understand that they need to focus longer than 5 minutes if they are to succeed in life!
    • jnb196
      Good point made, this means that schools cannot fully exchange one method for another but must skilfully integrate two world to ensure that whereas kids recieve training for the digital age we live in they also acquire other life skills.
    • kmlambert
      I think his argument would be stronger if he provided actual data. I see students that are 'hooked up' to multiple devices, but I wonder are their brains actually processing and storing data or is it more of a switch in knowing what  requires more of their attention at one time?      
  • So in some interesting sense the need for making judgments is greater than ever. After all, who would necessarily believe something just because it was on the Web? If you found it in the Wall Street Journal you might have some reason to believe it, the National Enquirer, perhaps not.
    • Zach Lonsinger
      I totally agree that the needs for making judgements is greater than ever. It almost brings a sense of accountability to useing the internet. And at the same time, it is easier than every to double or even triple check a source. Wikipedia provides endless sources to back up its information, which is proving Wikipedia to be a valuable source of information today.
    • dmwentroble
      I just had this discussion with my second graders. Just because something is on the web does not make it a fact. It could just be an opinion. Great way to teach FACT vs. OPINION!
    • kristiemcgarry
      One of my fave examples of "something on the web is not always a fact" is the tree octopus:
    • Phil Tietjen
      @Zach - Yes, Wikipedia has certainly come a long way since its early days when its credibility was questionable and was often the victim of spam wars or vandals. And while it's improved dramatically, there's only so much territory that their groups of volunteer editors can cover, and most of the participation has been by men and so the Wikimedia Foundation is looking at ways to encourage more women to participate. e.g.,
    • Phil Tietjen
      @kristie - good example :)
  • nd so it will be for the Web. But to see this I think it is crucial not to think of the Web and the internet as just a network of computers but rather as the beginning of a fundamentally new medium, a medium as in TV, radio, theater and books. But this medium is going to have properties that are going to be very hard for us to understand because it's going to be a two-way or interactive medium
    • kristiemcgarry
      It is fascinating that we are now in the phase that this article predicted.
  • t this medium is as transformative as was electrification and with similar diffusion properties. The industrial dynamo was introduced about 1880. It took about 30 or more years for the effects of the dynamo to permeate our society
    • kristiemcgarry
      I have heard this comparison before--the internet era compared to the industrial revolution--and it is a very interesting comparison. Not just an invention but a disruptive change in the ways that we work, live, and think.
    • anonymous
      It makes me think about the combination of technologies as tools and learning the language.
  • Comcast offered about 50 billion dollars for Media One
    • Zach Lonsinger
      And to think this was 15 years ago. I wonder how much 50 billion is worth today. And people made a big deal with Facebook bought Instagram for 1 billion, and then more recently WhatsApp for 19 billion, and then a few month ago, Oculus Rift for 2 billion---and yet all of this still does not equal 50 billion.
  • Recently, I was with a young researcher, albeit one that was a bit unusual, that had actually wired a Web browser into his eyeglasses.
    • Zach Lonsinger
      Does this guy work for Google now? Perhaps had a part in designing Google Glass? I got to experiement with Google Glass in February. Woah, was that cool. It was very unique in being able to watch a video in your glasses or wink and be able to take a picture. I can definitely see Google Glass, or a future model being implemented in education.
    • kmlambert
      Google Glass came to my mind as well.  I've had colleagues that have had the opportunity to try them.  It confuses me as to how it works exactly.  Perhaps we have reached the Jetsons age?
    • jbueter
      I've been more fascinated with what 3D printers can do in the classroom, where at least for now printers seem to have an easier to identify educational role.
  • and to be able to pick up and feel comfortable with these new rapidly evolving multiple media genres
    • Zach Lonsinger
      I think this is evident in children today. You see kids everywhere with smartphones, tablets, iPads. And these kids are better users of these than some of their parents.
    • kmlambert
      Reminds me of the news article (last year?) which discussed the instance of American researchers providing a handful of children with an Ipad. These children lived in a third world country, but were able to master the use of the Ipad quickly and without any adult instruction. 
  • and may even become a prominent form of entertainment for the digital kid.
    • Zach Lonsinger
      Well that was a dead-on prediction.
  • The catch, however, is that if you are going to become a successful bricoleur of the 21st century, a bricoleur of the virtual rather than of the physical, than as you borrow things you have to be able to decide whether or not to believe or trust those things.
    • Zach Lonsinger
      I think this can get into the touchy subject of plagiarism. There's a famous saying that goes, "stealing from one source is plagiarism, but stealing from many sources is research". I also read a book titled, "Steal Like an Artist" by Austin Kleon. One of the famous sayings used was from Picasso, "Good artists copy, great artists steal."
    • kmlambert
      Again, I find most middle school and high school students, college-aged, and adults are not always certain on the differenences between a .gov or .edu site versus a .com site. 
    • jbueter
      The standards for "cobbling" or taking code fragments are different than traditional "ideas," though. Code seems less abstract and more material-based, at least virtually. 
  • So we now have navigation being coupled to, basically, discovery and discovery being coupled to bricolage but you don't dare build on whatever you discover unless you can make a judgment concerning its quality or trustworthiness.
    • Zach Lonsinger
      This is a loaded sentence and I love it. It's a great point and I think it describes the complexity of today's world, Web 2.0 tools, and how to be an effective digital bricoleur.
  • digital bricoleur.
  • So troubleshooting is really story construction, not abstract logical reasoning.
    • Zach Lonsinger
      I love this. Stories are everywhere, from birth to death, and have always been apart of the human nature. I do believe stories are vital to education and how every child learns best. Not always just storybooks, but stories from parents, classmates, friends, and from their teachers.
    • snc520
      Absolutely! I always try to incorporate story telling into my classes. Sharing things I learned during my time in school and letting students share their stories with their peers and myself. A lot of the time I even learn from their stories!
  • Learning was happening in a fantastic way in terms of telling and listening to stories.
    • Zach Lonsinger
      This is a fantastic, yet incredibly simple concept of learning--storytelling. This has been going on for generations, yet we still always manage to miss the basic fundamentals. I think this is why gamification is catching on so fast, becasue most games tell a story that catches your attention.
  • The real expert was not a person but was the community mind, the mind of the community-of-practice.
    • Zach Lonsinger
      Interesting concept. I totally agree that not one person can ever be a true expert in one area, but a group of professionals create the expert community mind. Very cool way to word that, I might bricolage that.
    • kmlambert
      Listservs can function as a community mind in this manner.  
  • The twist, though, was that once they received the video, the engineers would replay them in their own small study group, but replay them in a very special way. Every three minutes or so they would stop the video and talk about what they had just seen, and ask each other if there were any questions or any ambiguities that needed to be resolved.
    • Zach Lonsinger
      This is a great way to learn that I think a lot of professors on campus overlook. The engineers basically were experiencing what we call today a "flipped classroom". I think this is a great way to learn, especially with a small group of people where you can bounce ideas off and pause the lecture or re-watch it. Sometimes during a lecture or in a class, people need that time to pause, and think over the material. Some students do this, and then miss what the instructor continued to talk about.
  • The next system is an experimental system in use at Cornell University and designed by Dan Huttenlocher. Here they use dual video cameras, one on the lecturer and one that zooms in on any student asking a question. The video stream can then be automaticallly segmented, identifying exactly when a student asked a question or the lecturer changed a slide, etc. Once a slide is identified its image is passed to an optical character recognizer whose output is used to help create an index of the video stream content.
    • Zach Lonsinger
      This is an interesting concept. I'm surprised we haven't seen this technology revamped and recreated today, unless I missed it. But I haven't seen this technology used really anywhere.
  • The traditional producers of knowledge (e.g., faculty) are also becoming consumers of the knowledge that their traditional consumers (e.g., grad students, firms in the region) produce.
    • Zach Lonsinger
      I think this is a rather important concept, that the teacher also learns from the students. This creates an environment of learning where students can take the reign of teacher and be able to teach. This creates a two-way conversation that can foster deeper and more meaninful learning.
  • We're just at the bottom of the S-curve of this innovation, a curve that will have about the same shape but a greater slope than the one pertaining to electrification. And as this S-curve takes off, it creates a unique period for entrepreneurs! It is entrepreneurs, be they academic, educational or corporate entrepreneurs, that will shape and drive this relatively chaotic phenomenon especially as it relates to learning. Entrepreneurs are great at challenging the status quo. Their power lies in their willingness to see differently, unearth and challenge background assumptions and then act on their beliefs, often overturning an assumption that others felt were unassailable. Our challenge and opportunity, here, is to foster the entrepreneurial spirit toward creating new kinds of learning environments, ones that leverage how we naturally learn coupled to or enhanced by the unique capabilities of the Web.
    • kmlambert
      It'd be interesting to find out where this author believes us to be on the S-curve now.  This statement made me realize that most discoveries are made by visionaries that want to push the envelope and have successfully done so, such as Steve Jobs & Apple or Mark Zuckerberg & Facebook.  For better or worse they have revolutionized our society.     
  • learning becomes a part of action and knowledge creation.
    • kmlambert
      I have found that I learn and retain new ideas if I can read about it and then have the ability to interract with it in some fashion. 
    • CJ Marchione
      When I was in primary and secondary school, I received notesheets that stated that the more senses one uses in studying material, the more likely he is to retain the material as knowledge. Rather than senses, perhaps relating new knowledge to familiar concepts and activitities should have been stressed. (After all, I probably will not be tasting the Renaissance anytime soon!)
  • Enculturation lies at the heart of learning.
    • kmlambert
      Again stating that becoming embedded in a community adds to learning.  
  • These study groups were socially constructing their own understanding of the material.
    • kmlambert
      Certainly a vote for more group discussions within learning environments, distance learners or not.     
  • One of the things that makes an ecology so powerful and adaptable to new contexts is its diversity
    • kmlambert
      My understanding of this is that if everyone in a group has the same viewpoint, nothing new may develop.  But if you have learners from various backgrounds, and life experiences then innovation can begin.  Learner A will propose one solution and Learner B may submit another. Through discussion and evaluation, a final solution will be developed.    
  • Judgment, navigation, discrimination and synthesis are more critical than ever; again, congruent to our hypothesis about digital kids.
  • Basically, each of us is part consumer and part producer. We read and we write, we absorb and we critique, we listen and we tell stories, we help and we seek help. This is life on the Web. The boundaries between consuming and producing are fluid—the secret to many of the business models of Web-based commerce.
    • kmlambert
      This is a nice concise statement.  I especially love how it states that boundaries are fluid between being a consumer and being a producer.  
  • What I want to do this morning is to provide some evocative comments rather than give a coherent, logically argued talk. That is, these comments are meant to be idea sparkers that will, hopefully, evoke additional ideas for yourself concerning how the world might be changing and how we might actually recast or reframe some of the classical problems of education and distance learning in quite new terms.
    • jbueter
      As someone who teaches rhetoric, I love this acknowledgement of genre and purpose. Probably easier to pull off in a speech when you are someone of his experience.
  • f you see a Web site that's more than six months old, it screams out at you—something is wrong.
    • jbueter
      I notice this "off-kilter" quality with operating systems--especially when I toggle between my older iPod touch and my relatively newer iPhone. Must be a golden age for these types of graphic designers.
    • Christina Webster
      My summer job is constantly getting new laptops and I never think there is anything wrong with the old ones but each new laptop has a better quality or different feature than the older that benefits the business.  This six month timeline sounds about right.
    • snc520
      This is so true! I have a MacBook from 2011 that I have been using and loving. It always worked fine for me, and I saw nothing wrong with it. About a month ago, it started to act up and it eventually quit on me, so I took it in to the local Apple store. I basically needed everything replaced (thank goodness it was still under the extended warranty) and I received all new parts (except for the battery and bottom metal case). Essentially, now I have a brand new computer with the most updated software and I have am so surprised by how much faster and smoother it runs!
  • Web surfing
    • jbueter
      Not common to hear this term now, especially in a non-ironic context.
  • Knowledge has two dimensions, the explicit and the tacit. The explicit dimension deals with concepts, the know-whats, whereas the tacit dimension deals with know-how.
    • jbueter
      This differentiation looks familiar. The image was also in the Brown piece.  
  • even what constitutes a solution in the first place?
    • jbueter
      The skeptic Evgeny Morozov would completely agree with this sentiment. Morozov is cautious of those who look for a solution outside of any real problem.
  • as I mentioned earlier, lurk on the periphery and hear what was going on and in so doing could be a virtual cognitive apprentice. He could also move from the periphery to the center when he had something to contribute, very much like today's digital kids are doing on the Web.
    • jbueter
      This is inline with why companies have started forums for support, which is a form of tech support I sometimes prefer.
  • (This capability may be especially important as a child starts his learning journey. Afterwards, and after a sense of self confidence about being able to learn has been established, mastering a broader set of learning media will be easier).
    • anonymous
      When I first heard of so many people having a wii fit, I often thought why not just do the real thing in real life? This section gets me thinking about the times I've been in a situation where my comfort level was minimal and therefore I took a backseat to observe (and also refrained from asking specific questions that would allow me to keep up). I enjoy reading about these "safe zones" and how truly essential they are to learner exploration and building confidence!
  • This experiment reflects a win/win situation because the senior citizens wired together actually created a sense of meaning for themselves, through interaction with themselves and the kids, while also acting as a powerful resource to the kids.
    • anonymous
      We had "Grandma" in our class while student teaching. The students loved her! I wonder if the students in this project assist "their grandparent" in using technology?
  • just like cold fusion was in science.
  • Then he linked and lurked and at the right moment he transitioned from lurking to asking a question therein initiating a brief conversation with this expert. A small momentary effort of one expert inspired this kid.
  • Given the vastness of the Web, it's often possible to find a niche community or special interest group that exactly coincides with your own, idiosyncratic interest or, more to the point, a kid's interest.
    • anonymous
  • . It was a strange experience to say the least.
    • snc520
      I can't imagine what it would be like if these were mainstream and common! I feel like it would be so hard for myself to concentrate on both things at once!
  • You are picking up or apprenticing to the practices of an expert.
    • snc520
      This reminds me a lot of student teaching. In the last two semesters (at least in the Penn State program) are heavy on field experiences. Even though I learned a lot in my methods courses, the most valuable learning experiences I aquired in my time at Penn State were from student teaching, being in an actual classroom and working with an actual teacher!
    • Christina Webster
      I have a student now that due to several reasons cannot read or write.  I only have the student for two subjects and during our time with those subjects the student puts his finger on the page as if he is following along, but has no clue where the class is.  The student is constantly cutting papers and never doing the assignment like the rest of the class.  The student does not even remember my name, but if I give this student a verbal test the student receives grades of 80%.  I have no idea how he is retaining the information when he is talking and looking at a completely different page, cannot remember my name, but can get almost every answer correct.  Clearly he is able to concentrate on what is being read or spoken to him in those environments even though according to my eyes he's not paying attention at all.  Just reminded me an example of multi-processing.  
    • jasmccord
      This is so true. I cannot help but think of how standards revolve around the ability to read a variety of text, informational, persuasive, and narrative. Standards should be developed for online literacy and how to read online text.
  • learning ecology.
    • jasmccord
      I find the terminology used here to be very interesting. To me the word ecology has always had a scienfic conotation to it. Thus, for it to be used in this context seems very interesting.
  • So, having said all that, let's step back and ask about today's kids, kids growing up digital. How are their brains different? How do they learn differently? How do they think differently? How are they different? Because after all, today's kids are today's customers for schools and tomorrow's customers for lifelong learning. So we all have a lot of motivation to jointly come to some understanding of how the "digital kid" is different. Let me first give an overview and then I will dig into this topic a little bit more
    • jasmccord
      This is something I have put a great deal of thought to. Kids are different and have changed very rapidly. At the age of 36 I like to believe I am not yet in the category of being considered old. However, when i was going through elementary school the web was not yet something available to me. A computer was the good apple 2e. When I hit middle school and high school the web was coming onto the scene. The apple 2gs was in style and dial up and "You've Got Mail" were familiar to many, but not all. The kids of today however have grown up in a world that has never known dial up, have never been without text messaging or phones capable of standing in for computers. This has changed the kids of today. Their person to person communication skills are lacking, they demand immediate feedback, they multitask like pros because they do nearly everything while connected to an electronic device. This is an area of great interest to me because I believe the web and its associated devices have truly changed who we are as people.
  • Starting about three years ago we, at PARC, started hiring fifteen year olds to join us during the summer as researchers
  • Corporate research centers and high-tech companies are increasingly providing adjunct professors, guest lectures, thesis supervision, richly textured case histories to the universities. They are also providing consulting and sabbatical opportunities for professors and graduate students, thus providing opportunities for the academy to become better grounded in real world problems. Although such intermixing is not fundamentally new, the degree to which it is happening is new and various kinds of cross linkages are growing.
  • What that medium will evolve into, believe me, none of us really know.
    • CJ Marchione
      A corporation purchases another for billions of dollars, for the purpose of investing in a medium with intense transformation potential. The uncertainty of what those transformations will be does not deter them. This is the power of increased convenience in communications: it is potentially of great service to billions of people, and worth more green bills than each of us shall witness in our lifetimes.
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