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Contents contributed and discussions participated by jasmccord


Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0 (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUC... - 22 views

  • The most profound impact of the Internet, an impact that has yet to be fully realized, is its ability to support and expand the various aspects of social learning.

John Seely Brown: Learning, Working & Playing in the Digital Age - 18 views

    • jasmccord
      This is so true. I cannot help but think of how standards revolve around the ability to read a variety of text, informational, persuasive, and narrative. Standards should be developed for online literacy and how to read online text.
  • learning ecology.
    • jasmccord
      I find the terminology used here to be very interesting. To me the word ecology has always had a scienfic conotation to it. Thus, for it to be used in this context seems very interesting.
  • So, having said all that, let's step back and ask about today's kids, kids growing up digital. How are their brains different? How do they learn differently? How do they think differently? How are they different? Because after all, today's kids are today's customers for schools and tomorrow's customers for lifelong learning. So we all have a lot of motivation to jointly come to some understanding of how the "digital kid" is different. Let me first give an overview and then I will dig into this topic a little bit more
    • jasmccord
      This is something I have put a great deal of thought to. Kids are different and have changed very rapidly. At the age of 36 I like to believe I am not yet in the category of being considered old. However, when i was going through elementary school the web was not yet something available to me. A computer was the good apple 2e. When I hit middle school and high school the web was coming onto the scene. The apple 2gs was in style and dial up and "You've Got Mail" were familiar to many, but not all. The kids of today however have grown up in a world that has never known dial up, have never been without text messaging or phones capable of standing in for computers. This has changed the kids of today. Their person to person communication skills are lacking, they demand immediate feedback, they multitask like pros because they do nearly everything while connected to an electronic device. This is an area of great interest to me because I believe the web and its associated devices have truly changed who we are as people.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Starting about three years ago we, at PARC, started hiring fifteen year olds to join us during the summer as researchers
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