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John Pearce

The History 2.0 Classroom: X Evernote X Explain Everything X iPads - 3 views

    conjunction with Explain Everything, students now have the ability to publish blog posts through their existing Evernote account that can include customized images, graphics or posters. One of my favorite uses for Explain Everything is to create graphics by using the cropping image & text feature. Once the graphic is created, it can either be exported to the camera roll or uploaded directly to Evernote. Once the image is included in the Evernote note that is tagged with "published", the blog post will appear on the blog with the custom image. (If publishing directly from Explain Everything to Evernote, remember to go into the note and add the "published" tag word).
Roland Gesthuizen

NeatoCode Techniques, First Facial Recognition Hack for Google Glass - 1 views

    "My team wrote an app at a medical hackathon called MedRef for Glass. The app lets you find and create patient folders by voice, add photo and voice notes, view previous notes, and also find patient folders by facial recognition! Very exciting."
John Pearce - 2 views

    If you watch a lot of online videos for education or research, you'll find VideoNotes a really useful tool. It's as simple as this: sign in with a Google account (VideoNotes uses Google Drive for storage) and then paste in the URL for a YouTube video. Then as it plays you can start making Notes on the right-hand side of the screen. The clever bit is that as you click on previous Notes you've made, the video will jump to that point, making this a really useful tool for navigating documentaries, study guides and other long, involved videos.
Rhondda Powling

Create Time-stamped Multimedia Notes on Your Android Device | Android 4 Schools - 1 views

    This looks to be a promising app for ome of the students i work with who have difficulties with text but very good auditory and thinking skills.
John Pearce

KustomNote - Professional Note taking for EverNote - 10 views

    KustomNote is a customisable Note creation space where you can develop templates that can be quickly uploaded to EverNote with ease. You can start with a blank template or use one from the KustomNote community. With drop down and other SmartField assistants and Icon stamps and other features you can make appealing templates for recording all manner of reflections and observations, perfect for evaluation records and much more.
Heather Bailie

itsallaboutart: Visual Note Taking - 4 views

    "Our notes should be true to us, capture what we want to remember or to share and be produced in a simple way that works for us at the time."
John Pearce

Creative Commons V4.0 for Education (new) - 4 views

    "In 2013, we launched version 4.0 of the CC license suite and it is ready for anyone to use now to apply to their educational resources or other creative works. But what does that mean? What's new in 4.0 that wasn't there in 3.0? And just as importantly, what has stayed the same so that you don't have to worry about changes to licenses you weren't expecting? Lastly, I'll go over some examples of organizations and institutions who have already upgraded to the 4.0 version of whatever license they were using. Note: These slides are meant to be used as a resource by presenters - please download the file and see the detailed Notes accompanying each slide for the actual information. "
Filefisher com

June 2017 Security Patch Hitting Galaxy Note 4 On AT&T | - 0 views

    AT&T started rolling out the June Android Security Update to all Samsung Galaxy Note 4 units on its network, as revealed by the wireless carrier's offi
Damien Murtagh

KustomNote - Professional Note taking for EverNote - 0 views

shared by Damien Murtagh on 23 May 13 - No Cached
    KustomNote is a web app which connects to your EverNote account. It allows you to use and create templates for virtually anything you might need one for. These templates provide the structure that you need for organizing the content within your EverNote Notes.
Rhondda Powling

inClass - The last school app you'll ever need - 5 views

    Via Richard Byrne "InClass is a free iPhone and iPad app that could be a very useful tool for students carrying those devices. InClass provides students with tools for taking text, audio, and video notes. Students can also use the app to take pictures of hand-outs, slides, and other valuable information that they see in class."
Ian Guest

Letters of Note - 4 views

    "Letters of Note is an attempt to gather and sort fascinating letters, postcards, telegrams, faxes, and memos"
Roland Gesthuizen

HOW TO: Manage a Sustainable Online Community - 0 views

  • A 2008 Gartner study on social software noted that “about 70 percent of the community typically fails to coalesce.” While the measurement and the statistics behind this statement raise questions, there is an element of truth. There are detrimental effects of over-hyping the technology and then committing the three cardinal sins of running a community:
    A 2008 Gartner study on social software noted that "about 70 percent of the community typically fails to coalesce." While the measurement and the statistics behind this statement raise questions, there is an element of truth. There are detrimental effects of over-hyping the technology and then committing the three cardinal sins of running a community:
Roland Gesthuizen

Worst practice in ICT use in education | A World Bank Blog on ICT use in Education - 0 views

  • If adopting 'best practice' is fraught with difficulties, and 'good practice' often noted but ignored, perhaps it is useful instead to look at 'worst practice'.  The good news is that, in the area of ICT use in education, there appears to be a good deal of agreement about what this is! Here's a list of some of what I consider to be the preeminent 'worst practices' related to the large scale use of ICTs in education in developing countries, based on first hand observation over the past dozen or so years.
    "If adopting 'best practice' is fraught with difficulties, and 'good practice' often noted but ignored, perhaps it is useful instead to look at 'worst practice'. The good news is that, in the area of ICT use in education, there appears to be a good deal of agreement about what this is! Here's a list of some of what I consider to be the preeminent 'worst practices' related to the large scale use of ICTs in education in developing countries, based on first hand observation over the past dozen or so years"
    Reading an interesting World Bank blog post that asks us to consider what is worst practice. A good reality check, it would be good for eLearning and ICT educators to stop and glance at this list every month.
Shelly Terrell

Table: Key Advantages of Serious Games/Immersive Learning Simulations | Kapp Notes - 6 views

    research and table with research on gaming by Kapp Notes
Andrew Jeppesen

ZuluPad - 10 views

    ZuluPad is a notepad on crack. It's a place to jot down class notes, appointments, to-do lists, favorite websites, annotated bookmarks, pretty much anything you can think of. The great thing about ZuluPad is that it combines the best parts of a notepad with the best parts of a wiki, a concept made popular by Wikipedia. The basic idea has been called a personal wiki or a desktop wiki.
Clay Leben

The Future of Education - Steve Hargadon - 8 views

    Recorded online interviews with noted teachers, pundits, and researchers in the area of future edtech. I think of it as a mini TED for educators and instructional design.
    Recorded online interviews with noted teachers, pundits, and researchers in the area of future edtech and pedagogy. I think of it as an online TED for educators and instructional design.
John Pearce

critical-thinking - home - 0 views

    "Join Howard Rheingold and other noted educators in creating a world-class resource for teaching critical thinking and Internet literacies. We are building a framework in the pages linked in the menu to the left. Get started by adding to the list of tools and the list of important vocabulary. Check out the latest bookmarks on the Diigo Resources page. You can join the Diigo group and subscribe to the RSS feeds."
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