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John Pearce

The App Goldmine - 3 views

    Welcome to The App Goldmine, where financial freedom is just an app away. We're a company committed to educating and empowering people like you with the knowledge to develop and sell mobile apps. We embrace the pursuit of financial independence and through unique resources like podcasts and blog posts, can't wait to lead you to "app goldmine". Have a great new app idea? What if you could build that mobile app and start marketing it on the app store today? With The App Goldmine - you can. We'll take you from start to finish, revealing the proven process we used to turn our own innovative app ideas into reality!
    thanks for sharing this one John. Appreciate it
John Pearce - 4 views

    Have you ever been struggling to take notes while watching videos? Not anymore! VideoNotes, developed by UniShared (, currently supports Youtube and Coursera videos and works best for the last versions of Chrome, Firefox, IE and Safari. It enables you to: - Watch videos and take notes at the same time, on the same screen - Keep the same shortcuts to play/pause your video while writing notes - Automatically synchronize your notes and video. Just click on a line of your notes to jump to the related part of the video. Everything is automatically stored in your Google Drive, to access them everywhere.
John Pearce

Share your desktop using Chrome - Nets@Life - 2 views

    "Chrome is not only a browser but the power of extensions enables computers in the same network to share desktops. Adding the extension Remote Desktop, from the Chrome Web Store allows one computer to share its desktop giving the other computer access and control. "
John Pearce

As Google I/O nears, 15 killer apps show best of Chrome | PCWorld - 5 views

    "Anyone who says you can't get real work done on a Web browser-or in a browser-based operating system, for that matter-hasn't seen some of the latest Chrome apps. Rising above glorified bookmarks, the cream of Google's Chrome Web Store can stand toe-to-toe with desktop software. More are offering offline functionality, too. Coming soon: 'packaged apps' that look and act more like traditional software."
John Pearce

Google Maps: Would We Be Lost Without Them? - 0 views

    The team behind Google Maps won't stop until it has every last inch of the planet stored on its servers. Would we really be so lost without it?
John Pearce

'Vidora' is a second screen iPad app all Apple TV owners should be using | VentureBeat - 1 views

    "Vidora's newly released iPad app actually uses Airplay intelligently, like a natural extension of its video discovery and curation service. Seriously, Vidora's Airplay integration is how I'd imagine Apple TV's UX if Apple wasn't scared of cannibalizing iTunes video sales and started sorting content based on making it easier for users to find things. (Sort of like what would happen in a bizarro world if Woz was calling all the shots at Apple.) Also, Vidora's Airplay integration means you don't have to use the Apple remote, since all navigation happens via your iPad." Pity it is only available in the US Store.
John Pearce

Apple TV and AirPlay Fuel Rise of Dual-Screen Apps - 1 views

    "Dual-screen apps are a new phenomena, enabled by the advent of wireless technologies that allow for effortless pairing of a PC, tablet or smartphone with a TV. They are changing how people are interacting and "consuming" content within apps. For developers this creates many new opportunities to provide better experiences for their users, but it requires thinking about dual-screen setups from the start as well as new tools. The opportunity for dual-screen apps is huge. And it's more than just watching a video or playing a game: Dual-screen apps have the potential to transform the office meeting room, the classroom, the retail store, the hospital, and really any other context where people are interacting around content and information and where that information would benefit from rendering and display on a large screen such as a TV monitor."
John Pearce

2011-01-14 Using Google Docs to Support Your PLC - EdTechTeam - 8 views

    "Take your professional learning community to the next level by using Google Docs to collaborate with colleagues. Google Docs is an online office suite that allows you to create, edit, share, and publish documents, including spreadsheets and presentations. Because everything is stored and even modified on the web, Google Docs makes it easy to collaborate with colleagues - and even to edit the same document from multiple computers simultaneously. This session will focus on the use of Google Docs to promote and support collaboration within a PLC, including strategies for creating common assessments, sharing best practices, and capturing the conversation - even between meetings. Google Docs can even be used for data collection and analysis. This one tool can revolutionize the way your PLC collaborates. And it's free. (This is a hands-on DOUBLE session: 2.5 hours.)"
Dennis Vazquez

Discover Healed Treats For Dogs - 0 views

    Online shopping for healthy treats for dogs from a great selection of Cookies, Biscuits & Snacks, Rawhide, Bones, Jerky, Edible Pet Treats & more. To know more call 0402 262 875 or Visit our online store to order now!
Pure Money Making - 0 views

  •, as many of you may already know, is one of the world famous clothes stores. Now, they are giving you the opportunity to join them as affiliate ...
John Pearce

Google Image Search By Drawing - 3 views

    The Unofficial Google Image Search by Drawing tool provides you with a drawing space and some simple drawing tools to create a sketch. When your sketch is complete just click "search by drawing" and you'll be sent to the Google Image search results that best match your drawing. The Unofficial Google Image Search by Drawing tool can also be used to upload and draw on an image that you have stored on your computer. If you want to search for pictures of yourself or pictures of people that look like you, you can use your webcam to take a picture of yourself and search through the Unofficial Google Image Search by Drawing tool.
Clay Leben

Online Diagram & Flowchart Software | Lucidchart - 12 views

    Free allows 2 people to collaborate and store small charts. Schools can get a free account, which is awesome.
John Pearce

Let's CC - 4 views

    Let's CC is not a search engine, but rather offers quick and easy access to search services provided by other independent organizations from one single page just like CC Korea has no control over the results that are returned and makes no warranties whatsoever regarding the results. If you are in doubt you should contact the copyright holder directly, or try to contact the site where you found the contents. Let's CC uses APIs provided by Fiickr, Jamendo, ccMixter, Youtube and Slideshare, so you can find CC-licensed images, sounds, videos and docs at once with just one click. You can also save your favorite works and add tags to them. They are stored in My Favorites folder, so you can see them anytime you want. On My Favorites page, you can manage previously marked as favorite contents and add tags to them. Moreover, Let's CC contents that have been marked as favorite will appear at the top of the search results so that users will be able to find more relevant contents easily.
John Pearce

Apps for Elementary - 2 views

    Thank you for visiting our website and learning about what apps we are using in our elementary classrooms. While this list is extensive, we understand it is not exhaustive of all apps available. Feel free to join our website and add any additional sites that you use with your students. Creators are adding new games and tools to the app store every day, so continue to visit and do research to learn and share the latest and greatest tools. iPads are transforming the classroom. With shared resources like these we will continue to help educators here and around the world educate their students.
John Pearce

The 25 best Windows Phone apps - 1 views

    Through its partnership with Nokia, some exciting new Windows Phone handsets are starting to hit the Australian market.  What's more, the Windows Phone Marketplace for apps is the fastest growing app store on the market as developers are beginning to cater to the potential of the Windows Phone market. Whether you're new to the Windows Phone platform or an old hand looking to discover something new, these are 25 must-have apps for WP7.
John Pearce

How I Published to the iTunes Bookstore | Exploring Digital Media in Education - 5 views

    I have recently published a book in the iTunes store. (Read about it here or here.) Some people have expressed interest in knowing how exactly I was able to do this. Well the good news is that it's not very difficult. The bad news is that you have to get the formatting perfect or it will be rejected.
    This is going to be really helpful for us, as we are working on an iBook project for teacher PD ... thanks for sharing this
John Pearce

Create your 'ownCloud' « Mark Pleasance - 1 views

    Occasionally there is a piece software that comes along which astonishes me that I can download it for free. We have been recently investigating the ability for our users to sync their docs with a cloud service, primarily for backup. We have looked at Google Drive, DropBox and SkyDrive and there are many others. All have advantages / disadvantages however there is one thing that none of them seem to do - local storage. We simply can't have 1,500 users all trying to sync to the Internet and expect it to work across our 50 meg pipe.  We need it to be stored locally, on one of our servers. Sure we'll need tons of storage and won't have intercontinental redundancy and failover, but let's be honest we are not backing up nuclear launch codes here. One large RAID 5 storage should do the trick.
Eric Marcos

Jetpack by Purdue University - 5 views

    The Jetpack publishing platform enables users to create collections of interactive media called "packs." The packs can be run on most popular devices, and because the content is stored on the users' phones, it runs natively and doesn't have delays caused by downloads. From Purdue University.
Shelly Terrell

Google Maps For Android Now Lets You Explore The Great Indoors (And Find The Nearest Re... - 0 views

    Google Maps for Android is fantastic. Between its free GPS Navigation feature, speedy downloads thanks to vector-based maps, and offline caching, the app is leagues ahead of the Maps app on iOS. Today, Maps for Android is getting upgraded to version 6.0, and it includes a long-anticipated feature that presents a huge technical challenge: indoor maps. Yes, you'll now be able to fire up Maps in some malls, airports, and department stores to get your bearings, complete with that 'little blue dot' that shows you where you are. 
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