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John Pearce

The Photojojo Store! - 2 views

    We publish an insanely great newsletter on photography. More specifically, we scour the internets, rip pages out of magazines, ransack our friends' closets, and go through dumpsters to find the very best Photo tips, DIY projects, and Gear.
John Pearce

Inquiry Learning | MindShift - 6 views

    MindShift Magazine have collected these articles related to Inquiry Learning
Rhondda Powling

Minecraft Resources for Teachers on Flipboard | Flipboard - 2 views

    "The game Minecraft is an emerging way to teach and learn basic concepts of collaboration in the classroom. Minecraft rose to popularity due to elaborate pop culture recreations and the ability to explore other people's lands. With Minecraft, students can learn about survival, experience history digitally and create models of cells for biology class. If you are using Minecraft in your class, follow these magazines to get new ideas for your lesson plan."
Reynold Redekopp

Dimensions - National Research Council Canada - 2 views

    NRC online magazine - showcasing Canadian science and technology
John Pearce

Part 1… The Google Advanced Search.. Basic Student Skills And Learning « 21 s... - 1 views

    "Welcome to another post that is a new entry in my Googal In Google Series. In fact, I was ecstatic about the enthusiastic responses from my Ten Items All Should Know When Using Google Basic Search… Far From Basic posting. (If you didn't see it, give it a click.) In this first of a three part posting I will cover some great things to know about Google Advanced Search. I will even try to convince you that perhaps you will increase student understanding by teaching them to search with the Advanced Search Page! As always, feel free to subscribe to this Blog by RSS or email, follow me on twitter at (@mjgormans), and also discover some great resources at my 21centuryedtech Wiki! You will also find my other postings at Tech and Learning Magazine. Now let's take a moment and advance to some of the advanced search strategies using Google Advanced Search! - Have a great week - Mike"
Roland Gesthuizen

Wake Up, Geek Culture. Time to Die | Magazine - 2 views

    "In Japan, the word otaku refers to people who have obsessive, minute interests-especially stuff like anime or videogames. It comes from a term for "someone else's house"-otaku live in their own, enclosed worlds. Or, at least, their lives follow patterns that are well outside the norm. Looking back, we were American otakus. "
    Interesting to think about how Geek culture has changed over the past three decades.
Clay Leben

DIY U: The Future Of Learning [Video] | Fast Company - 7 views

    Animated visual drawing illustrates OpenU concept presentation by Anya Kamenez on Fast Company Magazine. DIY U is a new book.
John Pearce

How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education | Magazine - 4 views

    A really interesting look at the Khan Academy, and more, and the bigger "Flipped Classroom" movement. The article contains a potted history of the Khan development as well as some rebuttals from Gary Stager and Sylvia Martinez. An interesting read for all wanting to know more about Khan.
John Pearce

The Wrath Against Khan: Why Some Educators Are Questioning Khan Academy | Hack Education - 6 views

    "There's an article in this month's Wired Magazine about Khan Academy. The headline speaks volumes - "How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education" - as do the responses I've seen to the article. As usual, there's plenty of praise for Sal Khan and his one-man-educational-video-making machine. But there's also push-back from some quarters, particularly from educators who are highly skeptical of what Khan Academy delivers and what it stands for."
John Pearce

Mashpedia Dynamic Encyclopedia - 5 views

    Mashpedia is an online encyclopedia comprised of "LiveDocs", which are dynamic web documents displaying blocks of content related to the given topic, retrieved from multiple sources across the Internet in real-time. For every queried topic, Mashpedia loads information and rich media from Newspapers, Magazines, Blogs, Books, Wikipedia, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and further online resources.
Kathleen Morris

Facebook: Personal Branding Made Easy | Magazine - 5 views

    Interesting read about social media being more media than social. True conversations don't happen in public online spaces.
Aaron Davis

danah boyd | apophenia » TIME Magazine Op-Ed: Let Kids Run Wild Online - 0 views

  • What makes the digital street safe is when teens and adults collectively agree to open their eyes and pay attention, communicate and collaboratively negotiate difficult situations. Teens need the freedom to wander the digital street, but they also need to know that caring adults are behind them and supporting them wherever they go. The first step is to turn off the tracking software. Then ask your kids what they’re doing when they’re online–and why it’s so important to them.
    Interesting piece by Danah Boyd challenging the belief that we should track our children and wall their digital wall.
Rhondda Powling

20 Ways to Engage Students - 7 views

    "A research study was carried out at PROCAT to investigate students' expectations and experiences when using technology at college. You can read the research report here. The E-Zine below is a further resource, which follows on from the research report. It provides 20 key messages for Instructors, which summarises feedback direct from PROCAT Students on how to engage learners. The magazine provides a useful checklist for teaching staff and is a resource they can keep referring to for ideas and to check they are on track. You will need flash to be installed to view the e-zine."
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Ian Guest

Lucidpress - 4 views

    "Create stunning documents in less time than ever before. We've eliminated the frustration of traditional design and layout tools-make flyers, brochures, newsletters, magazines, and photo books without breaking a sweat."
    via @rmbyrne

top_20_team_building_activities_that_your_employees_would_love_to_play - 0 views

    We have compiled below the top 20 list team building activities and games that have been implemented and experienced the positive vibes from our team. 1. Sneak a Peek , 2. The Wall 3. Truth and Lie 4. Find me 5. Egg Drop 6. Bind hands and Feet 7. Fill the Basket 8. Radio Play 9. Who is the Sherlock? 10. Campfire Anecdotes 11. Silver Lining 12. Blind Drawing 13. Shape of Words 14. Lemon and Spoon 15. Bubble Questions 16. Scramble Puzzle 17. Magazine Cover 18. Sale! Sale! Sale! 19. Kite Flying Competition 20. No Hitting
Rhondda Powling

Designing Content for Multiple Mobile Devices by Michelle Lentz & Brandon Carson : Lear... - 2 views

  • In a BYOD (bring your own device) world, where your mobile learning must work on a wide variety of devices, a big question for designers is “how do you design for that?” In this article, we attempt to help you find some answers to that question
    "In a BYOD (bring your own device) world, where your mobile learning must work on a wide variety of devices, a big question for designers is "how do you design for that?" In this article, we attempt to help you find some answers to that question..."
Tony Richards

So you want to build a game? 40 tools to help you get started. - Elearning! Magazine BLOG - 3 views

    Suggested to via Google+ Rachael Bath
John Pearce

The Touch-Screen Generation - Hanna Rosin - The Atlantic - 3 views

    "Not that long ago, there was only the television, which theoretically could be kept in the parents' bedroom or locked behind a cabinet. Now there are smartphones and iPads, which wash up in the domestic clutter alongside keys and gum and stray hair ties. "Mom, everyone has technology but me!" my 4-year-old son sometimes wails. And why shouldn't he feel entitled? In the same span of time it took him to learn how to say that sentence, thousands of kids' apps have been developed-the majority aimed at preschoolers like him. To us (his parents, I mean), American childhood has undergone a somewhat alarming transformation in a very short time. But to him, it has always been possible to do so many things with the swipe of a finger, to have hundreds of games packed into a gadget the same size as Goodnight Moon."
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