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Debra Hicks

Show My Street - 10 views

    After opening the link below, TYPE IN THE ADDRESS YOU WANT SLOWLY, ONE LETTER OR NUMBER AT A TIME, THEN PAUSE, letter by letter, space by space, and watch each time where it takes's unbelievable technology! Deb
Ian Guest

Letters of Note - 4 views

    "Letters of Note is an attempt to gather and sort fascinating letters, postcards, telegrams, faxes, and memos"
Camilla Elliott

2014 Gates Annual Letter: Myths About Foreign Aid - Gates Foundation - 0 views

    By almost any measure, the world is better than it has ever been. People are living longer, healthier lives. Many nations that were aid recipients are now self-sufficient. You might think that such striking progress would be widely celebrated, but in fact, Melinda and I are struck by how many people think the world is getting worse. The belief that the world can't solve extreme poverty and disease isn't just mistaken. It is harmful. That's why in this year's letter we take apart some of the myths that slow down the work. The next time you hear these myths, we hope you will do the same. 
Rhondda Powling

Sign Generator Fun, Over 500 Sign Generators - 5 views

    This tool allows users to create their own clip art by changing the letters in photos of signs. The tool provides over 500 templates or a user can upload a photo of a sign and change the letters around.
Rhondda Powling

OuiBox | Shop Through OuiBox | Support OuiLove | Together We Can Change the World - 2 views

    OuiWrite will format papers, resumes, book reports, blog entries, letters, and bibliographies into MLA, APA, or Chicago Style and create footnotes. OuiWrite even helps put together content. While typing a paper, OuiWrite automatically searches for the content and finds sources. These sources can then be cited or added as a bibliography automatically. OuiWrite has other nifty features: templates for different types of papers and bibliographies, a dictionary and thesaurus, a plagiarism checker, and a genius button. 
Damien Murtagh

Instreamia - The Future of Language Learning - 0 views

    Instreamia will offer a 12 week 3-credit course for students with no background in Spanish to communicate through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This open course will create and provide resources reusable under creative commons standards. Registration for the course is available immediately, and the course will begin January 21 and run through April 8. Students will be expected to dedicate 6 hours per week, for a total of 72 hours. Although the course cannot provide college credit from an accredited university, capable students will learn the material of a first-year college class, and will receive a letter grade.
John Pearce

We need to think very, very seriously about this - The Edge of Tomorrow - Standing on t... - 5 views

    "This story is incredible, and admittedly, unfinished. There's much more we need to learn that hasn't been told yet, but what we do know c(sh)ould change things. Maybe even a whole lot of things. Recently, the OLPC organization took boxes of tablets, carefully and tightly taped up, and dropped them in two remote villages of Ethiopia. There were no instructions. No teachers. Nothing but a group of first grade-aged students for whom the tablets were intended. Students who couldn't read, couldn't identify the single form of a letter, had never before seen any kind of technology."
John Pearce

Creating the child who can handle the internet without adult supervision - 2 views

    HERE'S a scene in my house: My almost 9-year-old is on the internet doing something or other, and I am not standing over her shoulder or otherwise monitoring her. Is this negligent? Am I throwing her to the wolves? I have no idea how to approach these thorny questions, so I have lunch with the academic and Microsoft researcher, danah boyd (she spells her name in lowercase letters for complicated philosophical and aesthetic reasons), who has studied this cluster of issues in an original and challenging way.
Andrew Williamson

What should students do once they can read? - Richard Olsen's Blog - 2 views

  • the only evidence presented to support the assertion that Victoria’s education outcomes are not improving is the report “Challenges in Australian Education: results from PISA 2009: the PISA 2009 assessment of students’ reading, mathematical and scientific literacy”
  • While it doesn’t seem unreasonable to want our students to be able to accurately perform these kind of tasks, these tests are not a true or accurate representation of the skills and competencies our students need in today’s technology driven world.
  • We need to understand the new social world that both our students and our teachers live and learn in.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • A world where the experts are no longer in charge, a world where autonomous self-directed learners are skilled at co-constructing new knowledge in unknown and uncertain environments
  • A world where knowledge is complex and is changing.
  • Our students need to be immersed in the modern learning, made possible by modern technology and free of the compromises that up til now our education system has been based on.
    Looking at the New Directions for school leadership and the teaching profession discussion paper, the only evidence presented to support the assertion that Victoria's education outcomes are not improving is the report "Challenges in Australian Education: results from PISA 2009: the PISA 2009 assessment of students' reading, mathematical and scientific literacy" Specifically the New Directions paper focuses on reading literacy, where in 2009, 14,251 students were given a two-hour pen and paper comprehension test. To get an idea of what types of competencies the reading test is assessing we can look at the sample test , with questions range from comprehension about a letter in a newspaper, the ability to interpret a receipt, comprehension around a short story, an informational text, and interpreting a table. While it doesn't seem unreasonable to want our students to be able to accurately perform these kind of tasks, these tests are not a true or accurate representation of the skills and competencies our students need in today's technology driven world.
Ian Guest

TinyLetter - 3 views

    "TinyLetter is an elegant way for people to send personal letters to their friends, fans and followers."
Darrel Branson

Tagxedo - Tag Cloud with Styles - 3 views

    You can have some great control over the tag/word clouds you create. "Tagxedo turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text."
John Pearce

BBC News - Gamification time: What if everything were just a game? - 3 views

    "How Microtask's Digitalkoot game helps weed mistakes out of the Finnish National Library's e-archives One more step, and a tiny creature will cross the bridge and get to safety. Just one more step - but letters do not match, the fragile structure blows up and the brown mole falls into a digital abyss. But as Juha Valtamo, a 21-year-old Finnish student, correctly types the next word that appears on the screen of his laptop, another mole happily reaches the destination. Digitalkoot may sound like a typical online game - but there is more to it than just building bridges and saving moles."
Darrel Branson

Spell Up, A Chrome Experiment, Uses Voice Recognition, Gaming To Improve Your English |... - 4 views

    "Users can start at any level they want and the point is to build "towers" of words (hence the "Up" of "Spell Up"). The browser speaks words to the user, and he or she must spell it back to the voice. There are variations around this, such as word guessing games, unscrambling words, filling in missing letter blanks and pronouncing things correctly (and from where I played the game, "correctly" seemed to be the Queen's English)."
Roland Gesthuizen

The Universal Typeface Project Averages the World's Handwriting to Produce an Incredibl... - 2 views

    "The Universal Typeface is a constantly evolving, algorithmically produced font created by averaging hundreds of thousands of handwriting samples submitted to BIC's website. Anyone with a touchscreen can help shape the Universal Typeface by linking their phone or tablet to the website and writing directly on the touchscreen - the lettering is quickly transferred to the Universal Typeface algorithm."
Aaron Davis

The SAMR Model is Missing a Level – A.J. JULIANI - 0 views

    AJ Juliani suggests that there is a missing letter with SAMR relating to practises which.are simply no longer relevant
Ian Guest

Choosing between BYOT and BYOD: Why One Letter Might Make a Difference. - 0 views

    "I strongly urge educators calling it Bring-Your-Own-TECHNOLOGY"
John Pearce

RIP: Every Product Ever Axed By Google [INFOGRAPHIC] - 3 views

    On Monday, Google will pull the plug on Google Reader, despite much general online despair about the death of the most popular RSS reader. So if you were ever a fan of Google Wave, Google Labs or maybe even Google Buzz, you're probably a little nostalgic for the services of Google's past. If you want to take the trip down memory lane, check out the infographic below, courtesy of Wordstream.
John Pearce

Google: 15 things you probably didn't know on its 15th birthday | Technology | The Guar... - 1 views

    Google is 15 years old today. To celebrate, here are 15 facts you probably didn't know about them.
John Pearce

Free Technology for Teachers: A Comparison of 11 Mobile Video Creation Apps - 4 views

    Tomorrow at the NCTIES 2014 conference I am facilitating a workshop on creating videos with mobile apps. I designed the workshop to accommodate users of iOS and Android devices. In preparation for the workshop I created this chart that compares the features and costs of eleven mobile video creation apps.
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