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Lola Z

Off With Their Heads! The Fantasy Google Monopoly - Forbes - 2 views

    • Lola Z
      Here it deals with the concept of menacing monopoly. Google isn't doing anything "evil", but it is just so comprehensive that everyone can't help to use it.
  • . Microsoft’s impressive growth of Bing in a mere two or so years shows that new competition in search can come at any time.
    • Lola Z
      There is actually competitor of Google. It is Microsoft's Bing.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • They rest on their laurels and do not innovate.
    • Lola Z
      If there is a monopoly in industry, consumers can be end up in disadvantage as the monopolist refuses to innovate and discourages other firms which can potentially innovate from entering the industry.
  • Google continues to innovate in many spheres of Internet and e-commerce activity, from mobile operating systems to books to social media.
    • Lola Z
      However, we can see that Google is innovating and giving consumers advantages. It is a benign monopoly.
  • Google search is a free product, supported by advertising. And that advertising is not priced by Google itself, rather through an auction among advertisers bidding on the use of search keywords. Google doesn’t control price, let alone raise prices.
    • Lola Z
      Here again, Google is shown to be a benign monopoly. Monopolists usually control the price freely, and raise the price as high as they can to earn profits. However, Google is free. Even if advertisers post commercials on it, the price is not set by Google.
  • Monopolists also have no incentive to reduce costs and increase efficiency, because the absence of competition assures them of selling products very profitably.
  • Google doesn’t act like a monopolist and shares none of the characteristics sheltering classic monopolists from competition. Its astounding success in Internet search is universally regarded as a consequence of better design, superior code, better products and plain old hard work.
  • an “evil” monopolist
  • Of course, it’s unlawful to monopolize a market, not to become a monopolist as a result of superior business acumen or execution.
Lucas G

End the Avista Monopoly - 3 views

    This short article relates to the concept of natural monopolies; as are found in utilities such as water, electricity and gas providers. This article complains at the fact that Avista charges a high quantity for gas; and being a monopoly; it gets away with it.
    This short article relates to the concept of natural monopolies; as are found in utilities such as water, electricity and gas providers. This article complains at the fact that Avista charges a high quantity for gas; and being a monopoly; it gets away with it.
Monique T

Canadian Wheat Board 2.0 to roll out in weeks | Reuters Business - 0 views

    This article describes the transition of the Canadian Wheat Board after the Canadian government ended its monopoly. This means the wheat farmers in Western Canada are now going to have to be more competitive as they don't have a monopoly over the industry, and so the industry is ideally transitioning from a concentrated market structure to a competitive market structure.
Adam C

Wheat Board Monopoly - 1 views

    (No intended link to Monique's) This article talks about the Canadian Wheat Board, and the potentially detrimental affects of ending this monopoly in the prairie provinces. ending this monopoly would make the market more competitive, which would take away from the research and development of new methods and new tools.
Dan Call

Microsoft's forgotten monopoly - 1 views

    This article is about the dominant electrical market brand of Microsoft and one of their forgotten monopolies which is their fonts. They have produced all the fonts we see used regullarly today, including Verdana and Arial, and this article beleives it is now time to break this monopoly
Mirren M

AirAsia monopoly on Sandakan - Airline News - - 0 views

    AirAsia has monopoly on the route between Kuala Lumpur and Sandakan, as Malaysian Airlines subsidiary airline Firefly is no longer a competition between the two destinations.
Dan Call

Monopoly on dirty air - 1 views

    This article from New York is about air quality. New York recently failed an air quality standard test, from a company that has according to the paper a monopoly in their market, and whether it is right that this is the case.
Lola Z

Merger brings new monopolies for mining firms |Economy| - 0 views

  • fourth-largest metals
    • Lola Z
      The market share of these two companies in the trade will be larger. As a result, monopoly will emerge.
  • Business / Economy
  • The deal's success will weaken the power of Chinese buyers in the down-stream part of the mining industry
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • work harder to develop themselves to gain more power in the international market
  • world's largest publicly traded commodities supplier.
Hannah S

Mexico's two monopolies - 2 views

    The telephone market has two monopolies. 1 has over 70% of the landlines the other over 70% of the mobiles. This means that there are two extremely powerful companies which have a lot of influence in the market and how the mnexican population spend.
Katie Edwards

Will Verizon and Redbox Challenge Netflix Monopoly? - 0 views

    Netflix has been the leading DVD/Streaming Movie and TV source for a while now. People are overall pleased with the selection and the price, but largely because there are few alternatives. If there has been any competition to Netflix, it's the small deals often enclosed with OnDemand for specific providers. We will find out if it's possible for "Redbox" to overpass Netflix, because as of right now, it's just another small competitor.
Lola Z

Cover story 1 - Agriculture-Go big ... and small - 0 views

shared by Lola Z on 22 Jan 12 - No Cached
    • Lola Z
      Sometimes economies of scale creates monopoly when a company grows too big. And this forces small operations out because economies of scale helps the price to remain competitive.
  • It is natural, simply capitalism
  • you must get bigger, get better, or get out.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • greater economies of scale become more pressing and more smaller farmers are unable to make a reasonable living off the land.
Katrina D

Bills move preseason game from Toronto - 0 views

    Recently, the NFL's Buffalo Bills made a deal with the city of Toronto to hold a certain number of regular and preseason games at the Rogers Centre in Toronto. However, due to scheduling conflicts, one of the games has had to be dropped, but the Bills say that the price of the tickets won't be going up because of it, but actually going down to increase demand. The NFL can be considered a monopoly because there is no professional football league like it in the world, and its annual revenues are huge.
Hannah S

Capitalism confined - 1 views

    This article is about how in China the state always has control of the market and doesn't allow things like monopolies and ologopolies to exist that often and that they are always the ones who decide what happens in the end even if it seems as though the consumers are the ones that are making the decision.
Amy X

Apple sidesteps iPad ban in Shanghai, but Proview is far from done - 1 views

    Apple sidesteps iPad ban in Shanghai, but Proview is far from done A lower court says Apple will be allowed to sell the iPad around Shanghai, but similar attempts to ban the device are being brought to other courts around the country. One down, many, many more to go. This comments on the monopoly apple is wanting to make, in the market yet struggling but showing power.
Lola Z

BBC News - House prices lacking direction, says the Halifax - 0 views

  • House prices are "lacking genuine direction
  • It said there had been a mixed pattern of monthly changes in prices, but broad stability overall.
  • Greater uncertainty about economic and personal financial circumstances, together with pressure on householders' finances from weak earnings growth, higher inflation and increases in taxes, are likely to be constraining housing demand,"
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Prices in the three months to September were 0.1% higher than the previous three months. The report of static house prices from the Halifax's lending data chimes with the latest figures from the Nationwide. The building society said last week that prices were "treading water". The change in house prices have varied across the country However, the latest statistics on mortgage approvals from the Bank of England may suggest that sales funded by mortgage borrowing could pick up this autumn. It said the number of new mortgages approved, but not yet lent, for home buyers rose to 52,410 in August - its highest monthly level since December 2009.
  • Despite these pressures, low interest rates and a rise in employment over the past year, have been supporting the market."
    • Lola Z
      The stability of house prices increase the level of optimism of people in the housing industry. Therefore, people are increasing their demand for houses.
    What really could be constraining the housing demand? is it really the different circumstances covering a householders finances due to weak earnings or higher inflation as suggested or the PRICE?!
Katrina D

Porter Airlines' edge - 0 views

    This Financial Post article talks about the successes of Porter Airlines, a small Canadian company that founded about 5 years ago. The company is currently moving through the price mechanism, but hasn't reached its second equilibrium yet. Its demand has increased by a lot recently (due to holding a monopoly at their island airport in Toronto, and higher profit margins per plane compared to other airlines), therefore shifting the curve to the right. However, since the Price has yet to increase, they are stuck at the 'middle stage' of the price mechanism where the demand is higher, but the price is still the same. We can predict from this that the prices will soon increase to make a higher profit with the growing demand, as we've seen in the textbook graphs.
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