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Ihering Alcoforado

Consulta Pública dos Planos Setoriais de Mitigação e Adaptação a Mudança do C... - 1 views

    Consulta Pública dos Planos Setoriais de Mitigação e Adaptação a Mudança do Clima Imprimir E-mail Estão em consulta pública eletrônica os Planos Setoriais de Mitigação e Adaptação à Mudança do Clima da Indústria, Mineração, Saúde e Transportes (transporte público de passageiros e o transporte de cargas) no período entre 15 de junho  e 15 de agosto de 2012. A elaboração dos planos aqui apresentados foi determinada no Decreto nº 7.390, de 9 de dezembro de 2010, que regulamenta a Política Nacional sobre Mudança do Clima e é parte integrante da estratégia brasileira de mitigação e adaptação à mudança do clima. Os Planos Setoriais foram elaborados no período de junho de 2011 a abril de 2012 pelos Ministérios das Cidades; dos Transportes; da Saúde; de Minas e Energia; e do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior, sob orientação do Grupo Executivo sobre Mudança do Clima (GEx) que é coordenado pelo Ministério do Meio Ambiente. Esse processo contou com a participação de representantes dos setores produtivos e da sociedade civil, indicados pelo Fórum Brasileiro de Mudanças Climáticas (FBMC), além de entidades convidadas pelas coordenações setoriais dos Planos. As contribuições aos planos setoriais devem ser enviadas por meio de formulários eletrônicos. Antes de encaminhar os comentários, leia as orientações para o preenchimento do formulário. Os arquivos para consulta estão disponíveis abaixo: Introdução e Apresentação Indústria Plano Setorial Formulário Eletrônico de contribuições Mineração Plano Setorial Formulário Eletrônico de contribuições Transportes e Mobilidade Urbana Plano Setorial Formulário Eletrônico de contribuições Saúde Plano Setorial Formulário Eletrônico de contribuições Para informações sobre o processo de consulta presencial dos Planos Setoriais acesse a página do Fórum Brasileiro de Mudanças Climáticas.
Ihering Alcoforado

PORTER & LINDE, Green and Competitive - Ending the Stalemate.pdf | Crocodoc - 1 views

    Segue tres textos em torno da contribuição de Michael Porte. o "papa" da estratégia empresarial. Os dois artigos de PORTE & LINDE foram publicados em dois anos, em dois peródicos distintos e dirigidos a públicos diferentes vinculados ao mundo da gestão empresarial e da economia no sentido estrito. No periodico voltado para o público o artigo do POTER & LINDE foi seguindo, que também disponibilizado, no qual se faz a metodologia de PORTER & LINDE - o estudo de caso. Boa leitura e proveito, Ihering 
Ihering Alcoforado

ScienceDirect - Ecological Economics : Economic and environmental impacts of pollution ... - 1 views

    Analysis Economic and environmental impacts of pollution control regulation on small industries: a case study Purchase $ 39.95 Snigdha Chakrabartia, , , and Nita Mitrab aEconomic Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India bDepartment of Economics, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India Received 8 July 2002;  revised 9 September 2004;  accepted 11 September 2004.  Available online 3 February 2005. Abstract Adoption of technology for abatement of pollution and improved production process is almost mandatory now in the industrial sector for protecting the global environment. Various environmental regulations are being implemented in the industries in the third world. However, the small-scale industry components of the industrial sectors, which contribute significantly to total pollution, are yet to adopt such abatement technology on a wide scale. High initial investment cost for abatement technology has been a crucial reason in this regard. Under that circumstances, the early adopters of abatement technology gained an advantage in the competitive market by increasing their net return per unit of production for being able to calculate correctly the actual benefits of such investment. The non-adopters who lacked such knowledge lost out in the competition. The present paper tries to investigate the impact of air pollution control regulation on secondary lead smelting industry in the unorganized sector in two urban wards within the city of Kolkata in India. The results showed that the units after adopting the abatement technology were able to receive positive net return from the additional investment on control device and also benefited the society and the environment at large. The total economic value consisting of all these benefits has been found to be highly significant. Thus, the result is instructive for the non-adopters and may encourage them to adopt the abatement technology for themselves as well. Keywords: Environmental regulation; Small-scale
Ihering Alcoforado

Comissão aprova substitutivo que inova no uso da água - iheringalcoforado@gma... - 1 views

    Comissão aprova substitutivo que inova no uso da água A Comissão de Meio Ambiente da Câmara aprovou ontem, por unanimidade, parecer da deputada Marina Sant'Anna (PT-GO) ao projeto de lei (PL 2457/11), do Senado Federal, que institui mecanismos de estímulo à instalação de sistemas de coleta, armazenamento e utilização de águas pluviais em edificações públicas e privadas. Substitutivo da deputada Marina reúne 14 projetos de autoria de diferentes deputados que abordam manejo de águas pluviais urbanas, economia e reutilização de água, permeabilidade do solo urbano e outros temas relacionados. A proposta do Senado Federal tornou-se a principal em razão de já ter sido votada por uma das Casas Legislativas. Entre as matérias apensadas, teve grande aproveitamento de seu conteúdo o projeto de lei (PL 1310/11), do deputado Paulo Teixeira (PT-SP), que trata da "Política Nacional de Gestão e Manejo Integrado de Águas Urbanas", incluindo a reutilização da água de uso doméstico, denominada de água cinza, gerada em banhos, pias e lavanderias. Conforme estabelece a relatora, são definidos como sujeitos ao cumprimento das obrigações previstas pela futura lei os empreendimentos que gerem impermeabilização do solo em área superior a mil metros quadrados; os que envolvam parcelamento do solo para fins urbanos; e os condomínios urbanísticos implantados em município com mais de cem mil habitantes, em municípios com histórico de enchentes ou que integrem aglomeração urbana. Também ficarão sujeitos a obrigações, os projetos de regularização fundiária em áreas urbanas e empreendimentos situados em perímetro urba
Ihering Alcoforado

Gmail - LCEDN International Conference - Energy and Development: Learning From The Past... - 0 views

    Following the successful launch of the Low Carbon Energy for Development Network (LCEDN) on the 13th January 2012 in London, the LCEDN will be holding its first major international conference at Loughborough University in the UK on the 4-5th April 2012. The theme of the conference is 'Energy and Development: Learning From The Past' and thanks to support from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and the EPSRC we are privileged to be hosting a range of international speakers from across Asia, Africa and Latin America in the specific fields of solar power and bio-energy around which this conference is based; we are also hosting a parallel online event to which we offer an open invite to academics and post-graduates (in the UK initially) who may be interested but would be unable to attend in person. The two-day programme will be divided into sections on: i)      The global context of energy for development ii)     The historical experience of solar power in the global south iii)    The historical experience of bio-energy in the global south iv)     Looking forward through the prisms of: a.      Major Challenges b.      New Technologies c.      Demand Management This conference is the first of three planned for this year so please register your interest even if you are unable to make this one or your specialization lies somewhere else. The conference is directed at any academics/practitioners who are involved in low carbon transitions and energy for development - we are specifically interested in bridging the gap between technologists, engineers and the social sciences and welcome interest from any discipline so long only as they have an interest in energy and development; this could for instance include gender, legal/policy, solar, bio-energy, sociology, anthropology (not an exclusive list). If you would like to attend the conference, please go to the LCEDN website ( and click on the '
Ihering Alcoforado

Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict - 0 views

    State-of-the art assesment of research on climate change-security links Addresses a variety of topics within the climate change-security framework Combines research of about 40 international experts Severe droughts, damaging floods and mass migration: Climate change is becoming a focal point for security and conflict research and a challenge for the world's governance structures. But how severe are the security risks and conflict potentials of climate change? Could global warming trigger a sequence of events leading to economic decline, social unrest and political instability? What are the causal relationships between resource scarcity and violent conflict? This book brings together international experts to explore these questions using in-depth case studies from around the world. Furthermore, the authors discuss strategies, institutions and cooperative approaches to stabilize the climate-society interaction. Content Level » Research Keywords » Armed Conflict - Climate Change Impact and Adaptation - Environmental and Human Security - Resource Conflicts - Societal Stability Related subjects » Economics - Environmental Sciences TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I  Introduction.- Part II Climate Change, Human Security, Societal Stability, and Violent Conflict: Empirical and Theoretical Linkages.- Part III Climate Change and the Securitization Discourse.- Part IV Climate Change and Migration.- Part V Climate Change and Security in the Middle East.- Part VI Climate Change and Security in Africa.- Part VII Climate Change and Security in Asia and the Pacific.- Part VIII Improving Climate Security: Cooperative Policies and Capacity-Building.- Part IX Conclusions and Outlook.- Abbreviations.- Biographies of Contributors.- Index.
Ihering Alcoforado

Blowout: Legal Legacy of the Deepwater Horizon Catastrophe: Settle or Sue? The Use and ... - 0 views

    Roger Williams University Law Review Blowout: Legal Legacy of the Deepwater Horizon Catastrophe: Settle or Sue? The Use and Structure of Alternative Compensation Programs in the Mass Claims Context Winter, 2012 17 Roger Williams U. L. Rev. 97 Author Deborah E. Greenspan* and Matthew A. Neuburger++ Excerpt I. INTRODUCTION   Imagine a major environmental disaster - one that affects property and wildlife over a wide geographic area and leads tens or hundreds of thousands of individuals and businesses to claim billions of dollars in damages for loss of income and activities that are based on use of the damaged property and wildlife. Suppose further that not only are the surrounding communities suffering significant immediate loss, but that there is also no way to measure the long-term effects of the disaster. Chances are that you are envisioning the BP oil spill in April 2010. The event was front-page news for months. Every day, the media catalogued the various methods (many unsuccessful) to contain the spill. Almost immediately after the spill commenced, and months before the well was eventually capped and the flow of oil stopped, individuals, businesses, interest groups, and governmental entities who claimed to be affected by the spill started filing lawsuits. Within weeks, over 200 cases had been filed claiming personal injury, property damage, economic loss, and environmental damage resulting from the oil spill, many of them on behalf of classes of thousands of individuals and/or entities. 1 The litigation picture was and is extraordinarily complex and the claimants and defendant companies involved almost certainly will be embroiled in litigation for years. The cases claim damages measuring in the billions and involve complex issues of liability and causation, and daunting issues of proving and measuring long-term damage and loss. This situation highlights both ...  
Ihering Alcoforado

Crisis, Innovation And Sustainable Development by Blandine Laperche, Nadine Levratto, D... - 0 views

    Crisis, Innovation And Sustainable Development The Ecological Opportunity Blandine Laperche , Nadine Levratto , Dimitri Uzunidis Edited by Blandine Laperche, Lab.RII - ULCO/Clersé CNRS University Lille Nord de France and affiliated Professor, Wesford Business School, Nadine Levratto, EconomiX, CNRS, University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense and affiliated Professor, Euromed Management and Dimitri Uzunidis, Lab.RII - ULCO/Clersé CNRS University Lille Nord de France and affiliated Professor, Wesford Business School, France April 2012 c 352 pp Hardback 978 0 85793 701 8 Hardback $150.00 on-line price $135.00 Qty Series: Science, Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship series Description 'Crisis, Innovation and Sustainable Development is a fascinating exploration at the frontiers of economics and ecology. It combines topical surveys of current work with deep reflection on the repressed role of nature in the history of economics. A work of great range and value, especially for all concerned with the strategy of economic policy going forward.' - James K. Galbraith, The University of Texas at Austin, US Contents Contributors include: S. Boutillier, J. Courvisanos, M.-H. Depret, A. Diemer, A. Gabus, P. Gugenheim, A. Hamdouch, A. Hawthorne, W. Hoogendyk, F. Karanfil, T. Jobert, B. Laperche, N. Lazaric, P. Le Masne, N. Levratto, P. Matagne, V. Oltra, D. Patelis, A. Sengès, D. Uzunidis, L. Yacoub Further information 'This book talks about a genuine greening of the economy: from the most theoretical aspects, e.g. the genealogy of ecological economics, to the most practical. The two most prominent conclusions are, for me: this greening cannot be achieved by companies alone, but can only be the result of different kinds of innovation: technological, organizational, institutional and lifestyle changes. The changes must be implemented at all levels, from the firm to international governance.' - Dominique Bourg, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Ihering Alcoforado

IAPSC - Investigation of Air Pollution Standing Conference - 0 views

shared by Ihering Alcoforado on 17 Mar 12 - No Cached
    IAPSC is a forum for the exchange of information and best practice in the field of air quality measurement and management in the UK. It is intended primarily for those with legal responsibilities for managing air quality but has relevance for industrial process operators and service supply companies.
Ihering Alcoforado

Green Growth and Trade - Brookings Institution - 0 views

    Green Growth and Trade Trade, Sustainable Development, Environment, Environmental Regulation Save Register Share Facebook inShare 1 StumbleUpon E-mail Print EVENT SUMMARY Green economic growth and sustainability have risen considerably on the world agenda in recent years. Now more than ever, it is important to assess the impact of trade policy on green growth initiatives, and how new trade policies can help to encourage environmentally sustainable economic growth around the world. Event Information When Tuesday, March 20, 2012 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM Where Falk Auditorium The Brookings Institution 1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC Map Event Materials Reuters/Thierry Gouegnon Contact: Brookings Office of Communications Email: Phone: 202.797.6105 RELATED CONTENT Top 10 Global Economic Challenges Facing America's 44th President The Brookings Institution October 2008 CO2 Controls Are a Bad Idea, 'Voluntary' or Not Fred L. Smith and Robert W. Crandall The Wall Street Journal July 31, 2001 Green Growth and International Cooperation More Related Content » On March 20, Global Economy and Development at Brookings will host a discussion on how U.S. and international trade policy has the capacity to shape green growth. Panelists will include Bill Reinsch, president of the National Foreign Trade Council; Mark Linscott, assistant U.S. trade representative for Environment and Natural Resources; Robert Howse, Lloyd C. Nelson professor of International Law at the New York University Law School; and Vesile Kulaçoğlu, director of Trade and Environment division at the World Trade Organization. Vice President Kemal Derviş, director of Global Economy and Development, will provide introductory remarks and Brookings Fellow Joshua Meltzer will moderate the discussion.
Ihering Alcoforado

Green Growth and International Cooperation - Brookings Institution - 0 views

    A GLOBAL ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT EVENT Green Growth and International Cooperation Climate Change, Environment, Global Environment, Sustainable Development, Environmental Regulation Save Register Share Facebook inShare StumbleUpon E-mail Print EVENT SUMMARY As the world grapples with global environmental concerns, such as climate change and sustainable development, countries are finding ways to pursue green growth. Green growth pathways would combine sustainable resource use with the pursuit of economic growth, job creation and poverty alleviation, through expanding green innovation, technologies and markets. However, the environmental challenges facing the international community cannot be addressed without cooperation among global actors. In order for real green growth and sustainable development to be achieved, both international and domestic action must support it. Event Information When Tuesday, March 27, 2012 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM Where Falk Auditorium The Brookings Institution 1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC Map Event Materials Reuters/Aly Song Contact: Brookings Office of Communications Email: Phone: 202.797.6105 RELATED CONTENT Top 10 Global Economic Challenges Facing America's 44th President The Brookings Institution October 2008 From Copenhagen to Cancun: Time to Scale Up from the Bottom Up Katherine Sierra The National Journal December 03, 2010 Improving the Effectiveness of Climate Finance: Key Lessons Katherine Sierra, Miriam Chaum, Chris Faris, Gernot Wagner, Barbara Buchner, Angela Falconer, Chiara Trabacchi and Jessica Brown The Brookings Institution, the Environmental Defense Fund, the Climate Policy Initiative, and the Overseas Development Institute November 23, 2011 More Related Content » On March 27, Global Economy and Development at Brookings will host a discussion on the intersection of green growth and international cooperation. Panelists will include: Rachel Kyte, vice president of Sustainable Development at
Ihering Alcoforado

Conservation International do Brasil - 0 views

    Versão Completa Versión completa Full version Siglário Prefácio Resumo executivo Delineamentos de uma economia verde Helena Pavese O caráter necessariamente sistêmico da transição rumo à economia verde Alexandre D'Avignon e Luiz Antônio Cruz Caruso Economia verde e/ou desenvolvimento sustentável? Donald Sawyer Perspectivas internacionais para a transição para uma economia verde de baixo carbono Eduardo Viola Economia verde na América Latina: as origens do debate nos trabalhos da CE PAL Márcia Tavares O papel do crescimento inclusivo para a economia verde nos países em desenvolvimento Clóvis Zapata O Brasil e a economia verde: um panorama Francisco Gaetani, Ernani Kuhn e Renato Rosenberg Potencial de crescimento da economia verde no Brasil Carlos Eduardo F. Young O Brasil e a economia verde: fundamentos e estratégia de transição Cláudio Frischtak Inovação e tecnologia para uma economia verde: questões fundamentais Maria Cecília J. Lustosa Agricultura para uma economia verde Ademar R. Romeiro Economia verde e um novo ciclo de desenvolvimento rural Arilson Favareto O desmatamento da floresta amazônica: causas e soluções Bastiaan P. Reydon A transição para uma economia verde no direito brasileiro: perspectivas e desafios Carlos Teodoro Irigaray Mecanismos de mercado para uma economia verde Peter H. May Valoração e precificação dos recursos ambientais para uma economia verde Ronaldo Seroa da Motta O papel das instituições financeiras na transição para uma economia verde Mário Sérgio Vasconcelos Mensuração nas políticas de transição rumo à economia verde Ronaldo Seroa da Motta e Carolina Dubeux  
Ihering Alcoforado

Experts and Consensus in Economics and the Social Sciences - 0 views

    Experts and Consensus in Economics and the Social Sciences Search this site Home Invited Speakers Call for Abstracts Registration Program and Abstracts Program Committee and Support Practical Information Bayreuth 14 days until Abstract Submission May 25-26 - University of Bayreuth (Germany) The term 'expert-based consensus' refers to the practice of relying on the experience and subjective judgment of experts, rather than on other types of evidence (for example from computer models or statistics) when seeking consensus in science. Seeking expert-based consensus becomes a particularly pressing problem when policy applications are needed and yet the current formal models or analytical methods are insufficient for drawing policy conclusions from the science itself. The goal of this workshop is to bring together philosophers and social scientists who have done extensive work on the problems of expertise and expert-based consensus, in order to discuss both theoretical and applied issues related to a methodology of expert judgment and consensus seeking among experts. While the focus of this workshop is primarily on those aspects of the topic that are related to the social sciences, the workshop will touch on the natural sciences and engineering as well. That will allow, additionally, for a useful comparison between disciplines, and it will offer an opportunity for drawing possible distinctions between the use of expert-based consensus in the social as compared to other sciences. source:
Ihering Alcoforado

Seminario Brasil y España - Desarrollo y sostenibilidad: retos y perspectivas - 0 views

    A Escola de Administração da UFBA divulga: Seminario Brasil y España - Desarrollo y sostenibilidad: retos y perspectivas. El Programa en Desarrollo y Sostenibilidad  PRODS del Centro de Estudios Brasileños de la Universidad de Salamanca organiza entre los días 03 y 04 de Mayo de 2012 el Seminario Brasil y España Desarrollo y Sostenibilidad: retos y perspectivas. El evento contará con la participación de especialistas en el tema, presentando ponencias en las mesas redondas temáticas que se puede conferir en la programación del seminario. Igualmente, la actividad está abierta a la participación de demás interesados y también para la presentación de comunicaciones. Las propuestas de comunicación deben ser enviadas a la dirección, con la ficha de inscripción (ver programación) hasta el 20 de abril de 2012. El plazo para recibimiento de las notificaciones de aceptación es el 27 de abril de 2012. Todos los participantes que tengan sus trabajos aceptados deberán formalizar su inscripción en el evento en la página de Cursos Extraordinarios de la Universidad de Salamanca, según las formas y normas determinadas por la institución.   Lugar de celebración Centro de Estudios Brasileños Palacio de Maldonado Plaza de San Benito, 1 Fecha: 03 y 04 de mayo de 2012 Horario: 09:00-19:00   Maiores informações: ou pelo email _______________________________________________ Todos-l mailing list
Ihering Alcoforado

Population Environment Research Network - Home Page - 0 views

    The Population-Environment Research Network seeks to advance academic research on population and the environment by promoting online scientific exchange among researchers from social and natural science disciplines worldwide. Special Feature: Cyberseminar on "Bringing the Population-Sustainable Development Debate to a Higher Level" 7-14 May 2012
Ihering Alcoforado

Equattoria: Caixa de ferramentas para tradutores - 0 views

    Caixa de ferramentas para tradutores A lista de recursos on-line apresentada a seguir foi compilada por Fabiano Medeiros, do editorial da Ed. Mundo Cristão, com base em sugestões de vários tradutores. Many thanks ao Fabiano por autorizar a publicação dessas dicas tão úteis. Você tem sugestões para acrescentar à lista? Deixe um comentário. DICAS DE DICIONÁRIOS E FONTES DE CONSULTA 1. A primeira dica é a seguinte. Descobri por acaso... No Google, você digita a palavra ou expressão seguida de DIC. Ex: overwhelming DIC. O resultado são as definições fornecidas pelos dicionários mais importantes... 2. Para quem prefere algo mais profissional, basta acessar o e digitar ali a palavra ou expressão. O Onelook é uma espécie de portal dos melhores dicionários online, técnicos ou não. 3. Alguns endereços específicos (eu mantenho o ícone dos melhores na minha barra do IE, para fácil acesso): Monolíngues inglês Cambridge (há uma versão americana também) Chamo a atenção de vocês para este dicionário por ser altamente prático. Como veem no exemplo abaixo, a Cambrige criou esse negócio de "apor" uma ETIQUETA em versal logo no início do verbete, já indicando o(s vários) campo(s) semântico(s). Isso facilita muito a consulta, porque remete você para o contexto imediato em que está trabalhando e reduz a perda de tempo na consulta por significados. Claro que isso não é possível em todos os verbetes... E não é algo que resolve todos os problemas. Mas ajuda muito em muitos casos! Ex: get was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below. · get verb OBTAIN · get verb REACH · get verb BECOME ILL WITH · get verb START TO BE · get verb CAUSE · get verb BE · get verb MOVE · get verb TRAVEL · get verb DEAL WITH · get verb HAVE CHANCE · get verb UNDERSTAND/HEAR · get verb PREPARE · get verb PAY · get verb CONFUSE · get verb ANNOY · get ver
Ihering Alcoforado

ECOMOVE International - 0 views

    ECOMOVE is a non-profit-organisation active both at a German and international level, which supports and promotes audio-visual media dealing with environment and sustainable development. ECOMOVE organises film events, curates film series, carries out educational projects and provides supporting services.  ECOMOVE is based on the co-operation of various international environmental film festivals. -> About Us                                               -> Projects                                                                       -> ECOMOVE Member Festivals                    -> Service
Ihering Alcoforado


    the commons movement The commons is what we share together. From parks and clean water to scientific knowledge and the Internet, some things are no one's private property. They exist for everyone's benefit, and must be protected for future generations. A movement is emerging today to create a commons-based society. What is On The Commons? On the Commons is a citizens' network that highlights the importance of the commons in our lives, and promotes innovative commons-based solutions to create a brighter future.
Ihering Alcoforado

Antes del diluvio, el ecosocialismo, la apuesta política actual | Herramienta - 0 views

    Antes del diluvio, el ecosocialismo, la apuesta política actual Autor(es): Löwy, Michael Löwy, Michael. Nació en Brasil en 1938, hijo de inmigrantes judíos vieneses. Se graduó en Ciencias Sociales en la Universidad de San Pablo en 1960, y se doctoró en la Sorbona, bajo la dirección de Lucien Goldmann, en 1964. Vive en París desde 1969. Es director de investigación emérito en el Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Centro Nacional de Investigación Científica); fue profesor en la École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Escuela de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Sociales). Sus obras han sido publicadas en 24 idiomas. Entre sus libros más recientes se encuentran Redención y utopía. El judaísmo libertario en Europa central (1988); Rebelión y melancolía. El romanticismo como contracorriente de la modernidad (1992); Walter Benjamin: aviso de incendio (2001); Kafka, soñador insumiso (2004); Sociologías y religión. Aproximaciones insólitas (2009); Ediciones Herramienta y El Colectivo publicaron, en 2010, su libro La teoría de la revolución en el joven Marx. Es miembro del consejo editor de la Revista Herramienta, donde ha realizado numerosas contribuciones. El ecosocialismo es una corriente política basada en una constatación esencial: la protección de los equilibrios ecológicos del planeta, la preservación de un medio favorable para las especies vivientes -incluida la nuestra- son incompatibles con la lógica expansiva y destructiva del sistema capitalista. La búsqueda del "crecimiento" bajo la égida del capital nos conduce, en efecto, a corto plazo -los próximos decenios-, a una catástrofe sin precedentes en la historia de la humanidad: el calentamiento global. James Hanson, climatólogo de la NASA, uno de los mayores especialistas mundiales en la cuestión del cambio climático -la administración Bush había intentado impedir, en vano, impedirle que hiciera públicos sus diagnósticos-, escribe esto en el p
Ihering Alcoforado

Conceptualising joint knowledge production in regional climate change adaptation projec... - 0 views

    onceptualising joint knowledge production in regional climate change adaptation projects: success conditions and levers for action Dries Heggera, ,  [Author Vitae], Machiel Lamersb, c [Author Vitae], Annemarie Van Zeijl-Rozemab [Author Vitae], Carel Dieperinka [Author Vitae] a Environmental Governance, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development and Innovation, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80115, 3508 TC Utrecht, The Netherlands b International Centre for Integrated Assessment and Sustainable Development (ICIS), Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands c Environmental Policy Group, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 8130, 6700 EW Wageningen, The Netherlands Available online 20 February 2012., How to Cite or Link Using DOI Permissions & Reprints View full text Purchase Abstract Matching supply and demand for knowledge in the fields of global change and sustainability is a daunting task. Science and public policy differ in their timeframes, epistemologies, objectives, process-cycles and criteria for judging the quality of knowledge, while global change and sustainability issues involve value pluralities and large uncertainties. In literature and in practice, it is argued that joint knowledge production in projects through collaboration between (and within) science and policy serves as a means to bridge the gap between the two domains. However, an assessment framework for analysing the merits and limitations of such projects, identifying good practices and enabling adaptive management as well as social learning had not yet been developed. This paper aims to develop such a framework. We portray joint knowledge production projects as policy arrangements in which the degree of success depends on the actors involved, contents of dominant discourses, presence of rules and the availability of resources. Literature was discussed to specify these four dimensions into seven success conditions for j
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