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Government Study Shows U.S. Wind Resources Larger than Previously Estimated | Alison Pr... - 1 views

    "A new study by the Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has revealed that U.S. wind resources are far greater than previously believed. The study, a collaborative project between NREL and AWS Truewind, LLC, of Albany, New York, created resource maps and wind potential tables for 48 states. The recent study is the first comprehensive update of the wind energy potential by state since 1993. The resource maps for the contiguous United States, and separately for each state, show the predicted mean annual wind speeds at 80-meter height. They are derived from 200-meter resolution maps developed by AWS Truewind for the windNavigator system. Areas with annual average wind speeds around 6.5 m/s and greater at 80-meter height are generally considered to have suitable wind resources for wind development"
fitspressocanada - 0 views

    Fast Lean Pro™ (official) | weight lose Formula · by Fast Lean Pro Fast Lean Pro Only $49/Bottle Limited Time Offer! Fast Lean Pro Special Deal + Special 51% Discount Save $300 + 180 Days Money Back Guarantee FastLeanPro The #1 Solution To natural metabolism booster helps you lose weight quickly without starving yourself. Fast Lean Pro is a natural powder supplement for weight loss that has recently been developed by Japanese scientists. Regular Price: $99/per bottle Only for: $49/per bottle What Is Fast Lean Pro? Fast Lean Pro is a powdered dietary powdery supplement designed to aid in weight loss. It contains a unique combination of ingredients that are believed to activate the body's "fasting switch" to optimize results. This product focuses not only on weight loss but also on promoting cellular rejuvenation, fasting, and a healthy metabolism. The concept behind Fast Lean Pro is that incorporating fasting into one's lifestyle can lead to positive outcomes irrespective of individual food choices and eating habits. To comprehend the mechanism of the Fast Lean Pro process, it is necessary to delve into its specific details. One of the few weight loss pills on the market that contains Fibersol is Fast Lean Pro. This safe, specialized fiber adds bulk to its weight when combined with water, curbing your appetite before it throws off your meal plan. If you're trying to lose weight or curb your appetite, Fast Lean Pro can help. Supporting substances such as niacin and chromium contribute to this. The body can further benefit from these nutrients, such as through improved metabolic regulation. Fast lean Pro is non-GMO, vegan friendly, and contains no artificial ingredients or stimulants. Fast Lean Pro is a weight loss product that promotes the body's natural self-feeding process. The body naturally removes old, damaged cells through a process known as autophagy to encourage cell regeneration and repair. Recent studies by a group
Energy Net

White roofs, streets could curb global warming - 0 views

    The idea of painting our roofs and roads white to offset global warming is not new, but a recent study has calculated just how significantly white surfaces could impact greenhouse gas emissions. Last week, researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and UC Berkeley presented their study at California's annual Climate Change Research Conference in Sacramento. If the 100 largest cities in the world replaced their dark roofs with white shingles and their asphalt-based roads with concrete or other light-colored material, it could offset 44 metric gigatons (billion tons) of greenhouse gases, the study shows. That amounts to more greenhouse gas than the entire human population emits in one year, according to a recent article in the Los Angeles Times. The strategy could also offset the growth in carbon dioxide emissions, which account for about 75% of greenhouse gases, for the next 10 years.
Energy Net

ENN: Efficiency Alone Could Cut U.S. Electricity Use by 30 Percent: RMI Study - 0 views

    An assessment of the "electric productivity" of the 50 states indicates that shoring up performance gaps through energy efficiency could not only cut consumption by 30 percent, but also eliminate the need for more than 60 percent of coal-fired generation, according to a new study by the Rocky Mountain Institute. The RMI study, "Assessing the Electric Productivity Gap and the U.S. Efficiency Opportunity," determines the productivity rate of each state by measuring how much gross domestic product is generated for each kilowatt-hour consumed.
Energy Net

US: Efficiency Can Reduce Energy Use By 30%, Coal Dependence By 60% : Red, Green, and Blue - 0 views

    In a new study, conducted by the Rock Mountain Institute, it has been found that electricity consumption can be reduced by 30 percent through energy efficiency and coal powered power generation can be reduced by 60 percent. vote nowBuzz up! The study, which spanned across 50 states, identified five states with highest electric productivity rates - New York, Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware and California - and stated that if all other states were to adopt similar efficiency parameters are implemented in other states the whole country can save up to 1.2 million gigawatt-hours annually. The study also brought out the long-term benefits of improving the electric productivity
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    FitSpresso™ | Official Site · by FitSpresso FitSpresso Only $39/Bottle Limited Time Offer! Flat Sale ONLY For Today - Special Offer Save Upto $593 + Special 67% Discount + 180 Day Money Back Guarantee #1.Fitspresso are the most effective pills that simply helps in enhancing weight reducing process and helps you gain better energy and stamina level. A dietary product formulated to assist users in reducing weight can increase other advantages that can support overall health. This product can assist users in getting closer to the desirable body weight. Regular Price: 147/per bottle Only for: $49/per bottle What Is FitSpresso? Fitspresso is new and advanced weight reducing formula that surely helps in melting down all the unwanted weight of your body and your energy level will surely get enhanced and Fitspresso surely helps in enhancing your energy and stamina level and your excess weight with melts down and it simply makes you healthy and fit from inside and you will gain other health benefits also. Fitspresso is suitable for all and simply solves obesity and its related issues and you will gain toned shaped body and you will gain other health benefits also and you will find only natural ingredients in it which are being tested by experts and you will not find any chemical in its making and you will surely become healthy from inside. Fitspresso is the result of collaborative efforts by esteemed scientists, medical professionals, and experts in the field of wellness. This dynamic team brings together a wealth of knowledge, ensuring that the product is not only effective but also aligns with the principles of holistic health. A hallmark of Fitspresso's credibility lies in its foundation of scientific research and rigorous clinical trials. The product's formulation is born from meticulous studies that explore the potential of coffee and metabolism modulation. These studies provide the scientific backing that distinguishes Fitspresso
Energy Net

Good news for wind, bad for ethanol in major energy study - 0 views

    Growing concerns over climate change and energy security have kicked research on alternative energy sources into high gear. The list of options continues to expand, yet few papers have comprehensively reviewed them. And fewer still have weighed the pros and cons in as much depth as a new study published earlier this month in the journal, Energy & Environmental Science. The results are a mixed bag of logical conclusions and startling wake-up calls. The review pits twelve combinations of electric power generation and vehicular motivation against each other. It is a battle royal of nine electric power sources, three vehicle technologies, and two liquid fuel sources. It rates each combination based on eleven categories. And it was all compiled by one man, Mark Jacobson, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford University.
Energy Net

The Irish Times - Sellafield's nuclear waste 'more dangerous' than Chernobyl - 0 views

    SELLAFIELD HAS the world's biggest stockpile of plutonium and uranium and storage tanks contain highly volatile radioactive waste "more dangerous" than the Chernobyl reactor, according to a study published today. The study, Voodoo Economics and the Doomed Nuclear Renaissance, also says the British government is now unlikely to meet its 1998 commitment under the Ospar Convention to reduce "close to zero" Sellafield's radioactive discharges into the Irish Sea by 2020.
Energy Net

Costs of climate change, state-by-state: Billions... ( Climate change will carry a pric... - 0 views

    Climate change will carry a price tag of billions of dollars for a number of U.S. states, says a new series of reports from the University of Maryland's Center for Integrative Environmental Research (CIER). The researchers conclude that the costs have already begun to accrue and are likely to endure. Combining existing data with new analysis, the eight studies project the long term economic impact of climate change on Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey and Ohio. Studies on additional states are in the works.
Energy Net

Top 7 alternative energies listed: ENN - 0 views

    The US could replace all its cars and trucks with electric cars powered by wind turbines taking up less than 3 square kilometres - in theory, at least. That's the conclusion of a detailed study ranking 11 types of non-fossil fuels according to their total ecological footprint and their benefit to human health. The study, carried out by Mark Jacobson of the atmosphere and energy programme at Stanford University, found wind power to be by far the most desirable source of energy. Biofuels from corn and plant waste came right at the bottom of the list, along with nuclear power and "clean" coal.
Energy Net

Peak Energy: Cutting Coal Use with Solar Thermal Power - 0 views

    Technology Review reports that the idea of hybrid gas-solar thermal power plants is being considered for coal fired plants now - Cutting Coal Use with Sunshine. Feeding heat from the sun into coal-fired power stations could turn out to be the cheapest way to simultaneously expand the use of solar energy and trim coal plants' oversize carbon footprints. At least that's what the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), a nonprofit organization backed by the electricity industry, is hoping. Last week, the institute launched a nine-month, $640,000 study to pin down the scale of the opportunity and the engineering challenges involved with making these seemingly disparate technologies work together. The study will examine the potential use of solar-thermal technology at a pair of coal-fired power stations, in New Mexico and North Carolina.
Energy Net

Office Vampires: Millions of Office PCs Feed at Night: ENN - 0 views

    In the home, these Vampires represent between 5 and 8 percent of a single family home's total electricity use per year, according to the Department of Energy. The problem is multiplied many times over in offices in the US and around the world according to an international study released this week by 1E and the Alliance to Save Energy. The study found nearly half of US workers who use a PC at their job do not typically shut down at night. The 2009 PC Energy Report, which examines workplace PC power consumption in the US, UK and Germany, estimated that US organizations waste $2.8 billion a year to power 108 million unused machines. In 2009, these unused PCs are expected to emit approximately 20 million tons of carbon dioxide, roughly the equivalent impact of 4 million cars.

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The poll released today was commissioned from independent firm Franklin, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates - FM3, for the Natural Resources Defense Council. It was conducted among 802 voters f...

started by linda55236 on 14 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
Energy Net

Katrina And Rita Provide Glimpse Of What Could Happen To Offshore Drilling If Gustav Hi... - 0 views

  • Shortly after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita hit the U.S., Rice University civil and mechanical engineering professor Satish Nagarajaiah studied damage done to offshore drilling platforms in the Gulf of Mexico.
    Shortly after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita hit the U.S., Rice University civil and mechanical engineering professor Satish Nagarajaiah studied damage done to offshore drilling platforms in the Gulf of Mexico.

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Ils revendiquaient quelque chose de l'ordre de la souveraineté sur ces domaines. Mais, à l'instar de la souveraineté nationale, les frontières établies étaient en fait perméables, instables; elles ...

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There was a good deal of hanging in those days; and yet the authorities had an ugly way of reprieving condemned men on whom the sight-seers had been counting. An air of gloom would gather on my old...

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" "A queen she is, and a great one, for in our land Khania means queen, though how, friend Holly, a man who has lain senseless can have learned this, I do not know. Nor do I know ...

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Six of the 11 panellists were academics).The Report also makes more than 30 recommendations that should be applied if a fracking project was to proceed ranging mandatory health and environmental im...

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"The truth is that over a 10- or 20-year period, it depends largely on how fast the Earth warms, and we can't predict the pace of warming very precisely. So the best we can do is try to determine t...

started by xviet77896 on 14 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
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