Graphene Shows Potential of Storing Large Quantities of Renewable Electrical Energy - 0 views
Engineers and scientists at The University of Texas at Austin have achieved a breakthrough in the use of a one-atom thick structure called "graphene" as a new carbon-based material for storing electrical charge in ultracapacitor devices, perhaps paving the way for the massive installation of renewable energies such as wind and solar power. The researchers believe their breakthrough shows promise that graphene (a form of carbon) could eventually double the capacity of existing ultracapacitors, which are manufactured using an entirely different form of carbon. "Through such a device, electrical charge can be rapidly stored on the graphene sheets, and released from them as well for the delivery of electrical current and, thus, electrical power," says Rod Ruoff, a mechanical engineering professor and a physical chemist. "There are reasons to think that the ability to store electrical charge can be about double that of current commercially used materials. We are working to see if that prediction will be borne out in the laboratory."
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The City Council on Wednesday became the first in Ohio with a plan to channel grants and loans to residents and businesses to replace tar and shingles with vegetation. Supporters of the idea want to see Cincinnati become a leader in green roofs, a European-born movement that has spread to only a few U.S. cities, including Chicago, Milwaukee and Seattle.
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Take your home water purification to the next level with the UltraFlo™ Under the Sink Water Filtration Kit. Removes bacteria, virus, protozoan, as well as many water borne toxins, such as lead, fluoride, arsenic, chromium, mercury, zinc, perchlorate, cadmium, and barium from your tap water. Fits most under-sink sump whole house filtration systems. Ideal under sink filter for RV's, Vans and Motorhomes.
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Apprenez à conna?tre plus sur cette thérapie leur rendre visite à pied: Les gens développent des infections sous leurs ongles. Certaines personnes vont essayer de prendre en charge ...