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Education Week Teacher: High-Tech Teaching in a Low-Tech Classroom - 6 views

  • How can we best use limited resources to support learning and familiarize students with technology?
  • get creative with lesson structure
  • Take advantage of any time that your students have access to a computer lab with multiple computers.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Relieve yourself from the pressure of knowing all the ins and outs of every tool. Instead, empower your students by challenging them to become experts who teach one another (and you!) how to use new programs.
  • "Pass it On" Buddy Method
  • Students assist one another in creating digital products that represent or reflect their new learning. It’s a great way to spread technological skills in a one-computer classroom.
  • Group Consensus Method
  • Small groups of students engage in dialogue on a particular topic, then a member uses a digital tool to report on the group's consensus.
  • Rotating Scribe Method
  • Each day, one student uses technology to record the lesson for other students.
  • Whole Class Method
  • Teachers in one-computer classrooms often invite large groups of students to gather around the computer. Here are a few suggestions for making the most of these activities
  • When we are faced with limited resources, it is tempting to throw up our hands and say, "I just don't have what I need to do this!" However, do not underestimate your ability to make it work.
    Might help create a blended classroom, even when you have to share the blender.  Common sense advise for the real world of underequipped classrooms and stretched thin teachers.

Teachers Teaching Teachers - 3 views

    A weekly webcast. We like to think that it's our perspectives as reglular classroom teachers that makes our webcast special. The main participants on the blog, podcast, and webcast are K-13 teachers who enjoy telling "new stories" about their classrooms. Our favorite question: "Can you tell us a story about that? Something that happened recently in your classroom?" Our motto: "Keep it real!"

Using Marzano Question Stems in a High School Classroom « Thirty-Something an... - 18 views

    "Using Marzano Question Stems in a High School Classroom"

'Teach Naked' Effort Strips Computers From Classrooms - Technology - The Chronicle of H... - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 23 Jul 09 - Cached
  • Here's the kicker, though: The biggest resistance to Mr. Bowen's ideas has come from students, some of whom have groused about taking a more active role during those 50-minute class periods.
  • Introduce issues of debate within the discipline and get the students to weigh in based on the knowledge they have from those lecture podcasts, Mr. Bowen says.
  • "Strangely enough, the people who are most resistant to this model are the students, who are used to being spoon-fed material that is going to be quote unquote on the test," says Mr. Heffernan. "Students have been socialized to view the educational process as essentially passive. The only way we're going to stop that is by radically refiguring the classroom in precisely the way José wants to do it."
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • "inverted classroom."
  • 'I paid for a college education and you're not going to lecture?'"
  • PowerPoint is not the problem. It is how PPt is used.
    • anonymous
      That's exactly the point. Of course we do need discussions in classrooms, but we also need to enable students to perform well in them, and here is where technology comes in: You can facilitate it in the learning process. - The headline of this article makes things far too easy...
    I like how Bowen is questioning the use of tech for tech's sake. This further shows how it's not about the technology, but about the teaching.

Twenty Interesting Ways to use Google Docs in the Classroom - 3 views

    using gdocs in the classroom

Google For Educators - Web Search - 0 views

    Web search can be a remarkable research tool for students - and we've heard from educators that they could use some help to teach better search skills in their classroom. The following Search Education lessons were developed by Google Certified Teachers to help you do just that. The lessons are short, modular and not specific to any discipline so you can mix and match to what best fits the needs of your classroom. Additionally, all lessons come with a companion set of slides (and some with additional resources) to help you guide your in-class discussions.

Comics in the Classroom: 100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teachers | Teaching - 1 views

    Excellent compendium of practical strategies and resources for using comics in the classroom for a variety of purposes.

10 Digital Writing Opportunities You Probably Know and 10 You Probably Don't | - 13 views

  • It was a meeting all about ideas (my favourite) and we discussed the best ways that technology could support the process of writing and drive the eventual outcomes. In this post I have included a list of 10 literacy/writing tools or outcomes that, in my opinion, teachers should currently be aware of. Many of them are basic yet still powerful tools in the classroom that support children’s writing. They are in no particular order.
    "It was a meeting all about ideas (my favourite) and we discussed the best ways that technology could support the process of writing and drive the eventual outcomes. In this post I have included a list of 10 literacy/writing tools or outcomes that, in my opinion, teachers should currently be aware of. Many of them are basic yet still powerful tools in the classroom that support children's writing. They are in no particular order."
    "...10 alternative tools that either offer a different perspective on digital writing or are a little known tool, that may have huge potential in the classroom. Not everything is free nor is it online - but the list will hopefully provide food for thought when you are looking at your next non-fiction or narrative unit with your class."

Teacher Magazine: Giving Classrooms a Purpose - 11 views

  • “Never do for someone what they can do for themselves. Never.”
    • Mary Worrell
      This is something every teacher, myself included, should keep in mind when students struggle. Help them, but only enough so they can finish the race on their own. Zone of proximal development.
  • On our overhead, I enter the choices in side-by-side columns and give examples of the difference between the two.
    • Mary Worrell
      I love this idea! Making our teaching processes and decisions transparent to students gives them more ownership in the classroom.
    I really enjoyed this post by Larry Ferlazzo (thanks to Meredith Stewart's retweet). Got me thinking about the sort of classroom culture I'd like to help create with my students.

My Languages: Social Media And Creativity In The Language Classroom - 3 views

    Isabella Jones' excellent slides on social networking creative ideas for the language classroom--pertinent to Eng teachers, too.

Tech Tools for the English Classroom by Kim trefz on Prezi - 23 views

    A prezi presentation on a variety of Web 2.0 tools useful in the English classroom.

Reading Rockets: The Six Ts of Effective Elementary Literacy Instruction - 7 views

  • The issue is less stuff vs. reading than it is a question of what sorts of and how much of stuff. When stuff dominates instructional time, warning flags should go up.
  • In less-effective classrooms, there is a lot of stuff going on for which no reliable evidence exists to support their use (e.g., test-preparation workbooks, copying vocabulary definitions from a dictionary, completing after-reading comprehension worksheets).
  • In these classrooms, lower-achieving students spent their days with books they could successfully read.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • In other words, in too many cases the lower-achieving students receive, perhaps, an hour of appropriate instruction each day and four hours of instruction based on grade-level texts they cannot read.
  • No child who spends 80 percent of his instructional time in texts that are inappropriately difficult will make much progress academically.
  • These exemplary teachers routinely offered direct, explicit demonstrations of the cognitive strategies used by good readers when they read. In other words, they modeled the thinking that skilled readers engage while they attempt to decode a word, self-monitor for understanding, summarize while reading, or edit when composing. The "watch me" or "let me demonstrate" stance they took seems quite different from the "assign and assess" stance that dominates in less-effective classrooms (e.g., Adams, 1990; Durkin, 1978-79).
    • Patrick Higgins
      This makes great sense: children need to see what experts do when they read.  
  • I must also note that we observed almost no test-preparation activity in these classrooms. None of the teachers relied on the increasingly popular commercial test preparation materials (e.g., workbooks, software). Instead, these teachers believed that good instruction, rich instruction, would lead to enhanced test performances.

Skype in the classroom debuts - 2 views

    Article in School CIO on Skype in the Classroom

This I Believe in the Classroom | This I Believe - 1 views

    Tips and lesson plans for using This I Believe- type essays in the classroom.

Promoting Twitteracy in the Classroom | Apace of Change - 0 views

    i think a great way to use twitter is to go to twitter search - see what people are saying about a topic. i know i've used it in the last week to get up to date info on internet safety restrictions and how to break through some of the barriers keeping us from good educational web activities.
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