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Dennis OConnor

Education Week Teacher: High-Tech Teaching in a Low-Tech Classroom - 6 views

  • How can we best use limited resources to support learning and familiarize students with technology?
  • get creative with lesson structure
  • Take advantage of any time that your students have access to a computer lab with multiple computers.
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  • Relieve yourself from the pressure of knowing all the ins and outs of every tool. Instead, empower your students by challenging them to become experts who teach one another (and you!) how to use new programs.
  • "Pass it On" Buddy Method
  • Students assist one another in creating digital products that represent or reflect their new learning. It’s a great way to spread technological skills in a one-computer classroom.
  • Group Consensus Method
  • Small groups of students engage in dialogue on a particular topic, then a member uses a digital tool to report on the group's consensus.
  • Rotating Scribe Method
  • Each day, one student uses technology to record the lesson for other students.
  • Whole Class Method
  • Teachers in one-computer classrooms often invite large groups of students to gather around the computer. Here are a few suggestions for making the most of these activities
  • When we are faced with limited resources, it is tempting to throw up our hands and say, "I just don't have what I need to do this!" However, do not underestimate your ability to make it work.
    Might help create a blended classroom, even when you have to share the blender.  Common sense advise for the real world of underequipped classrooms and stretched thin teachers.
casey mayfield

60 Second Recap - 18 views

    Short video clips review classic works of literature
Grace Lin

Shakespeares Words - 12 views

  • Shakespeare's Words, the online version of the best-selling glossary and language companion.The site integrates the full text of the plays and poems with the entire Glossary database, allowing you to search for any word or phrase in Shakespeare's works, and in particular to find all instances of all words that can pose a difficulty to the modern reader.
    Exploring Shakespeare's words in plays, poems, and glossary
Meredith Stewart

Reflections on a Program for "The Formation of Teachers" - 0 views

  • Of course, one of the givens of professional life is that one never reveals one's fears! But everyone who teaches knows that fear abounds in the profession—from the fear of not knowing the answer, to the fear of losing control, to the fear of never knowing whether one's work has made a difference. All these fears are worth exploring, and some of them reach deeply into our souls. But there is one fear that most teachers feel, though few ever name, a fear that reaches more deeply into our adult lives than any of the others. It is our fear of the judgment of the young. The daily experiences of many teachers is to stand before a sea of faces younger than one's own, faces that too often seem bored, sullen, even hostile. Even when one knows that these visages merely mask the fear in many students' hearts, it is still disheartening to stare into so much apparent disconfirmation day after day after day. The message from the younger generation that many teachers take home each night runs something like this: "We do not care about you and your values…You have been left in the dust by a culture whose words and music you don't even understand…You and your generation are on the way out, so why not just step aside and give us room to grow?" It is a difficult message to bear—especially in a profession where one grows old at a geometric rate, while one's charges remain young, year in and year out!
Dennis OConnor

Teaching to the Text Message - - 9 views

  • So a few years ago, I started slipping my classes short writing assignments alongside the required papers. Once, I asked them, “Come up with two lines of copy to sell something you’re wearing now on eBay.” The mix of commerce and fashion stirred interest, and despite having 30 students in each class, I could give everyone serious individual attention. For another project, I asked them to describe the essence of the chalkboard in one or two sentences. One student wrote, “A chalkboard is a lot like memory: often jumbled, unorganized and sloppy. Even after it’s erased, there are traces of everything that’s been written on it.”
  • My ideal composition class would include assignments like “Write coherent and original comments for five YouTube videos, quickly telling us why surprised kittens or unconventional wedding dances resonate with millions,” and “Write Amazon reviews, including a bit of summary, insight and analysis, for three canonical works we read this semester (points off for gratuitous modern argot and emoticons).”
    • Leslie Healey
      these comments are more useful than the article--we do a "welcome" every morning from the night's reading. This might freshen up the "welcome" and remind them of its relevance to their lives. Thanks.
  • And short isn’t necessarily a shortcut. When you have only a sentence or two, there’s nowhere to hide.
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  • Rewarding concision first will encourage students to be economical and innovative with language.
Mrs. Lenker

Classical Literature -- Student Work - 22 views

    Literature responses--student examples
Vanessa Alander

Formative and Summative Assessment in the Classroom - 12 views

    • Vanessa Alander
      Use of exit slips as formative assessments!  
  • self-evaluation is a logical step in the learning process.
  • students keeping ongoing records of their work not only engages students, it
Leslie Healey

Video Games Are Ruled Protected Speech, Now What? - 2 views

    • Leslie Healey
      this is true! why gaming is legitimately a path fro educators to formulate learning strategies
    • Leslie Healey
      also--they ask why there are not more erudite games, just as there is "classic" literature--I think games are still a new art form. And aren't there are many fluff books as there are fluff or violent games
  • More important than that historic ruling is the reminder by a U.S. Supreme Court Justice that video games, like books, plays and movies, communicate ideas.
  • Reading Dante is unquestionably more cultured and intellectually edifying than playing Mortal Kombat," Scalia wrote. "But these cultural and intellectual differences are not constitutional." It raises the question, what video games live up to that legacy of great literary works? And why aren't there more of them?
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  • Now that this distraction is out of the way, lets see the creation of more games like Bioshock, like Shadow of the Colossus, like Flower, games that make you think, that explore new ideas, that shake up preconceived notions.
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