The Shakespeare Standard is a news, feature, and blog hub for Shakespeare-related news on the web. They publish news items from around the world on a regular basis while featuring reports, blogs, vlogs, and podcasts from our editorial staff and community contributors.
Chicago Shakespeare Theater has printable handbooks for many of Shakespeare's plays. "Each of our entirely original teacher handbooks includes active, engaging teaching activities, 400 years of critical thinking, synopses, and much more. Teaching activities-all aligned with the Common Core State Standards-are designed to draw upon some of the same practices and techniques that actors use in the rehearsal process to break open Shakespeare's challenging language."
A lasting online resource and a companion project for Shakespeare in American Life, a radio documentary produced by Richard Paul and narrated by Sam Waterston, airing on Public Radio International (PRI) stations beginning in April 2007.
The Internet Shakespeare Editions has high quality facsimilies of Shakespeare's Folios and Quartos available for viewing online. You may view the books in their entirety, page by page. The site includes facsimiles and transcriptions of Folio 1, Folio 2, Folio 3, and Folio 4, and many Quartos available online.