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Dana Huff

Presentations in the High School English Classroom - 27 views

    Utecht provides great guidelines, tools, and models for student-created presentations.
    they (students and teachers) did this at Educon 2.3 and it was inspiring. We are going to try it 4th quarter 20th century short fiction.
ten grrl

The Morgan Library & Museum - Online Exhibitions - John Milton's Paradise Lost - 0 views

    The Morgan Library & Museum is pleased to present the only surviving manuscript of Paradise Lost, Book 1. This epic poem is considered Milton's greatest artistic achievement and one of the finest works of the human imagination. Acquired by Pierpont Morgan in 1904, it is the most important British literary manuscript in the collection. The 33-page manuscript has been temporarily disbound, providing an opportunity to see more of its pages than ever before. Also in this presentation are first editions of Paradise Lost printed in England and the United States during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and a rarely seen miniature portrait of the poet.
Adam Babcock

Prezi - The Zooming Presentation Editor - 6 views

    Create astonishing presentations live and on the web

Word Study Notebook Ideas? - 17 views

    Share Ideas on this Collaborative Presentation on the use of word study notebooks
Dana Huff

Plagiarism by Lora Cowell on Prezi - 15 views

    Plagiarism presentation with tips on paraphrasing and discussion of structure, words, ideas.
Dana Huff

Nota : Casual Collaboration - 7 views

    "Mash your ideas and media together with friends in a dynamic whiteboard wiki. Using photos, videos, and other web content you can instantly create brainstorms, presentations, scrapbooks, and enjoy an interactive chat with more than 50 friends."
Leslie Healey

Creative Nonfiction: a definition and appreciation - 14 views

  • For a while the NEA experimented with “belles-lettres,” a misunderstood term that favors style over substance and did not capture the personal essence and foundation of the literature they were seeking. Eventually one of the NEA members in the meeting that day pointed out that a rebel in his English department was campaigning for the term “creative nonfiction.” That rebel was me.
  • literary craft in presenting nonfiction—that is, factually accurate prose about real people and events—in a compelling, vivid manner. To p
  • real demarcation points between fiction, which is or can be mostly imagination; traditional nonfiction (journalism and scholarship), which is mostly information; and creative nonfiction, which presents or treats information using the tools of the fiction writer while maintaining allegiance to fact.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • George Orwell’s Down and Out in Paris and London, James Baldwin’s Notes of a Native Son Ernest Hemingway’s Death in the Afternoon, and Tom Wolfe’s The Right Stuff are classic creative nonfiction efforts—
  • communicate information (reportage) in a scenic, dramatic fashion.
  • offers flexibility and freedom while adhering to the basic tenets of reportage. In creative nonfiction, writers can be poetic and journalistic simultaneously
  • inematic techniques, from scene to dialogue to description to point of view, to write about themselves and ot
Berylaube 00

MoMA | Ecstatic Alphabets/Heaps of Language - 0 views

    "Ecstatic Alphabets/Heaps of Language brings together historical and contemporary works of art that treat language not merely as a system of communication governed by grammatical rules and assigned meanings, but as a material that can be manipulated with creative freedom, like paint, clay, or any other artistic medium. The exhibition is divided into two sections. The first is a historical overview of 20th-century art that experiments with the graphic, sonic, and kinetic possibilities of letters and words. With a few notable exceptions, these works are confined to the two-dimensional parameters of a page. The second section presents an installation of contemporary works, most of which do away with the page; some do away with writing altogether. The artist and poet Emmett Williams observed that "the poem as picture is as old as the hills," citing its beginnings in hieroglyphics,"
Karen LaBonte

While I was sleeping - 9 views

    Prezi presentation about the power of we think, networks, PLN.
The0d0re Shatagin

Tech Tips For Teachers: Free, Easy and Useful Creation Tools - The Learning Network Blo... - 7 views

    Ryan Goble, who often coaches teachers in what he calls the "mindful" use of technology, has written today's guest post on user-friendly tools that enable the creation of student projects.
    NYTimes article recommending 5 free tools: Visualizing Text, Comic Text, Interactive Timelines, Digital Interactive Presentations, Idea Maps & Brainstorms
Dana Huff

Literary Themes from 93 Studios - 2 views

    Good presentation on themes in literature.
ten grrl

Virtual books: images only - Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures Under Ground: Introduction - 0 views

    The original version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. The manuscript is the handwritten version of the stories presented to 10-year-old Alice Liddell.
ten grrl

Jean de Brunhoff's Histoire de Babar Maquette - 0 views

    This digital facsimile presents every page of a small, delicate maquette that Jean de Brunhoff created in 1930 or 1931 as he drafted the first book in the Babar series. The maquette, an extraordinary handmade booklet complete with cover and endpapers, text and illustrations, is the prototype for Histoire de Babar, le petit éléphant.
ten grrl

12 best places to get free images for your site | News | TechRadar UK - 0 views

    Links to 12 sites where you and students can obtain free images to use on webpages and in Powerpoint presentations. Be sure to review the sites for possibly inappropriate images though!

The Smart Set - Ideas - 1 views

    The Smart Set is an online publication covering culture and ideas, arts and sciences, global and national affairs - everything from literature to shopping, medicine to food, philosophy to sports. What sorts of topics is The Smart Set presently ruminating
Leslie Healey

I am the sum of the total parts I control « - 3 views

    virtual worlds: not the future, but the present of education. I am not prepared
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