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Patrick Higgins

Materials for Faculty: Methods: Diagnosing and Responding to Student Writing - 11 views

  • For these reasons, instructors are continuously looking for ways to respond efficiently to student work. Seasoned instructors have developed systems that work well for them. We offer a few here: Don't comment on everything. Tell students that in your responses to a particular paper you intend to focus on their thesis sentences and introductions, or their overall structure, or their use of sources, etc. This method works particularly well in courses that require students to do several papers. Instructors can, as the term progresses, focus on different aspects of student writing. Space or stagger deadlines so that you are not overwhelmed by drafts. If the thought of grading eighteen essays in two or three days is daunting, divide the class in half or into thirds and require different due dates for different groups. Use peer groups. Ask students to meet outside of class (or virtually, on the Blackboard discussion board) to talk with one another about their papers. Peer groups work best when you've modeled the critiquing process in class, and when you provide students with models or guidelines for critiquing. See our page on Collaborative Learning for a fuller discussion. Ask for a Writing Assistant. The Writing Assistant reviews drafts of papers and makes extensive comments. Students benefit by having an additional reader; instructors benefit because they get better papers. If you'd like more information about using a Writing Assistant in your course, contact Stephanie Boone, Director of Student Writing Support.
    Don't comment on everything. Tell students that in your responses to a particular paper you intend to focus on their thesis sentences and introductions, or their overall structure, or their use of sources, etc. This method works particularly well in courses that require students to do several papers. Instructors can, as the term progresses, focus on different aspects of student writing. Space or stagger deadlines so that you are not overwhelmed by drafts. If the thought of grading eighteen essays in two or three days is daunting, divide the class in half or into thirds and require different due dates for different groups. Use peer groups. Ask students to meet outside of class (or virtually, on the Blackboard discussion board) to talk with one another about their papers. Peer groups work best when you've modeled the critiquing process in class, and when you provide students with models or guidelines for critiquing. See our page on Collaborative Learning for a fuller discussion. Ask for a Writing Assistant. The Writing Assistant reviews drafts of papers and makes extensive comments. Students benefit by having an additional reader; instructors benefit because they get better papers. If you'd like more information about using a Writing Assistant in your course, contact Stephanie Boone, Director of Student Writing Support.
Leslie Healey

The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens: Scientific A... - 18 views

    • Leslie Healey
      on the other hand, I just tried to change the color of my highlighter, and redo a highlight that supported a different conclusion, and Diigo would not let me--I learned that on my iPad
  • no obvious shape or thickness.
  • "haptic dissonance"
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • e screen-based reading is more physically and mentally taxing than reading on pape
    • Leslie Healey
      this is the big problem for me
  • t scrolling
  • drains more mental resources than turning or clicking a page, which are simpler and more automatic gestures.
  • people reading on screens take a lot of shortcuts—they spend more time browsing, scanning and hunting for keywords compared with people reading on paper, and are more likely to read a document once, and only once.
  • When reading on screens, people seem less inclined
  • metacognitive learning regulation—strategies such as setting specific goals, rereading difficult sections and checking how much one has understood
  • Sellen has learned that many people do not feel much ownership of e-books because of their impermanence and intangibility: "They think of using an e-book, not owning an e-book," s
  • Participants in her studies say that when they really like an electronic book, they go out and get the paper version.
  • Why not keep paper and evolve screen-based reading into something else entirely?
  • Some Web comics and infographics turn scrolling into a strength rather than a weakness. S
  • e Scale of the Universe tool
  • Atavist o
    paper vs screen in your brain
Dugg Lowe

Paper writing services - 0 views

    It is reported that nowadays the trading volume of the internet essay business has surpassed 2 billion pounds in England, according to a research that has launched in 2009, in university of Manchester a half of the collegers have responded that they were ready to get essays online, and 45% collegers have assured that they have brought essays through companies who offer the service of paper writing help.
Dugg Lowe

Term paper services - 0 views

    On the issue of choosing the paper writing service.
Dugg Lowe

Help with paper writing - 0 views

    No matter how you achieved on your college life it is with relation to your papers writing.
Mrs. Lenker

MIT OpenCourseWare | Writing and Humanistic Studies | 21W.730-3 Expository Writing: Aut... - 7 views

    Autobiography course, interesting paper topics
    Autobiography course, interesting paper topics
ten grrl

Langston Hughes Papers - 0 views

    The Langston Hughes Papers contain letters, manuscripts, personal items, photographs, clippings, artworks, and objects that document the life of the well-known African-American poet.
Stephen Davis

EWU | Inserting Voice Comments in Microsoft Word 2003 - 7 views

    This is very helpful! Imagine, recording a message to students instead of making paper bleed with red ink!
    This is very helpful! Imagine, recording a message to students instead of making paper bleed with red ink!
Patrick Higgins

Welcome! ‎(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)‎ - 0 views

    Example of a student using Google Sites to do his sophomore research paper. Note the traditional aspects and new aspects of research.
Dana Huff

MLA Citation Style | Cornell University Library - 0 views

    MLA citation style guide for research papers.
Adam Babcock

Free Online Graph Paper / Storyboard Paper - 5 views

    Use this generator to make make blank storyboard templates and download them as a pdf

PaperRater - 11 views

    Pre-Grade Your Paper: Free Online Grammar Checker and More. Checks Plagiarism too. Free. Maintained by Linguists and grad students. Plan to off more serves for a fee in future. Also has a link to Vocabulary Builder.
Dennis OConnor

Seven Bad Writing Habits You Learned in School | Copyblogger - 13 views

    "What is good writing? Ask an English teacher, and they'll tell you good writing is grammatically correct. They'll tell you it makes a point and supports it with evidence. Maybe, if they're really honest, they'll admit it has a scholarly tone - prose that sounds like Jane Austen earns an A, while a paper that could've been written by Willie Nelson scores a B (or worse). Not all English teachers abide by this system, but the vast majority do. Just look at the writing of most graduates, and you'll see what I mean. It's proper, polite, and just polished enough not to embarrass anyone. Mission accomplished, as far as our schools are concerned. But let me ask you something: Is that really good writing?"
Dennis OConnor

100 Little Ways You Can Dramatically Improve Your Writing | Online Colleges - 9 views

    "January 17th, 2010\n\nSolid writing skills open up career-boosting opportunities for professional writers and for those with aspirations beyond their basic job description. Journalists, fiction writers, scientists, teachers, business professionals, law students and other professionals can all get ahead by inspiring and influencing others with their writing. Whether you're an undergraduate wanting tips to organize your papers; a novelist who needs help with character development; or a technical writer in search of tips to write more engaging copy, here are 100 little ways all of you can dramatically improve your writing."
Dennis OConnor

projeqt \ how great stories are told - 7 views

    From Mark Rounds: Web-Ed Tools "The art of online storytelling is all about presentation. As a non-linear storytelling engine, Projeqt gives creatives the ability to weave together stories dripping with style and personality from Flickr photos, RSS feeds, tweets, YouTube or Vimeo videos, and any media stored on their own computers.Users can craft "projeqts," whatever their purpose may be, by adding content in the form of slides. Create a slide, name it, add tags, and fill the slide with a photo, text, video or feed. Slides are published to create the web story and be can reordered via drag and drop. Users can also create a projeqt within a projeqt to serve as a story inside a story.In private beta right now... It took me a week to get my invite."
Dennis OConnor

TwHistory - 10 views

    Create historical twitter character then tweet based on history research  Quote from Mark Rounds Web-Ed Tools, "Participants choose a historical event, create Twitter accounts for individual characters, pore over primary source documents and think critically about the times, dates, and durations of events to create hundreds of Tweets as they might have been broadcast had Twitter existed before the 21st century. They then submit all those Tweets to the engineers at TwHistory, specifying a start date for their event, and then watch it unfold - over a day, a week, a month or more - reflecting the event's actual duration."
Teresa Ilgunas

Bookmarklets | Readability - 11 views

    This tool is fantastic when I want to have the class read a paper version of an internet article, OR when the ads are so distracting that I can't concentrate on what I'm reading.
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