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Facebook Autopilot Share like a human intro - YouTube - 0 views

shared by mk19198 on 21 Jan 15 - No Cached
    Facebook autopilot is a creative software, which can share on Facebook groups and comments just like a real human

Jos de Blok: Healthcare, humanity above bureaucracy - TEDxGeneva - 3 views

    In his TEDxTalk a nurse presents how he helps simplifying organizational structures in healthcare. He explains how he succeeded in encouraging trust, while integrating simplification offers a great deal more for society than bureaucratic and pyramidal organizations, making daily work more meaningful and sustainable.

Bruce Sterling's SXSW 2017 keynote: what should humans do? / Boing Boing - 1 views

    Bruce Sterling closes the SXSW Interactive Festival with a wide-ranging, hour-long speech about the state of the nation (technological obsolescence of humanity, the robots-will-take-our-jobs,...)
Théo Bondolfi - 0 views

    "A shiny new and rapidly growing interactive database that's showcasing the exciting, solutions-based work being implemented by permaculture projects and practitioners worldwide. If you're getting depressed watching current events, this is the site to reinvigorate the mind with real, lasting, holistic solutions for all the problems humanity currently faces. Have a look around, be inspired, and if you're a permaculture practitioner, be sure to register and upload your profile, add your project(s), and network with others to share inspiration, resources and support, and to advertise your services for a brave new economy."
Marta Carvalho

Info Day - Technologies for better human learning and teaching - ICT-20-2015 - 0 views

education PT eCulture

started by Marta Carvalho on 18 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Raphael Rousseau

Manifeste des Digital Humanities - 4 views

    Un Manifeste de l'eCulture ?
Thanasis Priftis

DIGHUM - Digital Humanism - 0 views

    "This manifesto is a call to deliberate and to act on current and future technological development. We encourage our academic communities, as well as industrial leaders, politicians, policy makers, and professional societies all around the globe, to actively participate in policy formation. Our demands are the result of an emerging process that unites scientists and practitioners across fields and topics, brought together by concerns and hopes for the future. We are aware of our joint responsibility for the current situation and the future - both as professionals and citizens."
Thanasis Priftis - 0 views

    "We are a five-person team concerned about the ways our communities' digital information is collected, stored, and shared by government and corporations. Based in marginalized neighborhoods in Charlotte, North Carolina, Detroit, Michigan, and Los Angeles, California, we look at digital data collection and our human rights, work with local communities, community orginizations, and social support networks, and show how different data systems impact re-entry, fair housing, public assistance, and community development."

Welcome to Sherry Anderson's website - Aging with Grace - 0 views

    Welcome. Please come in. Imagine that we're together, you and I, seated at the edge of a vineyard laden with fruit. If you accept this invitation, you'll be stepping into ripening time - the theme of this site. Ripening, as I use it here, means coming to our full flavor as human beings.

Richard Stallman: Free software, free society - TEDxGeneva - 0 views

    Richard Stallman shares how he has created the first free operating system, and explains how nonfree programs give companies control of their users and what users can do in order to recover control over their computing Quotes: Nowadays, computing is so important in society that the freedoms of free software are among the human rights that society must establish and protect.

Open Ethics Initiative – the movement for AI self-disclosure - 0 views

    "Open Ethics for AI is like Creative Commons for the content. We aim to build trust between machines and humans by helping machines to explain themselves. We're developing an open transparency protocol to help product-owners describe their AI-powered solutions in a standardized, user-friendly, and explicit way. Open Ethics is a global inclusive initiative with the mission to engage citizens, legislators, engineers, and subject-matter experts into a transparent design and deployment of solutions backed by artificial intelligence to make a positive societal impact." data passport, open ethics label, decentralized approach to self-disclosure,

Aragon Manifesto - 0 views

    We believe that the fate of humanity will be decided at the frontier of technological innovation. We will either see technology lead to a more free, open, and fair society or reinforce a global regime of centralized control, surveillance, and oppression. Our fear is that without a global, conscious, and concerted effort, the outlook is incredibly bleak. The Internet has opened the doors for universal, cross-border, and non-violent collaborative effort to fight for our freedom. However, the Internet has also opened the doors for global surveillance and manipulation. We believe humankind should use technology as a liberating tool to unleash all the goodwill and creativity of our species, rather than as a tool to enslave and take advantage of one another. Thus, Aragon is a fight for freedom. Aragon empowers freedom by creating liberating tools that leverage decentralized technologies.

Anriette Esterhuysen - Internet Hall of Fame and EFF awardee - 0 views

    A human rights defender and computer networking pioneer from South Africa. he has been the Executive Director of the Association for Progressive Communications. She was one of five finalists for IT Personality of the Year in South Africa in 2012. She was inducted to the Internet Hall of Fame in 2013 as a "Global Connector". In 2015, she was the winner of the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Pioneer Awards. She is a founder of Women's Net in South Africa and has served on the Technical Advisory Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Théo Bondolfi

Small Technology Foundation - About - 1 views

    Small Technology are everyday tools for everyday people designed to increase human welfare, not corporate profits. Small Tech is… easy to use personal private by default share alike peer to peer interoperable zero knowledge non-commercial non-colonial inclusive
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