Aragon Manifesto - 0 views
We believe that the fate of humanity will be decided at the frontier of technological innovation. We will either see technology lead to a more free, open, and fair society or reinforce a global regime of centralized control, surveillance, and oppression. Our fear is that without a global, conscious, and concerted effort, the outlook is incredibly bleak. The Internet has opened the doors for universal, cross-border, and non-violent collaborative effort to fight for our freedom. However, the Internet has also opened the doors for global surveillance and manipulation. We believe humankind should use technology as a liberating tool to unleash all the goodwill and creativity of our species, rather than as a tool to enslave and take advantage of one another. Thus, Aragon is a fight for freedom. Aragon empowers freedom by creating liberating tools that leverage decentralized technologies.
Sam Willians - Free as in Freedom - 0 views
Free as in Freedom is a free book licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License about the life of Richard Stallman, written by Sam Williams and published by O'Reilly Media on March 1, 2002. Williams conducted several interviews with Stallman during the writing of the book, as well as with classmates, colleagues of Stallman, and his mother. The book has received positive reviews.
Auroville - 0 views
"É um direito humano fundamental poder falar com privacidade" - 0 views
Le copyleft appliqué à la création hors logiciel - 1 views
Richard Stallman: Free software, free society - TEDxGeneva - 0 views
Richard Stallman shares how he has created the first free operating system, and explains how nonfree programs give companies control of their users and what users can do in order to recover control over their computing Quotes: Nowadays, computing is so important in society that the freedoms of free software are among the human rights that society must establish and protect.
Lawrence Lessig - Creative Commons - 0 views
Proponent of reduced legal restrictions on copyright, trademark, and radio frequency spectrum, particularly in technology applications. In 2001, he founded Creative Commons. He is a former board member of the Free Software Foundation and Software Freedom Law Center; the Washington, D.C. lobbying groups Public Knowledge and Free Press; and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
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