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Thanasis Priftis

The Key Themes of Collaboration - The Open Co-op - 0 views

    "Truly effective, synergistic, collaboration is an elusive beast at the best of times and the idea of making it work at scale, for decentralised projects and organisations, is possibly the essential challenge of our times. If we want to work out how to work together more effectively, to build an equitable and abundant world for all, it seems important to recognise, what hinders collaboration, to identify great examples of effective collaboration and to at least attempt to identify if there are any key themes which we can build on and incorporate into our work."

Cultiver son pouvoir d'agir: Anne-Sophie Novel - video en franÇais - 1 views

    l´intervention d´Anne Novel at TEDxNantes: Une véritable CoRévolution est en marche. Portée par l'économie collaborative et une culture du partage réinventée par le numérique, une nouvelle société émerge, nous invitant à revoir notre pouvoir d'agir.
Thanasis Priftis

Plateformes en Communs - 0 views

    "Plateformes en Communs est un projet de la Coop des Communs. Nous regroupons des personnes venant de cultures différentes (Economie Sociale et Solidaire, Économie collaborative, Communs) qui souhaitent créer des alliances et des convergences entre ces mondes. Nous pensons qu'une nouvelle génération de plateformes collaboratives émergent et nous accompagnons leur structuration et les innovations sociales qu'elles portent : nouvelles gouvernances plus inclusives pour leurs communautés, partage de la valeur, innovations organisationnelles..."
Thanasis Priftis

Twenty-first century digital skills for the creative industries workforce: Perspectives... - 0 views

    "The creative industries workforce requires employees that use ICT applications to solve the knowledge related tasks at work. The aim of this research is twofold: (1) to see if previously cited twenty-first century digital skills are suited to the creative industries workforce and (2) to investigate the extent to which skill development get attention in current organizational practices. In-depth interviews were conducted with a sample of 24 managers and senior executives of creative organizations based in the Netherlands. As a guideline for the interviews, a conceptual twenty-first century digital skills framework was used. This framework presented the following seven core skills supported by the use of ICT: technical, information management, communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving. The following five contextual skills that play a role when using ICT were also presented: ethical awareness, cultural awareness, flexibility, self-direction, and lifelong learning. The results support the importance of twenty-first century digital skills, however, there seems to be insufficient attention to the levels of these skills; they play a minor role during the selection and evaluation procedures. Often it is assumed that existing digital skills are sufficient. Managers are encouraged to improve on developing requirements necessary for future employees as well as measurements to ensure current employees skill levels. The developed framework might be used as a management tool for indicating skills that need to be assessed among professionals working in the creative industries."

Les fruits du libre - Wiki livre Netizenship - 1 views

    "Prenant sa source dans le domaine du logiciel, l'esprit du Libre souffle à présent aussi dans la recherche, l'éducation, la culture et même l'agriculture et la médecine. On ne parle pas là d'expérimentations marginales, [...] mais de projets de grande ampleur qui concernent des millions de personnes et modifient durablement leur environnement."

Société en métamorphose - Wiki livre Netizenship - 4 views

    Un changement de paradigme est en cours. Internet est un nouvel environnement qui nous permet de passer du statut de consommateur passif à celui de consomm'acteur, co-créateur d'informations et de services. Chacun peut faire des retours sur les produits, évaluer un service, vendre lui-même, apprendre à gérer sa propre réputation... Nous ne sommes plus séparés, mais tous reliés, tous à même d'apporter notre pierre à l'édifice. Nous intégrons une nouvelle culture (la culture numérique, alias eCulture) où le modèle n'est plus...
Cyrielle Casse

Larry Lessig : Ré-examiner le remix | Video on - 0 views

    A TEDxNYED, l'ancien "jeune républicain" Larry Lessig parle de ce que les Démocrates peuvent apprendre du parti de l'opposition, considéré comme plus conservateur. Une vision surprenante sur la culture du remix. Lawrence Lessig has already transformed intellectual-property law with his Creative Commons innovation. Now he's focused on an even bigger problem: The US' broken political system Langueage : english Subtitles : french

Tu connais l'Economie Sociale et Solidaire (ESS) ? - vidéo en franÇais - 0 views

    Faire tomber les clichés et les aprioris sur l'Economie Sociale et Solidaire... Le programme Jeun'ESS vient de réaliser une vidéo, conçue sous la forme d'un dessin animé, qui a pour objectif de faire connaître  l'économie sociale et solidaire.
Thanasis Priftis

'Looping' Created an Underground Insulin-Pump Market - The Atlantic - 0 views

    "They shared this code online as OpenAPS, and "looping," as it's called, began to catch on. Instead of micromanaging their blood sugar, people with diabetes could offload that work to an algorithm. In addition to OpenAPS, another system called Loop is now available. Dozens, then hundreds, and now thousands of people are experimenting with DIY artificial-pancreas systems-none of which the Food and Drug Administration has officially approved. And they've had to track down discontinued Medtronic pumps. It can sometimes take months to find one."
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