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Allie | Online safety & civility - 0 views

shared by Allie on 08 Sep 12 - Cached
    Another website about internet saftey. These were found on the York County website. During my practicum on Friday the students had a lesson on internet saftey and digital citizenship.
Emma Sunseri

Google Lit Trips - 0 views

    Students can take a Google Earth trip to the places where book characters live/travel! Has some pre-created trips, divided by grade band. So cool!

Educational Uses of Facebook - Ecademy - 0 views

    Could facebook be used in educational settings? I have seen teachers use facebook as a way for students to be creative in projects...making a facebook from the eyes of an influential historical figure. Not sure if facebook would be a good tool or not?
Carly Guinn

State Requirements on Pledge of Allegiance in Schools - Under God in the Pledge - ProCo... - 0 views

    • Carly Guinn
      Love this website, -- unaffiliated, nice to get both sides to arguments!
    Was looking into this after E05 -- these rules are much stricter than I imagined!
Emily Wampler

(Court-Ordered) Notice-and-Takedown: the Chilean Approach | Center for Democracy & Tech... - 0 views

  • Though modeled on the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), the law differs in one crucial respect: While a cornerstone of the US law is its private notice-and-takedown system, the Chilean law requires that rightsholders secure a court order before content must be taken down.
  • court oversight may well prevent some of the mistakes we have seen under the US system.
  • having to go to court significantly raises the burden on them when requesting takedowns.
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  • It remains to be seen as courts implement the law whether it does in practice provide reasonable protection for rightsholders, intermediaries, and users. 
  • Notice-forwarding requirements, whereby ISPs and content hosts are required to pass along notices of apparent or alleged infringement to subscribers, present yet a third model for dealing with online copyright infringement.
    An interesting organization (CDT) reporting on the approaches other countries are using to monitor internet copyrights.  The sight includes numerous links to similar articles, too.  
Kasey Hutson

the Edthena blog - about better coaching for teachers and using technology - 0 views

  • The public perceives education as of the government. The public is demanding better education options. The public is asking for real progress in the way of education reform. And yet, the government is now sitting on the sidelines waiting till next year.
  • To those lawmakers who claim to be education advocates and committed to real change in education -- take education off your lipservice list and put it on your to-do list. Stop using education and education investment as a bargaining chip to get your other deals done.
  • However, without a concerted effort to "place bets" on the ideas that have the potential to transform education, how can we ever expect to "hit it big" when it comes to education technology?
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  • Edhtena is a technology platform that's focused on schools. And yet, schools sometimes don't have the right technology upgrades to support technology like Edthena.  Sure, the computers are powerful enough. Sure, the internet bandwidth is there. But the software -- mainly the browser -- that users have may not deliver the best experience.  This is why we're so excited by Microsoft's announcement to automatically update Internet Explorer for all users. LOTS of schools are still running LOTS of computers with Windows XP with old versions of IE. Now, teachers won't have to worry about what version software they have. And IT departments won't have to worry about capacity to update everyone over time.  Everybody wins here. Thank you, Microsoft.
    I'm biased because this blog is from my childhood best friend's older brother (whew), but he has a really cool start-up company that is focused on educational technology and, further, on using technology to provide teachers feedback. Adam is a TFA alum, originally from Virginia Beach, who is passionate about teaching and helping teachers improve their craft. Worth checking out!
Kristine Kellenberger

Education Rethink: Thirteen Thoughts on Student Blogging - 0 views

    How to use blogging effectively in your classroom & teach Digital Citizenship!
Emma Sunseri

YoungTeacherLove: Discussing 9/11 in Our Classroom - 0 views

    BlogPost written by a teacher who struggled with how to explain 9/11 to her upper elementary students. Offers a couple book titles and activities, as well as a little perspective.
Emma Sunseri

10 Apps for Learners Who Struggle with Reading and/or Writing - 0 views

    Apps for learners who struggle with reading/writing. Most of them seem to be alternate ways to take notes, etc. And many seem to be free--even better!
Megan Cleary

The achievement gap, by the numbers - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • virtually nobody disputes that socioeconomic status, cultural identity and the educational level of parents — especially mothers — are linked to the stubborn achievement gap between students of different races and ethnicities.
  • research has shown that outside factors are generally more powerful than any teacher and that it is the exception rather than the rule that students facing myriad social issues can do well at school
  • The persistent gap in the District reflects on the questionable nature of some of the reforms that have been implemented in the city
    This issue is both frustrating and controversial, and there is little to no agreement on how to address it.  It seems educators will be dealing with this issue for a long time to come.
Jennifer Massengill

Embracing Introversion: Ways to Stimulate Reserved Students in the Classroom | Edutopia - 0 views

    • Jennifer Massengill
      Will the move toward cooperative learning and problem based learning affect introverts' need for time and space?
  • online communities
    • Jennifer Massengill
      I've seen online classes use this well. An online chat gives an introvert time to answer questions and make comments at their own pace whereas in a live class the conversation would have moved on by the time the introvert was ready to contribute. The question is, is there any way to use this at the elementary level?
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  • In fact, the introvert may be a pushed out as the extroverts of the group dominate the conversation even if their thinking is not on target.
  • introverts aren’t averse to being with people; it’s just that they need solitude to re-energize, engage in deep creative thinking, and process the mass sensory input that the extrovert thrives on
  • acknowledging that introversion is not something to be “overcome,
    Interesting to think about as we try to meet the diverse needs of our students.

A Shared Culture - Creative Commons - 0 views

    A new kind of copy right I never new existed. This video will help you learn about the other kinds of copy rights people have as well as familiarize you with the symbols used to represent these forms of copyright.
Jennifer Massengill

Introversion and the Invisible Adolescent | Edutopia - 0 views

  • limitations of group decision making, a context in which extroverts dominate and the creative thinking of introverts most often gets lost
    • Jennifer Massengill
      I see this a lot is group building exercises. I like giving the students a puzzle to solve. Often the quiet ones have the answer quickly, but the group continues to struggle because nobody is listening to the quiet kid.
  • Many of my best students were ones who rarely spoke in the large group, were active in smaller groups (and the smaller the better) and had a great deal to share with me privately in papers.
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  • rewards for classroom engagement should not be measured only by oral contributions
  • Our classrooms contain too many forgotten introverted students who may need help but are not getting it and/or have gifts that aren't being either elicited or supported.
    • Jennifer Massengill
      Not all quiet kids are troubled - should not assume "something is wrong", but many have a lot to offer a class if given an opportunity to contribute in a way that they can feel comfortable.
    Insightful article about the need to include space for introverts to shine in areas of their talents, too. I like the emphasis not on "overcoming" introversion, but instead on helping introverts use their strengths. Definitely a good reminder to pay attention to all our students, not just the ones jumping up and down all day long.
Alexander Hendrix

Students of Harvard Cheating Scandal Say Group Work Was Accepted - - 0 views

    • Alexander Hendrix
      This seems like a case of 1. a miscommunication between professor expectations for collaboration and student understanding of these expectations and 2. students being led to believe that little to no work could be done and an a would be received
    It's also probably a case of students relying on ratemyprofessor to help them choose the easiest courses possible...
Kylee Ponder

Charter School Movement Turns 20, Amid Criticism And Success Stories - 0 views

    • Kylee Ponder
      Interesting to think that there are THIS many students waiting to get into a charter schools. Is the wait worth it? 
Emily Wampler - 0 views

    Awesome site by the federal trade commission, with a comprehensive review of digital literacy and citizenship topics.  Great resource.  
Emily Wampler

ASCD Express 6.10 - Tips for New Teachers: Goodbye to "Good Job!"-The Power of Specific... - 0 views

    • Emily Wampler
      I agree with most of this article, but I wonder if occasionally the use of names (calling on specific children as examples) can still be appropriate?  Why are we so afraid of hurting other kids feelings?  Or is that never acceptable nowadays?
  • Say what you see, not how you feel.
  • Name only behaviors that have actually occurred.
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  • Although the intention is good, using general praise on its own does little to help students understand your expectations and recognize their own achievements.
  • Avoid naming some students as examples for others
  • Use those opportunities to offer specific feedback focused on children's positive behaviors.
  • Each bit of such feedback will help students understand your expectations, build on their strengths, and recognize themselves as competent and independent learners.

Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students - 0 views

  • When students are using technology as a tool or a support for communicating with others, they are in an active role rather than the passive role of recipient of information transmitted by a teacher, textbook, or broadcast.
  • The teacher is no longer the center of attention as the dispenser of information, but rather plays the role of facilitator, setting project goals and providing guidelines and resources, moving from student to student or group to group, providing suggestions and support for student activity
    This was both interesting and helpful. All teacher especially teachers who believe technology should not be in the classroom should understand the benefits of technology. Motivation is one benefit that stuck out to me because it makes sense to use modern tools to help students accomplish more and want to learn.
Denise Lenihan

20 Education Technology Books You Should Be Reading | Edudemic - 0 views

    If its still hard for you to transition to having EVERYTHING on the computer, here are helpful TEXTBOOKS you can have in your classroom for Edu Technolog. Maybe for those who are also more reluctant to things online? 
Kelsey Agett

Back to School: Preparing for Day One | Edutopia - 0 views

  • If you are a new teacher, this is imperative. By rehearsing, this gives you an idea on pacing, one the greatest challenges for most beginning teachers.
    • Kelsey Agett
      We talked about may feel awkward, but seems worth it, even with little kids.
  • Modeling forgiveness and kindness and giving a kid a second
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  • Every child deserves a chance to make a new first impression.
    Good advice, especially since most of us did not get to experience a first day of school as a student teacher.
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