The Obama administration put large companies on notice that it would be tougher on mergers and attempts to stifle competition, restoring the type of aggressive antitrust enforcement of the 1990s that led to the landmark government case against Microsoft Corp.
Los Angeles Times - - 0 views
Among those likely to feel the heat of federal inquiries are technology companies, such as chip maker Intel Corp., Internet giant Google Inc. and longtime tech leader IBM Corp.
Where is there an end of it? | Notes on Document Conformance and Portability #3 - 0 views
a calm look at some of the issues
Microsoft’s implementation decision
an implementation of ODF which does not interoperate with other available implementations
- ...21 more annotations...
Groklaw - When Would You Use OOXML and When ODF? -- What is OOXML For? - 0 views
The legacy formats are just popped into an OOXML wrapper
Funny how often this old canard is brought out. Do people really belive it?
I actually think is is - to some extent - true. Apart from stuff like DrawingML, CustomML etc, OOXML is a transformation of the binary stuff and hence in essence the same document format. "Someone" told me the other day that he had knowledge of a company that didn't use the "xml-ness" of OOXMLto manipulate OOXML-files but simply considered them TEXT-files. They could do this because OOXML is very close to the binary formats.
True, but the stuff inside is XML -- I think there's a widespread view that OOXML is a lot of lightly wrapped BLOBs
Ok - you are possibly correct. Somehow content in a file called printerSettings.bin seem to attract higher disturbance than base64-encoded, binary attribute values with attribute name "printerSettings"
Actually, I think the phrase someone coined that "OOXML is just the binary document formats dressed up in angle brackets" fits just fint :o)
Whoa, whoa, whoa! - Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, May 01 2009 @ 02:21 AM EDT
Whoa, whoa, whoa! - Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, May 01 2009 @ 03:17 AM EDT
It fits just fine for most of the spec but there are also major chunks that include descriptive element and attribute names, for example, the compatibility markup volume. My sense is that these are areas where new features were introduced in Office 2007. But they kind of fly in the face of the Microsoft claims back when that the abbreviated markup was deliberately chosen to maximize execution speed. If so, why isn't all the markup in abbreviated form?
Groklaw - Digging for Truth - 0 views
I'm convinced they knew about it already, although it's only a guess
the fact that Microsoft would have received a copy
Moved by Freedom - Powered by Standards » Blog Archive » News of the Weird (A... - 0 views
I just don’t get it
The Durban 2 conference in Geneva makes me think of a bizarre mashup of the first Durban conference and what I experienced at the OOXML BRM
Not the first time somebody seems to have got confused between issues of tynanny and totalitarianism, and ... document formats. What price perspective?
Actually I didn't know Charles participated in the BRM?
He didn't - this is something that Andy Updegrove published at the tim too. What price reality?
Alex is right. National transposition is a procedural relic. We should get the specs right out of software vendors and just skip this standardization crap that only justifies to pay useless consultants whose status is construed as some kind of impartial judge. This kind of failed processes have led us to believe that standards and norms could be somehow trusted; as it unfortunately turns out, it stops to be true when strongly applied pressure by one large private monopoly meets the weak morals of the ones in charge of ensuring the process is being duly respected. Thank you Alex, for spelling out the truth. Your lack of impartiality and your strange behaviour during the OOXML standardization process have clarified how poorly qualified you are at patronizing others and lecturing on the ISO and other standards bodies’ processes. I wish you good luck for your next job at Microsoft.
How Microsoft/ISO Took More Control of ODF | Boycott Novell - 0 views
Maybe it is already available somewhere, but we failed to find it.
So Roy, are you gonna corect your intentionally misleading comments now that you have been made aware of it?
Cloud Computing - 0 views
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Instant Fix Slow Computer Solutions - 0 views
I bought a brand new PC with good specifications just last month. But only three weeks of use, I noticed that my PC froze and slowed down a bit. For the next three days, it continued to slow down. ...
Microsoft Office 2010 Engineering : Open XML: One Year In - 1 views
What is noteworthy about this investment is that we’re working closely with members of JTC 1 SC 34 ( the standards body responsible with Open XML maintenance ) to identify and resolve backward compatibility issues related to this new functionality.
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