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Sean McHugh

Screen-time does not disrupt children's sleep, new study finds | University of Oxford - 0 views

  • new research findings from the Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford, has shown that screen time has very little practical effect on children’s sleep.
  • while the correlation between screen time and sleep in children exists, it might be too small to make a significant difference to a child’s sleep
  • Focusing on bedtime routines and regular patterns of sleep, such as consistent wake-up times, are much more effective strategies for helping young people sleep than thinking screens themselves play a significant role
Sean McHugh

Ten Kid-Friendly Rules for Texting With Respect and Dignity | Psychology Today - 0 views

  • “What is the “right” age for youngsters to begin texting and using social media?”
  • If you wouldn’t say something to a person’s face, don’t send it via text or the internet.
  • Don’t gossip about other people
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  • Once you share something online, you lose control of where it goes, who can forward it, who will see it, and how it can potentially be used.
  • Never post a photo or message that you wouldn’t want “everyone” to be able to view.
  • Once you put something out there online, it’s almost impossible to take it back.
  • In this immediate world of instant messaging and constant contact, you may be tempted to say whatever comes to your mind in a given moment. Don’t give in to the temptation.
  • You have the ability to instantly end a digital conversation and should plan to do so the minute you recognize that cruelty has begun.
  • there is a very, very, VERY big difference between real friends and online followers
  • make sure that the only person who is speaking for you is YOU
  • Your accounts are your accounts. It is in your best interests not to let any friend—even a best friend—post or text from your account. Ever.
Sean McHugh

The trouble knowing how much screen time is 'too much' - BBC News - 0 views

  • For now, anyone thinking about how much time using screens and social media is "OK" will ultimately have to make a personal judgement.
  • Rather than stating that social media was harmful, it suggested a more complex effect.
  • increasing the time spent using technology was linked to improved wellbeing
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  • the positive effect of regularly eating breakfast, or getting a proper night's sleep, was three times stronger.
  • the effects were small, with the positive effects of exercise being more significant.
  • A broader look at evidence provided by some other high quality studies again suggests the story is not clear-cut.
  • Playing electronic games, however, was not seen as leading to a greater risk of hyperactivity, or friendship or emotional problems
  • So how much time should we, or our children, spend looking at screens? It is difficult to be precise as different people spend time online in such different ways.
  • sugar
Sean McHugh

Ten Kid-Friendly Rules for Texting With Respect and Dignity | Psychology Today - 0 views

  • Technology makes it too easy to say things that are impulsive or unkind
  • Your words can be misinterpreted, manipulated, and forwarded without your permission
  • Once you share something online, you lose control of where it goes, who can forward it, who will see it, and how it can potentially be used
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  • Never post a photo or message that you wouldn’t want “everyone” to be able to view.
  • always be kind
  • In this immediate world of instant messaging and constant contact, you may be tempted to say whatever comes to your mind in a given moment. Don’t give in to the temptation.
  • walk away from toxic friendships
  • quality over quantity
  • make sure that the only person who is speaking for you is YOU
  • It is in your best interests not to let any friend—even a best friend—post or text from your account. Ever.
Sean McHugh

Digital media can enhance family life, says LSE study | Media | The Guardian - 0 views

  • engaging in digital media activities together such as watching films, playing video games and keeping in touch via calls and messaging apps brings families together rather than dividing them
  • rather than displacing established ways of interacting, playing and communicating – digital media sit alongside them
  • the report’s authors highlighted parents’ concerns about “screen time”, which is a source of conflict in homes, though sleep and behaviour cause more disagreement. They also flag up a lack of support for parents who may face particular challenges regarding their child or family’s digital media use. Whereas on other issues they might turn to their own parents for advice, the digital generation gap means they are unlikely to be able to help
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  • traditional, shared activities persist in families, alongside newer digital activities
  • Rather than worrying about the overall amount of screen time children get, it might be better to support parents, many of whom are digital natives themselves, in deciding whether, when and why particular digital activities help or harm their child, and what to do about it
Sean McHugh

It's Time For a Serious Talk About the Science of Tech "Addiction" - 0 views

  • Anxieties over technology's impact on society are as old as society itself; video games, television, radio, the telegraph, even the written word—they were all, at one time, scapegoats or harbingers of humanity's cognitive, creative, emotional, and cultural dissolution. But the apprehension over smartphones, apps, and seductive algorithms is different. So different, in fact, that our treatment of past technologies fails to be instructive
  • To combat addiction, you have to discard the addicting substance," Turkle wrote in her 2011 book Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other. "But we are not going to 'get rid' of the Internet. We will not go ‘cold turkey’ or forbid cell phones to our children. We are not going to stop the music or go back to the television as the family hearth.
  • it's really hard to do purely observational research into the effects of something like screen time, or social media use," says MIT social scientist Dean Eckles, who studies how interactive technologies impact society's thoughts and behaviors. You can't just divide participants into, say, those with phones and those without.
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  • that 0.36 percent means that 99.64 percent of the group’s depressive symptoms had nothing to do with social media use.
  • In datasets as large as these, it's easy for weak correlational signals to emerge from the noise. And a correlation tells us nothing about whether new-media screen time actually causes sadness or depression
  • research on the link between technology and wellbeing, attention, and addiction finds itself in need of similar initiatives. They need randomized controlled trials, to establish stronger correlations between the architecture of our interfaces and their impacts; and funding for long-term, rigorously performed research
Sean McHugh

Screen Time? How about Creativity Time? - Mitchel Resnick - Medium - 0 views

  • Too often, designers of educational materials and activities simply add a thin layer of technology and gaming over antiquated curriculum and pedagogy
    • Sean McHugh
      I think because the designers of these apps are not educators and are therefore assuming that they often traditional education they experienced is the norm or at the very least is still a desirable outcome for the kids that they are designing their Apps for.
  • But I’m also sure that some students found it very discouraging and disempowering. And the activity put an emphasis on questions that can be answered quickly with right and wrong answers — certainly not the type of questions that I would prioritize in a classroom.
  • In many cases, the skeptics apply very different standards to new technologies than to “old” technologies. They worry about the antisocial impact of a child spending hours working on a computer, while they don’t have any concerns about a child spending the same time reading a book. They worry that children interacting with computers don’t spend enough time outside, but they don’t voice similar concerns about children playing musical instruments. I’m not suggesting that there are no reasons for concern. I’m just asking for more consistency.
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  • For kids growing up today, laptops and mobile phones aren’t high-tech tools — they’re everyday tools, just like crayons and watercolors.
  • Of course there’s a problem if children spend all their time interacting with screens — just as there would be a problem if they spent all their time playing the violin or reading books or playing sports. Spending all your time on any one thing is problematic. But the most important issue with screen time is not quantity but quality. There are many ways of interacting with screens; it doesn’t make sense to treat them all the same
  • Rather than trying to minimize screen time, I think parents and teachers should try to maximize creative time. The focus shouldn’t be on which technologies children are using, but rather what children are doing with them
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