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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Roland Gesthuizen

Roland Gesthuizen

Educational Videos - The Best Educational Videos Online | Educational Videos ... - 156 views

    Educational Videos dot com is a site devoted to finding you the best educational videos on the web. We intend to create an environment where students from all ages can learn while watching Educational Videos.
    Great collection of free, educational videos on the web.
Roland Gesthuizen

Learning | Inter.Connect.Ed - 40 views

    In a knowledge economy it's not about transmitting content, it's about giving students a 'High Order' question under which multiple outcomes hang. Then allowing the students to respond to the question using the resources provided, their prior learning and the worldwide library that is the internet.
Roland Gesthuizen

YouTube - Crabfu $5 iphone microscope mod - 35 views

    "how to adapt a tiny field microscope with an iPhone camera and iPad"
    Amazing technology hack, adapting a cheap microscope with an iPhone to create a scientific instrument :-)
Roland Gesthuizen

Twitter - a great search engine! « On an e-journey with generation Y - 34 views

    Use twitter as a search engine. Instead of getting information from eg google  you get people when searching for a topic on twitter. People who are interested in talking about a topic at a certain time. Can find out very interesting and sometimes specific information that is better than a google search. In some particiular circumstances there are commentators or companies who would be worth following.
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