A collection of resources to encourage interaction and building a community of learning for educators that seek to develop their skills and create online discussions and interaction. Organized by topics targeted to faculty, instructors, K-12 educators and instructional designers.
This website offers podcasts and tips on blogging and netcasting in Education. Aaron Smith "Heartguy" is an educator who focuses his blog on art, education and technology.
Creative Educator articles focus on constructivism and creativity and share ideas about the power of technology as a learning tool when put in student hands.Topics include ideas, inspiration and strategies to help the educator grow professionally and design their classroom to meet the needs of your learners. Most articles focus on K-12 but they relate to any professional educator.
I was introduced to diigo by my instructor while taking the Social Media & Collaboration (EDUCA2760) course at College of DuPage. I'm in the process of working toward completing the Teaching Online Utilizing Technology (TOUT) certificate.