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Steve Madsen

Facebook to Adopt New Terms of Service - - 0 views

    Facebook changed its governing documents afer being scrutinised by users earlier.
    Facebook Inc. said it would move to implement two new governing documents after preliminary results showed that 74.4% of Facebook users who participated in a vote on the new documents supported them.
NicoleP_mca MCA

untitled - 0 views

    It is the freedoms given to everyone in the digital world. To use technology correctly, you have to know the rights and the responsibilities. These two must be worked together for you to use the internet right.
mitch g

Communication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Communication is a process of transferring information from one entity to anothe
  • sign-mediated interactions
  • between at least two agents which share a repertoire of signs and semiotic rules.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • defined as "the imparting or
  • interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs".
  • two-way process in
    communication- the process of transferring information from one entity to another
brooke s

digiteen2008 - Digital Law - 0 views

  • This is the electronic responsibility for actions which says if something is ethical or unethical. The responsibility of the digital law deals with the ethics of technology as a whole. Digital Law deals with four main topics: copyright, privacy, ethical issues, and piracy. Unethical use of computers can form into theft or crime like piracy. People that are ethical in the use of their computers may actually be the ones being hurt by those who are not following these protective laws. A student should not be allowed to mess with other peoples work or identity with rules being applied. We have the digital Law to basically protect us; since most people don't follow it, the internet is becoming a very dangerous place.
    • brooke s
      this paragraph explains the four main topics dealing with the "Digital Law"
  • . There are so many new illegal ways to get what you want and not get caught that it is very hard to find the causes of viruses and other crimes. Some problems with Elementary students are that they can get on sites too mature for their age. The information on these sites may be inappropriate for their age group. Another problem may be that older people may harass them. There are also some problems with Middle/High school aged students. They may get on sites such as MySpace or Facebook and lie about their age, name, or any other aspects of their lives. This is not a very smart act considering that later they may be abused. They may use bad language on the internet or chat rooms. Predators can trick some teens that are unaware of such dangers into meeting up with them. Parents/guardians are unaware of what teens are looking at and/or doing and therefore cannot stop them from seeing and/or doing inappropriate things.
    • brooke s
      This paragraph explains the dangers on the internet.
  • Some teens download illegal music such as Limewire or Bearshare.This affects not only the artist, but record producing companies.
    • brooke s
      using internet wrongly could hurt other people financially, such as music artists and producers.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • There are also some problems with adults. Using bad language, harassing and trapping youth, and the buying and selling of illegal merchandise are just some of the problems the adult generation faces today. Many adults are very sneaky and can use tricks to socialize with young adolescents. Some adults use Facebook, Myspace, or chatrooms to trick younger people into meeting up with them. These are just some of the main problems our generation of all different ages faces in this day and time.
    • brooke s
      More dangers of the internet.
  • Breaking the law: On the internet you will come upon websites that will be breaking the law and you can report this to "NETALERT" www.neralert.vic.a, they will contact the authorities and put a stop to the website. Another problem is copyright. There is an easy solution to this problem though, and this solution is creative commonscreative commons is a site that lets you easily make your own copyright laws for your work. There are rules like no one can make money off of your work, no one can change the appearence of your work, and many more. By making it a law that people have to use creative commons to put anything on the internet, you can reduce the amount of copyright laws broken. Making adults aware of the consequences of their actions should help the problem dramatically. Most adults break digital laws thinking, " Oh yeah, sure, I'm not going to get into any trouble." when in fact they are on the verge to getting very serious legal punishment.
    • brooke s
      more on breaking the internet law
  • There is a very interesting controversy brewing in Orange County, Florida. A 13-year-old girl Alisha Dean has a MySpace page that portrays herself as a 19-year-old divorced woman. She has been accused about lying to two men — Morris Williams, 22, and Darwin Mills, 24, about her age in two separate incidents. Both have been convicted and sent to jail for statutory rape. Digital Law for Middle School students not only has to deal with privacy but copyright and piracy.
    • brooke s
      controversy with young people lying about their age
Riya P

STOP cyberbullying: What's the Parents' Role in This? - 0 views

  • Parents need to be the one trusted place kids can go when things go wrong online and offline. Yet they often are the one place kids avoid when things go wrong online. Why? Parents tend to overreact.
  • Parents need to be supportive of your child during this time
  • Let the school know so the guidance counselor can keep an eye out for in-school bullying and for how your child is handling things.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • But there are two things you must consider before anything else. Is your child at risk of physical harm or assault? And how are they handling the attacks emotionally?  
    What parents should do in case their child is being cyberbullied.
Sage S

Documentary on Addiction on Technology - 0 views

    A two minute video on Technology Addiction becoming a problem in today's world. Do you think you might be addicted if you fake to go to the bathroom during dinner, just so you can check your email, reply to a text message or check your Facebook? Quote: "People post how it's changing their lives, how wired we are. Everyone is hungry to talk about this subject." - Filmmaker and Webby Awards founder Tiffany Shlain
Sage S

The Health Effects of Social Networking - - 0 views

  • two British scientists have recently suggested that spending all day, and — admit it — much of the night networking on a computer might in fact be bad for your body and your brain.
  • Susan Greenfield, a professor of pharmacology at Oxford University and the director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, told a British newspaper on Tuesday that social networking sites remind her of the way that “small babies need constant reassurance that they exist”
    health effects of social networking two British scientists, professor of pharmacology at Oxford University (Susan Greenfield) and the director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain
    Could it be possible that social networking is destroying us? Well, not technically, but it can be causing major problems. If brains of the young are exposed to the outset of a world full of instant new screen images coming up with the click of a key, because such rapid changes could make the brain operate in such ways. Quote: "My fear is that these technologies are infantilizing the brain into the state of small children who are attracted by buzzing noises and bright lights, who have a small attention span and who live for the moment."- Lady Greenfield, a neuroscientist and a baroness.
May O

Why Google doesn't (and shouldn't) care about tablets yet - - 0 views

    Google held two big events within 24 hours: one with it's subsidiary Motorola in New York, and another with its partner Samsung in Hong Kong.
Julie Lindsay

Zero to Eight: Children's Media Use in America | Common Sense Media - 1 views

    The study shows that everything from iPods to smartphones to tablet computers are now a regular part of kids' lives, with kids under 8 averaging two hours a day with all screen media. Among the key findings: 42% of children under 8 years old have a television in their bedroom. Half (52%) of all 0- to 8-year-olds have access to a new mobile device, such as a smartphone, video iPod, or iPad/tablet. More than a third (38%) of children this age have used one of these devices, including 10% of 0-to 1-year-olds, 39% of 2- to 4-year-olds, and more than half (52%) of 5- to 8-year-olds. In a typical day, one in 10 (11%) 0- to 8-year-olds uses a smartphone, video iPod, iPad, or similar device to play games, watch videos, or use other apps. Those who do such activities spend an average of 43 minutes a day doing so. In addition to the traditional digital divide, a new "app gap" has developed, with only 14% of lower-income parents having downloaded new media apps for their kids to use, compared to 47% of upper-income parents. Clearly, media has become a staple in young kids' daily lives and influences them in ways we don't yet fully understand. But by getting involved in your kid's media life, you can help them create healthy lifelong patterns that will truly make a difference in their lives
Maggie H

Global Awareness of Habits of managing online activity - 0 views

  • Internet Addiction Disorder, a psychophysiological disorder involving tolerance; withdrawal symptoms; affective disturbances; and interruption of social relationships, is a presenting problem that is becoming more common in society as on-line usage increases by the day.
  • To be diagnosed as having Internet Addiction Disorder, a person must meet certain criteria as prescribed by the American Psychiatric Association. Three or more of these criteria must be present at any time during a twelve month period: 1. Tolerance: This refers to the need for increasing amounts of time on the Internet to achieve satisfaction and/or significantly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of time on the Internet. 2. Two or more withdrawal symptoms developing within days to one month after reduction of Internet use or cessation of Internet use (i.e., quitting cold turkey) , and these must cause distress or impair social, personal or occupational functioning. These include: psychomotor agitation, i.e. trembling, tremors; anxiety; obsessive thinking about what is happening on the Internet; fantasies or dreams about the Internet; voluntary or involuntary typing movements of the fingers. 3. Use of the Internet is engaged in to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms. 4. The Internet is often accessed more often, or for longer periods of time than was intended. 5. A significant amount of time is spent in activities related to Internet use ( e.g., Internet books, trying out new World Wide Web browsers, researching Internet vendors, etc.). 6. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of Internet use. 7. The individual risks the loss of a significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of excessive use of the Internet. In recent research, other characteristics have been identified. Th
  • e first is feelings of restlessness or irritability when attempting to cut down or stop Internet use. The second is that the Internet is used as a way of escaping problems or relieving feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety or depression. The third characteristic is that the user lies to family members or friends to conceal the extent of involvement with the Internet. And, finally, the user returns repeatedly despite excessive fees (Egger & Rauterberg, 1996).
Kellie C

A Clash of Cultures on the Internet - 0 views

  • In these cultural clashes, advertisers compare the Internet to magazines and newspapers (where most people expect ads) while Internet diehards compare the Internet to telephones and interpersonal conversations (where ads would be considered intrusive). In fact, Internet areas such as Usenet are areas of two-way communication where, unlike newspapers and magazines, anyone can post messages and contribute equally to the content. Yet, unlike telephone conversations, these areas are disseminated widely, which is what attracts those interested in advertising
    This website tells you the history and what has happened with culture clashes on the internet.
Blakelee H

My Struggle with Internet Addiction and How I Will Overcome It - 0 views

  • Awful things Internet addiction has done to me:- Internet addiction has made me a very lazy and unwilling fellow who would usually take 2-3 hours to start the day off.- Internet addiction has caused me great amounts of stress and anxiety. (For example, I have lots of pornographic material scattered around my two laptops and I start getting paranoid when people ask me if they can use my computer to check something.) The death of a loved one 2 years ago only made my situation worse.- Internet addiction has prevented me from exercising and staying fit.- Internet addiction has put lots of strain into my eyes, from constantly staring at the monitor for about 6+ hours a day. (Not natural.)- Internet addiction has made me less social with my friends and made me feel more impatient (like when I would wait longer than 5-10 minutes for a friend on an instant messenger program to respond to me and I'd start wondering if I said something that could have offended them or if I am bugging them too much).- Internet addiction has turned me away from playing some of my favorite video game consoles (I grew up with the Super Nintendo and still have it). Thankfully, at least I never got into MMORPGs or any other online game services. I mainly emulated.- Internet addiction has made me very obsessed with atheism and religion. Of course I am glad to no longer subscribe to any organized religion (I hold no grudges against those who do, just the ones that try to shove their beliefs down others' throats because I find it very inhumane), but I don't want to continue obsessing over it; it makes me feel very depressed. I don't want this.- Internet addiction has made me very untidy. Currently I have 4 stacks of plates, 2 stacks of cereal bowls, 3 stacks of 8 oz glass cups, and 2-3 forks and knives and 7 spoons. I have bits of shed hair (I have long, frizzy hair) here and there on the carpet and it is quite embarrassing!- Internet addiction has made me procrastinate on class assignments and fail school indubitably. - Internet addiction has wasted so much of my precious, precious time that could have been used for other things that are more worthwhile and productive. In fact, my one-year-and-a-half Facebook addiction has worsened me to the point where I just had to delete my account once and for all.- Internet addiction has made me forget about the usefulness and convenience of doing real-life alternatives, such as mailing out letters/post cards to friends instead of just refreshing my e-mail inbox every 1 hour when I am awake, or listening to my massive cassette/CD/record collection instead of just sitting around my computer listening to MP3s.So you see, I am in a SERIOUS need of a change! I am sick and tired of living this sad and pathetic lifestyle. The stupidity of sites like 4chan inspired me to leave the Internet behind.
    A list of negative effects the internet has played on one person's life. This ranges from physical pain to mental disorder.
Blakelee H

Technology: Virtual vs. Real Life: You Choose | Psychology Today - 0 views

  • I see two fundamental differences between connected life, that is, life through the lens of technology, and real life, the one in which we live (I realize that it could be argued that tech life is the real one in which many of us live, but I see that as a problem). First, wired life is not real, meaning experiences are created by technology with the aim of approximating and simulating actual experience. The problem with this "low-resolution" life is that, though it shares similarities to real life, it lacks the high resolution and the granularity of real life. For example, email can be a wonderful means of communication, but it lacks visual input (so important to effective communication), the nuance of facial expressions and body language, and clear emotional content. Second, digital life is mediated by the technology that makes it possible. There is always something between us and our experiences, whether a text message or a Wii sports game, and, as I just noted, a great deal is lost in the translation.
    Virtual life is not real. It creates a gap in communication and takes away from actual experiences in life.
Kellie C

How to Prevent Culture Clashes | Africa Magazine Online | ReConnect Africa - 0 views

  • Why do cultures clash? Culture clashes occur when we judge the behaviour of a person from another culture using our own values. For example, a British approach to time may be that there is never enough and so we use it carefully and make sure we don't waste it. Another culture may see time as something they don't need to control so strictly and see a flexible response to things as more useful. These two different approaches can quickly lead to clashes in a business setting.
    This website tells about how to prevent internet culture clashes.
Kellie C

'Culture' Clash - - 0 views

  • In Israel's capital yesterday, Mitt Romney "added one more flat note to the image of the Republican presidential hopeful's gaffe-prone international foray," the Christian Science Monitor claims. In the New York Times account, Romney "offended Palestinian leaders . . ., thrusting himself again into a volatile issue while on his high-profile overseas trip."
    This online journal talks about some things Mitt Romney said that might relate or is about culture clashes.
Blakelee H

How Do Computers Affect The Social Behavior Of Children? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 3 views

  • Effects of Moderate Use A moderate amount of computer use and game playing doesn't seem to affect social development. The social behavior of moderate computer users and nonusers was roughly the same in terms of sociability and relationships with friends and family. However, heavy computer users tended to believe they had less control over their lives than their classmates, a possible indication of inadequate socialization. Increased Hostility and Aggression After the massacre at Columbine High School in 1999, researchers and educators paid more attention to violent video games such as Doom, the daily game of choice for one of the two teenage killers. Many studies show that violent TV shows increase aggression and hostility in both children and adults. It appears the same is true of computer games. The key variable appears to be a preference for violent games, rather than the amount of time a child plays such games. Even playing Mortal Kombat for a short time increases a child's hostility and aggression. Violent computer games also desensitize children, who show less empathy and willingness to help others, according to research cited in "The Future of Children." Brain Drain In a small study of 18 Chinese university students, published in the "PLos ONE" journal and reported on Mail Online, kids who played games on their computers at least eight hours a day, six days per week showed alarming amounts of atrophy in parts of their brain, as measured by MRI scans. The scans also found abnormalities in the white matter of the brain, which coordinate communication between different areas of the mind. On Mail Online, Dr. Aric Sigman of the Royal Society of Medicine called the July 2011 report a "wake-up call." Experts fear that in addition to cognitive damage, heavy Internet use might reduce the inhibitions and decision-making ability of children, leading to damaged relationships with family members, peers and authority figures.
    Moderate use of internet and computers do not affect young people. Heavy use, however creates increased hostility and aggression, and can cause one to become "brain dead."
Haley M

Famous Copyright Infringement Cases - 2 views

  • Copyright Infringement means using the original piece without the permission of the copyright holder, as such or in parts (without attributing the part to the owner). According to the US copyright laws, one can face heavy penalties in cases of copyright infringement. The infringement may also lead to a jail term or a penalty followed by a jail term.
  • Princeton University Press v. Michigan Document Services (1996) Michigan Document Services was involved in creating packages of study material for the students of the University. A professor supplied the course material and Michigan Document services, a photocopying organization, took photocopies of the material and converted it into a booklet for sale to students at the University. There was a clause of "Fair use" in this case. The photocopying company could have paid a nominal fee to the University and then used the material. This was available to anyone who wished to use the material. However, the photocopying company paid for only the original and then started making photocopies of the study material. The court considered that it was not "fair use" and penalized the photocopying company. A & M Records vs. Napster (2001) This is one of the most famous cases of copyright infringement related to the music industry. As peer to peer file sharing increased, Napster started a website. This website offered downloads of songs of all genre – new and old. You may know someone who used it. A & M Records brought in a joint copyright infringement case which accused Napster of stealing music and making it available to people worldwide. Before closing the site in 2002, Napster had to settle USD26 million to different recording companies and songwriters. It could have even more if Napster had not apologized and folded the site. Several websites still thrive on offering free music to people who can download it at no cost. As mentioned in our article on "Internet Ethics and Copyright Laws", the music industry faces most copyright infringement cases. The Napster case, though an example of the consequences, still does not act as a deterrent for other music websites that offer free music downloads. We hope these famous copyright infringement cases have clarified what is considered copyright violation to some extent. If you still have any questions, please free to contact us using the comments facility.
    On this website the author talks about what copyright infringement is and famous cases. Copyright infringement is when a person violates that intellectuals rights. Though once that copyright is sold it no longer belongs to them. This article discusses Feist Publications V. Rural Tele Services CO, Princeton University Press V. Michigan Document Services, A & M Records V. Napster.
    This article focuses on copyright infringement
Maggie B

6 Reasons Why You Should Secure Your Unsecured Wi-Fi Wireless Network, What Can Happen ... - 4 views

    This is an article with a few reasons why you should secure your wireless internet connection. It also gives a few ways to go about securing your network. 
    Flag This Hub Two Major Vulnerabilities If you have a Wi-Fi network, you should not let every people off the street use it. That can cause a LOT of problems. Why? Anyone using your connection appear as YOUR IP address online. That's right...
Susan Davis

10 Best Rules of Netiquette - Associated Content from Yahoo! - - 3 views

  • 2. No "Flaming": Flaming is a form of verbal abuse when you intentionally attack or disrespect somebody for whatever reason.
  • Good internet etiquette (netiquette) is all about being courteous to others online to make the internet a fun experience for everyone.
    "1.The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated. This rule is an oldie but a goodie and can get you through just about any situation, online or off! 2. No "Flaming": Flaming is a form of verbal abuse when you intentionally attack or disrespect somebody for whatever reason. Maybe you didn't agree with something they said, but there's a nice way to share a different point of view without name calling or attacking someone. Harassing or insulting someone will not likely help you gain many online friends! 3. Respect Others' Copyrights: There are wonderful things online, information for everyone on just about any topic! However, these things have copyrights and licenses. Copying the works of someone else without permission or saying it is your own will not only ruin your online reputation, but could land you with hefty fines and lawsuits! 4. DON'T TYPE IN ALL CAPS: It hurts our eyes. It makes people think you are shouting at them. It's okay to type in caps to accentuate a word or two, but please don't do it all the time everywhere you go. 5. Don't Spam: As a blog owner, I get hundreds of spam messages each day. Most of them aren't even legible, with things like "kjhgsawu" typed in the comments and links to sites with adult or inappropriate content. I don't appreciate it! Some spammers are getting really sneaky, as they use the same generic post over and over again like "I really like your blog" - if you own multiple blogs like I do though you can quickly identify these types of spammers! There's a fine line between spam and self-promotion, do it very carefully! "
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