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Vicki Davis

Regulators shut down global PC 'tech support' scam | Politics and Law - CNET News - 0 views

    Scareware. Yes, it is a term. Scaring people into thinking they have a virus. Knowledge is power and it will also save you money. Being educated about computers pays over your life. It is time for all of us to be educated and savvy. I know someone taken by this scam. "English-speaking consumers in the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and the U.K. were targeted in the global scam, regulators said. Most of the scammers were based in India, but some also came from the U.S. and U.K. The scam involved cold callers who claimed to work for major technology companies, such as Microsoft or Google, and who told consumers they had viruses on their PCs, according to regulators. The callers would attempt to dupe users into giving them remote access to their computers, locking the user out while attempting to "fix" the malware that the scammer claimed was on the machine."
Micah K

Cultural Differences - 0 views

    An example of what can happen when two people are from two different cultures. "You greet your Austrian client. This is the sixth time you have met over the last 4 months. He calls you Herr Smith. You think of him as a standoffish sort of guy who doesn't want to get really friendly. That might be true in America, where calling someone Mr. Smith after the 6th meeting would probably mean something -- it is marked usage of language -- like "we're not hitting it off". But in Austria, it is normal."
Savana R

The erosion of privacy in the Internet era | Harvard Magazine Sep-Oct 2009 - 0 views

    Technology is getting more advanced and identity is getting easier to take, like finger prints and photos. "Imagine if you waved to someone and, without your knowledge, a high-resolution camera took a photograph of your hand, capturing your fingerprints. You might be upset. Or-if you were visiting Disneyland, where they already make an image of your fingerprint to save you from waiting in a long line-you might find the novelty of the technology, and the immediate benefits…gratifying. The ambivalence we sometimes feel about new technologies that reveal identifiable personal information balances threats to privacy against incremental advantages. "
Nicholas C

Stanford Copyright & Fair Use - Disagreements Over Fair Use: When Are You Likely to Get... - 0 views

    Here is an example of when someone took text from a biography legally but got sued.
Savana R

Lack of Privacy on the Internet - 0 views

    Facebook has upgraded more now days and you don't have as much privacy. Peoples life could be in danger if they have someone watching them and they don't know it. "Facebook's privacy system seems like it doesn't exist any more. According to the data below, around 2010, almost all your information is available to all. Back then, the situation was worse, what about today? Ever since the Facebook timeline was released, people complained greatly about the privacy issue. If the person could create an updated version of this infograph, I wonder where he would put the 2011 data ? "
William B

Cyber Bullying Statistics - Bullying Statistics - 0 views

  • Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying. More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyberthreats online. Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet. Well over half of young people do not tell their parents when cyber bullying occurs.
  • Over 80 percent of teens use a cell phone regularly, making it the most popular form of technology and a common medium for cyber bullying About half of young people have experienced some form of cyber bullying, and 10 to 20 percent experience it regularly Mean, hurtful comments and spreading rumors are the most common type of cyber bullying Girls are at least as likely as boys to be cyber bullies or their victims Boys are more likely to be threatened by cyber bullies than girls Cyber bullying affects all races Cyber bullying victims are more likely to have low self esteem and to consider suicide
  • Talks to teens about cyber bullying, explaining that it is wrong and can have serious consequences. Make a rule that teens may not send mean or damaging messages, even if someone else started it, or suggestive pictures or messages or they will lose their cell phone and computer privileges for a time. Encourage teens to tell an adult if cyber bullying is occurring. Tell them if they are the victims they will not be punished, and reassure them that being bullied is not their fault. Teens should keep cyber bullying messages as proof that the cyber bullying is occurring. The teens' parents may want to talk to the parents of the cyber bully, to the bully's Internet or cell phone provider, and/or to the police about the messages, especially if they are threatening or sexual in nature. Try blocking the person sending the messages. It may be necessary to get a new phone number or email address and to be more cautious about giving out the new number or address. Teens should never tell their password to anyone except a parent, and should not write it down in a place where it could be found by others. Teens should not share anything through text or instant messaging on their cell phone or the Internet that they would not want to be made public - remind teens that the person they are talking to in messages or online may not be who they think they are, and that things posted electronically may not be secure. Encourage teens never to share personal information online or to meet someone they only know online. Keep the computer in a shared space like the family room, and do not allow teens to have Internet access in their own rooms. Encourage teens to have times when they turn off the technology, such as at family meals or after a certain time at night. Parents may want to wait until high school to allow their teens to have their own email and cell phone accounts, and even then parents should still have access to the accounts.
    Many people get Cyber Bulling over online activities. People need to make their websites and pages private and know how to use it. "Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying. More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyberthreats online. Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet. Well over half of young people do not tell their parents when cyber bullying occurs."
Iyanna W

Cell Phone Etiquette: 15 Rules To Follow (PICTURE) - 4 views

    Cell phone etiquette is just as important as important as internet etiquette. Being respectful is important, especially when on the internet because you never know how your words could affect someone else.
    Iyanna, I really like this link it has a lot of good information on it about Cell Phone Etiquette. :)
mercades c

Your personal safety on the Internet - - 1 views

    This article disscuses personal safety on the internet. The article suggests that you don't give out your email adress. Next you should never give contact information to anybody. The tips are to not give out your personal information and to be carful about meeting someone that you talk to on the internet.
Ben B

Gale World History In Context - Document - 0 views

    This article talks about how bullying has changed from being a face-to-face act to being someone that can be done online.
Vicki Davis

Facebook keeps 'deleted' user photos for years - 13 views

  • Even if you delete incriminating photos on your Facebook profile, the company is keeping them accessible to anyone online for up to 30 months.
    • Antonio R
      woahhhhh that seems really creepy. i dont think that is right for a company to have a deleted photo of you for 30 months. if you delete it, then you delete it for a reason, not so even more people that are in a company to see you doing something that you thought people to see but then relized it was stupid to put this on in the first place.
    This article points out that up to 30 months after photos are deleted from Facebook that they are still there. If someone has the direct URL to a photo, it is still accessible. Students should be taught about this and we should educate ourselves as well. Once something is uploaded it is out there. Period. You cannot take it back.
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    Facebook is keeping photos up to 30 months after they are deleted!
    this is a really interesting article. I wonder if other IM sites like MySpace or AIM.
    this artical is very interesting and it is true that facebook is keeping the deleted photos up for 30 months after they are deleted !!!!!!
    i think this artical is really interesting because it is good to know that you should be careful when posting pictures on facebook.
    This is a very interesting article. Safety is really important and dont every do anything stupid because it will never be deleted. You should NEVER do anything bad on the internet because it is not a different life it is just the internet!
    i think this is an interesting article and its good to no about the information it gave us and that you should be careful what you post on the internet. its the interenet and its not a different life and anyone can see it
    WOW! 30 months? That's amazing, yet horrible. Very interesting article, it shows that there's more to social media than you think. Great post. You really should be careful when posting things on the internet.
Vicki Davis - Cyberbullying: Parents, Tech Companies Join Forces to Keep Kids Safe - Sc... - 1 views

  • An ex-friend’s mother faces charges in federal court as a result, and Missouri has made Internet harassment a crime.
  • Cyberbullies often commandeer e-mail accounts and social-networking profiles, attacking kids while pretending to be someone they trust, like a best friend. They use cell phones and the Web to spread embarrassing and cruel material, and they can harass their victims well beyond the schoolyard -- even when they're "safe" at home.
  • 85 percent of 5,000 middle-school students surveyed said they had been cyberbullied. Only 5 percent of them said they’d tell someone about it.
    • Vicki Davis
      This is important research to share.
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  • Fake profiles and anonymous screen names are used in 65 percent of cyberbully attacks,
  • she went to a mental-health clinic
  • assuming that if they haven’t received a death threat or had a picture of their face posted on a naked body on the Internet, they haven’t been bullied.
  • They think that’s just part of online life,
  • Aftab said she knows of three other teens who have committed suicide after cyberbullying attacks, and that the problem is on the rise.
  • Cyberbullying peaks in 4th and 7th grade
  • 4th graders are especially into blackmail and threatening to tell friends, parents or teachers if the victim doesn’t cooperate.
    • Vicki Davis
      This is essential to discuss in 4th and 7th grades as this says these are the places where this happens most.
  • The most outrageous recent way is through theft of a cell phone for a few minutes," Aftab said. "If your kids leave their cell phone unattended or accessible in their backpack, the cyberbully will take it and send a bunch of bad text messages or reprogram it.”
    • Vicki Davis
      Taking cell phones is part of cyberbullying.
  • “This whole password thing freaks people out ... but a good password doesn’t have to be hard to remember, just hard to guess,” Criddle said. “Friends don’t ask friends for passwords.
    • Vicki Davis
      Friends don't ask friends for passwords, that is an important thing to share!!
  • October as National Cyber Security Awareness Month,
    • Vicki Davis
      October - National Cyber Security Awareness Month
    Important article about cyberbullying and some recent legislation.
    Excellent article on cyberbullying and an example of a girl who was harrassed online and killed herself. This sort of thing is tragic and we should consider what we think aboutinternet harrassment penalties, particularly against children. There are mention of several websites including one I'd never heard of called CyberBully Alert.
Vicki Davis

World of Warcraft Obsession - has 36 accounts, Raids by Himself | Ripten Video Game Blog - 0 views

    Addictive behaviors is a concern when talking about online games or anything that people like -- I think this person is a perfect example of an addiction to a game, World of Warcraft, gone haywire.
    There are hobbyists and there are fanatics. I cannot imagine the pricetag for the computer set up shown here and have to hope that these 11 computers used simultaneously to play world of warcraft are put to "good use" at other times during the day. I also see someone who is online but is not connected with others. To me, if I do things online - I like social spaces because of the "interaction" -- sort of like creating your own friend network of 36 different people and tweeting yourself all day -- sort of Sybil-ish, I think. Addictive behaviors is definitely part of digital health and wellness and helping people know when to draw the line.
Callie S

10 Ways To Stay Safe Online... - 0 views

  • 10 Ways To Stay Safe Online 1. Be a responsible cyber citizen. If you use the Internet, you're a citizen of a global community-a cyber citizen. Just like being a citizen of your local community, being a cyber citizen has responsibilities. Use the Internet to share knowledge that makes people's lives better. Keep safe, use good manners and respect the laws. 2. Use anti-virus software. A computer virus is a program that can invade your computer and damage or destroy information. Anti-virus software is designed to protect you and your computer against known viruses. But with new viruses emerging daily, anti-virus programs need to be updated regularly. Check with the web site of your anti-virus software company to see some sample descriptions of viruses and to get regular updates for your software. Stop viruses in their tracks! 3. Do not open email from unknown sources. Delete email from unknown sources. Watch out for files attached to e-mails, particularly those with an "exe" extension-even if people you know sent them to you. Some files transport and distribute viruses and other programs that can permanently destroy files and damage computers and Web sites. Do not forward e-mail if you are not completely sure that any attached files are safe. 4. Use hard-to-guess passwords and keep them private. Do not write passwords down on small pieces of paper taped to your computer. You would be surprised how many people are sloppy about keeping their passwords private. Passwords that are easy to-guess are a bad choice. In other words, if your name is "Dan" do not make your password "Dan." Change your passwords regularly and don't give your passwords to anyone! Tell your family that combinations of letters, numbers and symbols are harder to crack than just words. 5. Protect computers with firewalls. Install firewalls for your family-it is not difficult. A firewall helps prevent hackers from breaking into your computer or the computers that belong to your family. Firewalls help prevent thieves from stealing and using private information including your phone number and credit card numbers, which may be stored on a family computer. 6. Do not share access to your computers with strangers. Learn about file sharing risks. Your computer operating system may allow other computers on a network, including the Internet, to access the hard-drive of your computer in order to "share files". This ability to share files can be used to infect your computer with a virus or look at the files on your computer if you do not pay close attention. Check your operating system and other program help files to learn how to disable file sharing. Do not share access to your computer with strangers! 7. Disconnect from the Internet when not in use. The Internet is a two-way road. You get information and also send information. Turning off the Internet makes sure that someone else on the Internet can't enter your computer and cause harm. Disconnecting your computer from the Internet when you are not online lessens the chance that someone will be able to access your computer. 8. Back-up your computer regularly. Help your family back up all household computers onto external media such as CD's or diskettes. 9. Regularly download security protection update "patches". Security flaws are regularly found in operating systems and application software. Companies that make software release quick fixes called "patches" that you should install to correct the latest software flaw. It is a good idea to check for security updates on the publisher's Web site for all the software you own. 10. Help your family to check computer security on a regular basis. Evaluate computer security at least twice a year. To help remember, do it when you change the clocks for daylight-savings time! Check for all of the items listed previously.
    Safe ways online and how to keep your privacy.
    website uses ten safety rules to stay safe online. 1. Be a responsible cyber citizen. 2. Use anti-virus software. 3. Do not open email from unknown sources4. Use hard-to-guess passwords and keep them private.5. Protect computers with firewalls.6. Do not share access to your computers with strangers. Learn about file sharing risks.7. Disconnect from the Internet when not in use.8. Back-up your computer regularly.9. Regularly download security protection update "patches". 10. Help your family to check computer security on a regular basis.
    When online you should follow these tips to stay safe.
Becca B

Top 10 Internet Etiquette Rules to Survive Online | Webupon - 0 views

  • Make use of emoticons like and which help you to get your message across. At certain times, what you write in emails or messages may be misunderstood (omg i have too much experience in this matter lol) and using emoticons will help the understanding of your message. They also add a bit of color and interest to the message.
  • Get to the point! Do your best to keep your messages brief and to the point. This way, the receiver will get a clear understanding of what you mean to say.
  • Do not forward or create spam or chain letters. People would hate you to the max if you did this. It wastes time and has no point. Chain letters are just sometimes random and no one really gives anyway…
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  • Never forget to greet people politely in every message you send. It really makes you seem like a friendly person.
    "# Never type a group of words or a phrase in upper case. IT MAKES IT LOOK AS THOUGH YOU ARE SHOUTING, doesn't it? Other people will get the feeling that you are being a bit rude. The best idea is to stick to regular sentence case when blogging, emailing, commenting, messaging, etc… # Always speak to others the way you would expect yourself to be spoken to in the physical world. Do not curse, swear, or insult others- just imagine what you'd feel like if you were spoken to like that! # Make use of emoticons like :) and :( which help you to get your message across. At certain times, what you write in emails or messages may be misunderstood (omg i have too much experience in this matter lol) and using emoticons will help the understanding of your message. They also add a bit of color and interest to the message. # Patience is the key on the web these days. If you are upset or angry about something, try and wait a while before writing another message. This way, you can calm down and think carefully about your wording in terms of politeness. Remember, once you hit 'send', your message has gone into cyberspace forever! # Get to the point! Do your best to keep your messages brief and to the point. This way, the receiver will get a clear understanding of what you mean to say. # Be careful with using the "Reply All" option whilst in contact online. Do you really want everyone to get this message or only the person who sent it to you? # If someone bullies you or writes something bad to you, don't insult them back. Why? Cause it just doesn't work! Simply ignoring them or blocking their messages does the trick. If your using a messaging service like AOL, Yahoo, or Gmail (As well as thousands of others) then here's a little way of permanently annoying them. Save a copy of every email that was sent to you which you considered offensive and send directly to the administrators or customer service. This will most likely ban the perpetrator from ever using the ser
Joseph Edore

Solutions for Digital Safety - Youth and Media - 1 views

  • 1. Communication with your daughter or son is key. Build a trusting relationship through dialogue.
  • 2. Create an account to understand how the site works, but not to stalk your kids. They need room to explore, but if you are familiar with the media and technology that they consume, you can provide valuable guidance and suggestions. Surveillance, while possible, damages a trusting parent/child relationship.
  • 3. Ask your kids how they choose to represent themselves and why. Use MySpace as a resource to start a conversation about contemporary fashion, ideals, and media images.
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  • 4. Talk about private/ public issues with your kids. Help them to understand the consequences of making certain information publicly accessible. Get them to think through all of the possible audiences who might come into contact with their online information
  • 5. Talk through what kids should do if they receive unwanted attention online or if they find themselves the victims of cyberbullying. A growing number of sites provide useful information about how to confront such problems, including Net Family News , NetSmartz and SafeTeens.
    "Because being connected is such an integral part of teens’ lives, some youth may hesitate telling their parents about the harassment they encounter for fear that their online privileges will be taken away. The best way to combat cyber bullying or other forms of harassment is not to reign in or limit a teen’s use of technology, but to make sure adults keep the lines of communication open. In addition to keeping the computer in a public space, parents should also become more aware of what their children are doing online. They should consider the Internet as an opportunity to engage in conversation with their children about their interests, talents, and network of friends. It is important to emphasize with youth that there is a distinct connection between what happens online and in the "real world." Adults should communicate to youth that their actions have implications in a real world setting. Regarding cyber bullying in particular, adults must also relay traditional techniques of combating bullying, among them being to report incidents, keep records, and not to engage the bully. “It’s not new bullying, it’s just a vehicle,” says Nancy Mullin-Rindler, director of the Project on Teasing and Bullying at Wellesley College (Paulson, 2003). In addition, because research has shown that the majority of cyber bullies have been victims of traditional bullying, this approach—-combating the behavior versus limiting the technology—-would ultimately help in preventing both cyber and conventional bullying. Cyber bullying poses a stickier problem for schools that are finding themselves in the middle of First Amendment debates. Despite the fact that whatever happens online (no matter where the location) typically spreads to the school environment, inevitably impacting students’ learning, does a school principal have the right to punish someone for what they say outside of school parameters? Because of this legal quagmire, schools’
 Lisa Durff

Infographic: How Employers Use Social Media to Hire and Fire - The Atlantic - 5 views

    Why it is crucial to monitor what is put online about you! Are you behaving 24/7 like someone a company wants to hire? Did your best friend post a picture of that to FaceBook?
NessaK_mca MCA

I Will Follow... Services - 0 views

    While you should have etiquette while talking to someone in person, there are also ways that you can be respectful while using e-mail.
PatG_mca MCA

Digital Law - 0 views

    Predigital law is the connection of the info back to the technology, which is all the information and evidence is sent to the computers and stuff to analyze it things. The second is the time period and how long a go this all happened and where. So now they know when it did and why. Then they look at all the evidence and try to find the match and find it and get the person and try the person for there crime.
    This source is about all of the different types of "Digital Law". Many different types of "Digital Law" include Predigital Law. There are many different types of previous cases of someone breaking "Digital Law".
MattB_mca MCA

Law Practice Magazine :: Six Ways to Work Better with Others Online - 0 views

    there's different ways to communicate over the Internet with a business or etc. you can cut costs with online messaging. Online messaging helps to get someone information right away
Kevin Shrestha

Nokia 1100 seemingly hackable, making a big comeback - 0 views

    Someone hacked a Nokia 1100 to "receive text messaged bank passwords"
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