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Jerilyn J

Getting a Peek at Future of Virtual Worlds - CBS News - 0 views

  • Today, the term "virtual world" means a lot of things to a lot of people. To many, it means 2D online social games like Gaia Online or Club Penguin. To some, it means large-scale massively-multiplayer online games like World of Warcraft. And to others, it's open-ended 3D experiences like Second Life.
  • One could argue that virtual worlds have even taken a technological step backward, as most of the energy in the space these days is being put into building 2D Flash worlds for kids, or Facebook games played by the masses. It's big business, but hardly cutting edge.
  • The biggest danger at the moment for those who want to see rich, 3D virtual worlds take off right away is the massive popularity of social networks like Facebook and Twitter.
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  • the future's not going to be all text and Flash windows. The fact that it is right now speaks to the deep human desire for real life connections and instantaneousness that new types of virtual worlds have to learn from. But I can't see it stopping there...I see social networks like Facebook that put everyone in the real world one click away as the foundational piece that was missing from a lot of last generation virtual worlds. Now there's a new wheel to build on.
Joseph Edore

Internet Safety | Guest Services | Disney - 0 views

  • Internet Safety Ask Questions The best form of Online Safety begins at home with you, the parent. We offer you the following tips to keep your child safe on the Internet. The best way to know what your child is doing online is to ask. Whether you ask other parents, an Internet-savvy friend, or your child about how they use the Internet asking the right questions will help you understand what your child is doing online so you can make sure they are making safe online choices. Questions to ask your child: What sites do you visit? What do you do on those sites? Why do you go to that site? How much time do you spend on the site? Did you have to register? What information did they ask for? What information did you give? Spend time surfing the Web with your child. This is a great way to learn about what types of interactions your child is having online, and with whom.
  • Communicate Once you have an idea of how your child uses the Internet and what is available to them, you can establish online guidelines and rules. Whether it's setting guidelines about which sites to visit or what's okay to do online, it is essential to clearly communicate the rules to your child. Speak often to your child about potential risks and what to do in various situations. Encourage your child to ask questions about situations they run into. Being aware of the risks your child faces, and communicating frequently with your child about these risks, will help develop their judgment and responsibility about Internet usage.
  • Safety Rules While the Internet offers amazing opportunities for entertainment, education, connectivity, and more, anyone who goes online should understand basic Online Safety. Teaching these basics to your children is essential. When asked by friends or strangers, online or offline, never share Account IDs and Passwords. Don't reveal any personal identity information in your Screen Names, such as your birthday, hobbies, hometown or school. In any information exchange, like e-mail or chat, never give any personal information about yourself or someone else. Don't share photos of yourself, your family, or your home with people you meet online. Never open e-mails that come from unknown sources DELETE them. If you receive mean or threatening comments online, don't respond. Log off and report the activity to your parents. Nothing you write on the Web is completely private. Be careful what you write and to whom. Never make plans to meet an online "friend" in person. WHEN IN DOUBT: Always ask your parents for help. If you're not sure, log off.
Jamie Davis

Facebook Etiquette - 1 views

  • One should not friend another whom they have no association or connection with whatsoever. Doing so makes you what I like to call a 'creeper'.
    This will help you be safer.
Liz Luby

Fake Social Network Profiles: a New Form of Identity Theft in 2009 - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • identity hijacking
  • We've already seen some high-profile examples of people creating fake online personas over the past year, the most notable case being that involving Lori Drew and MySpace. In this instance, a mother created a fake online identity to bully her daughter's rival
  • To test their prediction, his team was able to set up fake online identities which ended up connecting to the real network of friends and acquaintances easily.
PatG_mca MCA

Digital Law - 0 views

    Predigital law is the connection of the info back to the technology, which is all the information and evidence is sent to the computers and stuff to analyze it things. The second is the time period and how long a go this all happened and where. So now they know when it did and why. Then they look at all the evidence and try to find the match and find it and get the person and try the person for there crime.
    This source is about all of the different types of "Digital Law". Many different types of "Digital Law" include Predigital Law. There are many different types of previous cases of someone breaking "Digital Law".
Steve Madsen

iLike Launches Custom iPhone Apps, Syndication Platform To Help Artists Connect With Fans - 0 views

    iLike is also rolling out a platform that will allow artists to create their own iPhone applications, which can include dynamically updated photos, music, blog posts, and other content (
Ashley M

Appropriate Use of the Internet - American School Counselor Association - 0 views

  • Also make sure that a Web site offers a secure connection before giving credit-card information.
 Lisa Durff | Internet safety for teens - 2 views

  • Post with respect: photos are a great way to share wonderful experiences. If you’re posting a photo of you and your friends, put yourself in your friends’ shoes and ask would your friends want that photo to be public to everyone. If yes, then you’re uploading photos with respect. Comment with kindness: compliments are like smiles, they’re contagious. When you comment on a profile, share a kind word, others will too. Update with empathy: sharing updates lets us tell people what we think. When you give an opinion on your status updates, show empathy towards your friends and help them see the world with understanding eyes.
  • Bullying has always been a problem among adolescents and, sadly, so has suicide. In the few known cases of suicide after cyberbullying, there are other contributing factors.
    • Ashley M
      This statement explains how cyberbullying can affect teens just like us. It also explains that while cyberbullying can be a main cause of suicide, usually, there are other factors that can cause this.
    Internet safety tips for teenagers. Being safe online can make a big impact.
    about internet safety for teens
Asa N

More people are choosing virtual over real world - Lifestyle - DNA - 1 views

    Can it be possible that more people are choosing the virtual world over the real world? It came as no surprise to the Cisco's Connected World Technology Report 2011. A young girl proudly stated that she had over 700 Facebook friends, but to no surprise she admitted to not knowing over 600 of them. Quote: "Online addiction is just as bad as any other kind of addiction and one really needs to be self regulating."
    This article talks about how people are getting addicted to Virtual Worlds.
Brandon P

Google Promotes Online Safety With 'Good to Know' Campaign - Search Engine Watch (#SEW) - 0 views

  • Google Promotes Online Safety With 'Good to Know' Campaign
  • Google is about to launch its first online safety campaign. Teaming with the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), Google will promote “safe computer usage” for users: by logging out of computers when they're finished using them, specialized child protection, use of cookies in web browsers, and 'two-factor authorization' which sees the user entering a password and then a unique verification code sent to their mobile device
  • Gillan Guy, the CAB's chief executive, said that “Information is a powerful tool for preventing problems from arising in the first and safety, personal data and identity theft are among the top concerns of people of using internet”.
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  • Google & the Citizens Advice Bureau created a few tips to stay safe online: Always make sure to have a strong password. Try to always have a unique password to you that no one else will know. Using a long password will keep it safe. Try to always have a mixture of letters, numbers, and symbols. Some people remember their password with a song or lyrics or a mixture of the two. When you get a suspicious email with personal information on it, go directly to the site: don't click on the link in the email. Unless you're expecting the email, it's probably not from them and is known as a "Phishing attack" that's trying to get your personal info and steal from you. Always look for 'https' in the URL. A website is running through a secure connection when it's through https. This will safeguard your emails, credit card numbers, and all other info from watching eyes. Just as you make sure not to leave your front door open, you need to make sure you're always signing out of your computer. Make sure to always sign out of social media accounts and all other accounts that you may have signed into. Try and only use safe networks that are secure. Internet cafes are nice but not always the safest place for you to be browsing the Internet. With all the apps out there, make sure that you always have the latest app. Make sure you trust all your apps and the sources your apps come from. Always lock and passcode lock your phone. Never store personal details on your phone because anyone could take it and have all your info. Two-step verification is a must if accounts offer it. This will make you or anyone else go through two different steps of verification to access your account – much like Facebook when you login. You have to login and then tell which computer you're logging in from, then it texts you. By doing this it will keep your account safe.
    On this website, I have highlighted a few sections that I thought were important. In the pink, I highlighted what Google is launching and why. In the yellow, I highlighted a quote someone said. The green highlight shows 7 tips that are very important for not only students, but everyone else to stay safe online.
    Google gives information on how to be safe online. "Good to Know" campaign.
    "Google will promote "safe computer usage" for users: by logging out of computers when they're finished using them, specialized child protection, use of cookies in web browsers, and 'two-factor authorization' which sees the user entering a password and then a unique verification code sent to their mobile device."
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