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Tracey Morgan

How to be productive when everything's blocked at... | - 0 views

    "There are lots of killer productivity apps out there, but you might be left out of the party if you work somewhere with strict IT policies. It can be hard to convince your IT department to let you install Evernote or a Chrome app to help you get things done. Here's how to stay productive with the tools you probably already have and sneak in some of your favourites. UNLEASH THE POWER OF MICROSOFT OFFICE "
Nigel Robertson

Digital Security First-Aid Kit for Human Rights Defenders | Association for Progressive... - 1 views

    Useful resource and parts could be used in the Net Safety workshop. "This kit contains short guides for human rights defenders who find themselves in emergencies related to communication and digital security. As guides are being added, individual sections of following scheme become active. While the kit does not provide exhaustive guidelines on how to respond to specific situations, it does suggest concrete steps, further resources and references to support groups to whom activists can turn to for further assistance."
Nigel Robertson

Digital Competence in Practice:  An Analysis of Frameworks - 0 views

    Digital Competence has been acknowledged as one of the 8 key competences for Lifelong Learning by the European Union. Digital Competence can be broadly defined as the confident, critical and creative use of ICT to achieve goals related to work, employability, learning, leisure, inclusion and/or participation in society. Digital Competence is a transversal key competence which enables acquiring other key competences (e.g. language, mathematics, learning to learn, cultural awareness). It is related to many of the so-called 21st Century skills which should be acquired by all citizens, to ensure their active participation in society and the economy.
Nigel Robertson

» Embedding digital literacy JISC Employability - 0 views

    "There is widespread agreement across Higher Education that the digital literacy of our students and staff will be critical in a future where technology will pervade the learning and teaching experience. What is less agreed is what we mean precisely about the term digital literacy?"
Nigel Robertson

How I became a password cracker | Ars Technica - 0 views

    Article on the ease with which passwords can be cracked using relatively easily available tools.
Nigel Robertson

Me and My Shadow - 1 views

    Resources to help you understand your presence online and where and what might be happening to information about you.
Nigel Robertson

Diglitprogmeetingintro oct12 - 0 views

    Some notes from Jisc projects by Helen Beetham. Some of the later slides on recording and synthesising outputs could be useful reminders for us.
Nigel Robertson

Crash Override Network // Who We Are And What We Do - 0 views

    A support network helping people who are being abused, stalked, hacked, doxed and threatened online. Started by the original victim of #gamergate.
Nigel Robertson

Digital Literacy - delivering the agenda within colleges and universities - 1 views

    "In the sixth episode of our online radio programmes - JISC On Air - we are exploring how universities and colleges can help teaching staff, researchers, support and administrative staff to develop their digital literacies - those capabilities which prepare an individual for living, learning and working in a digital society. In part two of the show, we will be looking at how digital literacy underpins the academic success and employability of students. The show highlights how colleges and universities are developing holistic approaches and strategies for supporting the development of these skills and capabilities."
Nigel Robertson

This Creepy App Isn't Just Stalking Women Without Their Knowledge, It's A Wake-Up Call ... - 1 views

    One for the privacy lessons even though the app has been pulled. It's not the app itself, it's the lack of realisation about what data we are sharing and what can be done with it.  It's like Miss Marples in a digital age!
Nigel Robertson

Joichi Ito - Innovating by the Seat of Our Pants - - 1 views

    Neoteny, one of my favorite words, means the retention of childlike attributes in adulthood: idealism, experimentation and wonder. In this new world, not only must we behave more like children, we also must teach the next generation to retain those attributes that will allow them to be world-changing, innovative adults who will help us reinvent the future.
Nigel Robertson

Man arrested at Large Hadron Collider claims he's from the future | CNET UK - 0 views

    Digital literacy resource. A would-be saboteur arrested today at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland made the bizarre claim that he was from the future. Eloi Cole, a strangely dressed young man, said that he had travelled back in time to prevent the LHC from destroying the world.
Nigel Robertson

twitterforeducation - 21st Century Fluency - 1 views

    Seems to be a long list of links. Not convinced by the opening statements, conflating media literacy with the ability to learn, unlearn & relearn.
Nigel Robertson

Google Docs - a full-featured, full-service phishing facility? | Naked Security - 1 views

    Google Forms being used to collect info in phishing scam. Useful for net-safety.
Nigel Robertson

Exeter CASCADE - Digital Literacies - 2 views

    CASCADE is designed to focus on the digital literacy of researchers - building on the University's strengths in research-led teaching. It also incorporates the concept of 'students as change agents', for which we  have national acclaim for our work involving undergraduate students in the design and delivery of the curriculum, and we intend to build on our experience of engaging Postgraduate Research students to cascade skills to undergraduates. How it will workA purpose-designed Exeter Digital Literacy Framework will underpin the project, and help us in refining our approaches, specifically with regard to digital literacy skills. A number of research-rich online and face to face activities will be developed and piloted in our five Colleges.
Nigel Robertson

Lavabit founder, under gag order, speaks out about shut-down decision | Ars Technica - 0 views

    Ladar Levison describes (see embedded video) something of why he shut his encrypted email service. Most of it is heavily alluded to because of the draconian gagging orders he is under. From a digital literacy perspective I think this is important in helping people consider the access to information that they transmit across the Internet which may be available to others, especially governmental and quasi governmental bodies.
Nigel Robertson

A Visual Guide To Teaching Students Digital Citizenship Skills - Edudemic - Edudemic - 0 views

    Aimed at schools but could be tweaked.
Nigel Robertson

The Web Snakes and Ladders - 0 views

    Short history of the web as a snakes and ladders game. Could be useful as a DigLit resource.
Nigel Robertson

Home - Digital Journey - 0 views

    Could be useful in building digital capacity. Need to work through some of the materials.
Nigel Robertson

Keybase - 1 views

    An open source tool to make sure you know who you are talking to online. Likely to be seen as too geeky by most.
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