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Nigel Robertson

Man arrested at Large Hadron Collider claims he's from the future | CNET UK - 0 views

    Digital literacy resource. A would-be saboteur arrested today at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland made the bizarre claim that he was from the future. Eloi Cole, a strangely dressed young man, said that he had travelled back in time to prevent the LHC from destroying the world.
Nigel Robertson

Joichi Ito - Innovating by the Seat of Our Pants - - 1 views

    Neoteny, one of my favorite words, means the retention of childlike attributes in adulthood: idealism, experimentation and wonder. In this new world, not only must we behave more like children, we also must teach the next generation to retain those attributes that will allow them to be world-changing, innovative adults who will help us reinvent the future.
Nigel Robertson

» Embedding digital literacy JISC Employability - 0 views

    "There is widespread agreement across Higher Education that the digital literacy of our students and staff will be critical in a future where technology will pervade the learning and teaching experience. What is less agreed is what we mean precisely about the term digital literacy?"
Nigel Robertson

New Work Order - The Future Of Work Report - 1 views

    Report on skills for young Australians. Includes multiple refrences to digital literacy.
Nigel Robertson

The robots are coming for your job! Why digital literacy is so important for the jobs o... - 1 views

    Jobs that don't exist and automation - why digital literacy is important.
Nigel Robertson

Appreciative Inquiry - 1 views

    Appreciative Inquiry (often known as AI) was developed by David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva in the 1980s. The approach is based on the premise that 'organisations change in the direction in which they inquire.' So an organisation which inquires into problems will keep finding problems but an organisation which attempts to appreciate what is best in itself will discover more and more that is good. It can then to use these discoveries to build a new future where the best becomes more common.
Tracey Morgan

Digital literacies at LSE - 0 views

    Like future lab dig lit definition slide 4
Nigel Robertson

Future-focused learning in connected communities - 0 views

    The focus of this report is on transforming teaching and learning, enabled by technologies that are now widespread in our society. Digital technologies play an increasingly critical role in shaping and supporting an effective 21st century curriculum.
Tracey Morgan

How To Actually Delete your Digital Footprint - Edudemic - 0 views

    "Helping students understand their digital footprint is an integral part of being a good digital citizen."
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