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Nigel Robertson

Digital and Media Literacy: A Plan of Action | KnightComm - 1 views

  • Digital literacy means learning how to work the information and communication technologies in a networked environment, as well as understanding the social, cultural and ethical issues that go along with the use of these technologies.
    It sounds important - haven't read it yet, but it isn't new (2010) " Digital literacy means learning how to work the information and communication technologies in a networked environment, as well as understanding the social, cultural and ethical issues that go along with the use of these technologies. "Full participation in contemporary culture requires not just consuming messages, but also creating and sharing them," writes Hobbs. "To fulfill the promise of digital citizenship, Americans must acquire multimedia communication skills and know how to use these skills to engage in the civic life of their communities.""
Tracey Morgan

How to be productive when everything's blocked at... | - 0 views

    "There are lots of killer productivity apps out there, but you might be left out of the party if you work somewhere with strict IT policies. It can be hard to convince your IT department to let you install Evernote or a Chrome app to help you get things done. Here's how to stay productive with the tools you probably already have and sneak in some of your favourites. UNLEASH THE POWER OF MICROSOFT OFFICE "
Nigel Robertson

Digital Literacy - delivering the agenda within colleges and universities - 1 views

    "In the sixth episode of our online radio programmes - JISC On Air - we are exploring how universities and colleges can help teaching staff, researchers, support and administrative staff to develop their digital literacies - those capabilities which prepare an individual for living, learning and working in a digital society. In part two of the show, we will be looking at how digital literacy underpins the academic success and employability of students. The show highlights how colleges and universities are developing holistic approaches and strategies for supporting the development of these skills and capabilities."
Nigel Robertson

Digital Security First-Aid Kit for Human Rights Defenders | Association for Progressive... - 1 views

    Useful resource and parts could be used in the Net Safety workshop. "This kit contains short guides for human rights defenders who find themselves in emergencies related to communication and digital security. As guides are being added, individual sections of following scheme become active. While the kit does not provide exhaustive guidelines on how to respond to specific situations, it does suggest concrete steps, further resources and references to support groups to whom activists can turn to for further assistance."
Nigel Robertson

Exeter CASCADE - Digital Literacies - 2 views

    CASCADE is designed to focus on the digital literacy of researchers - building on the University's strengths in research-led teaching. It also incorporates the concept of 'students as change agents', for which we  have national acclaim for our work involving undergraduate students in the design and delivery of the curriculum, and we intend to build on our experience of engaging Postgraduate Research students to cascade skills to undergraduates. How it will workA purpose-designed Exeter Digital Literacy Framework will underpin the project, and help us in refining our approaches, specifically with regard to digital literacy skills. A number of research-rich online and face to face activities will be developed and piloted in our five Colleges.
Nigel Robertson

UKPSF and the Digital University / Home - 0 views

    "The initial development and accreditation, and to an increasing extent also the continuing professional development, of those who teach in UK higher education are undertaken with explicit reference to the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF). The UKPSF is designed to remain in use for many years between revisions. It is also designed to work across the full range of higher education institutions and provision. It therefore properly avoids getting into the levels of detail that those designing and running particular post-graduate certificates in teaching and learning in higher education (PGCertHE) courses and CPD processes must address.   One major and fast-changing factor affecting higher education (along with the rest of the world) is the use of digital technologies. How are PGCertHEs adapting to digital technologies, in their design and operation and in the educational practices for which the PGCertHEs are preparing staff? This guide offers answers and links, including analysis of sources and case studies, from professional associations concerned with the development of teaching and learning in higher education. "
Nigel Robertson

What is donotlink, and how does it work? | - 1 views

    "You've all heard there's no such thing as bad publicity. On the internet this is doubly true. When you link to a website - regardless of the reason - this strengthens its position in search engines. This means that a bad review of a website makes it more popular. When you are discussing or alerting others to a website that promotes a fraud, scam, cult or other questionable business and you link to that site, search engines will (after a while) improve the offending site's rank. Therefore, more people will find these shady websites, and will be exposed to their content without getting the proper context. That's where donotlink comes in. With, you can link to sites without giving them "Google juice". Using instead of linking to questionable websites directly will prevent your links from improving these websites' position in search engines."
Nigel Robertson

How to Attach an Email in Gmail | The Gooru - 0 views

    And you can use this method to attach an email to a calendar invite too.
Stephen Bright

Digital Information Literacy: Supported Development of Capability in Tertiary Environme... - 3 views

  • Digital Information Literacy Taxonomy
  • Six aspects
  • Recognition (of the information needed);
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • Access (obtaining the information);
  • Evaluation (of the reliability of the information and the effectiveness of the tools and strategies);
  • Management (of the information found);
  • Application (to create new understandings); and
  • Ethical use of information.
  • The characteristics associated with knowing how to learn include:
  • The ability to “experiment or play” through “trial and erro
  • Be self-directed
  • Being able to “consult others” such as peers or a mentor
  • Capability Taxonomy
  • seven categories
  • Confidence (in own ability - self-efficacy);
  • Problem solving (identifies and works towards a solution);
  • Motivation (positive attitude to explore and adopt new approaches - including risk-taking)
  • Interaction (shares, collaborates and interacts)
  • Reflection (examines practices and thinking of self and others - including evaluation)
  • Technical aptitude (uses a wide range of tools and terminology)
  • Beliefs (values the ICT environment).
  • Definition of Digital Information Literacy
  • Digital Information Literacy (DIL) is the ability to recognise the need for, to access, and to evaluate electronic information.
Nigel Robertson

» JISC Online Conference session on digital literacy (#jiscel11) - 0 views

    "I've just been in an interesting panel discussion at the JISC Online Conference on the subject of 'digital literacy'. The recording of the Elluminate session is available. The session reinforced to me just how diverse people's views on digital literacies are. Most new to the field make the assumption that digital literacy is singular and consists of basic skills in the digital realm. In effect, digital competency. Those more experienced in the field, such as Helen Beetham, talk of the importance of this baseline - the 'ABC' of digital literacy as she called it, but higher-level skills as well."
Nigel Robertson

Digital Literacies for Writing in Social Media | DMLcentral - 2 views

    "Consider this: as recently as four years ago, who would have imagined that major companies would have employees whose jobs were to interact with customers on Twitter, or that someone could make a career out of writing for Facebook? Four years before that, not only did those jobs not exist, Twitter and Facebook didn't existThe question we are faced with, then, is this: how do we prepare our students to write effectively in environments that don't yet exist?"
Nigel Robertson

Google Shuts Down Gmail For Two Hours To Show Its Immense Power - YouTube - 0 views

    Digital literacy 101. Good video from The Onion about Google flexing muscle and suspending Gmail for 2 hour to remind people of how reliant they are on it. People believe this!
Nigel Robertson

How to Develop Digital Literacies in Yourself and Others [PRESENTATION] | dougbelshaw.c... - 0 views

    An updated presentation by Doug Belshaw on diglit
Nigel Robertson

How to Liberate Your Data from Google (And Why It Matters That You Can) - 0 views

    Data freedom - Own & control your data.
Nigel Robertson

How to Create a Password You Can Remember: 11 Steps - 1 views

    Some useful (and maybe some are not!) suggestions on creating decent passwords.
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