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Stephen Harlow

RT @josiefraser: Summary of technologies in use in the #JISC Developing Digital Literac... - 1 views

    RT @josiefraser: Summary of technologies in use in the #JISC Developing Digital Literacies Programme #digitalliteracy
Nigel Robertson

» JISC Online Conference session on digital literacy (#jiscel11) - 0 views

    "I've just been in an interesting panel discussion at the JISC Online Conference on the subject of 'digital literacy'. The recording of the Elluminate session is available. The session reinforced to me just how diverse people's views on digital literacies are. Most new to the field make the assumption that digital literacy is singular and consists of basic skills in the digital realm. In effect, digital competency. Those more experienced in the field, such as Helen Beetham, talk of the importance of this baseline - the 'ABC' of digital literacy as she called it, but higher-level skills as well."
Nigel Robertson

Developing students' digital literacy | Jisc - 1 views

    A quick guide with links to JISC work on developing student digital literacies.
Nigel Robertson

Baselining digital literacy provision - JISC - 1 views

    "This page collates resources for conducting a baseline review of digital literacy at an institutional level, as carried out by the 12 institutional projects and 10 professional associations of the JISC Developing Digital Literacies (DDL) programme. These materials are freely available to other institutions and professional bodies for repurposing and reuse.   This page also collates findings from that baseline process. Although a wide range of institutions and professional bodies were involved, these findings are not necessarily generalisable to other institutions of further and higher education. There is no substitute for carrying out a local audit and building consensus for local recommendations."
Nigel Robertson

Building digital capability | Jisc - 0 views

    Building capability for new digital leadership, pedagogy and efficiency
Nigel Robertson

Digitally Literate Institutions - a holistic approach - 2 views

    JISC DigLit tools including link to the LLiDA audit tool.
Nigel Robertson

Enhancing the student digital experience: a strategic approach | Jisc - 0 views

    A substantial guide to improving the digital experience for students.
Nigel Robertson

Top tips for creating a positive digital environment for FE and skills learners | Jisc - 0 views

    Embedding digital skills.
Nigel Robertson

» Embedding digital literacy JISC Employability - 0 views

    "There is widespread agreement across Higher Education that the digital literacy of our students and staff will be critical in a future where technology will pervade the learning and teaching experience. What is less agreed is what we mean precisely about the term digital literacy?"
Nigel Robertson

» Baseline data JISC Employability - 1 views

    "Shortly before Christmas Boris, our doctoral researcher, presented the findings of our student questionnaire to the Project Board and Delivery Group and it made for an interesting meeting.  The questionnaire asked students about their use of digital technology and applications as well as testing their attitudes to digital skills as they relate to employability."
Nigel Robertson

Diglitprogmeetingintro oct12 - 0 views

    Some notes from Jisc projects by Helen Beetham. Some of the later slides on recording and synthesising outputs could be useful reminders for us.
Nigel Robertson

Digital Literacy - delivering the agenda within colleges and universities - 1 views

    "In the sixth episode of our online radio programmes - JISC On Air - we are exploring how universities and colleges can help teaching staff, researchers, support and administrative staff to develop their digital literacies - those capabilities which prepare an individual for living, learning and working in a digital society. In part two of the show, we will be looking at how digital literacy underpins the academic success and employability of students. The show highlights how colleges and universities are developing holistic approaches and strategies for supporting the development of these skills and capabilities."
Nigel Robertson

Digital literacy can boost employability and improve student experience | Higher Educat... - 0 views

    Sarah Knight (JISC) on the importance of digital literacy for learning and employability.
Nigel Robertson

Raising awareness of our digital capabilities work | Jisc digital capability codesign c... - 1 views

    A summary of current work on the new Six Elements of DL Framework by Helen Beetham.
Tracey Morgan

Digital literacies in the disciplines (DLD) | The Higher Education Academy - 0 views

    "The project funds student partnerships in various disciplines to develop online learning resources using specialist software. This complements our partnership with Jisc on their Developing digital literacies project which aims to give students digital skills by encouraging HE curriculums to include digital elements."
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