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Kristi Koerner

The Social Contract - The Open-Borders Network - Philanthropic foundations fund immigra... - 0 views

  • When it comes to advancing goals, objectives, and agendas, groups that are well organized, and consequently well funded, will eventually triumph over the unorganized, underrepresented, and underfunded.
  • these groups network across the social, cultural, and political divide in shoring up mutual interests (business, corporate, and labor) to advance their agenda of a world without borders.
    Good connections between networking ideas and the social contract.
Jeffrey Whitlock

Will physical books be gone in five years? - - 4 views

    • Jeffrey Whitlock
      I sure hope that this does not come to pass! I love books and I get pretty tired of staring into a lightbulb to read. Great article, thanks for suggestion Mike.
    Remember when we talked about this a few weeks ago? Or was I talking with some friends? Either way, enjoy the article.
Braquel Burnett - 1 views

    • Erin Hamson
      Selective breeding 
  • There is no obvious reason why the principles which have acted so efficiently under domestication should not have acted under nature.
    • Erin Hamson
      Logical Conclusion
  • With animals having separated sexes there will in most cases be a struggle between the males for possession of the females.
    • Erin Hamson
      One type of competition
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • No one can draw any clear distinction between individual differences and slight varieties; or between more plainly marked varieties and subspecies, and species.
  • why should we doubt that variations in any way useful to beings, under their excessively complex relations of life, would be preserved, accumulated, and inherited?
    • Erin Hamson
      Progression, in species rather than individual people.
  • The theory of natural selection, even if we looked no further than this, seems to me to be in itself probable. I have already recapitulated, as fairly as I could, the opposed difficulties and objections: now let us turn to the special facts and arguments in favour of the theory.
    • Erin Hamson
      It seems perfectly logical.
  • On the view that species are only strongly marked and permanent varieties, and that each species first existed as a variety, we can see why it is that no line of demarcation can be drawn between species, commonly supposed to have been produced by special acts of creation, and varieties which are acknowledged to have been produced by secondary laws. On this same view we can understand how it is that in each region where many species of a genus have been produced, and where they now flourish, these same species should present many varieties; for where the manufactory of species has been active, we might expect, as a general rule, to find it still in action; and this is the case if varieties be incipient species.
    • Erin Hamson
      Starting with the premise that species came from one, ie "first existed as a variety", if they were each distinctly created, then this logic is false, because the premise is false. 
  • preserve the most divergent offspring
  • Hence during a long-continued course of modification, the slight differences, characteristic of varieties of the same species, tend to be augmented into the greater differences characteristic of species of the same genus.
    • Erin Hamson
      How species come about.
  • New and improved varieties will inevitably supplant and exterminate the older, less improved and intermediate varieties; and thus species are rendered to a large extent defined and distinct objects.
    • Erin Hamson
  • This grand fact of the grouping of all organic beings seems to me utterly inexplicable on the theory of creation.
    • Erin Hamson
      The fact that there are relations among different species. 
  • But why this should be a law of nature if each species has been independently created, no man can explain.
  • As natural selection acts solely by accumulating slight, successive, favourable variations, it can produce no great or sudden modification; it can act only by very short and slow steps
    • Erin Hamson
      Where is the evidence for these short steps? 
  • The wonder indeed is, on the theory of natural selection, that more cases of the want of absolute perfection have not been observed.
  • As natural selection acts by competition, it adapts the inhabitants of each country only in relation to the degree of perfection of their associates;
    • Erin Hamson
      Imperfection of Nature
  • we believ
    • Erin Hamson
  • Natura non facit saltum
    • Braquel Burnett
      It means "nature does not make jumps." (
Erin Hamson

Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2) - 0 views

  • The Communists do not form a separate party opposed to the other working-class parties. They have no interests separate and apart from those of the proletariat as a whole. They do not set up any sectarian principles of their own, by which to shape and mould the proletarian movement.
    • Erin Hamson
      We are for you. You should join us. We will help you become equals, but not into a better position.
  • 1. In the national struggles of the proletarians of the different countries, they point out and bring to the front the common interests of the entire proletariat, independently of all nationality. 2. In the various stages of development which the struggle of the working class against the bourgeoisie has to pass through, they always and everywhere represent the interests of the movement as a whole.
    • Erin Hamson
      working to unite the proletariat, which according to chapter one should equalise them with the others.
  • formation of the proletariat into a class, overthrow of the bourgeois supremacy, conquest of political power by the proletariat.
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • The theoretical conclusions of the Communists are in no way based on ideas or principles that have been invented, or discovered, by this or that would-be universal reformer.
    • Erin Hamson
      We don't recognise one world leader, or founder. Unlike capitalism (Smith) or democracy (Locke).
  • but the abolition of bourgeois property.
    • Erin Hamson
      mean to abolish their symbol of status, but not divide it to the masses. Say that it is commonly held together.
  • Abolition of private property
  • We Communists have been reproached with the desire of abolishing the right of personally acquiring property as the fruit of a man’s own labour, which property is alleged to be the groundwork of all personal freedom, activity and independence.
  • , that quantum of the means of subsistence which is absolutely requisite to keep the labourer in bare existence as a labourer.
    • Erin Hamson
      tells the labourer they ought to be getting more for their hard work in support of the system.
  • allowed to live only in so far as the interest of the ruling class requires it.
    • Erin Hamson
      allowed to live only in so far as the interest of the state requires it. A state in which you have no say, but they really do care about you.
  • By freedom is meant, under the present bourgeois conditions of production, free trade, free selling and buying.
    • Erin Hamson
      What other sort of freedom is there?
  • It has been objected that upon the abolition of private property, all work will cease, and universal laziness will overtake us.
    • Erin Hamson
      Isn't this what happened? Isn't this why they failed? They couldn't get man to work and produce enough products to support the country on virtue?
  • bourgeois society ought long ago to have gone to the dogs through sheer idleness;
    • Erin Hamson
      They have to work to keep all the property they supposedly have.
  • Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty
    • Erin Hamson
      How are the children currently exploited?
  • But, you say, we destroy the most hallowed of relations, when we replace home education by social. And your education! Is not that also social, and determined by the social conditions under which you educate, by the intervention direct or indirect, of society, by means of schools, &c.?
    • Erin Hamson
      Secular learning might be taught in schools, but values, beliefs, toleration are all taught in the home. The only way to have successful society without these being taught in the home is to teach them in the schools. Which they currently are not.
  • Our bourgeois, not content with having wives and daughters of their proletarians at their disposal, not to speak of common prostitutes, take the greatest pleasure in seducing each other’s wives.
    • Erin Hamson
      They claim that this is universally true, but they forget the virtue of some people.
  • to freedom of commerce, to the world market,
    • Erin Hamson
      capitalism has begun a reduction of national barriers.
  • The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality.
  • In proportion as the exploitation of one individual by another will also be put an end to, the exploitation of one nation by another will also be put an end to. In proportion as the antagonism between classes within the nation vanishes, the hostility of one nation to another will come to an end.
    • Erin Hamson
      Appealing to the 3rd world countries of the globe. trying to make communism a good thing.
  • The charges against Communism made from a religious, a philosophical and, generally, from an ideological standpoint, are not deserving of serious examination.
    • Erin Hamson
      We don't have anything to refute these claims, so we'll say they aren't important. Further we don't believe in religion because it causes differences, we can't refute something we believe in or think should exist.
  • The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class.
    • Erin Hamson
  • traditional property relations
    • Erin Hamson
      People as defined by their property, in a physical sense. Defied by the reputation economy.
  • traditional ideas
  • to centralise all instruments of production in the hands of the State
    • Erin Hamson
      manipulate the people to steal from other people, and then all will be stolen from all people.
  • Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.
    • Erin Hamson
      Capitalism with the State having a monopoly in every area within the country.
  • State
  • exclusive monopol
  • State.
  • State;
  • public
James Wilcox

Smith: Wealth of Nations, Book IV, Chapter 1 | Library of Economics and Liberty - 2 views

  • Among the Tartars, as among all other nations of shepherds, who are generally ignorant of the use of money, cattle are the instruments of commerce and the measures of value
    • James Wilcox
      That so interesting that cattle became the measure of money and wealth.  It seems that for something to be money it has to be able to come in large quantities, not have much difference between one to another, and carry a consistent value.
    • James Wilcox
      This notion of a Gold or currency base stands so consistent that it is hard for us today to break away and have a purely digital or credit economy.  But ever so slowly we are getting there.
  • When those countries became commercial, the merchants found this prohibition, upon many occasions, extremely inconvenient. They could frequently buy more advantageously with gold and silver than with any other commodity the foreign goods which they wanted, either to import into their own, or to carry to some other foreign country. They remonstrated, therefore, against this prohibition as hurtful to trade.
    • James Wilcox
      This principle of protectionism holds true today and is still argued about by growing economies.  Not so commonly with gold but with all different types of key commodities.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • They represented, secondly, that this prohibition could not hinder the exportation of gold and silver, which, on account of the smallness of their bulk in proportion to their value, could easily be smuggled abroad.*9 That this exportation could only be prevented by a proper attention to, what they called, the balance of trade
    • James Wilcox
      I have heard this same argument for illegal drugs.  I have heard people say we should legalize it so that it can be tracked and limited in a legal manner.
  • hat wealth consists in money, or and silver, is a popular notion which naturally arises from the double function of money, as the instrument of commerce and as the measure of value. In consequence of its being the instrument of commerce, when we have money we can more readily obtain whatever else we have occasion for than by means of any other commodity. The great affair, we always find, is to get money. When that is obtained, there is no difficulty in making any subsequent purchase. In consequence of its being the measure of value, we estimate that of all other commodities by the quantity of money which they will exchange for. We say of a rich man that he is worth a great deal, and of a poor man that he is worth very little money. A frugal man, or a man eager to be rich, is said to love money; and a careless, a generous, or a profuse man, is said to be indifferent about it. To grow rich is to get money; and wealth and money, in short, are, in common language, considered as in every respect synonymous.
Madeline Rupard

Feedjit: Incredible Tracking Service - 0 views

    Yes, I never sleep. Anyways, I thought this sample page of visitors to a website about languages was incredibly precise and accurate. How does a computer get this knowledge, one might ask? (Does google have a tracker on where people come from to help their ads/ search services?)
Erin Hamson

MIT OpenCourseWare | Biology | 7.012 Introduction to Biology, Fall 2004 | Video Lecture... - 0 views

  • And what this means is that if you look at a pedigree like this, and for example, here we have a mother and a father, girls are always round, boys are square. And here you'll see the mitochondrial DNA, it's donated to all of the children, but the fact is that these boys, when they mate, when they have offspring, they will no longer pass along her mitochondrial DNA, so it will be lost. And the only way the mitochondrial DNA can be transmitted is through one of her daughters, who in turn, have daughters.
  • Here's some other interesting principles. Mitochondrial DNA passes always from the mother, so when a fertilized egg is formed, Dad gives his chromosomes, but he doesn't donate for any, doesn't donate any mitochondrial DNA.
  • animals are related to one another. This is kind of a fun undertaking. Look at this. Why is it fun? Well it's, it's kind of an amusing idea, how often were cows domesticated during the history of humanity? How often were sheep domesticated? Pigs, water buffalos, and horses. And what you see here is that cattle were domesticated on two occasions, probably once in Western Asia, the middle east, and once in Eastern Asia. Sheep were domesticated twice, all modern sheep following these two families here
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • And that is, certain genes can evolve progressively over a long period of time, because they don't encode vital functions, or they may even be sequences between genes that don't encode phenotype at all. Imagine, for example, we have a situation were here we have a gene which encodes a vital function, like the eye, here's another gene that encodes another function, oh I don't know, a leg. And here we have intergenic sequences. After all, as you have learned by now, more than 96% of the DNA in our genome, doesn't encode proteins, and probably isn't even responsible for regulating genes. So these sequences, right in here, can mutate freely during the course of evolution, without having a deleterious effect on the phenotype of the organism. There's no evolutionary pressure to constrain the evolution of these genes
  • And many of these neutral mutations, which have no effect on organismic fitness, but are simply evolutionary neutral, are sometimes called polymorphisms. The term polymorphism, -morph is once again morphology, derives from the fact that species tend to be polymorphic, we don't all have blond hair, we don't all have brown eyes.
  • If you look at two chimpanzees living on opposite sides of the same hill in West Africa, they are genetically far more distantly related to one another, than any one of us, by a factor of 10 to 15. Two chimpanzees, they look exactly the same, they have the same peculiar habits, but they're genetically far more distantly-related than we are to one-another, than I am to any one of you, or than any one of you is to one another. And what does that mean? It means that, roughly speaking, the species of chimpanzees is, at least, 10 or 15 times older than our species are. We're a young species, chimpanzees probably first speciated three or four million years ago, if the paleontological record is, is accurate. Paleontology is the study of old, dusty bones, so you can begin to imagine when chimpanzee bones become recognizable in the earth.
  • And what you see already, in such small populations, is that for example, this male here has two girls, and right away, to the extent he had an interesting Y chromosome, that Y chromosome was lost from the gene pool. This girl, here, had an interesting mitochondrial DNA, but right away that's lost, because she has, she has just two boys. And what you see, in very rapid order, in small populations, there's a homogenization of the genetic compliment, just because the alleles are lost within what's called, genetic drif
  • And if you ask that question, the answer is that we all had a common ancestress who lived about 150,000 years ago. All of us trace our mitochondrial DNA to her. Does that mean that there was only one woman alive there, she's called, Mitochondrial-Eve, again, we don't know her name. Does that mean there was only one woman alive, well it doesn't mean that at all because of what I just told you, in small populations the proto-human population.
  • How much are all of our mitochondrial DNA are related to one another, how distantly related are they to one another, given the rate of evolution of mitochondrial DNA sequences?
  • So where do we all come from, all of us human beings? How closely related are we to one another? Here's, here's a measurement of the distances between different mitochondrial DNA's from different branches of humanity. And what you see is something really quite extraordinary and stunning. Here, you'll see that the people, the non-African lineages here and here, are actually relatively closely related to one another.
  • And by the way, all the genes that are present here, the alleles that are present here, can also be found in Africa, but in relatively small proportions in Africa
    • Erin Hamson
      Suggesting that all people came from Africa
  • So, what happens there, that's a testimonial to the tragic fate of the Indians, where the conquistadors from Spain came in, killed all the men, and took all the women, to be their brides. How else can you explain the fact that there's no Indian Y chromosomes, there's all, there is instead only European Y chromosomes.
  • When you do genetic counseling of family these days, one of the strictures is, that you never tell the family if the children have genetic polymorphisms that don't match that of the person whom they think is their father. They don't look like their, the person whom they regard as father, but that's always assumed to be a role of the genetic dice.
  • Here's a fun story I like to tell each year, and it's about the Cohen and Y chromosome, and you'll see what an amusing story this is, just from genetics. Now the name Cohen, in Hebrew means, a high priest, and you've heard people named Cohen, it's not such an uncommon name among the Jews. And it says, in the Bible, in Genesis and Exodus, that all the high priests in the Bible are the descendants of Aaron, the brother of Moses.
  • hen it should be the case that all male Cohen's should have the same Y chromosome, right?
  • Because keep in mind, any single affair with the milkman or the mailman, over 3,000 years, would've broke this chain of inheritance, any single incidence of non-paternity. It's a really astounding story, and it's hard, there can be no artifact to it, there's no bias in it, there's no other way to explain it.
  • And what they found was that all members of the, almost all members of the ruling cast among the Lembas, had the same Y chromosome, and the Y chromosome had exactly the same polymorphisms of the Cohen Y chromosome
  • What I'm telling you is that these two genes are totally interchangeable, that they are effectively indistinguishable from one another, functionally they have some sequence relatedness, but in terms of the way they program development, they are effectively equivalent. And what this means is that the progenitor of these two genes must've already existed at the time that the flies and we diverged, which six or seven-hundred million years ago, and in the intervening six or seven-hundred million years, these genes have been totally unchanged.
  • once the gene was developed, evolution could not tinker with it, and begin to change it in different ways, ostensibly because such tinkering would render these genes dysfunctional, and thereby would inactivate them, thereby depriving the organism of a critical sensory organ.
    An excellent discourse on who evolution works, and what it means for us today.
Katherine Chipman

Newsroom - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 0 views

  • Today we have a modern equivalent of the printing press in the Internet and all that it means. The Internet allows everyone to be a publisher, to have their voice heard,
  • HomeThe Newsroom BlogMultimediaPhotosVideoAudio
  • New Media is facilitating a world-wide conversation on almost every subject including religion, and nearly everyone can participate. This modern equivalent of the printing press is not reserved only for the elite.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • may I ask that you join the conversation by participating on the Internet, particularly the New Media, to share the gospel and to explain in simple, clear terms the message of the Restoration
  • we have a major responsibility as Latter-day Saints to define ourselves, instead of letting others define us
  • Every disciple of Christ will be most effective, and do the most good by adopting a demeanor worthy of a follower of the Savior of the world.
  • This is your world, the world of the future, with inventions undreamed of that will come in your lifetime as they have in mine. How will you use these marvelous inventions? More to the point, how will you use them to further the work of the Lord?
  • The printing press and other media have allowed us to take the Lord’s message to almost every corner of the earth.
  • Make sure that the choices you make in the use of new media are choices that expand your mind, increase your opportunities, and feed your soul.
David Potter

The World On the Brink: John F. Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis - 0 views

    This web page comes from the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. It gives a brief overview of the Cuban missile crisis

MIT OpenCourseWare | Literature | 21L.002-2 Foundations of Western Culture II: Renaissa... - 2 views

    • anonymous
      Ideas to think about when it come to Nietzche.
Megan Stern

"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot - 0 views

  • In the room the women come and go Talking of Michelangelo.
    Also worth reading.
Andrew DeWitt

BYU Devotional: The Most Important Three Things in the World - Brett G. Scharffs - 0 views

  • Dr. Haught introduced theologian Paul Ricoeur’s concept of the three stages of religious faith
  • The first stage, childlike faith, may be likened to the clear, unimpeded view that one enjoys standing atop a tall mountain.7 As children, our faith is simple and uncritical, and we can see clearly in every direction.
  • The second stage Ricoeur calls the desert of criticism. At some point, often during adolescence, we descend from the mountain of childlike faith and enter the critical world. We might label this world “high school” or, better yet, “college.” Here we find that others do not share our faith. In fact, some openly disparage what we hold dear. We learn that the very idea of faith is thought by many to be childish or delusional. We may become skeptical, perhaps even cynical.
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  • The desert of criticism is akin to being in the midst of a blinding sandstorm, where you are forced to lean into the wind and take one step at a time without a clear view of where you are going. Walking by faith becomes difficult. Some of our former beliefs cannot survive the desert of criticism.
  • Ricoeur did not malign the desert of criticism, for some childish beliefs are incorrect and should be abandoned
  • Furthermore, it is only in coming down from the mountain that we are able to enter into the world and engage others who are different from us. To a great extent this is where life is lived and where we can make a difference in the world. Some people never leave the desert of criticism, and in time the memory of their childlike faith may dim. After prolonged exposure to the desert of criticism, some even lose their faith altogether. Ricoeur maintained that once one has entered the desert of criticism, it is not possible to return to the mountain of childlike faith. It is a little like leaving Eden. Something has been lost; life and faith can never be quite so simple again
  • But he held out the possibility of a third stage of religious faith. On the other side of the desert of criticism lies another mountain, not as tall as the mountain of childlike faith, with views that are not quite as clear and unobstructed. But we can, as Dr. Haught explained it, remove ourselves periodically from the desert of criticism and ascend this somewhat less majestic mountain. Ricoeur calls this possibility of a second faith “postcritical” naveté or a “second naveté.”
  • Here the truths and realities of our childlike faith can be reaffirmed or revised
  • Our faith will not be as simple as it once was, but it need not be lost. In fact, I believe our faith may become more powerful than before, for it will have weathered and survived the assaults of the desert of criticism.
    My favorite part of this talk is his description of the three stages of faith which I have highlighted.
Rhett Ferrin

1. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. Eliot, T.S. 1917. Prufrock and Other Observations - 0 views

shared by Rhett Ferrin on 28 Oct 10 - Cached
    • Rhett Ferrin
      Etherised? I didn't know ether could be verbalised.
  • Though I have seen my head [grown slightly bald] brought in upon a platter, I am no prophe
    • Erin Hamson
      John the Baptist
  • “I am Lazarus, come from the dead
    • Erin Hamson
      Another religious reference
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,        15 The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening, Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains, Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys, Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,        20 And seeing that it was a soft October night, Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.
    • Rhett Ferrin
      This is my favorite part of the whole poem. Eliot makes the smoke act like a cat. I can almost see it moving...
Brandon McCloskey

Can your social networking profile get you a pay rise? - 0 views

  • by watching his Chatter dashboard, Benioff says he can spot - and reward - pivotal individuals who might not have come to his attention in the past
  • If these tools take off, then perhaps 'pivotal individuals' within companies really will get noticed, and businesses will become better meritocracies as a result.
  • Of 3,500 employees in a range of companies and economies, 58% said they would contribute more ideas to their company if they were more likely to be rewarded for them.
    More about the importance of collaboration
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